Ice in My Veins (9 page)

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Authors: Kelli Sullivan

Tags: #Fiction, #Sports, #General, #Juvenile Fiction

BOOK: Ice in My Veins
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He didn’t say anything, but I knew he was laughing even though I couldn’t see his face. His body was shaking as he chuckled. He put me down on the front porch when we got to my place. The lights were all off and no cars were in the driveway. I guess the Peats were still out. I fumbled with the key in the lock and Alex followed me inside the house.

“Do you mind if I get a glass of water?” He asked. I just waved him to the upstairs kitchen and slid on my bum down the stairs to the basement.

I crawled to my bed and flopped on it. The room was starting to spin. Alex appeared in my doorway with a bottle of Tylenol and a big glass of water.

“Christine take two of these, and chug this glass of water. You won’t have a hang over in the morning.” I complied with his command. A hangover was the last thing I wanted.

“I’m going to be sick.” I told him. He dumped out the small garbage pail from the corner of my bedroom, and brought it to me to throw up in. How humiliating! Here I was puking my guts out, while he was holding my hair out of my face for me.

After that he, helped me to the bathroom so I could clean up a little. He rinsed the pail out for me. I guess so that I didn’t have to do it. That was awesome of him. I would have started puking again if I did it. I brushed my teeth, then gargled with mouthwash. I put cold water on my face and removed all my make-up. I was still feeling sick. I told him I wanted to take a shower. He asked if he could hang around until Moose got home. I said sure go watch some television or something.

I got into the shower. The hot water felt so good. I sank down to sit on the floor of the tub, and just allow the water to splash on my face. I must have passed out for a few minutes, because all of a sudden I heard Alex banging hard on the bathroom door.

“Are you alright in there Christine?” He sounded nervous.

“Yeah, yeah, I am fine I’ll be out in a minute.” I told him.

I got out of the shower and dried myself off. Threw on my sweats and a tank top. I went out to join him on the couch.

“Thanks for tonight Alex.” I said “I truly appreciate you bringing me home and staying with me.”

“No problem, I didn’t mind at all, even with all the puking.” He jeered. “So you think I’m sort of hot do you?”

I had forgotten that I had mumbled that on the way home. Damn booze making me say things out loud I didn’t want anyone to know.

“I don’t know what you mean Alex.” I lied.

“Sure sure, well I think you’re kind of smokin’ yourself.” He winked at me.

He leaned forward and took my face in his hands then pressed his lips softly onto mine. They parted. His lips were soft and a tingle went down my spine. His kiss took my breath away. It was the last thing I was expecting. I caught my breath, then I pushed him away.

“Alex, we can’t do this, we’re teammates remember.” I reminded him.

“I know, but I really like you Christine.” He turned away from me to compose himself then looked at me again. “You’re not like any girl I have ever met. I can’t stop thinking about you.” He confessed.

“Alex, it’s hard enough for me to try and fit in with these guys. Having a teammate as a boyfriend is the last thing I need now. It would complicate everything.” I explained to him sadly.

“What if we didn’t tell anyone? Just kept it quiet between you and me?” He suggested.

“I don’t know Alex.” I whispered. I would love to have him as a boyfriend. Who wouldn’t. He was gorgeous. Then I remembered what Moose had told me about Alex being a player when it came to girls. “Alex, it’s just not a good idea, I am sorry.” I said softly.

He seemed genuinely hurt by my rejection. He leaned forward and kissed the top of my head. “I understand Christine, I’ll leave now. I don’t want to make things difficult for you.” He said. Then he got up to leave.

I didn’t want him to go though. I wanted to spend time with him. I really liked him also. I grabbed him and pulled him onto the couch with me and began kissing him passionately. It was like we were the only two people in the world and nothing else mattered for that moment.

He chuckled. “I thought this was going to complicate things?” He muttered in between kisses.

“It is, but since you’re the first boy I have ever kissed, I wanted to make it a good one.” I said out of breath.

