If You Only Knew (Harper Falls Book 3) (25 page)

BOOK: If You Only Knew (Harper Falls Book 3)
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Drew stood back, waiting for Tyler’s reaction. He wanted her
to love the house as much as he did. He wanted her to see the details, the
little touches. This was her house as much as his. Dreamed of as teenagers.
Laughing over silly details, pounding out minor disagreements.

What if her tastes had changed? What if she didn’t want a
bank of windows in the front of the house to catch the morning sunlight? What

“I can’t believe you remembered the oversized kitchen
island.” Tyler ran a hand over the smooth, black granite shot with lines
of sparkling bronze.

“What do you think of the cupboards?”

“The color is perfect.”

A warm oak, they went all the way to the ceiling. Tyler
hated that open space that would get dirty and greasy. She cleaned the area
often enough in her mother’s kitchen to know she didn’t want that in her own.

Perfect. How else could she describe everything from the
hardwood floors to the non-window treatments?

“Hidden blinds? Just like at my place.”

“I wondered if you still had an aversion to

“They get dirty,” Tyler shrugged.

Tyler loved every inch of the place. It wasn’t exactly as
she had pictured her dream house. For some reason when she was seventeen, she
thought a purple couch and matching accent wall would be the height of chic.
Thank goodness Drew hadn’t agreed. Then or now.

Drew had the time of his life watching Tyler explore. This
was how he pictured it when he was alone in this big house. It always felt a
little lonely, a little empty. He would buy new things to fill the spaces. He
knew what was missing. The one thing his money couldn’t get him. Tyler.

“I can’t believe you did this, Drew.”

Tyler sat down on a big, overstuffed chair that was the
perfect shade of sea foam. Actually, she sank in more that sat. Again, perfect.

“Is it too much? Too weird?”

Scooting over, Tyler patted the cushion, inviting him to
join her. She snuggled close, breathing in his scent.

“This is how I would picture us. I never dreamed…”


“You remembered it all.”

He thought about the framed drawing in his office. He hated
to move. The perfect place, the perfect moment. The perfect woman.

“I want to show you something.”

Taking her hand, he led Tyler out of the room and down a
wide, well-lit hallway.

“Pale lavender,” Tyler whispered when she saw the
walls. “I thought you said the color wasn’t manly enough.”

“I guess my definition of manly has changed.”

Of all the things he could have said, for some reason
made her heart go zing.

Drew opened the double doors at the end of the hall, a dim
light turning on when they entered.

“Motion sensitive?”

“Mmm, I hate walking into a dark room.”

“Still have that zombie phobia?”

“They eat a person’s brains, Ty. That is nothing to
laugh at.”

Tyler was about to disagree when her eyes fell on the wall
behind his desk.

“Oh, Drew. You saved it.”

Her hand lifted then fell back to her side. It was the
drawing she made of the outside of this very house. Meticulous in detail, and
done on a thirty-six inch square of the finest quality paper Tyler could afford
at the time. She spent hours with her colored pencils, getting every line just
right. Even the landscaping was there. She researched how each plant would look
and then she did her own interpretation. It was to be her gift to him on the
day he graduated from high school.

Instead, it ended up a crumpled ball thrown at his feet. He
broke her heart; she destroyed their dream house. At the time, it seemed so
symbolic. She looked closer. Creases, small but definite could still be seen.
the original.


“A lady who worked for my mother ironed it out as well
as she could. Then I rolled it up and kept it until I…” Drew sighed.
“I didn’t look at it again until I was planning this place. Too painful, I

Tyler held out her hand, needing the connection.

“You got it just right, Drew.”

They stood for a few moments, in silence looking at a piece
of their past.

“Pretty clever for a couple of kids.”

Tyler laughed, putting her head on his shoulder.

“We were always a little ahead of the curve. I
sometimes wonder if I wouldn’t have been better off staying a kid a little

“I know what you mean. I always wanted out; you were
the same. You can’t plan your escape and stay a child. Not if you really want

“We never would have met.”

“Do you…” Drew swallowed. It hurt to even think
the words he needed to ask.

