Immortal Distraction (29 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Finn

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Paranormal, #Vampires

BOOK: Immortal Distraction
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When his mouth touched her exposed entry, she yelped. He licked gently over the skin as she squirmed. He never relaxed his clutch on her cheeks, holding her still and open to him as he licked, kissed, and hummed against her skin in enjoyment. He pushed his tongue past the tight opening into her bottom, and she groaned. He was right; she did like it. He thrust his tongue gently in and out as she forced her body to relax against his mouth. He laved and kissed, licked and tickled her with his tongue until her body was lulled into a most enjoyable relaxed ecstasy. She didn’t want it to ever end, but as he pulled his mouth from her, it did.

He climbed from the bed, disappearing into the bathroom before returning with a small bottle of lubricant. He sat between her legs again and when she heard the top pop off the bottle, her buttocks flinched for half a second. The liquid was cool as he parted her cheeks again and drizzled it lightly on the puckered skin of her anus. When he pushed his large masculine finger deep into her bottom, it slid gently through the lubricant, and he pushed and pulled.

He slid two fingers in as she groaned loudly, but her body was relaxed and too tired to be tense. She relaxed as his fingers plunged gently into her, and when he finally pulled his fingers out, he moved to his knees, placing them outside of her own. Her heart was pounding, and now, thanks to her hypersensitive ears, she could hear every loud, thundering beat. He hovered over her body, letting the length of his cock rest between the cheeks of her bottom, and then he leaned to her ear. “I want your bottom relaxed when I push inside you. You’ll enjoy it far more if your muscles don’t try to keep me out.”

He knelt back, and she craned her neck to watch him. Relaxing wasn’t likely to happen. He watched her as his hand gently but firmly parted her cheeks, and he nudged. She could feel his cock, slippery with the lubricant, grazing and massaging over her anus. “Say you want this, Brit. Say it, or I’ll stop.”

She did want it, but saying it was a struggle. “Please.” He cocked his head to the side, waiting for her to say what he wanted to hear. “I want this.” And then he pushed slowly past the tight ring of muscles and into her bottom. She tensed for a moment, and it radiated pain out to her body. The moment she relaxed to the steady force, he slipped through her entry and farther inside. The invasion and fullness were more intense than she imagined, and as she held his gaze over her shoulder, his jaw clenched and he let out a deep groan.

“Fuck, Brit. You feel so fucking good.”

It did feel oddly good. The pain was dwarfed by the pleasure of his full breadth. It stretched and pushed her body to some internal limit that she wasn’t even aware existed, but as her body accepted him, the pleasure pulsed straight through her groin. She wanted to come, and she was wet—unbelievably wet. His focus remained on her face, studying her expression, and the farther he pushed, the more she wanted. It sent an amazing tickle through the wall separating her vagina from her rectum and innervated every last nerve of her groin. He moved slow and steady until he was buried to his hilt inside her. There, he paused, watching her.

She pushed up to her elbows as he lowered his body to hers. She could feel his chest against her back, and his chin rested on the top of her shoulder. When his lips pulled the lobe of her ear into his mouth, she cried out. And when he released it to nuzzle his mouth against her neck, her wetness seeped and dripped to the pillow beneath her. He’d not yet moved inside her, and she was waiting for it. She was ready for it. He slipped his arms under hers, pinning her hands to the bed with his fingers laced through hers.

His hands gripping her so tightly, his mouth so close to her cheek, and his body hugging hers closely were more intimate than she imagined this ever could be. And then he moved. The first time, he pulled only slightly out before rolling his hips against her bottom. The second time, he pulled a bit farther from her body before pushing back in, and each penetration after became more pronounced. “Does it hurt?” His voice was warm against her ear as he continued to grind and hump her bottom.

It wasn’t without pain anymore than making love to him was, and it was an intensity she hadn’t imagined. But neither of those things took from the pleasure that was coursing through her. “No.” She was whispering as she turned toward him to speak, and when he pushed deep into her, he caught her lips with his. He stayed buried as he claimed her mouth, sucking her lips between his, and when he released them, he returned to pushing and grinding into her.

