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Authors: Elizabeth Hanbury

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General, #Regency

Ice Angel (21 page)

BOOK: Ice Angel
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‘He used you for stakes in a card game?’ said Hal
, his voice shaking with fury. ‘By God, death alone was too good for him – he should have been horse-whipped first!’ His anger suddenly overflowing and needing a physical outlet, he stood up and paced about the room, cursing under his breath, until he looked into her face once more. His expression softened at once and, heaving a deep sigh, he returned to her side and gathered her back into his embrace.

‘In a sense, I suppose he was, as you will hear,’ she murmured, resting her head against his shoulder once more. ‘One of Edward’s card-playing friends had admired me and when Edward ran out of anything else to offer, his friend had suggested me.’ Bitterly, she added, ‘The bet was accepted – one night with me was worth thirty guineas which shows how little I meant to Edward. When he came to inform me that I must make myself available to his friend, I was furious and all my pent-up rage and resentment came pouring out. I denounced his character, his behaviour, his lack of honour, his absence of
for me and his son, but it was all to no avail – he told me if his friend was foolish enough to want to bed a cold, freakish witch that was his affair. I must comply and if I did not, he would have me certified insane and committed to an asylum – I would never see my son again. Then, he calmly left the room to return downstairs. Frantic with terror, I knew that I needed to escape.’

‘No wonder you were so devastated last night when you thought I had courted you only to win a wager,’ whispered Hal. ‘That must have evoked terrible memories.’

She nodded in agreement and replied in a barely audible voice, ‘She did not realize it, but Lady Portland could not have alighted on a more painful, disturbing subject for me. As I said, I was frantic … I heard the man approaching and rushed to hide. Dominic’s room adjoined my own and I waited there, hoping that I would not be discovered. The door opened and I sensed his eyes scanning the room, which was in darkness apart from the glow from embers in the grate. Unfortunately, in my haste I had not hidden my dress and he must have seen the pale muslin cloth protruding from behind the chair. He grunted and came in and I sensed at once that he had guessed my hiding place. Terrified, I took hold of the only weapon to hand – a poker which had been sitting in the embers and was searing hot.’

‘My God,’ he breathed, proud of Isabella’s courage yet afraid as to what he might hear had happened next.

‘Taking hold of it, I lunged towards him. I knew I had only a moment before he overwhelmed me but I managed to strike home. The hot metal scorched his cheek, adhering to his skin.’ She drew in a sob, and stammered, ‘I – It was hideous; the smell of burning flesh rent the air as he screamed in agony. In my haste, I burnt my hand – there is a scar here’ – Isabella pointed out a small mark on her trembling right hand, near her thumb – ‘which has acted as a reminder of that terrible night ever since.’

‘I can well imagine,’ he said, touching his lips to the scar as if to try and erase it. Then, with a catch in his voice, ‘Did you escape?’

‘Yes,’ she replied, aware of him exhaling in relief. ‘I left him writhing in agony and found my way out of the house. There was uproar inside; I could hear the man cursing and Edward’s angry shouts. My best chance was to hide until morning – if I tried to run away, I would not get far and then who knows what my fate would have been? It would not have been pleasant – they were all drunk and beyond reasonable behaviour. Eventually, I found a small loft above one of the stable buildings. It was a curious coincidence that Sarah chose to hide Dominic in a loft, because I found a similar hiding place. The wooden door was directly above one of the stalls and I had to stand on the dividing partition to reach it. The horses were nervous, but they were used to me and made no great noise. Shortly after I had climbed in and replaced the door, they came into the stable looking for me.

‘I hid under the hay, trembling and listening to the murmur of their voices below as they searched. After a while, when they could not find me, they went out and all fell quiet again. I could not move – even though rats ran over my feet and I was numb with cold, fear kept me motionless. Stiff and sore, I did not stir until I was certain that it was dawn and Edward’s friends had given up and gone home. I decided that I must leave the manor that day because it was no longer safe to remain there.’

‘Had they indeed gone when you left your hiding place?’ he asked. Rage constricted his voice and he had clenched his fists as Isabella had recounted Edward’s monstrous behaviour.

‘They had, but I did not know it then,’ said Isabella. ‘When the first streaks of dawn were visible through a hole in the roof above me, I hoped that the thirst to hunt down their quarry had abated. I lowered myself down into the stall below, trying not to frighten the horse stabled there. It was Conqueror, one of Edward’s mounts, a huge black stallion of uncertain
that Edward controlled with cruel methods. I spoke soothingly so he would be calm enough for me to slip by. However, Edward appeared at that moment.’

