If I'd Only Known (Milan Women Series Book 1) (45 page)

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Barrington and Perri said at once.

so really, Barrington, what choice did I have to make? As far as I was
concerned it was not even a question. I knew I wanted to raise my daughter as
what I considered to be right in my sight. To raise her right I had to do it
God’s way. To do it God’s way I had to say no way to the worlds' ways. I had to
stay on the straight and narrow path if I wanted to be pleasing in God’s
sight—and I definitely knew I did want to. For me personally, that meant
dancing for the Lord if indeed I were going to continue dancing. So the first
thing I did was pray about it. Then I had to wait on God to reveal to me His
plan for my life, and it wasn’t an easy wait either, but it was definitely
worth the wait; that much I’m sure of.”

you were.” Barrington wrapped his arms around his wife’s waist, pulling her
back against his chest. “But I would have taken you as you were.” He kissed her
shoulder blade.

she teased him back, “And you did.”

of the best decisions I ever made, too,” he bragged.

you got an even bigger one to make.”

I do.” He kissed the top of her head. “Thanks for listening to me, baby.”

a problem, my love. I’m always here for you. Remember that.”

will,” he promised. “So, what does your schedule look like today?” he asked to
change the subject. Not to downplay what he’d said, but he was still confused
as to what God wanted him to do about his music career, and frankly, he just
didn’t want to put any more time into thinking about it right now. He would
pray about it and then leave it in the Lord's hands, trusting He'd guide and
lead him in the right direction. Barrington felt sure he'd know what to do
exactly when he needed to know. Until then he'd just keep building his faith




the wee hours of the morning, Barrington woke up, and didn't hesitate to wake
Perri, too.

her eyes, Perri slowly smiled as she watched her husband through sleepy eyes.
“G-Man, you can't honestly still be horny; I filled you up good.”

laughed out loud, kissing her forehead. “Yes, baby, you did. But it's funny you
should say that.” He grinned. “I know what God wants me to do.”

sat halfway up, leaning on one elbow as she peered into her husband's beautiful
yellow-green eyes now dancing with delight. “What, baby boy?”

don't have to stop singing; I just need to change the source I'm singing for.”
Seeing the confusion in Perri's face, Barrington explained, “Baby, the music
field is full of songs about being in love and the majority are from the
secular field. But you only have a handful, if any that sing about being in
love from a Christian standpoint.”

nodded. “Okay. I'm with you so far.”

line, Perri: Christian couples have sex because they need love, too.

burst into laughter. “This is true. Go on.”

the truth is, as much as I love Gospel music, I can't get busy to This Is The

covered her face, laughing her head off.

pulled her hands from her face. “I'm serious, baby.”

nodded. “I know you are.” She laughed. “It's still funny to hear you say it.”

and that's part of the problem. Christians, most of them, are closed mouthed
about sex, when it's the most natural thing in the world—between a husband and
wife, that is.” He grinned at Perri. “See, baby, I have been listening to the
sermons in church and reading my Bible faithfully since I got saved.”

know, Barrington. I'm proud of you, by the way.” She kissed his cheek.

my prime example.”


point I'm trying to make.”


peck on the cheek you just gave me.”

about it?”

that wasn't nothing but a little tease.”


heard me, Perri. Baby, all that did was make me want you more. I mean, I really
wanna make love to you right now. Point is while a woman has to 'get in the
mood' a man is always ready to make love to his woman. Look, baby . . .”

eyes followed Barrington's and, sure enough, she saw that his manhood was
standing straight up, commanding her attention. She looked back at him.
“Believe me, G-Man, I see your point.”


so you understand that just because a man changes masters, he's still a man.
And a man is a man is a man all day long. Perri, whether a man is a Christian
or not, he still wants to get his freak on with his wife,” Barrington said,

doubled over in laughter and Barrington laughed with her.

laughing, baby, but I'm serious as can be.”

know, Barrington.” She scooted closer to him. “So what are you gonna do?”

or after I get my freak on with you?”

laughed, playfully slapping his shoulder. “I'm serious, baby boy.”

am I?” he assured her. “Before or after I get my freak on with you?”


going to create love songs so that married couples can get their freak on.” He
shrugged. “And because it will be anointed, Christian couples won't feel guilty
about making lyrical love using it as the backdrop to get their freak on, too.
Because Paul himself said it best when he declared the marriage bed is
undefiled. To me personally, that means God isn’t mad at his little sons for
desiring a wife with FP.”

