Idolize (Dark Storm Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Idolize (Dark Storm Book 1)
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Two weeks went by and there were no calls or texts. But what did she expect? She was the one laying down the rules and saying no contact.

It was Saturday and she was at the retirement village to pick Audrey up for their trip to the zoo. She noticed Audrey brought a walking stick with her. Cassi worried that the trip might be too much, and suggested they could hire a wheelchair at the zoo. The stern look Audrey gave her as she raised an eyebrow was icy to say the least.

“If you have to put me in a wheelchair, then I won’t be leaving the village. I know that’s unfair because there are younger people in them, but I just feel it would be the beginning of the end for me.”

Cassi smiled at the woman’s spirit. “That’s okay, but you have to say if you’re tired. We can do it in stages. Tommy forgets not everyone wants to run at breakneck speed all the time,” Cassi said.

“I’ve brought my sketch book with me so I can stop while you take Tommy off to see something else. I’m really looking forward to seeing the gorilla. What about you Tommy?”

“Turtles. I want to see lots of them, and the rhionocerufus.”

“Just say rhino, pipsqueak.” Sasha said, ruffling his hair.

They slowly made their way around some of the exhibits and Cassi thought they should have done this before. Since she was always so afraid to go out, Tommy didn’t get many excursions. She had always loved going to the zoo as a kid, and from the smile on her son’s face, he must have felt the same. They sat down on the lawn for lunch as the sun shone, warming them, and Cassi let out a long breath, feeling mellow. She found a chair for Audrey, as she didn’t think she would get up again if she sat on the ground. Cassi’s cell pinged with a message and she glanced at it.

It was Declan. It simply said,
I’m back
. She couldn’t keep the grin off her face. Sasha looked at her as if waiting to be told who it was, but Cassi simply shoved her cell phone back in her bag.

Sasha shook her head at her, but then opened the basket and started to set out homemade lemonade, a plate of delicious savories, and beautiful cupcakes. Cassi closed her eyes as she let the flavors of the little tartlets melt across her tongue.

“This is so good. You excelled yourself today, Sasha.”

Her friend bristled with pride. Then Sasha turned to Audrey to see her reaction.

“They’re excellent. Then again, I knew they would be from your cooking at the village. Your cooking is exceptional and not appreciated by the residents. They just want the same thing day in, day out. A lot of elderly people become obsessed with their bowels. It’s most fatiguing to listen to, especially if you are trying to eat.”

Cassi cracked up listening to Audrey.

“Can I have a cupcake?” Tommy said.

“Please. I reckon first we’ll sing you 'Happy Birthday',” Cassi said as she wagged a finger at him.

“Please,” Tommy said as he gave Sasha puppy dog eyes that would get him what he wanted every time.

They all sang to him and he blew out a candle on a cupcake. Sasha nodded. Tommy took a cake and started to demolish the treat. Cassi wasn’t sure how much went in his mouth, considering the blue icing was all over his face by the time he was finished.

Audrey picked up one of the offered cupcakes. “I think you could sell this array of food you have provided as a gourmet picnic. People love it these days if someone else does the work, but it makes them look good. Of course you would need to put bran in them for the oldies at the village.”

Audrey laughed, then closed her eyes and took a bite.

“It sounds like a wonderful idea, but it would need money and we just make enough to cover the rent and food as it is,” Sasha replied, as she started to pack away.

Cassi’s cell phone went again, but she decided not to check it.

As they stood up Sasha whispered, “Who keeps texting you?”

“No one. It’s just some company asking me to update apps or something. I’ll sort it out when we get home.”

What would she do now the moment was here? She really didn’t think he would still want to meet her after the two weeks passed. Could he possibly be as keen as she was?

