I Won't Give Up (29 page)

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Authors: Sophie Monroe

BOOK: I Won't Give Up
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We had dessert and I
talked to my dad a bit
and he said that Kurt had talked to him before he even approached my mom
and he found that noble
. My dad said it made him a little sad but knew that it could have been different had he made different decisions
he knew
my mom would have never left my dad for Kurt. He said he would never deny her happiness and that he would always love her especially since she gave him us. I guess we were all doing a lot of growing this year. Towards the end I couldn’t stop yawning so Cooper decided it was time to go home. When we got home he tucked me in to bed climbing in beside me telling me how much he loved me.

The next morning we had a doctor’s appointment, turns out I’m three centimeters
and they are hoping that I won’t go into labor
before graduation in two days. Cooper was pep talking to my stomach after the doctor left causing me to crack up. When we got home he double, make that triple checked the hospital bags making sure everything we needed was in there
. He carried
them to the car saying that I’d be in too much pain for him to remember them when it actually happened.

When graduation finally arrived I donned my cap and gown, which made me look like a beached whale but I didn’t really care. Everyone already knew that we were pregnant I’m sure it would make some great conversation for out of state relatives visiting.

When we
arrived I found out that
Cooper had made previous arrangements with the principal to sit next to me so he could help me up the stairs, I said I wasn’t an invalid but he insisted and I didn’t have the energy to argue with him. We got our diplomas,
our families cheered us on, we
tossed our caps in the air.
When we were leaving
Jack approached me for the first time
since the beginning of the year.

“You look nice Fi.”
He said awkwardly.

“Um. Thanks, I think.”
I wasn’t sure where he was going with this conversation.

“You’re a lucky guy Cooper. Take care of her, I wish I had.”

“I fully intend to.”

Jack gave me an awkward half hug. I didn’t really have anything to say to him since he’d pretty much abandoned me when I needed him most.
We talked with a couple more
who promised to keep in touch, bleh.

I started getting crampy from standing too long. I felt all the muscles in my stomach tighten.

“Cooper I think I’m starting to have contractions.” His eyes bugged out of his head
and he looked at his watch

“How far apart?”

“Not close. I think I’ve been standing too long, too much excitement

“Okay let’s go.” He tugged on my hand making his way through the crowd. He called his dad letting him know we were going home and that we wouldn’t be making the dinner reservation they made.
Kurt insisted on bringing dinner to us then.
I kept saying I was fine and to let everyone come over,
Cooper reluctantly agreed. He rushed us home and made me sit on the couch with my feet on the ottoman before he brought me a glass of Perrier and some crackers. I snuggled close to his side. The contractions subsided. Everyone arrived for dinner that my mom set up buffet style in the kitchen. Cooper made me a plate and insisted that I stay put even though I was feeling fine now. Around eight everyone said goodbye’s and I headed to bed.

I woke up in the middle of the night feeling like I’d peed the bed.

“Cooper.” I shook him. He bolted upright. “I think it’s time.”

I changed my clothes grabbing a towel for the seat before we headed out the door. Once we arrived they did a check and I was five centimeters. They admitted me and wheeled us up to the second floor. The contractions were about three minutes apart and the pain was all in my back I felt like I
was being fileted. When the doctor checked me they said the baby had turned sunny side up or in medical terms oxy
posterior, which was the reason for the back labor. Poor Cooper felt helpless watching me crying in pain. I tried to not get an epidural like originally planned but when my mom showed up she said this was no time to play super woman and that is was important that I was able to rest for when I had to push. They paged the anesthesiologist and half-hour later I was happily pain free. I kept trying to nap but the nurses kept coming in to check on me so I wasn’t getting much rest. The epidural had slowed my contractions so now they had to give me Pitocin to start the contractions up again. Finally after what felt like forever and a hell of a lot of pushing we welcomed our son. Mason Lucas Kinley. He weighed eight pounds three ounces and was 21 inches long. He was perfect
, he had a full head of dark hair just like Cooper and he hasn’t had his eyes opened
for long
ough to see what color they
are but I know they’re either blue or brown but usually change anyway
. Cooper cried like a baby and professed his already undying love even more
causing the nurses to break into laughter more than once
He was shouting things like “I love this woman!” “Did you see that? That was awesome!” “She’s better than super woman!” He was high fiving the nurses and even the doctor.
As soon as e
veryone was cleaned up
we had a couple minutes with just the three of us before
he went to get
the rest of the family
from the waiting room
. They barged
into the room
and meet our bundle of joy. My dad walked in with a bouquet of flowers and watery eyes.

