If You Were Here (31 page)

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Authors: Alafair Burke

BOOK: If You Were Here
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Ten years ago, I published my first novel with the enthusiastic support of a smart and perceptive editor named Jennifer Barth. Hitching my wagon to hers was the best non-marital decision I have ever made. She makes every book better. Thanks to her, I now also have the tremendous support of an extremely talented crew at HarperCollins: Amy Baker, Erica Barmash, Jonathan Burnham, Heather Drucker, Mark Ferguson, Michael Morrison, Katie O’Callaghan, Kathy Schneider, Leah Wasielewski, David Watson, and Lydia Weaver.

I always struggle for words to thank my tireless agent, Philip Spitzer. He is the most loyal champion a writer could ask for. His colleagues Lukas Ortiz and Lucas Hunt round out the team. And, together with his wife, Mary, he has made his agency feel like our second home.

We also had a temporary third home this year, thanks to a storm called Sandy. Thank you, Linda and Mike, for taking us in.

Thanks as well to retired NYPD Sergeant Edward Devlin, NYPD Sergeant Lucas Miller, UC Davis law professor Rose Cuison-Villazor, and Gary Moore for answering questions along the way. Thank you to Anne-Lise Spitzer, Richard Rhorer, and Ruth Liebmann for being good friends who know a ton about publishing. And thank you to my author-friends whose work not only inspires me but sometimes makes cameo appearances in mine, like Easter eggs, to be found by the careful reader. (For this novel, those eggs come courtesy of H.C., L.C., and K.S. Did you spot them all?)

You may recognize some familiar real-life names in this novel, too. One of my beloved former students donated generously to Hofstra Law School’s Public Justice Foundation to have a character named for her mother, Mae Mauri. McKenna Jordan, owner of Houston’s wonderful Murder by the Book, agreed to let me use her name, because not any name would do for this particular protagonist, a fictionalized me married to my fictionalized husband.

(If reading the story behind the story is too much like knowing how sausage is made, skip the next three paragraphs.) My husband and I met despite completely non-overlapping paths to New York City. I attended a tiny hippie college in the Pacific Northwest before working as a prosecutor and then turning to teaching and writing. My husband went to West Point and served in the army before taking up security management at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Had we not met online, we might never have met at all. No shared job. No shared friends. No shared past.

In real life, that lack of common history made it fun to get to know each other from true scratch. But as a writer, I have always wanted to find a way to mine the potential for secrecy in a relationship where either party could be lying about the past. How much do we each really know about the lives the other led before we built one together? What events and people have we chosen to filter from the present?

I also felt ready to write about the post–West Point and private security cultures that I’ve been privileged to learn about second-hand during my marriage. The end product is fiction, which means you won’t find details on Google about most of the specific programs mentioned in the novel. However, I hope I’ve done justice to the cultures, institutions, and time periods depicted.

Given the backstory, I’ve never been so nervous to have my husband read a manuscript. In some ways, this is probably the most personal book I’ve written. It also, even more than the others, belongs to Sean. Thanks, mister.

A Note to Readers

I get sad every time I hear a person say, “I don’t read.” It’s like saying “I don’t learn,” or “I don’t laugh,” or “I don’t live.”

I am lucky to have found readers who prove that books make you smarter, funnier, and livelier than the other bears. Writing is solitary work, but I am not a solitary creature. Getting to know readers has been an unexpected perk of publishing. Although I’ve met some of you personally at libraries and bookstores, I’m thankful that the Internet has made it possible for us to meet on my website, Facebook, and Twitter. I am truly thankful for the ongoing support, and always enjoy hearing from you.

Some of you have gone the extra mile and serve as an online “kitchen cabinet,” weighing in on choices like character names, titles, and the funny noises kids make when they think no one is listening. You’ve driven long distances to serve as unofficial photographers and friendly questioners at author events. Your word of mouth support is better than any publicity machine.

