Imagine That (15 page)

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Authors: Kristin Wallace

BOOK: Imagine That
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Chapter Nineteen

God decided to smile the day of Julia's wedding. As He should, Emily reflected. Seth was a minister after all. He should receive a proper sendoff from the Big Boss in the sky. Because Julia had said garden party, Emily decided to go shopping. Those yellow dresses in the window of the clothing boutique had been on her mind for weeks. She'd driven by a couple dozen times, and each pass had caused her to salivate.

She'd chosen a strapless eyelet number paired with a white underskirt. Strappy, low-heeled sandals and white dangly earrings completed her ensemble. She'd gathered her hair back and secured the thick curls with a dainty, white, butterfly clip. Emily had never felt more like a girl.

Finding someplace to park at the church was a mission. She ended up three blocks over and had to hoof her way back. She came to a halt as she first caught sight of the glorious old building. Aged brick added warmth and character. Arched, stained-glass windows gleamed in the afternoon sun, and a tall steeple stretched into the sky, calling forth God and His angels. She took a minute to marvel at the sight and thought she might have enjoyed exploring the simple, hometown church if not for the fact she was here to see someone tie the knot.

She had to stamp out her irrational dread of weddings. Hadn't everyone told her she needed to deal with her problem? Not that she
a problem. There was nothing traumatizing in her past. Not if one didn't count the incident with her sister… which Emily didn't.

So caught up in telling herself everything would be fine, Emily found herself inside the church, without even being aware she'd climbed the stairs.

A lanky, sandy-haired man came forward at once. “Good afternoon. Bride or groom?”


“Are you here by yourself?”

t I
? Emily erased the thought as soon as it flitted through her mind. She liked being on her own.

“Seems so,” she said. “Julia invited me at the last minute. Not enough time to scrounge up an escort.”

The man smiled. “Are you Emily?”

“Yes,” she answered in surprise.

“I'm Sarah's husband, Eric. She said to be on the lookout for you, and I was to take you to sit with the Thomas family.”


“Ethan Thomas is Addison's fiancé,” he explained.

“Oh, yes, I know him.”

“He's one of the groomsmen, but the rest of his family is here. They'll take good care of you.”


Once she'd been delivered, he glanced at his watch and then strode up the aisle to the back of the church. Then Ethan Thomas and a couple other men she didn't know disappeared out a door at the front of the church.

The organ shifted into Pachelbel's “Canon in D.” Eric emerged in the doorway with Grace on his arm. After she was seated, he followed the other men. A moment later the groomsmen filed out. Seth, looking sinfully handsome in a black tuxedo with a gold cummerbund, took his place at the center of the aisle.

The bridesmaids appeared in the door frame. Addison came down the aisle first, followed by Meredith and then Sarah. The organ transitioned again, beginning the opening refrain of Handel's “Water Music.” Emily could feel the tension mounting as everyone waited for a glimpse of Julia. Emily's heart sped up in anticipation, despite the cold sweat all over her body. She stood with the rest of the guests.

Julia emerged and stood alone in the archway. A collective


of appreciation spread through the congregation as she stepped into the candlelight. If possible, she was even more stunning than she had been at the fitting. She didn't glance at anyone along the way, but kept her eyes focused on the man at the front of the church.

Emily shifted her eyes to Seth and caught her breath. No need to wonder what he thought. There were no words to describe the expression on his face. Not enough ways to describe such unmitigated joy. When Julia reached the front pew, Seth reached for her hand. His fingers enveloped his bride's in a sweet caress.

A fist socked Emily in the gut, and she fought back an audible gasp of pain. She dug her fingernails into her palms, hoping the sting would help contain the flood of emotions. Had anyone ever looked at her with such naked longing? The answer, of course, was an emphatic no. Even scarier was the notion that perhaps no one ever would.

The organ reached a crescendo and faded away, and an older, distinguished man in a black suit walked out onto the stage.