They continued around the zoo with Tommy enjoying everything, including the ice cream. She was one of those odd people who didn’t like ice cream. Now chocolate, that was something she could never give up. It had been a wonderful day, and Audrey gave them all a hug when they dropped her off at the village. She also gave Tommy a big turtle toy she’d bought at the zoo shop. He promised to draw a picture of it for her. Again, Audrey reminded her of the real grandmother he didn’t know.

Back home, Cassi got Tommy in the bath, but knew he would be in bed early tonight. He was exhausted but would not stop talking about gorillas, rhinos, and turtles. Once he was in his pajamas, she read him two books as he cuddled his new turtle toy. He was asleep before she got to the end of the second story.

When she walked back out to the living room, Sasha poured her a glass of wine. From the look of her friend’s pursed lips, Cassi sensed an interrogation was looming. She also saw her cell was on the counter and hoped it hadn’t gone off again while she was settling Tommy down. She hadn’t sent Declan a message back, mainly because she wasn’t sure what to say. Answering meant taking the next step and she was scared. She picked up her wine and phone and then settled on the couch. Sasha flopped down beside her.

“Okay. Spill the beans.”

“What do you mean?” Cassi bit her bottom lip, not wanting to say anything.

“It’s me, Sasha, you’re talking to. You’ve been getting texts today, and keeping secrets from me as to who they’re from.”

“I told you it was a telephone app thing.”

“Yeah, and my name is Dumbo. I accept things have been quiet the last two weeks, but before that you were preoccupied. Sometimes I’d have to say things three times before you heard me. Plus, I could swear if I didn’t know you were alone in your room, I’d have thought you were talking half the night to somebody, or having sex.”

Cassi choked on her wine she was sipping on and spat it back out. Sasha sat back.

“Oh my God. I’m right. You’ve been sexting someone, or you’ve been having phone sex. I know we need more money, but you haven’t signed up to be one of the women on the other end of the line have you?” Sasha shook her head.

“I can assure you I am not working on a phone-sex line. Though if the money really is that good, I could be tempted.”

“That only answers one of my questions. So are you having phone sex with someone?”

Cassi’s skin heated up from her chest to the top of her head. To be honest, it would be good to get it off her chest. She just needed to work out what to say.

“Okay, I met someone when I went hiking. We were texting each other and maybe we did talk one night.”

“I knew it. When do I get to meet him?” Sasha grinned. “It’s about time you got back in the game.”

“I don’t want to bring any men into Tommy’s life who might just come and go, so I want to keep it separate.”

“So why the silence from him the last two weeks?”

“He was away and I thought it would fizzle out. We met each other once and I thought he would have moved on.”

“Did your hiking trip involve sex?” Sasha said, as she raised an eyebrow.

Cassi had told her this much, so she might as well go the whole hog. “Ah, maybe, yes.” Now she was squirming in her seat.

“You told me you hadn’t had any since you left Steve. So you go from abstinence to a night of sex with a stranger. You used a condom, I hope. If not, I’ll think my nagging has taught you nothing.”

“I did.” The phone pinged again. One way or another, she would have to answer him. Sasha was watching her as she stared at the message.

If you don’t say something soon I’m going to call the FBI to find you.

She handed the phone over. Sasha read the message and laughed. “I’d say this guy is keen. Is he hot?”

“Very, and he seems decent and not some weirdo, which is good for L.A.”

“Call now and arrange to meet him tomorrow. We don’t need to be in work ’til noon Monday, and I can look after pipsqueak.”

Sasha was getting excited, but Cassi was getting more nervous. Her stomach did a flip.

“Look, meet him again, and then decide if you want it to be more. If it doesn’t work out, you get more great sex. I assume it was great sex.” Sasha raised an eyebrow, waiting for an answer.

“It was really great sex.” Cassi went red again.

“Get on the phone, sister.”

Cassi dialed the number and couldn’t stop her hands shaking as it rang. He picked up before it rang twice.

“Cassi. I was starting to think you had disappeared or maybe I’d imagined you.”

Hearing his voice again made her heart skip a beat. “I’m sorry, it was a busy day today with people around me all the time.”