“Are you ready to come?” She nodded, and he released one of her hands, pushing his hand down and around her stomach to her pussy. He gripped her, parted her lips, and plunged his finger inside her clenching, tight sheath. She groaned at the added pressure it placed on her bottom, but then he started rubbing her clit with the pad of his thumb, and she started to fall apart.

Her shoulders shook before finally collapsing, and she dropped to the bed. His mouth moved to the nape of her neck and kissed while her stomach muscles started to quiver and clench. Her breath was lurching and her groans were too. His thrusting sped, and while controlled, it was forceful and swift. He was humming against her neck as he sucked kisses at the base of her neck. He let his fangs rake over her skin as he pushed and pulled. Her orgasm finally took her over, and his erotic humming sounds turned to groaning to all out growling when she reached and passed over her release. He hit his peak at nearly the same time and pulsed inside her body. His fingers that were tightened on hers, clenched down hard as he pushed his final strokes into her rectum, and the fingers of his other hand remained buried and still in her pussy.

As he pulled slowly from her body, it sent spasms through her lower back, and he whispered quietly in her ear as he eased from her. “Relax. Now’s not the time to tense up. That was amazing, love.” Yes it was.

He released her hand and his hold on her sex before quickly slipping the pillow from beneath her stomach. He pulled her into his arms as she rolled to face him. Her body was exhausting by the second, and she was more tired than she thought possible. He was relaxed and his aggression had faded. “Tell me why.”

She felt her lips tremble as she relived the emotion behind her rash decision. The tears pricked at the back of her eyes, and her throat restricted and burned. She wanted to fall apart with him and share it with him. She’d wanted to since the moment she felt his teeth impale her skin and the look of furious terror pass over his usually calm features. And on a hitching breath that was primed to break down in sobs at any second, she gave him her explanation.

“I want to kill him.” And then the sobs took her away, and she crumpled to his chest as his arms tightened around her. He soothed her with quiet shushing sounds. She was crying like a child again—a pathetic, lonely, little girl who had no one to tell her it would be okay. But he was there. And at the moment, he didn’t even really appear to hate her too much for what she’d tricked him into doing. “I needed to be stronger. I needed to be like you.” She was still talking quietly against his chest.

“Look at me.” His voice was gentle, but as she watched his brow flinch, her heart sank a notch. He was going to say something she wasn’t going to like. She could see it in his eyes. “I’m sorry, sweetie. But I can’t let you go after him. I wouldn’t have let you go up against him as a human. Why would now be any different?” His voice was calm, but his words were the last thing she wanted to hear.

I was human. You wouldn’t have wanted me to risk myself because I was human.” She was gaping at him, and she could feel that her features were harsh and scrunched up. This was not happening the way she wanted.

“No, Brit, I wouldn’t have let you risk yourself because you’re
. That hasn’t changed.” The look in his eyes said he felt guilty. He knew he was breaking her heart, shutting down her entire drive, but whatever guilt she saw in his eyes, didn’t stifle her anger one ounce. Driscoll’s death was her driving force now, and he wasn’t going to stand in her way.


It’s not as though he didn’t understand retribution; he got it. She deserved it, and he wanted her to have it, but Driscoll’s death would have to be enough. And it was not going to be at her hands. She might be immortal, but it did not mean she was infallible. And he couldn’t lose her. Especially not now. Forever had a chance, and he wasn’t going to risk it. Unfortunately, forever was a pipe dream if she hated him.

She climbed from bed as he watched. She wasn’t happy, and he watched her walk away, wanting her to be back in his bed. What they’d done had been incredible. More than incredible. And then it fell apart.

When he entered the bathroom, she was in the separate toilet room. She was still human enough to need that, but not for long. He started the bath, and the moment she exited, he approached her. She looked leery. “I don’t want to fight. Can we just talk more about this later? After you’re through your transition?” His hands were on her shoulders as he spoke.

She nodded but stayed silent. He didn’t trust her silence. She was used to living her life as she chose, and even in her most vulnerable times with him, she carried herself with strength, ready to fight at any moment. He had no doubt she’d keep from him anything she didn’t want him to know, like just how much she wanted to murder her mother’s killer. He led her to the bath, and she climbed in and he followed. He pulled her into his arms before he soaped a washcloth and started running it over her skin.

