Identical (2 page)

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Authors: Ellen Hopkins

BOOK: Identical
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Ty’s Quite Recent Invitation

He Starts to Turn South

Chapter 24: Kaeleigh

I Thought Last Block

Our Fingers Interlock

We Have to Unlock

Ian, Afraid?

Ian Walks Past Her

This Afternoon

Daddy Isn’t Home

Desire Strikes Like a Cobra

And I Think

Speaking of Snakes

I Walk Ian to His Bike

My Normal MO

Notice I Didn’t Say Gone

Chapter 25: Raeanne

The Library

Glad I Wore Jeans Today

Questions? Yeah, I’ve Got Them

I Don’t Actually Ask

Lawler Doesn’t Jerk Away

Next Time!

I Watch Him Go

Coffee Actually Sounds

I Know Daddy Has Issued

I’m an Expert Interpreter

Right Now His Eyes

Chapter 26: Kaeleigh

Today Was Incredible

My Parents Aren’t Real

Of Course, Maybe Daddy

Whatever Daddy Did

Double the Pleasure

Double the Fun

I Start to Feel

What Does Make Him Drink?

I Regret Everything Immediately

I So Do Not Deserve Him

Time For a Chopin Pee

Not Mental Pain

New Blade

I’ve Heard Exsanguination

Chapter 27: Raeanne


Speaking of Souls, Monsters, Etc.

Daddy and Hannah


Sex, Sex, Sex

First, I Have to Get Through the Day

I Decide to Act Ignorant

He Has No Idea

School Totally Drags

Lawler Definitely Notices

Yes, Yes, and…?

He Gives Me Directions

The Rest of the Day

Chapter 28: Kaeleigh

The Bus Seems Slower

But Daddy’s Attention

I Slip Off My Shoes

I’m Kind of Liking

I’d Probably Just

Why Am I Always So Polite?

His Words

My Hand Is Turning

Not Grandma Betty

A Shadow Falls

I Don’t Want to Hang Up

I’m Running Really Late

I Thank Hannah for the Ride


Chapter 29: Raeanne

Lawler’s House

He’s Gone for Over an Hour

The Doorbell Interrupts


But Now I Have to Go

I Know He Has More to Say

Lawler Pulls Over

A Man with Morals

Anyway, Lawler Seems

Happy Ever After

Chapter 30: Kaeleigh

Sunday Morning

Either Way

I Was Supposed

Oh Yeah, Blast from the Past

I Lay Awake

Not a Good Time

I Want to Talk to Ian

And Still No One’s Awake

Schizophrenic Me

Greta’s Tale

Love, Resurrected

And Now I See His Face

Like a Puppy

Chapter 31: Raeanne

Home Bitter Home

Topping Today’s Rant List

This Is a Rare Opportunity


Meanwhile, Think I’ll Dive

Daddy Takes a Gulp

That Was the Most

The Topic of Conversation

She Knows More, of Course

A Lot of Wine Later

I Stumble Off to Bed

Mom Had Been Spending

No Doubt About It

Chapter 32: Kaeleigh

I Can Hardly Wait

I Am on My Third Bowl of Cereal

He Hasn’t Asked

We Are Still Very Close

I Exit the Kitchen

All Hope Dissolved

Fine by Me

Safe in the Far Stall

I’m Watching Blood Drip

With Everyone, That Is

So, So Mine or Not

Ian Kills the Motor

Almost Home

The House Is Crazy

Spit Pools

Chapter 33: Raeanne

Holy Effing Moly

The Afternoon’s Drama

He Picked Up

Out the Window

A Half Hour Later

I Could Just Do It

The Greed Factor, Again

The Avalanche Lurches Forward

How Would That Look on Headline News?