He smiled at the gathered crowd. “Ladies and gentleman, family and friends, we're here together to celebrate the miracle of God's love. And to praise Him for bringing this couple together. I'm just getting to know Julia, but I've known Seth for a number of years. In fact, ten years ago I had the good fortune to welcome him into my family as my son-in-law.”

Emily started. She'd had no idea. How on earth was the man able to handle such an emotional upheaval?

“Sadly, God saw fit to take my daughter home,” he continued. “There has been much sorrow over these last couple years, but today our tears are ones of joy, and I can say with full confidence that my Elizabeth would be ecstatic to see her beloved Seth find such sweet happiness again.”

Someone, Emily didn't even know who, stuffed a tissue in her hand, and since there seemed to be no hope of stemming the tide of waterworks, she used it and hoped the woman had more.

The minister continued. “This union is about triumph and hope. Both of these young people have known great pain and loss. They've been disappointed and hurt, and they could have refused to take the gift God gave them out of fear, but they took a chance. On each other. They trusted God to provide as He most certainly has today and always. And so it is with a joyful heart that I ask you now, Julia Marie Richardson to repeat after me…”

Emily blubbered through the rest of the ceremony, through the vows, Meredith's song, and the exchange of rings, and didn't start to recover until the minster pronounced Julia and Seth husband and wife.

“You may now kiss your bride,” he said.

Cheers went up as Seth drew Julia close and kissed her in a way Emily was certain could never be considered ministerial. The roar from the guests grew even louder as they turned, flushed and radiant, and started back up the aisle. The wedding party filed after them.

As soon as she was able, Emily made her escape. She needed air. Not to mention a stop in the bathroom to repair the ravages created by thirty solid minutes of crying.

After putting her face to rights, Emily followed the wandering crowd out to a beautiful courtyard.

“Emily, my love!”

She smiled as Andrew Laughton approached. He reached her side and executed a flawless bow. Then he took her hand and twirled her around, making her dress flair out like petals on a rose.

“Miss Sinclair, you put the very buds of summer to shame today.”

Emily giggled. Good grief, she hadn't giggled since the eighth grade. “Flattery will get you everything, Mr. Laughton.”

“Oh?” he said, sounding intrigued. “Shall we test your theory? What if I were to ask you to run away with me and be my love?”

“Somehow, I think you'd sprint in the other direction if I said yes.”

Something in his eyes shifted. “For you, I would be tempted to plant my feet forever.”

Emily couldn't help but respond to such blatant adulation, even if most of it was pure blarney. The man had a silver tongue, and he used the weapon with the skill of the most brilliant fencer.

Soft music began.

A DJ had been set up at the far corner of the courtyard, and he picked up a microphone. “Ladies and gentlemen, I have the pleasure of introducing Mr. and Mrs. Seth Graham, who will now have their first dance together as husband and wife.”

Seth led Julia out to the middle of the grounds and tucked her against his chest. A vise clamped around Emily's lungs, and for a moment her vision shimmered as though she were looking at a mirage. Her breath came in short, shallow puffs. Emily hadn't ever experienced a panic attack before, but right now she seemed to be doing a good job of freaking out.

Then out of the corner of her eye, she caught a flash of color. Nate was staring at her from across the courtyard. He wore a charcoal gray suit with a blue shirt and dark tie. He might be gorgeous in jeans and a T-shirt, but Nathan Cooper in formal wear took her breath in a different way. She'd never seen him cleaned up before, and the effect could only be called devastating. He dipped his head in greeting and then walked away to talk to an older couple.

Emily couldn't tear her gaze away from Nate. She'd spent a few restless nights reliving the kiss in the back of his truck. Even now, the memory caused shivers to run down her spine. From a simple kiss.

She pulled her attention away, determined to push him from her mind, and ended up with a full-on view of Julia and Seth. Seth lowered his head and kissed his bride. Emily closed her eyes to shut out the image, and counted the minutes till she could leave.


