Immortally Yours (6 page)

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Authors: Ashlyn Chase

BOOK: Immortally Yours
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“I’ll see if I can find some on the internet. Or maybe
there’s a used camera shop somewhere in the city.”

“I have a Yellow Pages,” she offered. She strode to the
small cabinet that held her telephone and reached into the drawer. The thick
Seattle Yellow Pages looked promising. There had to be a used camera place in

“Okay, what do I look under? Lights? Cameras? Action?”

Colin smiled. “Photography.”

She flipped through until she arrived at the page and dragged
her finger down as she scanned. Eventually, she turned the page and repeated
the process. Finally, she pointed to one spot and said, “Bingo!”

Colin strolled over to see what she had found. The ad was
for a place in the low-rent district—a place he didn’t want her going alone.

“Good. I’ll take you.”

“I can go by myself.”

“No, you really shouldn’t.”

“But if you come, you’ll want to buy it for me.”

He paused. It was true. He admired her wish to be
independent. It seemed as if his worry over being forced to support her as a
mistress was unfounded. “I can let you pay for what you can afford, but do me a
favor and don’t go to that area alone. It isn’t safe for a woman.”

“Oh.” She smiled up at him. “You know something? You’re a
pretty handy guy to have around.”

“You mean you’re not just using me for sex?”

“Oh, that too, of course.”

Her sly grin told him she was kidding, but his cock suddenly
didn’t care if she wasn’t. He snaked his arm around her and pulled her close.
“I want to make love to you right now.”

“Even before our shopping trip? It’s getting dark. If the
neighborhood isn’t safe for a woman alone during the day, it’s probably not
safe for anyone at night.”

“You’re right.” But he hadn’t been kidding about wanting to
be inside her right that minute. He wanted her with more passion than he’d ever
felt for another woman and he usually wanted to get laid, plenty.

Colin slid a finger down her cheek and under her chin.
Tipping her head up to his, he kissed her long and slow. She responded in kind.

The words “I love you” popped into his head. Shocked, he
wondered where that had come from and pushed it to the back of his mind.

When their lips parted, she breathed heavily. And opened her
eyes slowly. A soft glow seemed to emanate from them.


He held his breath. What was she going to say? What if her
mind conjured up the same words…
No, stop projecting, dumbass…just listen to
what she has to say.


“Can we make love on the floor in front of the long wall?
I’d like to watch the shadows of our bodies and see what they look like.”

He laughed, partly at himself. That certainly hadn’t been
what he’d expected her to say. “Of course we can. Do you want a mattress on the
floor so it’s more comfortable?”

“I don’t know,” she said breathlessly. “Will it take long to
put it there?”

Lizette, obviously as aroused as he was, wanted to get
horizontal quickly. Colin jogged to the bedroom, pulled off the mattress, bed
sheets and all, and dragged it to the living room. Then he pulled a couple of
condoms out of his pocket.

“How close do you want to be to the wall?” he asked.

“Right next to it. No. On second thought, leave enough room
for our feet. Maybe we can fuck standing against the wall and I can see what
that looks like too.” She smiled and winked.

Dear God.
If she isn’t naked in fifteen seconds,
I’ll tear her clothes off.
“Strip,” he ordered in a husky voice.

She giggled and did as he asked, complete with the gyrating
hips. Then she started humming a
tune and he thought
he’d die if he wasn’t balls-deep and pumping frantically within seconds.

Colin tore his clothes off as fast as he could and tackled
her onto the mattress. She landed, laughing.

“Dear Lord, woman. Do you know what you do to me?”

Ever the flirt she grinned and placed her arms around his
neck. “No. Tell me.”

“You drive me to distraction. I can’t think of anything but
getting you naked and fucking you senseless.”

He kissed, nipped and sucked her neck from her ear to her
collarbone and continued down to where her almost-bared breasts lay. He removed
her bra quickly and tossed it to the opposite side of the room. Then he
fastened onto her nipple and sucked greedily.

Lizette moaned and arched beneath him. “Oh God,” she

He sucked that breast thoroughly, then switched to the
other. She writhed and moaned louder. “Colin,” she whimpered. “I feel like I
could come right now.”

Not if he had anything to say about it and he most certainly
did. His cock was more than ready and he knew she could take it if he hammered
her now—but he wanted to stand out despite her extensive years of experience.

Never had a woman’s response been so important to him. He
wanted her to remember him long after he was gone.