The Road into Town

An Hour’s Walk Home

I Wake to a Hailstorm

Light Through the Window

No One Has a Clue

Chapter 34: Kaeleigh

The Dreaded Day

Most of Me

School Is My Refuge

I Couldn’t Care Less

Bling for a Day

The Afternoon Ticks By

I Angle Closer

She’s In Over Her Head

Daddy Returns

Just Then Someone Turns Up

Chapter 35: Raeanne

By Midnight

Kaeleigh Has Withdrawn

I Finally Limp

The Telephone Wakes Me

Daddy Grabs the Phone

Unable to Guess

The Bad Thing About Fear

The Bad Thing About Puking Regularly

Totally Puked Out

I Dial His Number

But If Ty Wants Me

Chapter 36: Kaeleigh

Three Days

School Was Crazy

One Thing Kind of Weird, Though

At Last the Bus Goes By

I Try to Keep That in Mind

I Close My Door

Soundless as a Shadow

Back and Forth

I Want to Shout

He Says Not a Word

Both Parts

Enveloped by November Fog

The First Face I See

Her Voice Softens

Oh, How I Want To

Chapter 37: Raeanne

IMH (not) O

I’m Not Even Sure

Afraid to Die Loveless

Before the Other Night

Being Easier

Any Drugs

The Biggest Surprise

But It Isn’t Mick

Highway 154

Longing Lunges

Yes, Every Kiss Is Different

Ian Moans

Ian’s Sense

Chapter 38: Kaeleigh



A Voice

Another Voice

I Fall Again

I Let Out All My Breath

Damn Footsteps

Oops, Too Late

They Move into the Hallway

Following Through

Chapter 39: Raeanne

I Can’t Believe

Don’t Know

I Think

It’s Morning Before He Comes

Almost a Week

Daddy Acts

The Last Time

He Is a Cold-Hearted Bastard

Operative Word: Easy

Between Brittany’s Driving

We Find the House

The House Is Small

He Winces Slightly

Bam, Sledgehammer

A Half-Assed Honk

Ugly Little Movies

I Should Go Home

Major Dilemma

I’m Living Dangerously

His Place

Ty’s House

And the Doorbell Rings

Mom and Raeanne Away

I Think I’m Dead

Chapter 40: Kaeleigh

I Wish I Were Dead

Fragments Shards

At First

I Tell Her I’ll Think About It

When I Wake Up

Take It All Back

I Stare at the Night Sky

I’m Still Tired

When Carol Comes

That’s All I’m Ready to Give Today

Tomorrow Isn’t Far Enough Away

Mom Promises

I Suppose I Got the Addictive Gene

I’m Deep into Conversation

Wow, Ballsy

Turns Out

What Do I Have to Live For?

I Can’t Blame Ian at All

But I Do Know What Love Is

Someone’s in My Room

Must Be a Dream

Okay, One Thing to Live For

Daddy Comes to Pick Me Up

Six Months

Turned Out

I Forgave Her

Drained Dry

Except for Ian

I Cringe

She Is My Real Angel

Ian Still Doesn’t Know

I’d Like to Say

When I Do Those Things

Chapter 41: Raeanne

And I’ll Be Watching

Reading Group Guide

‘Perfect’ Teaser


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Mirror, Mirror

When I look into a


it is her face I see.

Her right is my left, double

moles, dimple and all.

My right is her left,


We are exact


Kaeleigh and me.

Mirror-image identical

twins. One egg, one sperm,

one zygote, divided,

sharing one complete

set of genetic markers.

On the outside

we are the same. But not

inside. I think

she is the egg, so

much like our mother

it makes me want to scream.



That makes me the sperm,

I guess. I take completely

after our father.

All Daddy, that’s me.



Good, bad. Left, right.

Kaeleigh and Raeanne.

One egg, one sperm.

One being, split in two.

And how many


Interesting Question

Don’t you think?

I mean, if the Supreme

Being inserts a single soul

at the moment of conception,

does that essence divide

itself? Does each half then

strive to become whole

again, like a starfish

or an earthworm?

Or might the soul clone itself,

create a perfect imitation

of something yet to be

defined? In this way,

can a reflection be altered?

Or does the Maker,

in fact, choose

to place two

separate souls within

a single cell, to spark

the skirmish that ultimately

causes such an unlikely rift?

Do twins begin in the womb?

Or in a better place?

One Soul or Two

We live in a smug California

valley. Rolling ranch land, surrounded

by shrugs of oak-jeweled hills.

Green for two brilliant

months sometime around spring,

burnt-toast brown the rest of the year.

Just over an unremarkable mountain

stretches the endless Pacific.

Mornings here come wrapped

in droops of gray mist.

Most days it burns off by noon.

Other days it just hangs on

and on. Smothers like a wet blanket.

Three towns triangulate

the valley, three corners, each

with a unique flavor:

weathered Old West;

antiques and wine tasting;

just-off-the-freeway boring.

Smack in the center is the town

where we live, and it is the most

unique of all, with its windmills

and cobbled sidewalks, designed

to carry tourists to Denmark.

Denmark, California-style.

The houses line smooth black

streets, prim rows

of postcard-pretty dwellings,

coiffed and manicured from curb

to chimney. Like Kaeleigh

and me, they’re perfect

on the outside. But behind

the Norman Rockwell facades,

each holds its secrets.

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