Nate tried to concentrate on what David and Olivia were saying, but he wasn't having much luck. Not when Emily stood across the courtyard looking like a flower just plucked from a garden. He'd been concentrating on not looking in her direction, but he'd been aware of her all day. How could she be ignored when she looked so enchanting? When soft curls kissed her bare shoulders? A man could only take so much temptation, especially when the memory of her pressed against him seemed to be imprinted on his brain.

“Nathan, are you all right?” Olivia asked. “You seem distracted. Is it your mother?”

He snapped to attention. “Yeah,” he said, hating to use his mother's illness as an excuse, but not willing to admit to the real reason. “I don't like leaving her alone anymore.”

“She'd want you to enjoy yourself.”

“I know,” he said, at the same moment he noticed Andrew Laughton abandon Emily and head for the food table. Nate smiled at Olivia. “I'm going to grab something to drink. It's hot out here.”

Nate reached Emily in four quick strides. He opened his mouth to call out to her, but before he could, she smacked right into him. A shoe connected with his shin, but he managed not to wince. He grabbed her arms until she steadied herself.

She smelled like a garden, and her skin felt softer than silk. “Afternoon.”


Touching her had been a bad idea. He dropped his arms and stepped back. “Nice wedding.”


“Beautiful day for it, too.”

“Sure is.”

The absurdity of the stilted conversation brought a smile to his lips. She grinned back.

Emily let her eyes drift from the top of his head to the tip of his shoes. “You clean up well, Mr. Cooper. I didn't think you even owned a suit.”

“I've got two. Mostly for church.” He glanced down with a rueful expression. “Or weddings now, I suppose. I can't wait to get out of it. I feel like a trussed-up turkey.”

“Some turkey,” she drawled.

He chuckled and returned the slow perusal she'd subjected on him. “You look—” He paused to take a breath, “like a ray of sunshine.”

Good grief. What was he saying? Was he trying to be a poet or something? What a laugh.

“Would you like to dance?” he asked to cover up his unease.

She hesitated. “Oh, umm…”

Nate heard the pause. Would he never learn? He cleared his throat. “Never mind.”

“No!” Emily reached out a hand. “To tell you the truth, I'd rather find a quiet corner and decompress.”

He nodded. “Okay.”

They managed to find a small table, which gave the impression of seclusion. Emily settled into the chair with a soft sigh. “Thank you, this is fine—”

Her voice trailed off and something in her eyes shifted. A look of something almost like grief drifted across her face. Nate followed the direction of her gaze and spotted Julia and Seth walking among the guests. Seth had his arm around Julia's waist. Of course, he hadn't let his bride get more than three feet away all day.

Nate turned back in time to catch Emily massaging her chest as if to ease a deep ache. When she noticed him watching, she dropped her hand

“Are you okay?” he asked. “You look so sad all the sudden.”

“Oh, I'm fine,” she said with a forced smile. “Weddings are tough, I suppose.”

“I thought women loved them. All the pageantry and romance.”

Emily's head shook with enough force to make her curls vibrate. “Not me. I'd just as soon avoid them if I could. Actually, today is the first wedding I've been to since—” She bit her lip and the color leeched from her cheeks.

For a moment, Nate thought she might pass out. He leaned forward and grabbed her hand. “Em…”

She jerked.

“Where'd you go?” he asked. “You're white as a sheet.”

She opened her mouth but could only manage a hoarse whisper. “I don't feel well.”

“Then let's get out of here.”

He helped her up, and Nate could see her hands were shaking. He feared she'd pass out and wondered if he'd have to catch her. What in the world had happened?

“I haven't spoken to Julia and Seth yet,” she said.

“They won't even know we were here.”

Her head shook again. “I can't just leave.”

“All right, we'll track them down, do our duty, and then we'll go. Can you make it?”

She pulled her shoulders back. “Of course.”

They managed to catch up to the happy couple.

Nate greeted Seth, while Emily went to Julia.