Though I’m sure I’ll have some omissions, I can at least try to thank you by name: Adele Sylvester, Alan Williams, Alana Kinney Amaro, Alice Wright, Allen Young, Allison Freige, Allison Russell Smith, Amanda Richards, Amber Alling, Amber Scott Guerrero, Amy Fleer, Amy Hammer, Amy Nagdeman, Amy Turner DeSelle, Amy Williams, Amy Wolf, Andrea Napier, Andrea Stacy Kirk, Andrea Wichterich, Andrew Kleeger, Andrew Morrison, Andrew T. Kuligowski, Andy Gilham, Andy P Barker, Angie Burton, Angie Thomas-Davis, Ann Abel, Ann Flynt, Ann Hyman, Ann Rousseau Weiss, Ann Smith, Ann Springer Shaffer, Ann Tully, Ann Zerega, Anna Tauzin, Anne Allen, Anne Madison, Anne Mowat, Anne Ward, Annie Goodson Frye, Annie Noll McAvoy, Anya Rhamnusia Gullino, April Smith, Archie Hoffpauir, Arllys Brooks, Art Battiste, Audrey Pink, Barb Bradley Juarez, Barb Finnigan, Barb Kearns, Barb Lancaster, Barb Mullen Gasparac, Barbara Bogue, Barbara Detwiler, Barbara Dux Mullally, Barbara Franklin, Barbara Jarvie Castiglia, Barbara McPherson, Barbara O’Neal, Barbara Rosenbloom Howell, Barbedet Philippe, Barry Allen, Barry Bruss, Barry Knight, Barry Nisman, Basil Tydings, Baxter Legere, Bea Wiggin, Becky Decker, Becky Prater Sullivan, Becky Rathke, Ben Small, Bernard Payn, Bert Walker, Beth Rudetsky, Bethany L.B., Betsy Steele Gray, Bettie Kieffer, Betty Vaughan, Beverly Bryan, Bill Amador, Bill Botzong, Bill Cheney, Bill Hopkins, Bill Horn, Bill Lee, Bill Reiser, Bill Strider, Bill Taylor, Bill Tipping, Billy Paul Craig, B.J. Van Nix, Bob Blackley, Bob Briggs, Bob Dunbar, Bob Fontneau, Bob Horton, Bob Marquez, Bob Rudolph, Bonnie K. Winn, Bonnie Spears, Bonny Carey Sadler, Brantley Watkins, Brenda Curin, Brenda German, Brenda K. Gunter, Brenda LeSage, Brian Corbishley, Brian Fingerson, Brian Highley, Brian Rosenwald, Brian Shrader, Bridget Munger, Bruce DeSilva, Bruce Southworth, Bud Palmer, Bunkie Burke Rivkin, C. Michael Bailey, Cal Thompson, Carl Christensen, Carl Fenstermacher, Carla Coffman, Carmen E. Padilla, Carol Bennett Mason, Carol Clark, Carol Johnsen, Carol M. Boyer, Carol Mcdonnell, Carol O’Gorman, Carole Farrar, Carole M. Sauer, Carole Schultz, Carolgene Bishop Cottle, Caroline Garrett, Carolyn G. Manuel, Carolyn Richmond Parker, Carolyn Schriber, Caron Legowicz Kott, Carrie Brady Lint, Carrie Dunham-LaGree, Cassie Ane, Catherine McDonald Patterson, Cathy Peck, Cele Deemer, Celeste Libert Mooney, Chantelle Aimée Osman, Charlene Wigington Hulker, Charlie Armstrong, Charlie Burton, Charlotte Creeley, Charlotte Marchand, Charnell Inglis Sommers, Cheri Gould, Cheri Hamlett, Cheri Land, Cheryl Boyd, Cheryl Thompson, Cheryle Meyer Stadler, Chris Austin, Chris Cooper Cahall, Chris Costelloe, Chris Denicola, Chris Hamilton, Chris