I’m Losing You (22 page)

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Authors: Bruce Wagner

BOOK: I’m Losing You
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Heard a great country song:
Turn around slowly, walk straight back to me, nobody has to get hurt

The doctor's bag sits in the middle of the den like a sadistic alligator-skinned aunt—I knew what was in the box the second I saw the R. Crumb girl from UPS. It's out of the cardboard nest now, and I'm afraid of what's within. I don't want to hurt anymore, Sharkee, not today. I bought it for you in Paris, at the flea market, remember? Then Proust's grave in the rain and all that sad lover's jazz—funny little flower shops by the Père Lachaise, ridiculous chalk portraits in Montmartre; late afternoon shoeboxes on folding tables by the Seine, each filled with Genet and Colette and Novalis…and Stocker Vidra. I was so proud and so happy. Here I am with my maudlin slideshow, gushy and inane—circling the bag like a predator who's lost her stomach. Mementos inside, my heartbreak piñata: return-to-sender things, old love letters (mine) and chloroformed smells: you'd send back blood and cum if you could. Oh Vidra…I'll postpone the inventory just a little while, so until then: more Percocet and wary circling of the Trojan whore's radioactive goods. If I gathered the courage to march right up and, peering in, found it empty—would that be better or worse?


I found Jabba through her mother, who still lives in the same peculiar garish house in Mount Olympus Estates. As I knew that Lavinia
does not answer her telephone nor does she return messages, I paid a visit. Mount Olympus is a very strange community, forgotten and anomalous. Lavinia remembered me as she remembers all and everyone she has encountered; that is her curse and her bane, her reckoning. The house is neo-Grecian in motif but is run-down, as are many in that now anachronistic, desultory neighborhood. I hear there are Persian drug dealers living large on the Mount but perhaps that is slander. Lavinia is a heavy drinker (sounds like the start of a limerick) and, like many alcoholics, particularly women, has not aged well. She is fat and looked like a giant (stubbed) toe, with psoriasis to top it off. She rails against her ex but, to the point of bathos, watches tapes of
The Chet Stoddard Show
. I could hear it from behind the door as I peed (too, grabbing Tylenol #3s which are so old as to probably be ineffective); she lobs obscenities at this handsome Talking Head—so clearly obsessed. Whatever gets you through the night; I am certainly not one to talk. (That is a detail—haunted watching of the old show—
The ‘Ex' Files
—I sorely wish could be worked into the filmic version of ***
) She said Jabba was there not too long ago and gave me her home #. All this, luckily, without my having to expend much. In fact, upon sight, I deliberately erected (á la the Vorbalids) a discrete Wall of Energy so as not to be tainted by her needy, blowsy, volatile energy demands. Her strands looked like frozen wine-colored urine, rubbery too—ironically suitable for web-weaving. Crappy, weak-looking people like that (often obese) are usually more dangerous then they appear.

Jabba was in jail five months then got clean (she's dirty again, haha), going to AA, NA, the whole caboodle. She lives in Jew World on Fairfax (near Erewhon) and dances nightly at a club in Century City. We went to the Beverly Hills Hamlet and caught up. It seemed as if she was marshaling her energy, emotive yet otherwise leery around me, not very giving rather into a mode of lambent self-preservation. In short, reticent, and I, respectful of that—having been there. I told her about Jeremy and because she would like the money and possible TV connections (still trying to be the Great Actress), the three of us went to dinner at Sweets. Johnny Depp was there and Andre Agassi, Ellen Barkin and someone from
—I have not watched that. In the middle of all this, funnily enough, was James Earl Jones and that was apropos because of Jabba (him being the voice of Darth Vader). I thought I would run into someone I had
rubbed, but alas it was not to be the case. Some of Jeremy's overseers and agent-like colleagues trooped by the table with chagrin, to say hello. (He is represented by ICM—Sweets being a veritable hotbed of aforesaid crowd.) Mr Stein thought he was so hip to be seen with the trashy whores.

