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Authors: Cassandra Carr

Tags: #Erotica

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Cassandra Carr


Book one in the Buckin’ Bull Riders series.


Professional bull rider Conner Raub hides a secret from the world. He’s a Dom. When he meets a submissive on tour who pulls at his Dom tendencies, he fights to deny his true self, believing his colleagues will condemn his lifestyle.

Jessica Talbot is new to the BDSM scene and the bull riding tour, but after seeing Conner come to the aid of a submissive being mistreated in a club, she sets out to have him for her own. After their first night together she asks him to train her to submit and he refuses, afraid to mix business with pleasure. But Jessica isn’t deterred. She’ll do whatever it takes to make him realize he can have it all—a career, true love and the BDSM lifestyle he craves.


Ellora’s Cave Publishing






ISBN 9781419937439


Impact Copyright © 2012 Cassandra Carr


Edited by Grace Bradley

Cover design by Syneca

Photography: Wallenrock/


Electronic book publication February 2012


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Cassandra Carr



To my father, for keeping my daughter entertained so I can write.

To my mother, for loving my writing even if she doesn’t love what I write about.


Chapter One


Conner Raub stepped out of his Ford F-150 into the dark Dallas night and pulled his half-hood on to shield his face. He felt a little silly putting it on nearly a block away from Decadence, but he couldn’t be too careful. No one knew about this part of his life, and he wanted to keep it that way. It wasn’t as if he were famous, but as one of the nation’s top bull riders, he did have some notoriety, especially in his hometown.

He opened the heavy oak door of the club and was immediately greeted by the strains of Travis Tritt. He smiled. Only in a sex club in the South would you hear Travis Tritt blaring from the speakers. A petite brunette wearing a purple leather bustier, which thrust her breasts up like a carnal offering, smiled at him from her perch behind a tall counter. “Master Conner, welcome back.”

“Hello, Gina,” he greeted her, handing over his membership card. She ran it through the scanning machine and returned it to him.

“Some nice girls tonight,” she remarked. “You should find something you like.” She threw him a saucy wink and he couldn’t help but smile. Whoever had collared Gina had quite a little vixen on their hands.

After nodding at the hulking bouncer as the man rose to open the door for him, Conner moved down the hall toward the action. He entered the room and glanced around before taking a seat toward one end of the carved mahogany bar and ordering a soft drink. He never drank if he was going to play. Turning, he surveyed the crowd. Currently there were about forty people in various stages and types of dress undulating to the music as the lights flashed and twirled. Here in the main room the light was pretty normal. It was lower in the common play room on the second floor and could be adjusted to the occupants’ liking in most of the dungeon rooms in the basement.

A few days ago one of the girls he played with had texted him she’d be there tonight, but so far he didn’t see her. It was early though—they weren’t slated to meet until a half-hour later. She could be in the common play room doing a scene, he supposed, though he didn’t know her to be the type to play with more than one Dom during the course of an evening.

He sipped his drink and continued to scope out the offerings. After the half-hour passed and then some, though, his brows furrowed in annoyance. Maria knew he didn’t like to wait—where was she? He rose to check the common play room. Just as he took the first step he felt a slim arm encase his waist. Hot breath slid over his ear and he heard Maria’s voice. “Sorry I’m late, Sir. Please don’t go.” She came around and knelt in front of him, her head down.

Slipping his hand into her hair, he forced her head up. “I’m not going anywhere, darlin’. But I’m gonna have to punish you for your lateness. You know I don’t like to be kept waiting.”

“Yes Sir.”

He looked her up and down. “You look lovely tonight, Maria.”

“I know red is your favorite color, Sir. I wanted to please you.”

“It is my favorite color,” he agreed, taking in her tightly laced corset with black lace accents, filmy red skirt and black knee-high boots. “And it’ll be a good guide to use when I take my strap to your ass.”

“Yes Sir.”

“Do you need anything before we begin?”

“No Sir.”

“Excellent.” He held out his hand for her and she rose, graceful as ever. He pressed a kiss to the back of her hand, then turned her arm and placed hot, open-mouthed kisses from the inside of her wrist to her elbow. “Let’s go.” He picked up his toy bag and placed his hand at the small of her back, guiding her toward the common play room.

Once there, he looked around, searching for an open area. He wasn’t a big fan of the St. Andrew’s Cross, and tables were okay, but he preferred a spanking bench, where he had better access to his sub. Her ass was in a better position for his punishment, her pussy for his fingers or tongue, and her mouth for his cock.