Holcombe, Chris Knake, Chris La Porte, Chris Martone, Chris Morrison Dougherty, Chris Schuller, Christa D. Paulsen, Christine Jewitt, Christine McCann, Christine Sublett, Christopher Kingsley, Christopher Zell, Christy Schroeder, Chuck Bracken, Chuck Palmer, Chuck Provonchee, Chuck Stone, Cindy Current Griffin, Cindy Spring, Cindy Wexler, Cindy Whitson, Clair Leadbeater, Claire Marie Gudaitis, Clare Kelly, Clarence Davis, Claudia Meadows, Clinton Reed, Connie Camerlynck, Connie Havard Ryland, Connie Meyer, Connie Ross Ciampanelli, Connie Williams Claus, Courtney Clark, Craig Todd, Crystal Haynes Zeman, Crystal Smith Hunter, Cyndie Lamb, Cynthia Diane Gardner Marsh, Cynthia Dieterich Mooney, Cynthia Poley Parran, Dale Glenn, Damon Reynolds, Dana Lynne Johnson, Danielle Emrich, Danielle Holley-Walker, Dannii Abram, Danny Nichols, Danny Prichard, Daphne Anne Humphrey, Darren Eskind, Darryl Johnson, Daryl McGrath, Daryl Perch, Dave Bowen, Dave Densmore, Dave Hall, Dave Kinnamon, David Barnes, David Bates, David Bell, David Bolander, David Cloud, David Dobson, David Greensmith, David Hale Smith, David McMahan, David Michael Lallatin, David Miller, David P. Watson, David Stine, Dawn M. Barclay, Dawn Miller, Dean James, Deana Fruth, Deb Gravette Threadgill, Deb Sturgess, Debbie Clark Trolsen, Debbie Hartley Holladay, Debbie Hoaglin, Debbie Prude, Debbie Rati, Debbie Stier, Debi Durst, Debi Kershaw, Debi Landry, Debi Murray, Debi Sussman, Deborah Sampson, Debra Eisert, Debra Manzella, Deda Notions, Dede McManus, Dee Hamilton-Worsham, Denise Berger, Denise Sargent, Denise Shoup Andersen, Dennis Kerr, Dennis Mullally, Dennis Raders, Desney King, Diana Bosley, Diana Hurwitz, Diana Keenan, Diana Rossbach, Diane Brown, Diane DeArmond, Diane Donceel McDonald, Diane Griffiths, Diane Hilton, Diane Howell-Arp, Diane Lowery Polk, Diane Muscoreil, Diane Sholar, Diane Warrener, Dick Droese, Doc Nyto, Dolores Melton, Don Boynton, Don Lee, Don Nations, Donna Cox Trattar, Donna McNeal Sannicandro, Donna Reed Enders, Doug Kueffler, Dru Ann L. Love, Dudley Forster, Durella Jones, Dustin Epps, Ed Caldwell, Ed Lopez, Edgar Poe, Edward Foster, Eileen Brennan Locher, El Jackson, Elaine Meehan, Elbre E. Hickerson, Elda Zenn, Elena Shapiro Wayne, Elizabeth Julia, Elizabeth Larson, Elizabeth Salisbury Anderson, Elizabeth Sheppard Cross, Elizabeth Womack, Ellen Blasi, Ellen Montroy Doe, Ellen Sattler Harpin, Ellen Wills Bailey, Ellis Vidler, Elyse Dinh, Emin Guseynov, Emmy Lunatic, Eric Dobson, Erin Alford, Erin Mitchell, Erin Sweet-Al Mehairi, Etienne Vincent, Evelyn Lavelle, Faye DeBlanc, Forrest Croce, Fran Burget, Francena Parthemore, Frank Guillouard, Fred Emerson, Fred Feaster, Fred Hobba Middle, Fred