Isabella, feeling Hal’s body stiffen again with anger, hurried on, ‘He was still drunk, but when he saw me, his expression was one of pure hatred – you see, I had embarrassed him in front of his friends, as well as injuring one of them badly. I truly believe he wanted me dead at that moment. He had a scythe which he had taken from the wall and he swung it down towards me, intending to kill. However, I stepped back and the blow struck the horse, gouging a deep cut in his flank. Conqueror reared up instantly. I glimpsed fear in Edward’s eyes before the stallion’s flying hoofs knocked him sideways. The horse then lunged to the right, crushing him against the side of the stall. He cried out and then sank to the ground, where he lay silent. I – I could not touch him – I could see that he was unconscious and not dead, but I think I sensed that he was mortally wounded. When Harriet returned, she found me in the stable, still staring at Edward’s body, and sent for Dr Dalton.

‘Harriet and Dr Dalton know what happened, but not Dominic, and I shall not tell him until he is older and can deal with what he must hear,’ said Isabella, looking up into Hal’s face. ‘Harriet rejoiced at Edward’s death, notwithstanding her gentle nature, and Dr Dalton also felt that Edward had received just reward. The doctor knew that there was little hope and when Edward died some hours later, Dr Dalton promised that for my sake and Dominic’s, the truth of what had happened would not emerge. Edward’s death would be explained by saying that he was killed while in the stable alone; there was a terrific storm during the hours leading up to Edward’s death and it would be perfectly feasible for the horse to have been disturbed by this while Edward was in there. Afterwards, I wanted to get away from a place that held so many awful memories. I decided to sell the manor, but I was to receive a final, sickening blow; the attorney told me then of Edward’s debts and said that by the time the manor and its contents had been sold to pay off his creditors – it was not entailed – there would be no more than a few hundreds pounds a year to support Harriet, Dominic and myself. I had not expected much, but to hear it was so little was a shock and I fretted for months about our future.

‘When the sale of the manor was almost complete, news came to me that Great Uncle James had left me this house and Dr Dalton’s sister, Lady Bingham, had offered me use of her London townhouse for the season at a minimal rent. Perhaps you understand now why I was so reserved in my manner when I arrived in London, Hal – experience had left me unwilling to trust a man ever again.’

There was silence for a time; Isabella felt emotionally drained while Hal was still struggling to take in everything he had heard.

Eventually, he murmured, ‘Now I can conceive why you were so fragile and withdrawn … you had suffered so much and if Edward were not already dead …’ Jaw clenched, Hal said after a pause, ‘He took a young girl whose father had just died and who had little knowledge of the world, and violated you – for which crime alone I wish I could tear him limb from limb – and then continued to treat you and his son with cruelty and contempt for years … I hope he is rotting in Hell for his wickedness.’

He ground his teeth in fury until Isabella laid a hand on his arm. ‘Edward is dead, Hal; he cannot hurt me any more. Dominic will have to know the truth about his father one day, but he will understand and perhaps remember enough of Edward’s behaviour to know I speak the truth. At least now I have you to love me and that is all I ever want.’

He looked into her face and his heart quickened with love. Both his eyes and Isabella’s were wet; they were not only tears for the past, but also tears of joy for the future. ‘Isabella … I swear … I swear that I would never force you into anything,’ he said, the timbre of his voice roughened with emotion.

‘I know you would not.’

‘And I will love, cherish and protect you always, putting your welfare and happiness above my own.’

‘I know that too,’ she whispered.

Folding her into his embrace, Hal kissed her fiercely, eager to ensure all she would know from this moment would be the pleasure and security that his love would bring.


Chapter Nineteen

the days that followed, Isabella talked, laughed, made plans and shared passionate kisses with Hal, and could hardly believe that her life was so altered. She was relaxed and content for the first time in her adult life. Hal cursed good-naturedly that they had to wait even a day to be married and Isabella agreed; despite those exquisite kisses, she longed for something more.

On their return to London, Lady Bramwell welcomed her with open arms. ‘My dear Isabella, if you had refused to marry my son, I would have feared for his reason,’ she declared. ‘I’m so happy for you both – having enjoyed a loving marriage myself, nothing will give me greater pleasure than to see you and Hal rejoice in the same.’