“Not yet,” he dropped a kiss on her nipple and hauled
himself back up to look into her eyes. “We have shadows to play with, remember?
Wait, you can cast a shadow, right?”

He couldn’t help grinning when her eyes narrowed. She’d get
even and he’d look forward to it. But it was his turn now.

Rolling to his side, he came up on his elbow to look at the
wall and almost climbed right back on top of her. She cast a shadow, all right,
and it was one of the most erotic things he’d ever seen.

Her nipples were hard, pointed tips begging for his mouth.
He leaned down and stuck his tongue out, keeping an eye on the wall to watch
their shadows play out the scene. She moaned and arched against his lips. He
gave her another lap and backed off until she relaxed again.

“Turn your head and look at us,” he directed.

The second she did, he licked her nipple again, loving that
he got the same reaction from her as before. Only this time he brought his
index finger to her arched belly and circled her navel. Then he slowly, knowing
she watched the progress as he did, slid down farther until the tip disappeared
in the shadow of her slit.

Mon dieu
!” She jolted and gasped. When he pressed
his finger pad to her clit, her moans turned to cries and she shook like an
earthquake, but she didn’t take her eyes off the wall.

Neither did he. Not when he went lower still and thrust that
finger, then two, deep inside her, or when he spread her legs and climbed
between them and watched his tongue approach.

His view was cut off when he made contact, her soft thighs
enclosing his face. He let himself get lost in her scent, her sweet taste and
the constant gasps and moans she couldn’t hold back. Knowing she watched their
shadows blend on the wall as her body rose against him in spasm again and

“Colin…” she breathed, as she finally quieted.

He reluctantly lifted his head.

Her smile had a hint of devilment, making him wonder what he
was in for—and hoping she would get to it quickly.

In no time at all, he was the one on his back while she
kissed her way down his body. At the last second he remembered to turn his head
to watch their shadows dance and he had to wonder if he was going to make it
through the first lick. It was coming any second now and so might he—

Her shadow leaned down and enveloped his cock. If he hadn’t
had one eye on her as well, she’d be scraping him off the ceiling. Even knowing
she didn’t make contact, he couldn’t help sucking in his breath and pulling

“Not what I had in mind,” he said.

“I just wanted to make sure you could see my shadow. Is this
better?” She leaned down again and let the tip of her tongue tickle the smooth
head of his cock.

“Yes!” She took him all the way to the back of her throat
and Colin once again marveled at how good she was at this. Experience wasn’t
always a bad thing.

Oh God, watching the shadows as she slowly slid her lips up
and down his length was more than he could handle. He tore his gaze from the
wall, only to find it was worse watching it live between his legs. “Lizette,
please. I want to come inside you.”

She looked like he was taking away her favorite toy, but she
pulled back with a quick kiss to the tip of his cock.

“Colin…” she breathed.

“Yes, love?”

She hesitated.

Uh-oh. Maybe my sweet talk stunned her.
“I—I’m sorry,
I didn’t mean to alarm you. I didn’t say I love you, I was just using it as an

She propped herself up on one elbow and scrutinized him. “I
wasn’t upset about it. Why? Were you?”

“No, not at all. I—uh…just thought since you didn’t say
anything when I used that pet name, maybe I shocked you.”

She chuckled and shook her head. “No. That wasn’t it. I just
didn’t have anything else to say. I just wanted to say your name when I finally
caught my breath.”

“Oh.” He felt like an idiot, but at least he could call her
by that endearment without worrying about boiled rabbits or her taking it the
wrong way. Or was it the right way? It felt so natural and right when he said
it. Again, he pushed the thought to the back of his mind and pulled her down to
plant a hot kiss on her lips.

She took his breath away when she kissed him. Something
about the way she swirled her tongue around his and then sucked as she pulled
it out of her mouth. No one had done that to him before. Something deep in his
gut turned inside out when he was with her.

“I want to be on top,” she announced when they broke apart.

Colin smiled. Woman on top was a powerful position
pleasure-wise, even for a control freak like himself, so he was more than ready
if she was. “Please, by all means.”

She straddled him and positioned his cock directly under her
glistening opening. Then she sank down on it and they moaned together.

She began to move slowly. “I wish you’d let me take pictures
of us making love, but I think I need more equipment for that.”

He laughed. “I have all the equipment I need right here.”
vision of you on top, making love to me, will be burned into the film of my
brain forever.

She increased her rhythm, threw back her head and moaned


He didn’t answer. It seemed as though she breathed his name
just to say it, as she had done before and didn’t need a response. He caressed
her breasts and delighted in her little gasp.