Littell, Fred Pat Heacock, Fred Vinson, Freida D Jensen, Gail Patrie, Garnett Wallace, Garry Puffer, Gary Moore, Gary Morton, Gaye Matravers, Gayle Carline, Gayle Perren Haider, Gene Ruppe, Genevieve Skorst, Geoff Moffatt, George Bennett, George Cunningham, George Reid, Georgia Whitney, Georgie Goetz, Geraldine L. Allen, Gerry Binga, Gilbert King, Glen Manry, Glenda Voelmeck, Glenn Eisenstein, Gloria Haynes, Gloria Ketcher, Gregory S. Hammer, Greta Roussos Cosby, Gretchen Gfeller, Guy Tucker, Hailey Ellen Fish, Hap Louisell, Hayden Wakeling, Heather Bowden, Heather Giles Linhart, Heather Owens Watson, Heidi Moawad, Helen Carlsson, Helen Cox, Helen Perkins, Hilary Garrett, Howard Mills, Hsin Pai, Ike Reeder, Ilene Ratcheson Ciccone, Ilene Renee Bieleski, Inga Lucans, Irene Biggins, Irwin Shaab, Jackie D’Inzillo, Jackie Denney, Jackie Schmidt Welcel, Jackiesue Roycroft Denney, Jacqo Le Bourhis, Jacqueline L. Larson, Jacqueline May, Jame A. Riley, James Amerson, James Brown, James E. Barkley, James Merideth, James R. Bradbrook, Jamie Knight, Jan Wilberg, Jana Johnson, Jane Baker Fryburg, Jane Wise Shear, Janet Brockel, Janet Lindh, Janet McClure Hammond, Janice Gable Bashman, Janie McCue Lynch, Janine Grondin Brennan, Jann Sherman-Lassman, Jay Drescher, Jean Bleyle, Jean Mirabile, Jean Spurvey, Jean-Marc Le Faou, Jeana Burke, Jeane Anderson, Jeanine Elizalde, Jeanne Adcox Lockett, Jeanne King Hendrickson, Jeanne Lese, Jeb McIntyre, Jeff Bettis, Jeff Nowland, Jen Forbus (yep, that detective is you!), Jen Hansen, Jen Mullins Keane, Jenet Lynn Dechary, Jennifer Abelson Whitney, Jennifer B. Jacobs, Jennifer Barney, Jennifer Ellis Lindel, Jennifer Hudson, Jennifer Irvin, Jennifer Kyles, Jennifer L. Irvin, Jennifer Ledbetter, Jennifer Little Beck, Jennifer Mueller, Jennifer Murtha Kountz, Jerrica Furlong, Jerry Hooten, Jerry McCoy, Jill D’Alessio, Jill Fletcher, Jill Porter Connell, Jim Boylan, Jim Cox, Jim Lewis, Jim Mccarthy, Jim Snell, Jimbob Niven, Jimmie Montoya-Treadway, Jo Ann Nicholas, Jo Boxall, Jo Scott-Petty, Jo Trotter, Joan Hersch Schwartz, Joan Long, Joan Lumb, Joan Moore Raffety, Joan Nichols Green, JoAnn Shapiro, Joanne Benzenhafer, Joanne Comper, Joanne Kaplan, Joanne Rembac Warren, JoAnne Rosenfeld, Joe Carter, Joe Shine, JoeAnn Bruzzo, Joey Mestrow, John and Sheryl Wetmore, John Bednarz, John Buckner, John Chester, John Decker, John Elder, John F. Armstrong, John Hanley, John Jones, John K. Peterson, John Karwacki, John Ketch, John Lindermuth, John Mcdaid, John Moore, John P. Eperjesi, John Paul Farris, John Schinelli, John Thomas Bychowski, Johnny Johnson, Jolene Schlichter, Jon Schuller, Jordan Foster, Jordana Leigh, Josh Lamborn, Josh Tennille Gimm, J