Sir Seymour and Harriet were married at St George’s in Hanover Square, Dinny looking every inch the proud and
extravagant bridegroom in his claret coat, puce and gold waistcoat, and his cravat tied in a style created and named for the occasion: the Dinniscombe Dash. Afterwards, they departed to spend a few days on Sir Seymour’s estate in Gloucestershire. Marguerite, Isabella and Julia, meanwhile, left London with Hal and Dominic for the journey to Chenning, where everyone was to join them for Hal and Isabella’s wedding. Lady Bingham, Dr Dalton and Alicia Knowles and her husband had also been invited to the ceremony.

When it arrived, Isabella’s wedding day was filled with many happy moments, in sharp contrast to her first marriage ceremony in Yorkshire. It was late evening when she and Hal were finally alone – Julia and Freddy had gone to visit Freddy’s parents before returning for their own wedding; Harriet and Sir Seymour had invited Dominic to Gloucestershire and he had been eager to go when he
one of Sir Seymour’s tenants possessed a tame barn owl; Theo, having finished his essay, had returned to London while Lady Bramwell had decided to visit Bath with Lady Bingham, Lukas and Hugo.

Dr Dalton was the last guest to depart and, while Hal was saying goodbye to him, Isabella went upstairs to soak in the luxuriously scented bath that Mary had prepared in her dressing-room. After drying herself, she applied a few drops of the perfume that Hal loved and slipped into her nightgown, a diaphanous garment with ribbon fastenings given to her as a wedding gift by Julia.

The bedroom was bathed in the rosy glow of candlelight, and Isabella sat at the dressing-table to take the pins from her hair. The door opened and Hal came in, moving to stand behind her and place his hands on her shoulders. He was dressed only in a loose robe which revealed the hard musculature of his chest dusted with dark hair. Desire began to curl slowly outwards from Isabella’s core; every look, glance and touch they had exchanged since their first meeting had affected her, but to see him like this took her breath away and made her quiver with anticipation.

Reaching up to cover his hand with her own, she said, ‘It has been a wonderful day.’

He smiled lovingly at her reflection in the mirror. ‘Have I told you today how lovely you are?’

‘At least twenty times,’ she replied, smiling back.

‘That is not nearly enough.’ His mouth coursed slowly over her skin, smoothing away the locks of hair from her throat and whispering a new endearment each time he pressed his lips to her flesh. She gasped, arching her neck and leaning back to let him continue his trail of kisses. When he had completed the task to his satisfaction, he murmured into her ear, ‘I have a gift for you, my love.’

Hal took a slim black box from the pocket of his robe and gave it to her. She smiled again at his reflection in the mirror and opened it to reveal an exquisite necklace: a string of pearls interspersed with diamonds, with a single tear-shaped diamond at its centre. Isabella drew in a breath. ‘Oh, it is enchanting! Surely it was very expensive?’

He did not answer this, but grinned at her obvious pleasure. ‘Let me put it on for you.’

He placed the necklace around her throat, tiny shivers running through her where his fingers brushed against her skin. Isabella looked in the mirror; the pearls shimmered and diamonds sparkled with inner fire as they caught the light. She touched her fingertips to the necklace and said in an emotional voice, ‘Are you sure, Hal? It is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.’

are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. It is my wedding gift to you so wear it for me tonight.’ When she stood up and turned to face him, Hal saw her nightgown clearly for the first time; one glimpse at her body, tantalizingly revealed through that gossamer fabric, sent his pulse soaring. He looked into her eyes and saw the flicker of apprehension there. ‘Don’t be afraid, my love,’ he said, gently. ‘Tonight will be like nothing you have experienced before.’

‘I’m not afraid in that way – not with you. I’m only …’ she hesitated, before whispering, ‘I’m only afraid of disappointing you.’

He took her hands tightly in his. ‘Then don’t be because you could never disappoint me,’ he said, his gaze brimming with passion. ‘I love you so much – you mean everything to me. I want to show you such pleasure that it will wipe away painful
, to love every inch of you until our heart and souls meld. I want to love you like never before, Isabella. Let me worship you with my body, and my spirit.’

Visibly trembling, Isabella forced her lips into a smile. ‘I love you, Hal, and I want you to love me … love me until I forget the past.’

‘I will,’ was his murmured promise. Then, ‘God, you’re so beautiful.’ Taking her face gently between his hands, he pressed a slow, smouldering kiss against her lips.