“Nate, thank you for being here,” Seth said.

“Wouldn't have missed it. You've got yourself an amazing wife.”

Seth grinned. “She'll keep me on my toes for sure.”

Nate studied Seth's face. “You look happy. Peaceful.”

“I am. It's been a long road, but God's proved faithful. As He will be for you and your family.”

“I'd like to believe that.”

“I was afraid you were having a tough time the other night,” Seth said, with a soft sigh. “When I get back we'll talk. The two of us.”

Nate shrugged. Talking wasn't going to solve anything. He moved on to pay his respects to the bride and managed to catch some of the conversation between Emily and Julia.

“Someday you're going to have to tell me the story of your family,” Emily said.

“When you have a few days,” Julia said. “You'll have to play fair and tell me yours. Honestly, I wasn't sure you'd come today. Not after the reaction you had at the bridal shop.”

“Me?” Emily exclaimed. “Can't think what you're talking about. I love weddings.”

Julia wagged a finger but didn't comment as she switched her attention to him. “Nate, thank you for coming.”

“I couldn't miss your big day. I'm glad to see Seth so happy after everything he's been through.”

“What about what you're going through?” she asked, her blue eyes reflecting sympathy and concern.

“I'll be fine.”

“What if you could be more than fine?”

“I have no idea what you're talking about.”

Julia dipped her chin in Emily's direction. “Be smart and something special could happen there.”

Nate backed up. “Gotta go.”


“You know it.” He touched Emily's arm. “You ready?”


Nate paused. “Umm… do you need to speak to anyone else before we leave?”

“No, why?”

He cleared his throat. “Dr. Tweed.”


“Andrew Laughton. You were talking to him earlier. Seemed like you were having a good time.”

Her eyes widened, and a short chuckle escaped her lips. “You call him Dr. Tweed?”

“Never mind what I call him. Do you need to pay your respects to him, too?”

“Don't worry,” she said, eyes still shining with laughter. “I'll catch up with him later. We're just friends, after all. He's fun and he makes me laugh.”

Tension gripped his shoulder, even though he knew he shouldn't care. So what if the guy made women giddy? So what if Emily lit up around him?

“Laugh. Right. What do I make you do?” he asked, even though he knew the answer shouldn't matter.

Emily hesitated for a moment and then rose up on her toes. “You make me wish you hadn't made a wait-until-marriage vow,” she whispered in his ear.

Ask a stupid question. The words rushed through him like a charging bull. He opened his mouth, but no sound beyond a strangled groan emerged. “Let's get out of here.”

They ended up at the ice cream shop in town. Once armed with cold treats, they chose a table outside. Nate shook out of his coat and draped it over a chair. Then he loosened his tie and threw it on top of the table. Feeling as if he'd escaped from a straitjacket, he sat down with a sigh of relief and rolled up his sleeves.

He glanced over at Emily in time to see her spoon a bite of ice cream into her mouth. She closed her eyes and made a sound no woman should utter outside of a bedroom. At least
shouldn't. Not when the soft groan reminded him of truck beds and an enticing offer.

He coughed and she glanced up. For a moment, they gazed into each other's eyes.

She held his stare as her tongue slipped out and licked her spoon.

“Are you trying to kill me?” he asked. “Punish me for turning you down the other day?”

“Maybe I want to you to regret not taking the chance to explore what we could have.”

“Believe me, I don't need your little show for me to wonder what it would have been like between us.
imagination works just fine.”

A soft stain rose in her cheeks. “Sorry.”

“I hope you know my choice is not about rejecting you personally.”

“Rationally, I do. It's refreshing in a weird way, I guess. Most men spend so much time trying to talk a woman into bed. You're never sure if they care about you or if they just want a little action.”

“Women can operate the same way. It's a two-way street.”

Her nose crinkled. “True.”

The dessert and the conversation had accomplished one thing. “Your color is back,” he said.

“Change of atmosphere,” she said.