oyce Joyner, Joyce Marie Martinko, Joyce Wickham, Juaan Prescott Gibbs, Jude Simms, Judi Burke, Judie Warner Morton, Judith McCarrick, Judith Taylor, Judith Williams, Judy Aschenbrand, Judy Bailey, Judy Easley, Judy Gehrig, Judy Glies, Judy Jongsma Bobalik, Judy Lambert Watson, Judy Pike Smith, Judy Waren Bryan, Jules Davies-Conjoice, Jules White, Julie Bower, Julie Ebinger Hilton, Julie Fragale McGonegle, Julie Gerber, Julie Kosmata Elliott, Julie Ryan, Karen Beaulier, Karen Burke Tietz, Karen Hosman, Karen K. Stone, Karen Lavely, Karen M. Crump, Karen McNeel Meharg, Karen Mitchell Klein, Karen Montgomery, Karen Nason Abdulfattah, Karen Richardson, Karen Ross, Karen Wills Johnson, Karin Carlson, Karin Durette, Karina Cascante Zumbado, Karl Binga, Karla Davis Glessner, Kasandra Maidmentt, Kate Wood, Katherine Wheeldon, Kathi Burke, Kathleen Andrews, Kathleen Geiger, Kathleen O’Brien Blair, Kathryn Witwer, Kathy Collings, Kathy Gabrosek Walters, Kathy Goodridge Poulin, Kathy Kiley, Kathy Pagel Carle, Kathy Sammons, Kathy Schmidt, Kathy Tidd, Kathy Vraniak Aldridge, Katie Blackmon, Kaye Wilkinson Barley, Kayla Painter, Kelly A. Gunter, Kelly Ballenger, Ken Koziol, Kenneth Johnson, Kercelia Fletcher, Kerry Souza, Kerstin Marshall, Kestrel Carroll, Kim Baines, Kim Bonnesen, Kim Hector-White, Kim Mehr, Kim Rafelson, Kim Roberts, Kimberley Stephenson, Kimberly Hatfield Deighton, Kristen Howe, Kristi Belcamino, Kristy Knox Taylor, Kylo Switzerland Keen, Lance D. Carlton, Lance McKnight, LaRaine Coy Petersen, Larry Prater, Laura Aranda, Laura Bostick, Laura Piros McCarver, Laura Pop, Laurel Haropulos Bailey, Lauren Nassimi Yaghoubi, Laurence Bolzer, Laurie Stone, Leah Cummins Guinn, Leann Collins, Lee Walton, Leigh Sanders Neely, Len Hill, Lenice Wolowiec Valsecchi, Lenny Ferguson, Les Branson, Letty Cortelyou, Liam Moloney, Lincoln Crisler, Linda Careaga, Linda Connell, Linda Ellis, Linda Flannery, Linda Gilmer, Linda Goetz Greenham, Linda Hammitt-Salmi, Linda Hanno, Linda J. Myatt, Linda Jaros, Linda L. R. Roberts, Linda Maxine Williams, Linda McIntosh, Linda Moore, Linda Napikoski, Linda Quinn, Linda Robertson Feaselman, Lisa Bergagna, Lisa Burke, Lisa Ellis Schugardt, Lisa Fowler, Lisa Keller, Lisa Mason, Lisa Minneci, Lisa Sizemore Poss, Lisa van IJzendoorn, Lisa Wilcox, Liz Patru´s, Liza Kosiadou, Lloyd Woods, Lois Alter Mark, Lois Roberson, Lois Rosenstein Reibach, Lola Troy Fiur, Lori Homayon-jones, Lori Hutcheson Kwapil, Louis Brunet, Louis Dienes, Louise Maughan James, Lovada Marks Williams, Lucy Limb Edmonston, Lyle Aul, Lynda Davis, Lynda Pendley Bennett, Lynelle Russell, Lynn Ashworth Peters, Lynn Christiansen, Lynn Comeau, Lynn Hirshman, Lynn Murray, Lynne Dalton, Lynne M. Lamb, Lynne Victorine, Marc Davey, Margaret