Ignite Me (A Burning Desire Novel) (11 page)

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I argued, trying to explain myself.

“So you’re not committed to him?”

I shook my head frantically, “Of course I am. I love him
Nana. It’s just too early in our relationship to decide on these sorts of
things, or even talk about them, for that matter.”

The sound of
‘I’m a pilot’
interrupted our conversation, and I raced to my purse to pick
up my phone, all the while thanking whomever saved me from my misery.

“Are you ready?”

Shit, Landon was supposed to pick me up, and I forgot to
call him and tell him about Nana.

“Hi baby, I’m sorry I forgot to call you. Nana is here,
she arrived yesterday, and I went to see her.”

“It’s alright baby; do you want me to ask Jenna to prepare
an overnight bag?”

He could be extremely attentive, and I loved him for it.

“No, just my briefcase. I have everything I need at your

“Yes, you do, and it’s our apartment, now.”

I couldn’t help grinning, “Okay.”

“Where should I pick you up?” He asked.

“The Plaza.”

“I’ll be there in half an hour, see you baby.”

“See you soon.”

I hung up the phone, and walked back to the terrace. Jude
managed to defer the conversation, and talked about my mother’s wedding. It was
an event we were all looking forward to; my mother has officially moved to San
Diego, and I couldn’t be happier about it. Even if San Diego is even further
than the south of France, I feel like she’s closer to me, and even closer to

I missed my brother, and I couldn’t wait to see him next
week, along with the girls. He’s been taken by his job with a new promotion,
and could barely manage more than a five minute conversation over the phone.

“You have your flight booked, right?” I asked Nana.

“Yes, I’ll be leaving Friday at noon. What about you two?”

“I have a domestic flight, round-trip to Miami in the
morning, then Clea and I will be taking an evening flight, since she finishes
work at five.” Jude finished explaining our itinerary while I went to the

The Plaza suite was nothing short of sumptuous, the décor
was as sophisticated, as it was breathtaking. I stepped into the generously
sized bathroom, all-marble in beautiful mosaics and stood in front of the

I took the moment to reflect on the past weekend, and
everything that had happened. Landon and I had our first fight, after the show.
I thought our first fight would be about something less important than an ex
who’s trying to measure herself with me. I fight his domineering ways, and I
think he manages to keep his calm because he has all these rules. We were going
on twenty of them; some of them were my idea, but all the others were his, it
went from the lying to the sex toys, which Mr. Davis strictly forbid me from
using, after stumbling upon the vibrator I purchased the morning he refused to
let me climax.

His words still echoed in the back of my head, repeatedly.
I’m his exception, his ad hoc, and his redemption. I hugged myself, watching my
reflection in the glass. I felt lucky to have him in my life, and moving in
with him would be an opportunity for me to discover what lay beneath the man to
whom I belonged.

A light knock came to the door,

“Baby, are you okay in there?”

It was Landon.

Panic took over, he got upstairs, and he met Nana. Oh my

I raced to the door and unlocked it. He stood in a navy
blue shirt, and linen beige pants. Fresh out of the shower, his hair was
shining under the light.

“How did you get upstairs?” I inquired, looking around for

He smiled tenderly, and held his arms open for me to walk
inside them.

“You’re beautiful when you’re worried.” He spoke against
my temple.

I wrapped my arms around him, “Nana can be excessively
inquisitive, and sometimes inappropriate.”

I said, hoping she didn’t make any comment about the move.

“She is delightful, and she loves you.”

“I know.”

Landon pulled me toward him and cupped his hands onto my
face. He took a long moment, staring deeply into my eyes; I couldn’t tell what
he was thinking, but I had a feeling he was as content as I was. “Please say
it, say it again!” He said to me with a silent beg.

I smiled, looking back at him, “I love you, Mr. Davis.”

His eyes sparkled, his lips curled upward, and then he
leaned in and kissed me sweetly.

When our lips parted, he breathed out against the skin of
my neck, “I’ll never tire of hearing you say those words.”