“No regrets, Drew.”

“Come on.”

Tyler understood the doubt she heard in his voice.

“Don’t get me wrong. I have cursed you so many times.
I’m surprised you still have your balls or your dick.”

“Pictured chopping them off?” Drew winced at the

“Mostly they shriveled up, leaving nothing but tiny
little, dried nubbins. Useless and pretty hilarious.”

“Normally I’m a big fan of that inventive mind of
yours. This time I’ll take a pass.”

“My point is. I wouldn’t change a moment of the time we
had. The way it ended? Yes, of course. But not anything before.”

“Thank you, Ty. That means the world to hear you say

“Show me the pool.”

“Ty.” Drew shook his head, a little smile on his

“I know. I pushed you to tell me. I gave you grief
because you wouldn’t. Now I’m stopping you.” She sighed. “This feels
so good, Drew. I don’t want it to end, not yet.”

Drew understood. If he could, he would wrap them up in
cotton, preserving this moment, insulating them from the rest of the world. A
lovely thought, one that was utterly unrealistic.

“Ty,” Drew sat on the edge of his desk drawing her
between his legs. He touched her cheek tenderly. “Right now, we are
standing on silt. Our foundation is shaky. Once everything is out in the open,
we can move to bedrock. Like this house — built to last.”

“Or we can watch it all crumble. The break has been
healing, Drew. This could shatter it irrevocably.”

“Only if we let it.” Drew’s eyes met hers.
“I’ve been living in limbo, Ty. If I tell you why I left, that’s it. End
of story. Either you forgive me or you don’t. For too long I’ve been afraid of
the answer.”

“Not anymore?”

“A little. The difference is, now I know there’s still
something there to fight for. The past few days have shown me that. And I will
fight, Ty.”

“No walking away this time?”

Drew shook his head. “Neither of us knows how you’ll
react to what I’m going to tell you. You might get up and leave. You might tell
me you never want to see me again.”

He stopped her before she could protest.

“You don’t know, Ty.”

Tyler opened her mouth then closed it without speaking. He
was right. She couldn’t anticipate her reaction.

“Hey, don’t be sad.”

“Aren’t you?”

“Look where we are, Ty. A month ago, even a week, could
you imagine standing here? I dreamed of this a million times, never believing I
could have it. Now that I do, I’m not letting go ever again. Be prepared to
have me in your life, Tyler Jones. This right here?” He pulled her close,
kissing her with everything he had. “
is the new norm.”

A little breathless, Tyler laughed. It was such a happy
sound, filling the room.
, Drew swore to himself, he was never going
back to a Tyler-less world.

“Tonight, we put the past behind us.”

“Agreed,” Tyler nodded. “One thing


“I’m not stalling, I promise.”

“Okay, one thing.”

“Take me to your bedroom. Make love with me. Slowly.
Like we have all the time in the world.”

Without a word, Drew took Tyler by the hand. He led her out
of the office, back down the hall, and up the long curving staircase. She
didn’t take the time to notice the details. She already knew them all by heart.
Right now, she was focused on the man in front of her. Her world had narrowed
to him. Anything else could wait a little while longer.

Drew guided her into the large open room. More glass,
another amazing view. The morning sun would wake the occupants. That had been a
minor bone of contention. He liked the early morning. Tyler wasn’t a fan. As
she recalled, they never settled that dispute.

Hearing Tyler’s chuckle, Drew turned. “What?”

She pointed towards the windows.

Realizing what she meant, Drew laughed. “There are
other bedrooms.”

Walking around, Tyler took in the clean lines of the
furniture. Not matchy-matchy. Pieces that complimented, not parts of a set. The
walls painted the color of rich cream. Neutral yet warm. He had chosen a bed
that in a pinch could probably sleep six average adults. You could get lost in
a bed like that. Or with the right person, be very, very comfortable.

“How many other bedrooms?”

“You know.”

Four. Room for company. Room to grow.

Tyler ran her hand over the soft hunter green quilt. Dark
colors on the bed in the fall and winter. She wondered if he had bedding in
spring colors for when the weather turned warm again.