Bailey, Margaret Barnum, Margaret Franson Pruter, Margaret Louise Clarke, Margaret Overstreet, Margie Watts Iverson, Margo Underwood, Maria Aurora Riojas Jackson, Maria Lima, Marianne Wysocki, Maricarmen Romero-Vazmina, Marie Horne Jackson, Marilyn Hambrecht, Marilyn Tipton Keyes, Marion Coro, Marion Montgomery, Marion Shaw, Marjie Satten, Marjorie Tucker, Mark Go, Mark Gould, Mark O. Hammontree, Mark Smidt, Marlyn Beebe, Martha Lyons, Martha McConnell Greer, Martha Paley Francescato, Martha Stephenson La Marche, Martin Cook, Martin Treanor, Marty White, Martyn James Lewis, Mary A. King, Mary Asbury, Mary Geary, Mary Hohulin, Mary Jo Peterson Rodriguez, Mary Moylan, Mary Parsons, Mary Phillips, Mary Steck, Mary Stenvall, Mary Thompson Bullock, Maryann Mercer, Marylou Hess, MarySue Carl, Matt Foley, Matthew Jeanmard, Matthew Wallace, Maura O’Dea Stevenson, Maureen Fink, Maureen Howard, Maureen Lennon Kastner, Maureen Liske Stavrou, Maureen O’Connor, Maureen Rice, Maureen Wiley Apfl, Mauricia Sledd Smith, Melanie Sumihiro, Melinda Martin McClung, Melissa Costa, Melissa Mitchell Tate, Melissa Simpson-Keith, Melissa Sutton Gaines, Melissa Twingstrom Tomas, Meredith Blevins, Michael Bok, Michael Charles Woodham, Michael Gallant, Michael Haskins, Michael Honeybear Cotton, Michael Ma, Michael Ridout, Michael Rigby, Michael Sladek, Michael W. Sherer, Michele Corbett, Michele Hendricks, Michele Tollie, Michelle Goad, Michelle Martin, Michelle Pabon Pharr, Michelle Phillips, Michelle Waits, Mick Drwal, Micki Fortenberry Dumke, Mike Burzan, Mike Forehand, Mike Harris, Mike Holbrook, Mike Houston, Mike Neustrom, Mike Newman, Miles Powell, Millie Ann Lowry Buck, Missie Silva, Mitch Smith, Mitt Winstead, Molly Cramer Anderson, Monica Niemi, Mysti Berry, Nancy A. Nash Coleman, Nancy Cullen, Nancy Ethier Carrod, Nancy Gillis Cawley, Nancy M. Hood, Nancy McCready, Nancy Rimel, Nancy Ryberg Key, Nancy W. Cook, Naomi Golden, Naomi Waynee, Natalie Chernow, Nathan Danger Conner, Nelda Elder, Nevin Sanli, Nic Wolff, Nils Kristian Hagen Jr, Nisha Sharma, Oliver Shirran, Otis Wayne Hale, Owen Weston, Pam Bieschke-Sebrell, Pam Hughes, Pamela Cardone, Pamela Dawn Williams Montgomery, Pamela Jarvis, Pamela Kelly, Pamela Melville, Pamela Pescosolido, Pamela Picard, Pat Mays, Pat Neveux, Pat Toups, Pat Winfield, Patricia Blackwell-Cox, Patricia Burns Porter, Patricia Eck, Patricia Hawkins, Patricia Medley, Patrick Kendrick, Patrick Riley, Patsy Green, Patti James Anderlohr, Patti MacDonnell, Patti Neal Blackwood, Patti O’Brien, Patty Hudson, Patty McGuire Moran Kilkenny, Paul Deyo, Paul Hansper-Cowgill, Paul Miro, Paul Renn, Paul Roath, Paul W Stackpole Jr, Paula Daniel Steinbacher, Paula Friedman, Paula