His nearness, the scent of his skin and the whisper of his breath, filled Isabella’s senses. Unable to think or speak any longer, she melted into his embrace, running her hands over his chest and finding the sensation of his bare skin beneath her fingertips intensely thrilling. His lips never leaving hers, he reached up to remove the remaining pins from her hair, threading his fingers through its silky weight.

Soft kisses blazed a trail along her jaw, down her throat and across her shoulders, the slight roughness of his stubble rubbing provocatively against her skin. Isabella gasped with pleasure as the heat inside her was teased into an inferno by his lips and his fingertips. She felt almost light-headed, every inch of her tingling with awareness. His caresses were in turn gentle and insistent and no part of her was excluded from his slow
until, when she thought she must faint from the pleasure he was building within her, he lifted her up and carried her to the bed.

They lay close, facing each other and sharing an ardent gaze, before his hands and lips continued to weave their magic. Sighing with delight, Isabella curled her fingers around the back of his neck. Craving his touch yet compelled to explore him in return, she ran her hands tentatively over his body; he groaned softly and she felt him shudder in response.

Discarding his robe, he began to untie the ribbons on her nightgown until her body was exposed to his gaze. Another shiver of pleasure ran though her. The rosy tips of her breasts, already aroused by his touch, ached for more and she moaned with relief when the caressing strokes of his fingers were followed by the subtle, teasing ministrations of his mouth.

Isabella was lost in a dream of new sensations. She felt no fear, no embarrassment and under Hal’s loving, patient touch, her body felt supine and boneless. Terrible memories were banished forever as she surrendered to the rapture which threatened to overwhelm her.

Still kissing her sensitive, aroused peaks, he pushed aside the silky material until there were no barriers between them. He trailed lingering kisses over her body, murmuring words of love against her skin and drawing gasps and whimpers of delight from her. Long, delicious, pleasure-filled moments passed until it seemed her body was no longer her own.
… she could not say his name, but he seemed to sense her need, abandoning his slow exploration to move his body over hers. Hands skimming the firm surface of his chest, she felt a tremor run though him and opened her eyes, her gaze slowly focusing to see his eyes glittering with passion.

‘Kiss me, love,’ he said, in a husky whisper.

She slid her arms around him and touched her mouth to his in a deeply sensual kiss. She had never experienced such a sense of fulfilment – it was wondrous, visceral and she loved and needed Hal more than she could express. Wrapped in his embrace, the delicious feeling at her core increased until the torment of pleasure he had taken her to splintered in


Isabella drifted on a slow tide of elation. Utterly replete yet vibrant, she was conscious of even greater love for this man whose body was still entwined with her own. A sudden deluge of emotion – gratitude, respect, desire, love – welled up in her soul and, from under closed eyelids, large tears formed.

Hal, who had been running his fingers through her hair as she lay cradled against his chest, looked down to see her tears. ‘Sweetheart, what’s wrong?’

‘Nothing,’ she whispered. ‘It’s just that … you see, I never knew … I never understood it could be that beautiful.’

‘It was beautiful because we shared our hearts, minds and bodies out of love,’ he said, before brushing his lips over hers once more.

Isabella responded, luxuriating in being thoroughly kissed and in what they had shared. In her blissful, drowsy state she asked some minutes later, ‘When did you realize you loved me?’

‘Shortly after we met.’ Hal smiled, remembering. ‘I saw the vulnerability in your eyes and, in spite of your disdain, I think I fell in love with you then.’

‘I could not acknowledge I loved you, even to myself, because I was afraid,’ admitted Isabella. ‘By stifling my emotions, I thought I could protect myself from getting hurt again. Thank God you saw what was really in my heart, Hal – your love has proved that I am not the frigid creature I was branded.’

‘You never were, my darling. It was cruel treatment that made you outwardly cold. You are warm, passionate and loving, and all you ever needed was our love to guide you.’

She reached up to place her palm against his cheek and, after another lingering kiss, they lay in silence, embracing the languid aftermath of passion. Hal stroked his fingers
over her back and, after a time, the slow movements sparked new desire and she began to stir against him. This time Isabella’s incipient confidence in her sensuality allowed her to explore every contour of Hal’s body before she succumbed to the glorious, unhurried way he brought her to those rapturous heights once more.

When sleep claimed them, Isabella remained within Hal’s arms until dawn. She was awakened by his tender kisses, love and desire combining to take her to another ecstasy of
. Afterwards, they shared caresses, endearments and soft laughter as they planned their future.


BOOK: Ice Angel
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