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Authors: Karen Alpert

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(But Not as Awesome as Me)

earth (yes, even Channing Tatum, but don't tell Channing I said that just in case he decides to divorce Jenna and marry me). But there are days I'm like, aggghhhhhh, why can't my hubby do as good a job as me?!! Think, damn it. Multitask, damn it. How hard is it to get the kids dressed BEFORE they come down for breakfast? I mean don't get me wrong, my hubby's super amazing at doing lots of shit. Like tossing our kiddos around like beanbags, teaching them how to burp and fart in the bathtub, and riling them up before bedtime. So F'ing helpful.

P.S. HONEY, IF YOU'RE READING THIS, PLEASE SKIP THIS section. Because I'm about to rag on you. A lot. And to all the other daddies out there reading this, I'm sure none of this applies to you. Right, mommies? Wink, wink.

What you should REALLY F'ing look for in a husband

before my under-eyes looked like they were made of elephant skin and my vajayjay actually did its job and held shit in (yeah, I'm talkin' to you, 'gina), I used to dream about my future hubby. I used to say shit like, “Mostly I want to find a man who's funny and makes me laugh.” But now that I have kids, I'm like screw that. Laughter is so overrated. Because if you're still single, here are some things you're really gonna want in your future baby daddy.

  Pick someone who's a light sleeper, so when your little crotchmuffin is screaming in the middle of the night, your better half isn't going to be your shittier half snoring away in lalaland while you haul your ass out of bed every time.

  You want someone who can carry a SHITLOAD of crap. So when you're traveling somewhere, he can carry the suitcase, the car seat, the stroller, the backpacks, the diaper bag, the lunches, and the coats. You know, while you're busy chasing your little douchenugget through the airport to catch him before he boards a plane to Syria.

  Find someone who's handy and can put shit together. Because yeah, it's awesome that your crib from IKEA only costs $12 and comes in a shoebox, but when the hubby unfolds the instructions and they're in 270 different languages and come with a baggie filled with 7,000 screws, the last thing you need is for him to have a heart attack. Because if he's in the hospital, then guess who's putting that shit together? You.

  Find a guy who likes to ride amusement park rides, especially the kind that spin around and around and around. That way you can stand off to the side taking beautiful blurry pictures of your hubby and kiddos instead of riding it yourself and projectile vomiting, after which the vomit will sit there in midair until you spin around and it slams you in the face.

  Pick a guy who's taller than you. Then you can store lots of stuff up high in the house and use it as an excuse to make him do shit that you don't want to do. “Oh honey, I'd totally change his urine-soaked sheets at 3 a.m., but I can't reach his clean bedding, and it doesn't make sense for
of us to get up. Guess I'll have to keep lying here all snug in this comforter while you do it.”

  But seriously, who gives a shit who you fall in love with? If he doesn't come with good parents, ditch him. Because good in-laws are great for all sorts of things. Like buying shoes and underwear for your kids when they grow out of them every week, and babysitting, and leaving right after babysitting so you don't have to stand there and chitchat at the end of the night pretending like you're sober.

  Look for a guy who's kinda dirty. That's right, if you walk into his super-fugly bachelor pad and you squat over the toilet because you're afraid, you just found yourself a winner. Because guess who's NOT going to bitch at you for leaving the macaroni and cheese pot soaking in the sink for three days. Mr. McGrossy.

  Find a total pussy. Nahhh, I don't mean become a lesbian. Well, unless you want to become a lesbian. Then become a lesbian. But if you're looking for a dude, find a dude who's a total pussy. Because macho dudes won't change diapers. And macho dudes won't drive a minivan. And macho dudes won't hold your purse when you go into a porta-potty.

  Find a guy who can blow his load in less than three minutes. Because when you're trying to get preggers again and he's jackhammering away at you while your firstborn is body-slamming your bedroom door trying to break it down screaming, “WHY IS IT LOCKED??!!!” you just want to get shit done as fast as possible.

  Find someone who's gonna make you laugh. 'Cause you will never need a sense of humor more than you do once you have kids.

Mommy, my bagina itches.

Your what?

My bagina.

Your VAgina. Va. Va.

My VAgina.

Yes, and actually it's your vulva.

I have a vulda?

A vulVA. Va. Va.

What the HELL is a vulva?

It's like that whole area down there.

All I know is the clit.

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only parent in this house. Ya know?

Men are from Mars, where apparently they don't make PB&Js

an important phone call, so I asked my hubby to get the kiddos dressed and to pack the PB&Js for our day at the zoo. Forty minutes later, I came into the kitchen and the kids were still in their jammies and my hubby was STILL making the sandwiches. I'm like WTF have you been doing all this time? And then I saw.

This is how a mom makes six PB&Js:

Take out twelve pieces of bread

Quickly spread peanut butter on six of them

Quickly spread jelly on the other six

Slap them together and shove them into bags

And this is how a dad does it:

