Ice Dreams Part 3 (4 page)

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Authors: Melissa Johns

BOOK: Ice Dreams Part 3
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She heard Mike in the kitchen grabbing some plates and glasses. She didn’t care that she had left the door open to her bedroom. She heard his footsteps and looked up to spot him standing in her doorway.

“Maddy, I’m so sorry. I began to worry about you.” He turned around. He moved his hands to the door frame and she noticed his white knuckles bracing it.

She stood up and threw her pajamas on as the reality finally sunk in. “I’m sorry, Mike. I just had a weak moment.”

He turned around and smiled. “Yeah well come on, dinner is ready.” He walked down the hall towards the kitchen.

Madison joined him on the balcony and took a sip of the wine that he had poured them. She grabbed a slice of pizza and sat down. “I’m sorry again.”

He nodded but clearly wanted to change the subject. “Tell me about class.”

Madison started to smile as she told him about her morning and her professor. She went on about meeting her study group and being generally happy with how things went.

Mike chuckled. “Your professor has the hots for you.”

She looked up at him. “What? You are crazy.”

“I’m not. No teacher waits for their student. It’s weird. Obviously, he’s attracted to you. I don’t blame him.”

She grabbed her glass of wine and looked at him over the brim as she drank from it. “I don’t think that’s true. He was just being nice to me.”

He nodded but clearly didn’t agree with her. “I guess I should get going. You have another busy day tomorrow.”

“Thanks for dinner. I owe you a home cooked meal,” she said as she walked him to the door.

He smiled. “I can’t wait.” He disappeared across the hall and behind his closed door.



































Classes went smoothly the rest of the week. Madison focused on her lab homework and met with her study group. She managed to put Hunter out of her mind again but she knew that wouldn’t last since the weekend was full of wedding preparations.

She said good night to her study group as she walked out of the building and towards the parking lot. “Good evening, Ms. Sinclair.”

Madison turned around and spotted her professor, Dr. Allen. “Good evening, Professor. Late night?”

He nodded. “I needed to teach an evening class. Now, I get to go home to my house that I hate and start a weekend that will be the same as the last one.”

Madison didn’t know what to say to him. She started to walk towards her car. “Well, I will see you on Monday.”

He groaned. “I’m sorry. You probably think I’m creepy, don’t you?”

She chuckled. “The thought crossed my mind.”

He laughed. “Believe me, I’m not. I just went through a horrible divorce and I was left the house that I never even liked to begin with.”

She pouted. “I’m so sorry. Yeah, I guess that does suck.”

He nodded. “She even took my dog.  Can you tell that I’m bitter?”

“Yeah, I know the feeling.”

“You are way too young to be divorced.”

“I just went through some heartbreak but I’m trying to move on.” She looked past him as a bunch of girls were walking their way. She sighed as she thought back to the Hunter’s groupies. She hated the way the girls would flock around him. “I need to run, looks like you have a fan club heading your way.”

He groaned and ducked into his car. He waved as he drove past her and out onto the highway. She heard the sighs from the group of girls as they walked towards their cars. She didn’t understand the concept of following someone around and drooling over them.

When she arrived back home, she knocked on Mike’s door. She realized that she should have been embarrassed after their close encounter earlier in the week. He never discussed it again and she followed his lead. They had dinner every night together and she even made him an Italian dinner to make up for Monday.

His door opened as he leaned back against it. “What’s up? You survived your first week at school.”

She smiled. “I know. I’m proud of myself. Wanna celebrate tonight?”

He nodded. “Sure, where do you want to go?”

“Let’s go down to Doug’s. I love the boardwalk there.”

He agreed. “Go change and I will be over shortly.”

She disappeared into her apartment and quickly stripped down and hopped in the shower. She shaved, cleaned and applied her lotions. She stepped from the shower and wrapped the towel around her. She quickly grabbed her blow dryer and realized it was time for another hair cut. Her dark hair was past her shoulders again. She pulled her hair back into ponytail and walked into her bedroom. She dug through her clothes and picked a pair of jean shorts and tank top. She reached for her sneakers and did a quick look in the mirror.

She smiled as she stared at the person in front of her. She finally felt her confidence build inside of her. Everyone was right, whatever doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.

She grabbed her keys and waited for Mike. After about thirty minutes, she began to worry as she opened her front door and walked across the hall. She knocked softly as she called out for him. “Mike?” She opened the door and peeked inside. She could hear him talking as she walked through his living room.

She spotted him in the kitchen on his cell phone. “You are such a bitch! You are being so stupid. You are out to screw me, aren’t you?”

He paused and Madison knew she should leave but was drawn to him at that moment. She walked closer.

“I swear to God, don’t cross me. The shit you are spewing isn’t even the truth,” he paused. “Fine! See you in court then!” Mike threw his phone against the wall as it smashed into pieces.

Madison gasped as he turned to faced her. "Madison, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were there."

"I'm sorry, I was worried that you hadn't stopped over yet and then I heard you yelling. Are you ok?"

He ran his fingers through his hair. "That was the ex. She's threatening to release more information about me if I don't help her family get back on their feet since my family destroyed them. The crap she has isn't even true but no one will believe that. I need to talk to my lawyer."

Madison walked over to him and touched his arm. "I'm here to support you, no matter what."