Perri crinkled her brows. “Barrington, what does that mean?”

means that even though a man gets saved and starts living his life for God, the
truth is that same sinner-turned Christian man still wants and desires a wife
with 'freak potential' and, baby, that's on the for real tip. So since God
already knows everything there is to know about mankind, really there's no need
for men and women to keep their desires on the DL.”

Lord knows, Barrington, you not on the down low about anything.”

I don't mind going down low on you, baby. And you know this.”

laughed. “Yes, G-Man,” she agreed. Perri climbed on top of her man. “Care to
give me a sneak preview of those anointed love songs you gonna create for Christian
couples to get their freak on with?” She moved seductively over him. “After
all, we are married and all, so I mean, our bed is undefiled.”

don’t have to beg me, I'm always ready to freak you, baby.”

Barrington sang the lyrical song of his heart to Perri, his mouth met and
devoured hers. From there, up, down, inside and out, Barrington did freak

tore her mouth from his long enough to whisper, “Hit me, Barry.” And being a
married woman very much in love with her husband, Perri made sure she freaked
Barrington, too, right into the break of dawn.



years later


on, sweet Perri, one last push. I see the head. You can do it, baby.”

felt her vagina rip as she pushed her baby through.

kissed her forehead with tears in his eyes. “You did it, baby.”

was still panting and breathing like she'd just run a three hundred mile
marathon, only instead of a blue ribbon, she had a set of newborn twins to show
for all her hard labor of love. “I wanna see them.” She smiled and laughed
through her tears. “Let me see them,” she ordered. When the nurse placed both
babies' on her belly, Perri cried, rubbing each one of their backs. “Thank You,
sweet Jesus. Oh, my beautiful babies', Mommy and Daddy love you so much.”

kissed the back of their heads which were both full of curly jet light brown
hair. “Welcome to the Knight family, my sweet babies.” He watched his wife. “Perri,
one has yellow-green eyes and the other has chocolate brown eyes. Any idea what
we're gonna name them?”

Perri announced, “Noah Barrington and Sloan Perri.”

picked up Sloan as Perri held Noah.

until Jordy and Imani see you guys,” Perri told their baby loves.

you, baby for being the mother of all my children,” Barrington kissed her lips.
“I love you, sweet Perri.”

welcome, G-Man.” Perri kissed him back. “And I love you more, baby boy.”



From The Author



Thank each and every one who took a chance on purchasing my
first published novel, I appreciate it and you!

I hope you enjoyed reading If I’d Only Known (Milan Women
Series)! I have been writing since 1998. I wrote this book in 2002. Barrington
and Perri’s story has lived in my heart and mind for a long time; it is a labor
of my love, as all of my stories are, because as crazy as this makes me sound,
my writing is my baby and my characters are my family and I love each and every
one of them. Lol. That may have sounded cheesy but it’s the honest to goodness

At any rate, thank you for allowing me to share Perri and
Barrington’s story with you, and for taking time out of your schedule to read
it. If you have a free moment and would like to post a review at Amazon, I
thank you in advance and I would greatly appreciate it, as it will help me to
train in on how I can make my upcoming novels an enjoyable read for you.

God bless you all!

Love ~ C.A. Johnson

P.S. I have several more Interracial Romances under my belt
to be released soon! Please feel free to be on the lookout for the following
novels (not necessarily in this order) in the upcoming months ahead:

Choices (Savoy  Brothers Series)

Chosen Gifts

Crucifixion of the Heart

Deck’s Long Haul (Savoy Brothers Series)

Love Collected Journey Along the Way (This one is Crush and
Journey’s Love Story)

Shameless Attraction

The Music of My Heart

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