“Over here.” He guided her to a bench and gently pushed her over. She went without complaint, as he’d expected. He liked playing with Maria. She was no pushover, but she
beautifully submissive. She challenged him to find new ways to make her happy. Because she chose not to have a Dom, she had her choice of whom she played with. If he didn’t satisfy her needs she could simply refuse to sub for him. Since there were only a few women he trusted enough to play with, he cherished every one of them.

After securing her wrists and ankles, he pulled a thick, padded strap over her back and clipped it on the other side, checking to make sure he could fit a hand between it and her back. Standing back, he surveyed his handiwork. Maria was spread out before him, her legs splayed and her ass forced upward by the curve of the bench. He felt his dick stir as he thought of the activities of the night to come.


First, her punishment, though they both knew it could hardly be considered punishment. She craved it and he loved giving it to her. Stepping forward, he lowered her panties to mid-thigh. The sweet smell of her arousal drifted to his nose and he took a long, deep sniff. Leaning down, he bent his body over hers. “I can smell you, which means you’re wet,” he growled in her ear. “Were you late on purpose so I’d punish you?”

She gasped and he smiled. “N-no Sir,” she insisted. “I hit traffic on the I-30.”

“So you didn’t plan very well.” He pushed his body closer to her, letting her feel his dominance and her own helplessness and heard her whimper.

“No… I-I guess not, Sir.” She was practically panting and he was sure if he plunged a finger into her pussy she’d be soaked.

“You guess?”

“No Sir, I definitely didn’t plan well, Sir.”

“I’d deprive you of my cock, but that would punish me too, so I won’t,” he whispered in her ear, pushing his erection into the crack of her ass.

“Thank you, Sir. May I suck it, Sir?”

“Not yet, and I may just give you another punishment for being such a greedy slut and askin’ for it when you clearly don’t deserve it.”

“Yes Sir, I’m sorry, Sir.” Her chest was heaving and he knew from experience she was close to orgasm just from his voice and the thought of what he was going to do to her.

He backed off and walked around to her front, using his thumb and index finger to lift her face to his. “You will not come without permission. Do you understand me? I know you’re close, but you’re being punished, and you
will not
come. Is that clear?”

“Yes Sir,” she choked out.

“Good girl.” Reaching into his toy bag, he covered her eyes with a blindfold and then brushed his lips over hers. “I’ve missed you.” He was glad she couldn’t see the emotion no doubt lurking in his eyes. Allowing himself a brief flash of regret this was all he could have of a lifestyle he craved so badly, he rose and went to his toy bag again. Extracting a flogger and a strap, he circled around behind Maria again.

Her arousal wafted up to him once more and he had to restrain himself from running his fingers through her slit. In the low light of the play room, the juices flowing from her pussy glistened and his cock throbbed painfully inside his tight leather pants.

He dropped the strap on top of the bag and was about to start in on Maria with the flogger to warm her up when he caught a movement out of the corner of his eye. A few areas down a sub was restrained on a bench similar to the one he was using. She was blindfolded and there was a ball gag in her mouth. Her Dom was going at her ass with a strap and she was jerking with every blow. He frowned. What had he seen?

Turning, he looked again and noticed the sub had dropped her scarf, meaning she wanted to end the scene. Conner debated what to do while he looked around for a dungeon master. The play room was crowded and he didn’t see one.

Fuck. The woman jerked as her Dom laid on another stroke. Bruises were forming on her ass. He had a strong inkling this punishment wasn’t consensual, and though Conner knew the rules, knew he should let the DMs handle this, he didn’t see one and he couldn’t let this asshole, who obviously had no regard for his sub, abuse her like this.

“Hold tight, darlin’, I need to go take care of something,” he murmured to Maria, removing her blindfold and restraints quickly. He moved toward the other Dom, still looking for a DM. Where the fuck were they? “Hey, man, your sub dropped her scarf.”

The Dom glanced up. “She’s being punished.” He continued to strap the woman.

“That doesn’t mean you ignore her kill signal,” Conner reminded him, anger rising as he watched the man ignore his sub’s limits.

“Back off,” the other man snarled. “This is between me and her.”