“Really?” He seemed shocked by this. “You’ve seriously never been kissed before? I find that hard to believe. You’re a beautiful girl, smart, funny, just damn sexy.” He uttered.

“Seriously, most guys have issues with the fact that I play hockey.” I admitted.

He laid down beside me on the couch and placed his hand on the side of my face. He gently brushed the hair away from my face and smiled at me. Then he placed his lips softly again on mine. I melted. I closed my eyes. He kissed my closed eyelids gently. I might have agreed to anything at this point. Even though I wasn’t ready for it.

We kissed for a while. His hands not leaving my face. Who would have thought kissing could be so erotic?

Then he sat up without warning. “What do you want to do about this then?” He asked.

I bit my lip hesitating. Reality hit me. I couldn’t put my hockey career at risk. I looked into his eyes and said. “I don’t know. I like you a lot, but for now maybe we should just be friends. I think it’s for the best. Maybe you should go.” I turned my head. I felt like a tear might show in my eyes.

He got up and pulled me upright against his body. He wrapped his arms around my waist. I buried my head into his chest. He once again kissed the top of my forehead.

“I’ll see you tomorrow Christine,” he said. “We’ll act like nothing happened. It will be fine.” With that he walked up the stairs and left.

I walked to my bedroom, threw myself on my bed and started to cry. I knew it was the right thing to do. Hockey was important. Having complications like a boyfriend; or a teammate as a boyfriend for that matter, would not make it easy for me.

When I woke up in the morning I wasn’t hung over, thanks to Alex making me take those Tylenol last night.

I knocked on Moose’s door. I heard him moan something like “go away.” I opened the door anyway. He was sprawled across his bed naked and the room smelled of sex.

“Umm.” I laughed. I threw the comforter that was on the floor on top of him.

Me seeing Moose naked was nothing new. He was notorious for forgetting his towel when he showered. He always ran out dripping into the hall to the closet to grab one.

“Moose I need to talk to you.” I shook him awake.

“Whatttttt!” He growled.

“I need some advice about Alex.” I said. He sat right up.

“Did that asshole try anything on you last night? Tell me Chrissy,” he snapped.

“No he didn’t, he was a perfect gentleman.” I insisted. He shot me a look of disbelieve.

“Then what advice do you need about him?” He questioned.

“I was just wondering how bad he gets... with the girls, you know?” I inquired.

Moose looked at me. He knew me well enough to know there was something going on. “Christine, what happened last night?” He asked again.

“Seriously, nothing happened. I just want to get to know him better. I’m not dumb enough to do anything Moose. You know I would never put my hockey career in jeopardy.”

Moose starred at me for a moment. I knew he could read my face. It was probably written all over it, that I was smitten with Alex.

“Well, I guess he’s no worse than any of us other guys. We have all been with our share of girls.” He confirmed to me.

“I can tell, you’re room smells of sex.” I complained. “I know it wasn’t Lena. Did you end it with her yet or are you just going to continue cheating on her?” I snarled.

“I know, I’m an asshole for doing this to her, but part of me needs her to keep focused. I do like her I am just not in love with her,” he explained.

“Well then be honest with her. Tell her you want an open relationship.” I argued. “You have to be fair to her.” He knew I wouldn’t breath a word of his infidelity to anyone. We had a mutual respect for each other.

He always seemed to change the subject when the conversation got to intense about anything.

“So, Alex, eh?” He laughed and then steamrolled me onto the floor. He got serious after that. “The thing about guys is they will always cheat until they find that girl who means more to them than they could ever imagine. Sometimes we guys have to learn the hard way and lose the girl we love to realize it though.”

“So I’m doomed is what you’re saying?“ I hissed.

“What! No, it’s just at our age and us being hockey players, girls are always throwing themselves at us. It’s hard to stay faithful. We all try at some point but we all seem to always fall off the wagon, so to speak.” He admitted.

“I think you should forget about Alex. Date a guy from school or something. Just keep the two separate.” I knew he was right.