Speaking of atmosphere. “Did I hear Julia right?” he asked. “Something about your reaction at the bridal shop? I thought you might be getting ready to do a header into the bushes back there.”

A deep sigh rose from her chest, and she propped her chin on her hand. “I thought I could handle a wedding. It's been long enough. I should be over it by now.”

“Over what?”

She studied him for a moment, as if trying to determine if she wanted to tell him. Finally, she took a deep breath.

“Maybe my story would make sense if you understood I went through a rebellious period where men are concerned. For most of my life I tried to please my parents. I wrote the kind of things they approved of, even though the people in my mind had three heads and wings instead of arms. I dated appropriate guys, even though they bored me to tears. Then in college, I entered a writing contest, and I won. The prize wasn't big, but I was so proud. My parents couldn't have cared less. So, I stopped trying.”

“Boy, do I know about that.”

“I imagine so.” Her sad expression eased as she acknowledged his point. “My rebellion also included men. I dated a string of losers. Guys I knew my parents would hate.”

“One of them hurt you? Someone turned you off love and weddings?”

“Oh, I didn't care enough about any of them to get hurt,” she said. “Eventually, I grew tired of the game. Didn't date anyone for more than a year. I holed myself up in my apartment and let myself write the book I needed to write, which became
Kingdom of Dreams
. To my utter amazement, the book sold and before I knew it—”

“You'd become famous.”

Emily twirled the spoon in the air. “Bingo. I toured all over the country, speaking on college campuses, which is where I met Colin. He taught history at Boston College. He was smart, successful, charming, and handsome.”

“You fell in love.”

“I sure thought so,” she said, shifting the ice cream around in the bowl. “Colin was everything my parents could have envisioned for me. I have to admit, part of the attraction was the hope that he might help accomplish what I'd never been able to do on my own.”


“Gain my parents' approval.”

“Did he?”

She laughed, but the sound carried a dark note of bitterness. “Oh, yeah, just not in the way I imagined. I brought him home for Thanksgiving. My whole family was together for once. My brother and his wife, and my sister, Charlotte.”

The way Emily said her sister's name caused an alarm to go off, and he tensed. “What happened?”

The ice cream had become soup by now, but she kept swishing the sloppy mess around her bowl anyway. “The dinner seemed to go well. Colin could talk about anything. He'd done some writing himself, though it was academic rather than fiction, but he was good. He could even keep up with Charlotte. Few men ever managed to do that.”

“She's the genius, right? The one who wrote a philosophy book at age ten?”

“Not quite, but yes, she's a certified genius.” Emily smiled but didn't let up on turning her dessert into mush. “Anyway, I could tell she liked Colin, which was a miracle. Charlotte is an extreme feminist. She always claimed she'd never subject herself to the domination of a man, and that marriage was nothing more than a legal form of slavery.”

Nate already didn't like the wondrous Charlotte. “Harsh.”

“She could be harsh and cold, but during dinner the most amazing thing happened. Colin made her blush, and then she—” Emily paused and jammed the spoon hard into the bowl.

He grabbed the spoon. “She what?”

Robbed of her security blanket, Emily took to running her fingers along the table top. “She giggled.”


“My sister does not giggle,” she said, fingers curling around the edges of the table. “She might allow herself a condescending smile, but never a genuine laugh. And she'd never blushed in her life. When she did, something shifted in the room. I'm not even sure they realized it. I don't think I completely did until later.”


“Colin and Charlotte. I've heard of love at first sight, but I didn't believe it actually happened outside of romance novels.”

“Maybe you were seeing something that wasn't there.”

By now, Emily was gripping the table with enough force to pull it apart. Catching herself, she laced her hands together and dropped them to her lap. She wouldn't look him in the eye, but instead stared out at the street.

“I wish,” she said. “I made all the arguments. It was my imagination. I was nervous about being with the family. And Charlotte? She doesn't do love. I was so wrong and so right.”

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