Conner grabbed his wrist without a second thought. He couldn’t sit by and let a man hurt a woman who wasn’t into it. He applied pressure until the man swore and dropped the strap. Finally a dungeon master appeared. “Problem, Sirs?”

“His sub dropped her scarf and he refused to stop,” Conner bit out. “I looked for one of you guys, but you were nowhere to be found, so I took matters into my own hands.”

The dungeon master glanced at the Dom, who was glaring at Conner, and then signaled to another man. “Untie her.” He turned to Conner. “We’ll take it from here.”

Conner began to turn away, but the other Dom lunged at him. “Fucker!” Conner was caught off guard and staggered back a step. The man grabbed his hood and ripped it off, throwing a punch Conner barely ducked. The dungeon master and his helper grabbed the Dom, dragging him into a corner as other staff members made their way over. Conner dropped to the floor to retrieve his hood, swearing.

Unmasking another Dom was a grave offense in and of itself, and adding that to the other stunts the man had pulled, Conner was sure he’d be blacklisted here and everywhere else the owners could reach with their influence. Any Dom who treated a sub with so little respect had no right to be in the world of BDSM anyway.

Shaking his head, Conner made his way back to Maria. “Sir?”

“Yes, I’m here, sugar,” he answered.

“Will you come over here where I can see you?” her voice sounded unsure and Conner’s heart leapt into his throat. He wasn’t sure how much Maria could have seen from her vantage point and hoped she didn’t feel abandoned. He shouldn’t have left her alone, but at least he’d had the sense to take off her restraints. Conner prayed she wouldn’t say he’d embarrassed her and she didn’t want anything to do with him. Yes, he’d violated the rules of the club and had no doubt he’d see the owners for a little chat before the end of the night, but he’d done what he thought was best in the heat of the moment. Protecting the sub had been upmost in his mind.

Sighing, he knelt down by her head. “Yeah, darlin’?”

“That was incredible.”

“You saw?”

“Well, no. You told me to sit tight, so that’s what I did.” She smiled. “But I could hear enough. That sub won’t be able to say it, so I will. Thank you.”

“I saw her drop her scarf. That bastard she was with didn’t respect her kill signal,” Conner explained, his voice gruff. He didn’t want Maria to think he was some kind of hero. He’d done what was right.

“But you noticed and cared enough to do something about it.”

“Look, it isn’t a big deal.”

“Yes, it is,” she said. “Sir, please allow me to thank you.” She looked at him with pleading eyes and he felt about ten feet tall. He cupped her cheek in his large hand and she nuzzled into it, briefly closing her eyes before opening them and regarding him. “Allow me to thank you since she can’t. I know I need to be punished, but I want to do this. Please, Sir. Please don’t say no. I know I was greedy before and this isn’t an excuse to get you to give me your cock, Sir, I promise. Let me suck you off and then you can punish me and I’ll suck your cock again. I’ll suck you all night if you want me to. I want to. Oh man, I want to.” She moaned and his breath caught.

How did I get so lucky?

Then his thoughts turned and he cursed himself and his circumstances. Before he let himself go down that path yet again, he straightened. His hands went to the fastener of his pants and he eased them open, hissing when his painfully distended cock finally broke free of its confines. Closing his eyes briefly, he took himself in hand and slowly stroked up and down.

Placing one hand on the bench near her hip, he brought his cock to her mouth and fed it to her slowly, watching as her little pink tongue darted out to capture the pre-cum gathered at the tip. The head disappeared inside her mouth and she moaned around him, which in turn sent a shudder down his body. “Shit, sugar, give a guy a warning,” he ground out through clenched teeth.

She continued to work him into her mouth, opening wider to accommodate his girth. All the other sights, noises and smells faded into the background as his dick sank farther into Maria’s throat. Knowing that she wanted his cock in her mouth, and that she craved his lash was a huge turn-on. He groaned from low in his chest, leaned harder on his hand, and pushed farther into her mouth until her nose was nestled in his trimmed pubic hair.

He held himself there, murmuring nonsense to her as he fought to keep control. Finally, he backed out until the fat purple head rested just out of reach of her swollen lips. Looking down at her, he asked, “You want more?”

“Yes, please, Sir. Yes!”

“Beg for it.” She already had, but since he didn’t get many chances to flex the dominant side of his personality he wanted to push her a little. He knew she would do whatever he asked. They’d played often enough that he was intimately familiar with her limits and knew exactly where and how hard he could push her.

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