Mon dieu
. I love that,” she cooed.

“Me too.” Colin could feel the pending eruption build at the
base of his spine. He let go of her breasts and held onto her waist. Pummeling
her the way he wanted to— no,
to—would require his leverage as
well as hers.

She seemed light as a feather and he lifted her with ease,
then brought her down upon his erection. Suddenly afraid for her delicate
build, he asked, “Am I hurting you?”

“No, I’m fine. Please keep going.” She seemed breathless. He
could barely hold his lust in check, but he had to. She might not have been
truthful about the pain, or lack of it.

Lifting her and sliding her wet cunt over his cock felt
wonderful—incredible. Then she began to rub her own clit and he almost lost it.
She howled with need as he pumped into her, while trying to hold back the full
power of his excitement and thus his climax. Stalling it like this was sweet

Lizette’s inner muscles clenched just as she bucked and
cried out her joy. His multi-orgasmic partner had come a second time but he
knew he’d never make it through her third—at least not now. He let himself
loose, pistoning in and out of her heat until he erupted like a volcano.
Jerking and grunting with his own blissful release, he felt as if all his bones
had left his body. He and Lizette melted together as one.

Several minutes later, she rolled off him and asked,


“Stay the night with me. Please?”

He propped himself on his elbow and studied her face. He saw
only hope shining in her eyes. No guile or ulterior motives. The idea of
sleeping with Lizette in his arms sounded pretty sweet to him too.

He brushed a stray curl away from her cheek. “Yes. I’ll

Chapter Six

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Sigmund Freud


Colin had finally agreed to let her photograph him, though
he’d talked her out of doing it while they were having sex. She was nuts for
thinking they could make love and art at the same time. Every time either one
of them was naked, the inevitable soon followed. She chuckled to herself.
I do this for a living, I’ll need a model to get anything done at all.

“Look toward the windows. I want the light on your face.”

“Only if I can twist my body the other way so it’s in

Lizette popped her head up over her viewfinder.“Don’t
tell me you’re ashamed of that beautiful body!”

“Not ashamed. Just self-conscious.” He twisted so his body
was shaded the way he was comfortable. “Even men can be a little shy about
exposing the full Monty.”

“The full what?”

He smiled. “That’s an expression that means complete

“Ah, but that’s silly. The human body is art—especially one
like yours, Colin.” She ducked behind her camera and centered his gorgeous
figure through the viewfinder. Then she began clicking and moving to capture different

“How many are you going to take?”

“Enough to enjoy choosing the best of many.”

“Okay, tell me when to move. This pose is only comfortable

“Oh. Well, then, move.”

Colin adjusted to another position that hid his genitalia from
her. Knee up and arm extended over it, casually.

“Why are you doing that? I like your cock.”

“I’m glad you do, but I only agreed to this in the interest
of education.”

“It’s a good thing I’m not paying you,” she huffed.

Colin gave another big grin and she continued snapping

“If you stand with your back three-quarters to me—”

“You’ll see my ass. No thanks, Lizette.”

“You’re even shy about showing yourself from the back? Are
you afraid you’ll blush and ruin the shot with pink blotches?”

He laughed. “How about if I face away from you? If you can’t
see my face, I’ll agree to it.”

She tucked her hair behind her ears. “Fine.”

Colin stood and let her pose him. She photographed his
gorgeous back muscles and taut, round bum. When she crouched, she caught part
of his generous ball sac dangling between his legs.

“Okay,” she said. “I’m happy now.”

“At last.” He shot her a teasing grin and stepped into his
underwear, t-shirt and jeans.

She couldn’t help wanting to touch and kiss him every time
she saw that sexy smile. She even liked watching him get dressed. Those
perfectly formed muscles bunched at even the slightest movement and she wished
she could capture that on film too. Maybe she would sometime. “Colin?”

“Yes, love?”

She strode over to him and planted a hot, wet kiss on his
lips. He grabbed her before she could pull away and held her to him, tight.

Now she remembered why she didn’t let anyone get too close.
Leaving Seattle—specifically, leaving Colin—was going to hurt like hell.
Lizette hung her head and frowned.

“What’s wrong?”

“I didn’t mean to… I guess I wear my heart on my sleeve
sometimes, no?”

“Depends. What was your heart saying just now?”

She tried to give him a smile, but it was a weak attempt.

“Sweetheart, what is it?”

She sighed. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t even bring it up and put
a damper on our time together.”