Rossetti, Peggy Kincaid, Penny Sansbury, Pepper Goforth, Perry Dugger, Perry Lassiter, Pete Sandberg, Peter Baish, Peter L. Pettinato, Peter Robertson, Peter Spowart, Phil Messina, Philip McClung, Phillis Spike Carbone, Phyllis Browne, R. Bruce Osmanson, Rand Hill, Rebecca Jones Woodbury, Rebecca Roush Aikman, Rebecca S. Autrey, Rebecca Turman, Rebecca Woodbury, Regina McCartt, Reina Schwartz, Renee Collar Sias, Rex Bovee, Rhonda Tate McNamer, Rhonda Thompson, Rich Maxson, Richard Fox, Richard Hurt, Richard Johnson, Richard Sandefur, Rick Miller, Rick Reed, Robert Carotenuto, Robert Carraher, Robert F. Klees, Robert Hartman, Robert J. Scheeler, Robert Ray, Roberta Boe, Robin Hill Sparacio, Robyn Alexander, Robyn Gee, Rodney E. Dodson, Roger Q. Fenn, Roger Vaden, Ron Gilmette, Ron J. Turk, Ron Kaznowski, Ron Kramer, Ron LaBarre, Ronald Clingenpeel, Ronda Smittle Aaron, Rose Quaranta, Rosemary Lindsey, Rosie Richardson, Ruby Martin, Rue Vandenbroucke, Runner Rusty Bostic, Russell Hyland, Russell Meadows, Ruth Mariampolski, Ruth Miller Blackford, Ryan Dorn, Sabine Pilhofer, Sal Towse, Sally Channing, Sally Dorfler, Sam Sattler, Sammi-Rexanne Huskisson-Bonneau, Samuel Perry, Sandra Jean Krna, Sandra Sarr, Sandra Speller, Sandy Cann, Sandy Featherstone Mosley, Sandy Holcombe Olson, Sandy Maines, Sandy Meyer, Sandy Plummer, Sandy Schwinning Hill, Sara Baldwin, Sara Glass Phair, Sara Gremlin, Sara Weiss, Sarah Beckett, Sarah LaPorte Scott, Sarah Pearcy, Sarah R.H., Sarah Tobergta, Sarah Van Zandt, Scott Bristow, Scott Irwin, Sean Neid, Sean Sharpton, Shanna White, Shannon Kenglish, Sharon Brown, Sharon Faith Graves, Sharon Lema Allsworth, Sharon Stewart Walden, Sharon Woods Hopkins, Sheila Arlene Dempsey, Sheila Dawson, Sheila M. Ross, Sheila Sanders Parker, Sheri Carlisle Horton, Sherri Caudill Lewis, Sherri Merkousko, Sherri Young Coats, Sherrie Saint, Sherrie Simmons, Sherrie Whaley Frontz, Sherry Lee, Sheryl Cooper, Sheryl Ditty Hauch, Sheryl J. Dugo, Shirley Anderson Whitely, Shirley Grosor, Shirley Smith Cox Patterson, Simon Cable, Simon Lloyd, Sita Laura, Skip Booth, Skip Crawford, Skye Weber Middle, Sonnie Rix Sullivan, Soules Wanderer, Stacey Oldenburg Robb, Stacy Allen, Stan Finger, Stella Mullis, Stephanie Angulo, Stephanie Doherty Rouleau, Stephanie M. Gleave, Stephanie Smith, Stephanie Stafford Roush, Stephen Burke, Steve Downs, Steve LaVergne, Steve Shreve, Steven Parker, Stuart Spates, Sue Christensen, Sue Cipriani, Sue Hancock, Sue Hollis, Sue McLauchlan Faulkner, Sue Smith Stewart, Sue Stanisich, Susan Collins, Susan Connolly, Susan Cox, Susan Dineen Kritikos, Susan Feibush Braun, Susan Ferris, Susan Hansen Bubb, Susan Jarrett C

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