“Thanks Moose.” I said crinkling my nose. “Go shower, you frigging stink!” I held my nose as I left the room.

I went back to my room and turned on my computer. I had not been on MSN forever. I should really speak to some of my friends from back home.

I chatted with some girlfriends and spoke to my brother Phil. He was happy for me. I told him about the rookie party and to keep his mouth shut about it to Mom and Dad, and of course Tyler. Phil was 15 and he wasn’t naive to sex. I was pretty sure he and his girlfriend had been having sex before I even left to come up here.

For me, sex was a big deal. I wanted to wait until I was ready. I didn’t have to wait until marriage. I just wanted to make sure I was in love. I didn’t want to just jump into bed with anyone. I wanted it to be special. Most of my friends were already having sex. I seemed to be the oddball in everything.

I was about to sign off MSN, when I saw Alex sign on. He messaged me right away asking me how I felt this morning. I told him I wasn’t hung over at all. He asked me if I wanted to go hang out with him. I explained that I didn’t want anyone to think anything of him and me hanging out. I would tell everyone here that I was going for a run. I told him that I would meet him over at the mall in about thirty minutes. He agreed and signed off.

I rushed into the bathroom cutting Moose off who was on his way to shower. “Sorry, I’m in a hurry.” I yelled as I slammed the door on him.

I brushed my teeth and hair. I washed my face, and then put on eye liner and mascara. Just like the salesgirl at the Mac Store had showed me. I ran out of the bathroom into my room and put on a tight fitted pair of black track pants and a tight fitting baby blue t-shirt that showed off my cleavage.

I went to the couch to put on my running shoes. Moose had been watching me running around trying to get ready with amusement.

“Since when do you make yourself up to go running Chris?” He mused. He knew me too well. I suspected he realized I was going to meet Alex.

“I’m not wearing make-up really, just some eye liner. I though it would be rude if I didn’t use it, since Cathy bought it for me.” I muttered.

“Sure, You don’t have to hide anything from me you know.” He said. He wasn’t buying my excuse.

“I’m not hiding anything.” I snapped. “Talk to you later I’m going running.”

I jumped up and ran out the door before he could question me more. Hopefully, Moose would let it go and not bug me about it.

I jogged over to the mall and saw Alex leaning against his truck. He looked like an Abercrombie model, with his tight black t-shirt and nice fitted jeans on. I jogged up to him. He grabbed me into a bear hug, then spun me around and kissed me.

“I missed you,” he told me smiling.

“Oh really, did you now?” I laughed.

“I truly did.” He said smirking with that crooked smile of his that had me melting inside.

He took my hand in his, and we started walking away from the mall towards the park. We talked while we walked.

He told me about his family, and about what it was like up in Sudbury. He explained what it was like to get drafted. I didn’t realize until he told me that he had been. He was drafted in the second round of this years draft to the Boston Bruins. I listened to everything he told me about it. Taking it all in. I would kill to have a team draft me. He asked me about my family and Dryden. I told him how hard it had been on me being the odd ball in my family. It seemed to upset him to see my sadness when I talked about it. The more we talked the more I started to fall for him. He was a sweet guy. Smart, funny, gorgeous – everything a girl could ask for.

I told him I was nervous for the preseason games coming up this week. I knew coach was going to let the rookies have a lot of ice time. This way we could show him what we had to offer, before he decided on the lines. He told me not to worry, that I really was a talented player and every one could see that.

He confessed to me that he didn’t like the thought of the guys banging me around out there on the ice. I told him he had to treat me like any one of the other guys. I didn’t want anyone to know about us. It had to be kept secret. He kissed me and said that was going to be very hard for him. He wished he could tell everyone that I was his. That made me happy to hear.

We hung out in the park for a few hours. I told him as much as I didn’t want to leave to go home, that I had to. He walked me part of the way home. I felt like walking so we could talk more. Beside if someone saw us in his truck they would start to speculate we were an item. I didn’t want anyone knowing about us. It was bad enough that Moose knew.

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