Grabbing my arm, Landon pressed me to him and walked us to
the terrace. We found Nana and Jude waiting for us.

Landon spoke to her in a perfect French accent, pointing
out that he was looking forward to having dinner with her on Tuesday, and that
he was happy to finally meet her.

She responded in an equally elegant manner, and gave him a
swift kiss, then turned to hug me.

“He’s what Americans call a keeper, I’m happy for you ma
chérie.” She murmured to my ear and kissed me.

Landon and I said our goodbyes, leaving Jude to have a
late dinner with Nana, and made our way out of the hotel.


“Hey Jenna, have you seen my black Pradas?” I yelled from
outside the room.

Surrounded by a stack of boxes, and I couldn’t find my
pair of shoes. Jude was on his way from the barbershop, and we were going to
miss our flight. I had the last of my clothes packed and ready for the moving
company Landon had hired to pick them up on Sunday morning.

It’s official, when I get back from San Diego, I’ll be
moving into Landon’s penthouse apartment. After the week I’d had, I couldn’t be
more excited. In addition, I was looking forward to seeing my mother, Brandon,
my little angels, and Uncle Keith.

“Jenna!” I yelled again.

I heard her puff as she dragged her feet, “What?” She
walked inside the room, and moved one of the boxes to make her way.

“My Pradas, have you seen them? I’m going to wear them

She looked around the room, and then walked back outside.
She came back holding them, and put them in my luggage.

“Jeez Clea, it’s only for a weekend.” She said,
positioning herself on the bag, and signaling for me to pull the zip.

I smirked, “says the girl who took seven full suitcases to
spend four days in Monaco.”

She pushed her tongue out, “That’s different, first I was
chasing a prince to be wedded to, and second I was meeting stars. You’re just
having a dinner with your family, and spending the rest of the weekend
following your mother around while she diminishes people for their bad taste
whenever they show her a venue.”

I rolled my eyes at her, and jerked the suitcase up and
down on the floor.

“I think I’m ready, I have my ticket, the gifts for mom,
and the girls, and everything is officially packed up.” I announced, smiling

“I can’t believe you’re leaving me, we’ve been talking
about living together for ages, and once we do, you move in with your hot-shot
lawyer of a boyfriend.”

She pouted, crossing her arms together.

“I’m sorry sweetie; you still get me whenever you need me
for a sleepover, and our nights out.” I offered.

“Yeah, like that’s enough. I don’t need your charity.”

She snarled.

“We’re sisters Jen, you’re no charity.”

She shrugged and pulled me for a hug, “I know.”

“I still think that you should let me pay for the rent.”
She argued again.

“We’ve been over this Jenna, I don’t need the extra money,
and this is your home. Plus, you never know, if things don’t work out, I’ll be

She wrinkled her nose, “God, I hope not. I was planning on
replacing you with a roommate.”

I laughed, and she continued,

“Plus, he did say that he plans to make ‘an honest woman’
out of you.”

I shrugged again, “We’ll see.”

A buzzing from the intercom made us jump, and I ran to it.
It was Jude.

“Come on Clea, we’re going to be late. Calvin is here.”

“I’ll be right down.”

I turned around, and scanned the room. I couldn’t believe
that I wasn’t going to live there anymore. My apartment held lots of memories,
five years of laughter, celebrations, parties, studying, and nights in with
Ryan, Jude, Mia, and Faith. I also had my share of sorrow, the loss of my dad,
Jude’s accident, bad breakups, and Caden.

I brushed off the memory, and smiled tenderly, remembering
the first time Landon came to see me. It was while Jude, Ryan, and Jenna were
introducing me to his mediatized life. His reaction to my virginity, his
kisses, his possessiveness, and the way he looked.

I remembered our first night together, while I was still
sore from the weekend I gave myself to him; his tenderness, his attention, his
playfulness, and the fight we had under the shower the next morning.