“I can’t believe my baby just had a baby. He’s beautiful.” He patted Cooper on the back telling him he did good. I cleared my throat

“Excuse me but remember that conversation we had years ago saying that for five minutes of fun I’d pay for the rest of my life. I did all the hard work he just did the fun part.”

“Hey! It was more than five minutes baby.” He teased

“I don’t want to hear about that stuff.” My dad huffed clearly embarrassed. Luke came over laughing at our conversation.

“Hey Uncle Luke.” I said.

“I can’t believe he just came out of you…” He looked so puzzled and a little green. Cooper patted him on the back and laughed.

“Dude it was amazing. Especially when the head came out.” He made a visual
of a circle
with his hands making a sheen of sweat form on Luke’s forehead. Alexis was laughing at his side.

“Mason Lucas meet your Uncle Luke.” I beamed. Luke looked at me with a shocked expression.

“His middle name is Lucas?” I nodded. I saw his eyes sta
rt to water. My brother never cries. W
e hadn’t told him before hand
we wanted it to be a surprise

“We’d also like for you to be his godfather.”
Cooper said.

“Really? I don’t know anything about babies though.”

“Well this is a chance to learn for when it’s your turn.”
I only half joked. “And we’re leaving the position of godmother open to who ever steals the other half of your heart.” I looked at Alexis and winked. I know he’d been thinking about popping the question but wasn’t sure if she’d think that it was too soon.
It was Kurt that chimed in saying it’s better too early than too late.





























Wedding Bells


I stood
in my mom’s room
looking at myself in
my grandmother

s antique mirror
. I looked
at my satin ivory dress
with a
. It
s stunningly simple but elegant. When we’d gone dress shopping everyone just assumed that I wanted a princess dress with tons of fluff, I didn’t.

When I tried this one on I knew it was the one. I
had an empire waist and lace cap sleeves it flowed delicately at the bottom.
I had on my bridal Jimmy Choo wedding shoes and a necklace that belonged to my grandmother and
diamond drop
earrings that belonged to Cooper’s mom.
hair was curled into a
my face
was glowing
. M
y eyes bright with excitement, my cheeks
pink without the use of any blush.
My mom
stood behind me pinning
her great grandmothers
veil in place adding the final touch to my wedding

I couldn’t wait to marry the love of my life. We’d written our own vows and I was positive that Cooper’s were going to make me cry. I looked
our son
Mason sleeping peacefully in the bassinet and realized the full circle of life.
It was hard to believe that I’d only known Cooper for just under a year and we weren’t talking for a good part of the first part. It seemed like we’d known each other our whole lives.

We would be honoring Cooper’s mom Holly
with a moment of silence during the ceremony.
knew it was going to be difficult for both Kurt and Cooper,
I wished so much that I could have had the opportunity to meet her especially being a mother myself now. I would have thanked her for giving me Cooper and for helping make him the man that he’s become
and continues to be
When Cooper told me that my engagement ring had been hers it made me
proud to wear her ring as my own.

The wedding planner came to tell us it was time to get lined up, I kissed my mom on the cheek
and thanked her for all her help with the planning and advice. B
oth her and my dad would be walking me down the aisle. Kurt was serving as Cooper’s best man, Luke and Carl were serving as his groomsman. My newly pregnant soon to be sister in law Alexis was serving as my maid of honor and Harper and Casey were serving as my bridesmaid’s.
My dad looked like he was about to cry at any second.

“You look stunning.” He said offering me his arm. We walked down the stairs towards where the rest of the bridal party was waiting.

They walked down the aisle in pairs as I anxiously waited to round the corner. Finally the wedding march started and we walked down the aisle
at a snail’s pace
. I looked only at Cooper who looked dashing in his new Dolce & Gabbana
black suit with a white shirt and slim black tie, his hair looked impeccable, he smiled his panty busting smile and the aisle suddenly seemed miles long
, I wanted to burst into a sprint to get to his side as fast as possible
. Finally when we arrived at the alter my parents gave me away in front of one hundred of our closest family and friends. The minister
gave a small speech about the sanctity of marriage
and we had a moment of silence for Holly
before it was time to exchange vows.

My beloved Fiona, on the day I met you, I knew at once that you were the one meant to be my partner, the one whom I shall call my one and only for as long as
I live.
I could have never hoped when we met and started as friends that we’d end up here, it’s my dream come true.
beautiful not just in face
but in your tenacious spirit. I am forever grateful that you chose me.
” He wiped a tear that had fallen.

take you,
to be my
, my constant friend,
my best friend, my lover,
my faithful partner and my love from this day forward. In the presence of God,
our son Mason and
our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner
, your protector, to care for you
in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in
joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live regardless of the obstacles we may face together. I give you my hand, my heart, and all my love. I love you.” I unsuccessfully tried to hold my tears back.

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