“Look, if something is bothering you, I want to know what it

“It’s just that I’m going to miss you when I have to go.”

She shrugged out of his embrace, moved to the windows and
opened the curtains. Looking out at some children playing, she felt another
pang of loss. She’d never have the pleasure of being a mother. Colin deserved a
family if he wanted one and there was always the possibility that if they
stayed together, people would eventually mistake her for his daughter…and
later, his granddaughter.

Coming up behind her, he wrapped his arms around her and
kissed her ear. “Nothing says you have to leave.”

“But I do! If we stay together, how could we get away with
your aging and my never getting a day older? Won’t your friends catch on?”

Colin held her quietly for a few minutes. When he finally
spoke, he said something she never expected.

“Lizette, when two people are in love, they don’t think
about leaving each other. I’m sorry you don’t feel as strongly about me as I do
about you, but I wish you wouldn’t talk about leaving. Not for a long time.
Maybe not ever. I’m sure we can figure something out.”

She turned around in his arms and stared at him. “Are you
saying you’re in love with me?”

He chuckled and looked down for a second. Then, as if he
mustered some courage, he looked her right in the eyes and said, “Yes. I love
you. I was doubting myself for a while—really couldn’t believe it happened so
fast. I know you probably don’t—”

She cut him off with a kiss. A hard kiss that grew into a
long, deep, passionate one. When they broke apart, she whispered, “No, you’re
wrong. I love you too. That’s why I’m so sad. I don’t
to leave

Colin cupped the back of her head and drew her face against
his warm shoulder. “Let’s not assume that’s going to happen. Let’s just be
happy. Love doesn’t come along every day.”

“No kidding. I haven’t loved anyone in hundreds of years.”


She almost didn’t answer. She didn’t want to tell him she
had never loved any of the men she’d slept with and allowed to take care of
her. But he deserved the truth. If this was to be the first honest romantic
relationship she had ever had, she might as well be open to anything he asked
her. “Yes?”

“I—I know you wanted information about the other immortals I
alluded to, but do you still? I mean, does it really matter?”

Little hairs stood up on the back of her neck. He sounded
willing but not happy about it. Was there something he couldn’t tell her? Were
they dangerous—even to her? Was there a way she could die? And now that she
didn’t want to, would he tell her about it?”

“Oh, fuck. What is it?”

He frowned down at her face. “I thought you wanted me to
tell you.”

“Well, yes. I mean—no. I don’t know! Can you tell me what it
is without telling me what it is?”


She shook her head. “I’m not sure I want to know anymore. I
mean, you said you didn’t believe in suicide. If you were still alive and I
tried it, how terribly would I hurt you?”

“What? Horribly! No, it’s not that. I still don’t know any
way you can kill yourself without causing brain damage and, Jesus…Why would you

“Never mind. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have assumed anything,
but since you can’t divulge the identity of your patients, I thought you
wouldn’t have anything else you
tell me.”

“Oh.” He kissed the side of her head and stroked her back.
“No, I was going to say that I might be able to ask one of them permission to
talk to you. If she chooses to reveal herself, maybe she can help you understand
that you don’t need to disappear.”

Lizette caught her breath. “Really? You might be able to put
me in touch with someone like myself after all?”

“I know how badly you want and need to know you’re not
alone. Which is no guarantee that it will happen. I only know of one person
like you. Immortal without knowing why…or as you put it, without fangs or fur
at the full moon.” He chuckled. “God, but you’re cute.”

She grinned. “I’m not sure I’d want to meet the other kind
anyway. How do you deal with them, knowing they could kill you?”

A wry smile crossed his face. “We meet in public places—and
never under a full moon.”

* * * * *

The following day, Lizette stood outside Colin’s office
wondering who she was about to meet and what the individual could tell her. She
knew it was a woman—Colin had implied that much. A tiny case of nerves made her
hand tremble on the door handle. What would she learn about herself?
What if
I can’t handle what she tells me? What if I find out something really horrible?
No. Colin wouldn’t put me in that situation. He must be sure she can help me.

Upon entering, Lizette saw an empty waiting room. Even the
snippy secretary seemed to be absent. She checked her watch and noticed it was
still early.

Colin’s door was open a crack. She thought about the last
time she had let herself into his inner office and how rude she had been.
Things had certainly changed between them. She approached cautiously and
knocked on the wood trim.

“Come in,” Colin called.

She opened the door and Colin gave her a wide smile. The
only other person in the office was Miss Snippy. Maybe they had been going over
the day’s patient list or something.