Well it seems Jeremy has missed a
of work, critically so, one colleague brought him to the bar for a heart-to-heart while Jabba and I were otherwise engaged, attended to by the remnant crew of ten-percenters. They are just like pimps! Every once in a while I overheard Jeremy say: ‘Sara has the baby now,' and ‘She is a wonderful mother,' ect. And that is to his credit but I know he's weasling just the same. He is exceedingly grateful the baby is out of his hands responsibility-wise, knowing he isn't fit to be a dad at this juncture. I went to the ladies' room and was immediately buttonholed/waylaid by one of the confessors who took me aside (before heavily hitting on me) and said, half with reproach, I should be mindful of Jeremy's substance intake because he didn't look so great. Like I am the nurse. I wondered whether this colleague was attempting to posit a legal threat; energetically, I could not read him.

When we got home, of course Jeremy's dick wouldn't work so Jabba and I messed around, with him smoking the crack. (Too bad James E. Jones wasn't in attendance!) He burned a giant hole in the Laura Ashley comforter and the smoke alarm went off and he thought that to be funny. Because I was fairly loaded my guard was down; I could not resist bringing up the theft of 90210 ect. and Jeremy became
—not helped by the fact Jabba said I was now ‘tripping' and not to be indulged. She can be a cunt when so desirous. He became so eerily unhinged/mixed-with-defensiveness that it was obvious my theme had merit, and did strike more than one nerve. I quickly skimmed (aloud) the essential curricula vitae: [a] that I myself had attended
Beverly Hills High
, this Jabba would attest, having seen my yearbook and photo within; [b] that I am an award-winning writer, albeit it on a student level; [c] that I had a long, well-documented interest in and aspirations to the Television Arts & Sciences, not to mention the Literary; and [d] that I had as the
coup de grace
long ago submitted my ‘Story Bible,' featuring an ensemble piece skewered toward the young which happened to emanate in locus from the
most maddeningly obvious place on this earth (so obvious no one ever thought of it but myself and Wanda) for looming Gen X faddish involvement and piqued global interest (Wanda and I had soared so far ahead of the curve)—
Beverly Hills High School
and environs. Myself, having lived on South Peck for many years with Wanda and that man who in the end, ect, ect,—90210 was even our Zip! I had within the purloined proposal speculated adding the five digits as suffix to said locus to create a certain panache, personal-/individualizing. There may be no record of the latter extant. Alas, Wanda is not here to join in corroborative oral history.

I said everything in my prècis—the existence of which was ludicrously disclaimed upon written inquiries to Mr Spelling's offices. All this time while ‘90210 tripping,' Jeremy grows angered, I see his energy swell and become dirty yellow—like toffee that is rotten, his denial fueled my own flames. For I
he had worked under Mr Spelling at that time, albeit a far lower level, and may easily be the one to have come across the stolen sheaves for his own wiles. Too, he knew Darren Star, the then-unknown scriptwriter, of this I am aware through research. Throwing a lit candle at me, JS said, ‘get out,' and I did, leaving Jabba on the futon in front of the fire to baby-sit his flaccid knobby penis.

I coolly ransacked the house for themes and items to appropriate. In the Master Bed, I took jewelry which could only assume belonged to Sara. From what I have gleaned, she is a strong women and the jeweled items, tho of lesser value I assume than the ones she chose to take with her, will prove useful re: vestiges of energy I might choose absorb. I continued my perambulations, taking favored power objects: custom pens and stray coins, then: to the baby's room. I took a mobile which hung above the crib (with poignant irony, for I knew the baby was blind). It was of the
Blue Matrix
genre and will serve as a potent ‘power object.' I heard Jabba call my name as if in panic. When I returned to the living room, the scene was most bizarre—Jeremy having a seizure (crack-induced). There was blood on the sheets from a minor gash on his head where he fell. Breathing was stable, as, I assumed, were other vitals. I told Jabba to gather her things, which she shakily did. I pretended to call 911 to soothe her (I had already deemed it unnecessary). Now, if there is justice, I will create a
show: and call it
Beverly Hills 911

You'll Never Eat Me During Lunch

Out of the hospital and into the fire. Well, E, you're a real trouper: thanx for holding down the fort while Mama had her nineteenth nervous breakdown. I know you've been holding down
, nudge nudge wink wink. By the way, your visits were wonderful. You're a very good boy and I've decided
to fire you. For now.