He smiled. "Thank you. Come on, I need a drink and you look freaking amazing so let's get out of here."

Maddy laughed as she followed him out of the building.

After a couple of shots, Mike relaxed and Madison enjoyed watching him. "Mike, I don't want to ruin your night but what are you trying so hard to hide?"

He took a long gulp of his beer and looked around the bar. A few girls winked at him as they passed by. Madison rolled her eyes. He laughed as he grabbed her hand. "Come on, let's walk down the boardwalk. I may even try to win you a stuffed bear."

She laughed. "Oh, I like that."

As they walked down the wooden path, they passed a few shops as Madison did some window shopping. "Oh I love that necklace."

Mike stopped and glanced at it. "It would look beautiful around your neck, not sure the diamond is big enough though."

She blushed and hit his arm. "Come on, you promised me a stuff bear."

He smiled and followed her. "I'm trying to hide my horrible teenage years. The part of every boy's life where they rebel and do stupid stuff. I know you didn't have those years but most kids do."

Madison looked at him. "What did you do?"

He shook his head. "I don't want you to think less of me."

“We are supposed to be friends, Mike. I’m not going to judge you.”

He stopped when they arrived at the rides and games. He was about to speak when a group of guys walked by them. “Look at that piece of meat. She’s hot.”

Mike quickly turned towards them. “What the hell did you just say?”

Madison reached for his arm. “Don’t worry about them. Just walk away.”

One of the strange men laughed. “Yeah, listen to your hot girlfriend. You wouldn’t want to prove to her that I’m more of a man then you are.”

Mike smirked. “Walk away, Idiot.”

Maddy looked at him and grabbed his hand. She could feel his arm muscles start to relax as they walked further away. “Hey, I appreciate you standing up for me but don’t let them get to you. They aren’t worth it. You are already trying to do damage control within your life, do you need more?”

He calmed down. “You are right, sorry. I just feel protective of you.”

Her eyes meet his as she didn’t know what to make of that statement. He took a step closer to her, she felt her heart race and she knew what was coming. She couldn’t allow that to happen. She wasn’t ready as she took a step back. “So, tell me what you did in your rebellious youth.”

She started to walk down the path again as she heard him faintly sigh. It was the first time she really felt a connection between them. He reached into his wallet and handed a five dollar bill to one of the attendants.

“I’m going to win you that bear, watch out.”

She giggled as she watched him miss bottle after bottle. “Really because you haven’t hit one yet.”

He smirked at her as he handed another five to the young kid. “Just watch, Maddy. I love a good challenge.” He winked at her as he threw the ball. He managed to hit the bottles and grabbed a teddy bear for her.

She smiled. “It’s the first time someone has won something for me.”

Mike wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “That’s what friends are for.”

Madison lit up when she saw the Ferris Wheel. “Can we ride it? I have always wanted to do that.”

He looked at her. “You have never been on a Ferris Wheel before?”

She shook her head. “You keep forgetting my childhood.”

He grabbed her hand and paid for two tickets. He allowed her to sit in the car first as the attendant closed the bar across them. She looked at the boardwalk from up above. The glow from the lights filled the sky. She smiled as she spotted Mike staring at her. “What?”

“You are like a little kid sometimes, I love seeing that expression on your face when you experience something new.”

The ride stopped to allow new riders on as they sat on top of the world. “Ok, this is a little bit scary. Do you leave you up here long?”

“Just to allow people on and off, just enjoy the view.”

She smiled as the wheel started to move again. They did another full circle before the ride came to an end. Madison smiled as she held onto her bear and walked back towards the bar. As they arrived back to the staircase that would lead them up to the restaurant, Mike stopped her. “I was an idiot. I was seventeen years old and stole a few cars. I got involved with a group of guys that I shouldn’t have been hanging out with but I was rebelling against my father. Of course, I was caught and thrown into jail. My father has high connections. While my so-called friends went off to spend some time in jail, I was able to do some community service.”

Madison sat on the bench and looked at him. He closed his eyes as he hung his head in shame. She could tell that he was embarrassed to share his secret. “Mike, I’m not judging you. You did something wrong. It’s not like you still do it, right?”

He laughed as his eyes connected with hers. “No, I’m a law abiding citizen now.”

She smiled. “Thank you for telling me.”

“It’s nice to have someone that I can trust.”

She stood up and hugged him. “I’m always here, Mike.”

They walked back towards his car and he opened the door for her. She slid in and closed her eyes. She loved his car. The feel of the leather seats against her skin. She felt him slid in as she opened her eyes. The sun had set and everything was dark. His dashboard lit up as Madison felt a sudden surge of electricity in the car. She continued to hold on tightly to her stuffed bear.

He chuckled as she looked at him. “What’s so funny?”

“If you squeeze that bear any harder, his head will pop off.”

She blushed and looked down at the bear. He had noticed her tension. She was relieved when they pulled up to their apartment building. “I had a great night, Maddy. Thank you for getting my mind off my problems for awhile.”

She nodded as she walked up the stairs. “I won’t be around much this weekend. It’s the last weekend before the wedding. Alicia’s friends are flying in tomorrow and they are here all week long.”

Mike leaned against the wall. “That sounds like fun.”

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