Take out one piece of bread

Put peanut butter on it

Make sure the peanut butter is evenly spread all the way to the edges

Take out another piece of bread

Wipe the knife off

Put jelly on the bread

Close the sandwich

Wipe the knife off

Cut the sandwich in half

Go get a baggie

Carefully put the sandwich into the baggie

Take out one piece of bread

Put peanut butter on it

Make sure the peanut butter is evenly spread all the way to the edges

Take out another piece of bread

Wipe the knife off

Put jelly on the bread

Close the sandwich

Wipe the knife off

Cut the sandwich in half

Go get a baggie

Carefully put the sandwich into the baggie

Take out one piece of bread

Put peanut butter on it

Make sure the peanut butter is evenly spread all the way to the edges

Take out another piece of bread

Wipe the knife off

Put jelly on the bread

Close the sandwich

Wipe the knife off

Cut the sandwich in half

Go get a baggie

Carefully put the sandwich into the baggie

Take out one piece of bread

Put peanut butter on it

Make sure the peanut butter is evenly spread all the way to the edges

Take out another piece of bread

Wipe the knife off

Put jelly on the bread

Close the sandwich

Wipe the knife off

Cut the sandwich in half

Go get a baggie

Carefully put the sandwich into the baggie

Take out one piece of bread

Put peanut butter on it

Make sure the peanut butter is evenly spread all the way to the edges

Take out another piece of bread

Wipe the knife off

Put jelly on the bread

Close the sandwich

Wipe the knife off

Cut the sandwich in half

Go get a baggie

Carefully put the sandwich into the baggie

Take out one piece of bread

Put peanut butter on it

Make sure the peanut butter is evenly spread all the way to the edges

Take out another piece of bread

Wipe the knife off

Put jelly on the bread

Close the sandwich

Wipe the knife off

Cut the sandwich in half

Go get a baggie

Carefully put the sandwich into the baggie

So by all means, if you are not eating lunch until 6 p.m., ask your husband to make it.

Where is Daddy?

Where do you think Daddy is?

Him died.

(I call my husband on my cell phone.)

Hey, what's up?

Just checking. See you at dinner tonight.


A bunch of shit my hubby does better than me

If I want to make a baby, I need a man. Like if I want to make a real live human being with organs and a brain and a central nervous system and complicated shit like that, I need a guy to do it. But if I want to make something super simple, like a sandwich or a bed, having a guy there to help me is actually a liability. How does that make sense? Like the other day I asked my hubby to make Zoey's bed and he tucked the blanket like four feet under the foot of the bed so now if she wants covers she has to sleep halfway down her mattress every night. I mean sure, I could remake it and pull the blanket up higher, but I'm lazy, so I'll just fix it when I change the sheets in a few weeks, uhhh, I mean days. Someone please explain to me why men cannot complete some of the simplest tasks on this planet.

Yup, I rag on my hubby all the time for the shit he can't do as well as me. Bwhahahaha, you call THAT a ponytail?!!! Bwhahahaha, all of your white socks are pink now! Bwhahahaha, is this a hamburger or a hockey puck? Of course, I'm sure there's a bunch of shit he could make fun of me for, but he doesn't because
he's way more mature than I am. And because he knows I'll kick his ass if he does. Like how I can't catch a ball to save my life. Or how I would have no idea how to clean the gutters. Or how I can't reach the vitamins in our cabinets because I'm short and since I'm usually too lazy to drag a chair over, I end up jumping and missing and jumping and missing and jumping and missing until I finally manage to knock the bottle over with my finger and it rolls out and I catch it and then I turn around and he's staring at me like I'm a crazy person.

Anyways, the truth is, we both suck at lots of shit and we're both awesome at lots of shit. But the good news is that it's different shit. Which is why we work so well together. He's my better half and I'm his better half, so together we make one decent human being. Which leads me to my point. Yes, I actually have a point.

Dear Hubby,

Here's a list of stuff you do better than me. And no, I was not abducted by aliens, and yes, this is actually me typing this.

  1. You don't multitask. Now I know what you're thinking. WTF kind of backhanded compliment is that? But seriously, this is a good thing. You know how I'm constantly doing two things at once? Playing with the kids and checking my email, doing an art project with the kids and making dinner, watching a movie with the kids and folding laundry. I am never fully there with them. You, on the other hand, can't do two things at once
so if you're hanging out with the kids, you are hanging out with the kids. And they have 100% of your attention and they love you for it.

  2. Okay, here's how I give the kids a bath.

Honeyyy, can you give the kids a bath?!!!

Seriously. You give the kids a bath every night so when I try to do it, Zoey screams and yells like her eyes are on fire when I wash the shampoo out because apparently I can't shield her face from the water like you do. Or I get them out of the tub and they yell at me because I don't wrap them up like burritos the same way you do. Ooooh, excuuuse me for doing it all Chipotle-style and not Taco Bell–style or however the hell Daddy does it.

  3. If one of the kids jumps on my back, I'm like, “Yo douchenugget, if you EVER jump on me like that again, I am going to elbow you in the face and ground you forever.” But you, dear hubby, actually get on all fours and beg them to climb aboard. And then you gallop across the playroom and let them kick you over and over again in the nuts and jump on your head and shit.

Holden, put your shoes on. Holden, please put your shoes on. Holden, put your shoes on. Holden, can you put your shoes on, please? Holden, it's time for your shoes. Holden, your shoes. Holden, put your shoes on.

Times like a million until he finally stops whatever he's doing
and comes over to put his shoes on. You have the patience of an F'ing statue getting shat on by a pigeon. Unlike me, who has this little tiny switch that flips whenever I have to tell the kids more than three times to put their shoes on, at which time I go BALLISTIC and turn into a verbally abusive Tasmanian devil.

  5. And, of course, last but not least, taking out the trash, cleaning the gutters, telling me to quit buying shit we don't need, getting dingleberries off the cat, paying the utility bills, giving me cash because I never have any, standing in line at the cash register so I can keep shopping, carrying shit down to the basement, setting mousetraps, coming quickly when I'm screaming, emptying mousetraps, being our airport pack mule, moving the car seat because I have no F'ing clue how to, etc., etc., etc., etc.


The woman who acts like she could do it all without you, even though there's no F'ing way she could

P.S. FYI, there are way more than five things I can put on this list, but I'm lazy and if I write too many I'm afraid it will go to your head.

Why do we always have to do it in the dark now?

Not true, I can see you in the glow of the video monitor.

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