She stuck her tongue out at Sasha, who did the same in reply.

“I’m going to cut to the chase. I still want to meet if you do. If you say back off now and go away, then I will. The ball’s in your court.”

This was the moment. He was giving her a way out. She’d already decided she could manage this somehow. If it started to get difficult for Tommy, she would finish it.

“I want to see you. I can come tomorrow and stay overnight, but I don’t want anyone to know about us.”

“I’ll text you the address of a place we can be alone. I’ll be there from midday tomorrow and wait for you.”

“I’ll be there. I’ve got to go now.”

Her hands shook as she stared at the phone and what she had decided to do. Sasha came and refilled her glass.

“Don’t you spill that wine. You’re shaking like a leaf. You’re really scared, aren’t you?”

Cassi took a big gulp of wine.

“When I left Steve, I swore off men for life with good reason. I’d stayed with him no matter what, thinking I had nowhere to go. The last night, he was so high he was going after Tommy. I ran and came to the only person I know who wouldn’t judge me.”

“You’ve done a great job with the kid and you did the right thing. So what’s freaking you out?”

“I like this guy. We’ve only met once, but talked a lot on the phone, amongst other things, and I could like him. I’m afraid what my being involved with him could mean to Tommy.” She took another gulp of wine and then put the glass down.

“You’re worrying about things that might not happen. Just go and meet him and then work out how you feel.”

She hugged Sasha, but was still not convinced this would work out well. From past experience, she knew her life never did.


She planned to spend the morning working out what she would wear. The problem was that four-year-olds who realize Mom is going somewhere without them, don’t see it as fun. Tommy was usually good, but today he decided was tantrum day. Maybe it was a sugar hangover from the day before. She was not surprised romance was not likely to be a feature of her life. Maybe it was the universe telling her she should call the whole thing off.

Sasha came to the rescue, stating she was going to make modeling dough with him from scratch, and she would not scold if he ate some. Tommy ran off to the kitchen, leaving Cassi to fill her overnight bag. The underwear was a problem. She had seen no reason to buy anything overtly sexy for a long time. Comfort was what she liked. Hopefully the light would be off when he discovered her sensible cotton undies and slightly lacy bra.

She put in a nightie with a cat on the front that said ‘purrfect nights’. Dear God, she was no good at this. There was nothing in her wardrobe, and the skimpy top Sasha offered would have covered only one boob. Her jeans looked good and her ankle boots were trendy enough. The top she decided on was a flowy, blue one that hid any bulges, but dipped at the front to show some cleavage. She threw in her swimsuit, some sandals, and a dress. It wrapped around and showed off her waist, and there was a split at the front to show a bit of leg when she sat down. It was eleven o’clock and it was at least an hour drive to Zuma Beach.

She walked out to the kitchen and found Tommy having fun. She went across and gave him a hug.

“Now, be a good boy for Sasha, and Mommy will be home tomorrow.”

“I’ll make a turtle out of dough, and cook it and paint it for you, Mom.”

“I’d love that and I’ll think of a name for it while I’m away.”

An hour later, she got closer to her destination. She thought she would have been excited, but she wanted to throw up. This was not going well. All of the sudden, it seemed a big mistake. Well, not all of the sudden. This had been a mistake from the beginning, but he was so lovely, and she didn’t want it to stop. She pulled over on the side of the road and sat on a bench looking out over the ocean. Taking in large gasps of air, Cassi started to calm down as she watched the waves crash on the shore. She couldn’t do this. She would go home and send him a message. Her phone rang.

“You okay, or are you lost? I can come and find you or send a search party if required.”

His voice as always charmed her. “I’m getting cold feet. Maybe this isn’t such a good idea.”

“I guessed you’d be thinking that. Come to the house and have a cold drink on the deck. We can just talk, and if you want to leave, that’s fine. Just think of it as two friends having a chat.”

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