“I like this.” She said. “Maybe I’m a morning
person after all.”

“Over the years, I’ve found late nights to have a
certain appeal.”

Compromise. A little of this, a little of that. Like
designing a house. Or building a future.

“You’re wearing too many clothes.”

“Funny.” Drew pulled his shirt over his head then
started to unbutton his jeans. “I was thinking the same thing about

Keeping her eyes on the show, Tyler toed off her shoes. That
was as far as she got. Before she could blink, Drew was naked. Tall, muscular.
Hard. She couldn’t think, or move.

“You’ve fallen behind.”

Behind? Yes, he had a beautiful one.

“Lift your arms, honey.”

Automatically, she did as he asked.

“There you go. Now step out of your pants. Very
nice.” He whistled. “Very nice indeed. I wholeheartedly approve. The
color of that lace matches your eyes.”

Tyler sucked in her breath as Drew ran a finger down her
chest to the edge of her bra.

“I really like that you don’t go for any of that stupid
padding. When I do this,” he cupped her breast, “all I feel is you. A
perfect fit.”

Tyler’s head rolled to the side, her mouth parted on a
silent moan. No one could touch like Drew. A few brief caresses and heat ran
through her veins.

“I need a taste.”

Happy to oblige, she lifted her mouth in anticipation. This
time her moan filled her ears. Not her mouth. Drew feasted on the tip of her
breast. He pulled on her nipple, biting. It sent a shot of pleasure to her
center that had her knees buckling.

“Got ya.”

Drew caught her before she collapsed, easing her back onto
the bed. His big, strong body hovered over her for just a moment while he
admired how she looked. Finally, he had her in his bed. The long nights
fantasizing, convinced this would never become a reality. She wanted it slow?
Good. After so long, he was in no mood to rush.

“They are too nice to rip.” Drew lightly caressed
the skin above her panties. “Lift your hips, honey. That’s right. Damn.
And I thought all that lace was pretty.”

He slid down to the floor spreading her legs. Starting at
her ankle, Drew kissed a serpentine trail up her leg. Every inch of skin needed
to be explored. His mouth worshiped, his tongue tasted.


“Hmm?” Tyler’s question was vague. Somewhere
between his journey from her foot to her knee, her brain had turned a lovely,
sex-hazed mush.

“You.” His tongue bathed the tender skin behind
her knee. “Sweet. I don’t know how but you taste even better than I

Tyler almost came off the bed when his teeth nibbled the
spot. When had that become an erogenous zone?

“I don’t recall you ever doing that before.”

“I’ve had a few years to study.”

“Not the best time to bring up other women.”

“Books,” he reassured her, his mouth continuing
its journey. “Long, lonely hours at the library.”

Tyler’s laugh turned into another moan, this one longer,

“If you learned that from a book, I’m calling Lila to
have her send the author flowers.”

Drew lifted his head just long enough to look into her eyes.
What she saw took her breath away.

“Get ready to buy out the store.”

What he did next could not have come from a book. This he
had to practice because he did it to perfection.

Drew slowly kissed his way up her thigh. Firm yet so soft
under his lips. The scent of her arousal was a heady perfume filling his
senses, making his head spin.

He reveled in taking his time. He didn’t have to keep an eye
on the clock or worry about someone finding out. They were free to spend all
night together. All week if they chose. The knowledge was a heady aphrodisiac
adding to his already raging libido.

“I loved doing this to you.” He went in for his
first taste. His tongue taking a long, slow swipe between her open legs.

“I loved when you did it.”

Drew smiled at the catch in her whispered words. He did that
to her. He caused that catch in her breath, that moan, that sigh. Knowing he could
do that to her made him feel ten feet tall.

“I had no idea what I was doing. You were the first. I
never wanted to do it until you.”

How could she want to laugh, cry, and scream out in pleasure
all at once? Drew was making her crazy — in a very good way.

“You didn’t come the first time.” He tasted again.
“Or the second.” And again.

Tyler’s fingers slipped through Drew’s hair until she
gripped his head, pulling him closer. She needed him to stop teasing. She was
so close.

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