“Your next few days are going to be exhausting for you. And at the end, you’re going to have to feed. How do you feel about that?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. Can I do what Ember does?” His cock instantly pulsed and hardened. She glanced down, and he looked away shaking his head in exasperation at his own weakness for her.

No sense hiding it. “Obviously, my dick would love it if you chose to do that.” He smirked, and she offered a small smile, restrained, but there. He reached for her mouth with both hands, pushing her top lip up to see her teeth with his thumbs. “Touch your pussy.” She gasped, and he looked to her eyes. “Go on.” Her hand moved between her legs, and his cock brushed up against her hand as she stroked over her clit. “How does that feel?”

“Good,” she whispered on an aroused voice.

He smirked at her. “I mean your jaw.”

She blushed furiously, and she glanced from him in embarrassment. “Um … it aches actually. Feels like someone punched me.”

“Arousal and blood will stimulate your fangs once they’re ready. Until you learn to control it, those will be the best ways to get you ready to feed. I think arousal will work best for us.” He smirked again. He was really quite intrigued about her transition, and if he thought she’d actually let go of her completely understandable desire to kill Driscoll, he could likely enjoy this all the more.

“Can I eat? I mean, I’m hungry. Really hungry.”

“Now that you’re transitioning, it wouldn’t be a good idea. It will likely make you sick. Your intestinal tract is shutting down, and eventually, it will be empty and retired for eternity. You’re hungry because you’re already craving blood. Until your fangs are ready, you’ll just have to bear it. I promise, the moment you’re ready, I’ll feed you.” She nodded. She looked nervous.

“Will there be an actual time that I die?” She was more than nervous as she asked this question.

He held her cheeks in his hands. “Not really. Your heart will continue to beat, but the beat will change. The scales will continue to tip until the toxin takes over the oxygenated blood and your body stops trying to oxygenate the deoxygenated blood. There won’t be an actual time of human death. The transition is considered complete once your fangs are in and can protract. But you’ll continue to build strength as you feed, though not as much strength if you only feed from me.”

“Will you get in trouble for turning a human?”

“Well technically you turned yourself.” He chuckled. “I’m supposed to kill you. But seeing as those decisions are made by me, and I quite enjoy fucking you so much, I’ve decided to let it slide.” She cocked her head to the side. “Each region mandates its own. It’s a rule, but our rules are managed by us, and so long as our numbers aren’t really increasing, I can see no reason to worry too much about it.”

Her gaze flitted from his, and she said nothing for a while. He had his own questions to ask, and he wasn’t sure he really wanted to know the answer yet, not this soon. “Can you live like this? Can you be happy?”

Her attention snapped back to him. She looked lost, confused, completely and utterly unsure. She shrugged, and he pulled her down to his chest before she broke his heart. She had to be able to handle this because he couldn’t lose her now. “Give it time.” It was all he could say, and as she nuzzled into his neck, it was enough. She was close, she was safe, she wasn’t fighting him at the moment, and could she be content with him, he’d be a happy man. A very, very happy man.

Chapter 25

The hunger was going to kill her. The fatigue and exhaustion were bearable, but the hunger? Come the first evening of her transition after her morning foray into interesting things to do with your booty, she could barely handle it. Her jaw was aching madly, and she kept feeling her teeth to see what was there. A whole lot of nothing. She wasn’t looking forward to eating, but at the same time, her body was so ravenously hungry, she couldn’t wait. She didn’t quite know what she was waiting for … just satisfaction from the unbearable need to feed.

When she crawled from bed and dragged herself from the bedroom, she found she was alone. She ended up collapsing on the sofa and waiting, staring at the ceiling high above. She wanted to be done with this already. She infected herself to strengthen herself, give herself the ability to fight back, destroy the monster who killed her mother, but she felt more human than even humans felt. It was hard to lift her arm, move her body forward, and she imagined sinking into the weightlessness of a warm bath constantly. The constant chill in her body made the exhaustion feel all the worse.

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