I am
And feeling so upset
…Did you know Gene Tierney had a complete collapse when Aly Khan wouldn't marry her? Went into the nuthouse for
a year and a half
. (Had to have one hell of an HMO.) I read about this in
Vanity Fair
, while confined amongst detoxers and wannabe crazoids::::::::::Oh, Eric…serves me right for being so blasè about losing the baby. That's actually what I tell people, isn't that sick? I pretend I miscarried, I tell
that. Oh God…Everything came home to roost. The stuff with my father—one morning I just couldn't get out of bed anymore. You saw what I was like. They say I didn't talk, not for a whole week—
! I still sent Vidra tapes but they were blank (my own version of the typewriter shtick in
The Shining
). Scared the tits off her. But she was my only link and I think she knew that. I
experienced pain like that in my
, never thought such pain existed, was possible. Not in this realm, anyway. Bill Styron knew what he was talking about (his daughter Susanna came to see me, so sweet).

I think once Vidra saw I was going to be okay, she was secretly thrilled about the Big Depression—I was having it
her because boy is she due. And it's good for the book, you know. She actually said, “Write your way out of it!” Real rah-rah Iowa Writers Workshop crapola. But you know what they say: what doesn't kill you scares the freaking
out of you and possibly damages you for life! That you laughing, E? Hope
is…probably you and God. You know, you were the only person I wanted to see. The only one who wouldn't judge me. Calliope loves you too; I told her all about your visits and the variety of hilarious contraband smuggled in.
the Show and Tell! When I described your Prince Albert, she smiled this ridiculous affectless smile of total generational befuddlement::::::::::It's good to be home but I need to work—and soon. I've got two hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars to my name and it don't feel cushy as it might have a few years ago. Oops—time for my meds. “
Zoloft, it's been good to know you
Zoloft, been good to
I make the housekeeper walk them over in a tiny little paper cup, while I'm in the “dayroom.” (Gettin' nostalgic for that ward, baby):::::::::
I'm Taping as Fast as I Can
…and catching up on lots of reading: the Tarkovsky book, Elmore Leonard,
Primary Colors
, the Vidal memoir…came across Sexton's
To Bedlam and Back
, inscribed by Grosseck, no less: “For Teorema and the Wolfe, these ‘Notes Toward a Final Polish.'” Fuck you, Katherine. And polish
. Message last night from Cat, the machine said four
—:::::::::The part that was so strange was how I remembered
about my father, how it came back so vividly—suddenly I was
, I could
it, smell
—sitting with the bankers in that Nexus meeting, watching it like a movie: heavy steps coming to the door, asking if I'd bathed. I'd say no and he'd say the water was drawn. Always a bubble bath, like that would make it all better. The sound of his shower in the master bath as I sat and soaked and shivered, numb; I could hear it through the pipes. When the pipes would stop, so would my heart. A few minutes later he's mixing a drink at the wet bar, swizzle-stick and chink-chink of ice. Honey? Out yet? Come on now, you'll wrinkle like a prune—standing at the door watching as I climbed from the tub, hunching to cover myself…leading me by the hand to bed. My bed. Once the phone rang when he was about to start in and it was Mother. He used my pink Princess. She was in Denver and they talked ten minutes while I lay there nude, dreaming of Richard Basehart, Father rubbing my neck as they spoke, hand drifting down to brush my nipples, then between my legs as they finished up—“I just looked in on her,” he'd say. “She's asleep”—she must have asked to talk to me—goodbyes and I love yous as he turned me over…Sleep well, darling.
And hurry home
. E, why did the Fool have to die?

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