Icecapade (9 page)

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Authors: Josh Lanyon

BOOK: Icecapade
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“How would this work?” Noel finally steeled himself to ask. “
it work?”

“Unlike your friend with the greenhouse, I don’t pretend to know the future. But regardless of what happens with us, I’m through with the Bureau.”

with the Bureau?”

Robert shook his head.

Josh Lanyon



“I quit.”

After the initial surge of relief, Noel was conscious of a wave of guilt. Was the decision to leave the FBI what Robert honestly wanted? Or was it what he was stuck with after Noel had inadvertently sabotaged his career?

He said tentatively, “Are you okay with that?”

“Honestly? Yes. It was time for a change. I realized a long time ago a lot of the fun went out of it for me when you dropped out of the game.”

Robert set his coffee cup on the floor, reached over, took Noel’s cup and put it on the nightstand.

“So, having seen firsthand how busy your social calendar is, I was thinking I better find out now what your plans are for New Year’s.”

Noel laughed, reaching for him. “I was planning on a quiet evening at home. Maybe phone a friend.”

His mouth a kiss away from Noel’s, Robert said, “Angel, I’m going to save you a fortune on long distance charges.”

About the Author

A distinct voice in gay fiction, multi-award-winning author Josh Lanyon has been writing gay mystery and romance for over a decade. In addition to numerous short stories, novellas and novels, Josh is the author of the critically acclaimed Adrien English series, including
Hell You Say
, winner of the 2006
USA Book News
award for GLBT Fiction. Josh is an EPIC Award winner and a three-time Lambda Literary Award finalist. Josh is also the author of the definitive M/M writing guide
Man, Oh Man! Writing M/M

Fiction for Kinks & Ca$h.
To learn more about Josh, please visit or join his mailing




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ISBN: 978-1-4268-9092-5

Copyright © 2010 by Josh Lanyon

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All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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Document Outline


Table of Contents

Letter to Reader


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

About the Author

Copyright Page

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