We spent several nights together in my apartment. I
thought about the night he came in from Chicago, with Uncle Jimmy’s burgers,
and the news that he booked the Stephen Shwarzman branch for Ryan.

Ever since he strolled inside my life, ever since I fell
into his arms, Landon Davis has filled my days with nothing but joy and pure

A loud buzz snapped me back to reality and urged me to get

“Hey Jenna, I’ll call you when we land.” I screamed.

“Jesus Clea, stop yelling, this isn’t Landon’s apartment.”
She came out of her room. Jenna was spending the weekend working on both her
thesis and writing a paper about the situation in the Middle East, which is why
she was armed with her work pajamas, her mac, iPad, and a stack of Chinese food

She gave me a kiss, “Say Hi to dad for me, tell him that
I’ll see him next week, and don’t forget my gifts for the girls.”

“Shit.” I ran back inside and picked up her box of
presents for my nieces.

“Okay, see you on Monday, lunch.”

I said, and walked out of the apartment.

“Call me. Have a safe flight.”

“Will do. Bye.”


I strode down the stairs and found an anxious Jude waiting
for me in front of the building. Calvin appeared from inside the car, and raced
to pick up my suitcase.

“Took you long enough. We’re going to be late, boo.”

He nagged.

I brushed him off, and greeted Calvin.

“Hi Calvin, excited for the weekend?”

He nodded with a beautiful, wide grin, “Hi Clea, yes, very
much so.”


Calvin was going to surprise his fiancée, Alison, and take
her to spend two days in Paris. After which he will announce that she was going
to attend one of the best culinary schools in France. She was adamant about
sending her application, afraid that she wouldn’t be admitted. The school has
been known to accept forty students per year, and she doubted her chances.
Therefore, he sent an application without telling her. Landon asked for one of
his business friends to give her a suite to live in. She had no idea they were
taking an International flight the next morning, let alone, that she was going
to spend the next six months in her dream city.

Jude urged me to get inside the car.

“Stop stressing me out, I was saying my goodbyes to my
apartment.” I pouted.

He shook his head in disbelief, “You’re not moving to
Nepal you know, you’re twenty minutes away, and we still have our nights
together, and with Ryan and Jenna.”

I shrugged, “I know, but it won’t be the same.”

“Hop in Cléclé, and stop frowning, you’re moving into a
modern day palace.”

I ignored him and got inside the car.

Landon didn’t miss on the complimentary bottle of
champagne and my stargazer bouquet. I nuzzled into the mix of lilies and
irises, and took my phone out of my purse to send him a text.


~ Thank
you for the flowers & champagne, Mr. Attentive ~


I got a reply less than ten seconds later,


~ You
are very much welcome, Miss Ungrateful. ~



I beamed at my phone; he learned how to read my sarcastic


~ I
miss you already, Mr. Fast Typer. I love you. Xx


I put my phone down and popped the bottle open, while Jude
talked to Ryan. He didn’t get to see him because Ryan was attending some
Fashion event outside the city. I took a sip of my Dom Pérignon and handed Jude
his flute.

I heard
‘Lana Del
Rey’ ‘Video games’
playing on my phone. It was Landon’s ringtone. I picked

“I miss you.” He said.

“I know you do.” I answered.

“Are you on your way to the airport?”

“Yes, we will barely make it, I think.”

He chuckled, I loved the sound of his voice when he
laughed, “You’ll be fine, baby.”

“What are you doing?”

“I just finished my closing arguments for court, and I’m
heading to meet with Alec and some Startup students he wants us to invest in.”

I took another sip of my glass, “Oh, Mr. Davis. You are
such a generous man.”

“I really am, aren’t I?” He retorted.

“And so humble about it.” I added tartly.

“That too, yes.”

I giggled, “I miss you.”

“I know you do.” He mirrored my words, or rather his
favorite answer to whenever I told him that I loved him.

“I miss being inside you, feeling your warmth, making you
climax in my mouth, and around my cock. Fuck Clea, I can’t believe it’s been a

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