“I’m sorry, am I too early?”

“No, love. You’re right on time. Come in and shut the door.
This is Vera, my secretary.”

Lizette looked between the two people with confusion. At
last, awareness dawned. Pointing to the secretary, she asked, “Are you the
other one…like me?”

The woman stood and crossed her arms. “I’m not sure. Dr.
Brayer wouldn’t tell me anything except that one of his patients needed to meet
another immortal to feel less alone in the world.”

“Oh, then I guess you’re it and now you know my secret too.”

“Yes, there are a few of us.”

Lizette crossed to the couch and sat next to where Vera had
been sitting. “Do you get together? Is there, like, a hangout where everyone
gathers or anything like that?”

The receptionist chuckled. “No. I don’t think so. Besides,
I’m not sure you’d want to meet the other two I know of.”

Vera retook her seat and seemed more relaxed. Lizette,
however, was trembling.

“Are they dangerous?”

“I imagine so. I’ve seen fangs they’ve tried to hide but I
don’t ask for details.”

Lizette wrung her hands. “I see. Can you talk a while?”

“Not very long. The first patient will be here shortly.”

“Oh. I guess we got off on the wrong foot. I’m sorry I was
rude to you on the telephone that time.”

“Don’t worry about it. It happens. You can’t take it
personally if you work in a place like this.” A corner of her mouth turned up
in a wry smile.

Lizette chuckled. “I guess you couldn’t. I wouldn’t last
long though, huh?”

Vera didn’t answer that. “So what did you want to know?”

“Well, everything. Where do you come from and how old are
you? When did you realize you couldn’t die and, mostly, do you know why we’re
like this?”

“I’m from New York. I was born in 1811. I was about fifty
when I realized I should have graying hair, a slower metabolism and wrinkles.
But none of that had occurred. I was married and my husband didn’t seem able to
keep up with me anymore.”

“Did you have children?”

“No.” She sighed. “That was another reason I sensed I might
be different. We tried and tried. My second husband and I tried for a few years

“How the heck did you explain your not aging to a husband?”

“I didn’t. My first husband died shortly after I suspected
my immortality. In fact, I think it killed him. Like I said, he couldn’t keep
up anymore—he had a heart attack in bed.”

Mon dieu
! How awful.” Lizette covered Vera’s hand
with hers.

“I know. I felt terribly guilty for a long time. I’m sure it
can work between immortals and mortals, but we need to adjust to a human
husband’s changing physiology.”

“Is that what you did? Slow down as your lovers aged? But
how did you explain your young appearance?”

“My second husband was killed in an Indian raid, so I never
had to explain it to him, either.”

“An Indian raid? What part of New York did you live in?”

“It was later. We moved west looking for gold. My poor
Chester never made it to California.”

“So did you marry again?”

“Yes. Just once more. He died too, but not until his

“So they all died before they suspected?”

“No, I think my third husband suspected but I didn’t dare
tell him. He was all about facts and logic. I’m sure he would have thought I
was crazy. You’re lucky you found Dr. Brayer. I doubt a handful of doctors in
this country would have believed you.”

“Yes, I know how lucky I am.” Lizette smiled at her handsome
lover. “But how rare is it to find someone who not only believes you, but is
okay with it?”

Vera nodded. “Rare indeed. Like I said, you’re very lucky.”
She gave her a look Lizette could only interpret as jealousy and rose to leave
the room, closing the door behind her.

“Well, I guess I’d better go too if you’re expecting a
patient soon.”

Colin said, “Wait. I have something to give you.”

“Haven’t you given me enough?” she exclaimed.

He chuckled. “This costs nothing.”

He crossed to her, pulled her up off the couch and kissed
her passionately.

Lizette had to catch her breath when he finally stepped
back, breaking the kiss.

“Oh. Well, that’s something you can give me any time.”

“Good,” he said. “Did talking with Vera help?”

“I suppose so. A little bit. At least I know I’m not the
only one.”

“And that you can have relationships without disappearing.
The days of witch hunts are over, love.”

They smiled at each other and Lizette placed a quick kiss on
his cheek. She sighed and left his office.

On the way home, Lizette couldn’t stop ruminating,
there’s hope, like he said.
She was excited to get started with her new,
meaningful, possibly lucrative hobby and life.

She had to figure out how to use all of her equipment and
since the guy at the pawn shop had been nice enough to offer to teach her, she
figured she might as well take him up on it. Maybe she
Colin by learning something on her own.

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