Impact (The Fight for Life #2) (29 page)

BOOK: Impact (The Fight for Life #2)
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“Sorry,” she muttered, closing them quickly.

I rewarded her with my mouth on her left breast, flicking the nipple with my tongue, a delicious torture I knew sent her right to the edge of sanity.

“I want you,” she panted out, her back arching to push her breast further into my mouth.

I cupped her other breast with my right hand and massaged it as I continued my sensual assault. When my mouth replaced my hand, she let out a loud groan and tried to wrap her legs around my backside to pull me closer to where I knew she needed me most. She was falling apart at the seams and I knew she didn’t want to be put back together.

My mouth started blazing a trail south. When I hooked my fingers in the lace underwear, she lifted her hips to make their removal swift. She was now lying on our bed completely naked and wanting.

“Open your eyes, Jules.” She complied immediately and I was met by a frenzy of navy-coloured lust. I could never get enough of those incredible blue eyes, and I was momentarily spellbound.

“What are you waiting for?” she asked, propping herself up on her elbows.

“I’m just appreciating the view before I take what’s mine.”

“Can you at least get your clothes off so I can appreciate the view too?” She winked at me and I had to laugh as I reached behind and pulled my t-shirt over my head.

Her eyes perused my chest as if I were a tasty dish, but she was welcome to the whole damn menu. “There is no part of your body that isn’t absolute perfection.” She glanced at my jeans then back up to my eyes, raising her eyebrows to indicate her desire for me to hurry up and lose the jeans.

“Your wish is my command, angel.”

“I love it when you call me angel,” she whispered.

“You were sent to me from somewhere. I have no idea where, but I’m grateful every day.”

“Fewer beautiful words,” she panted. “Fewer clothes.”

I shook my head and chuckled, but pushed my jeans and boxers down, letting them pool at my feet. I leant down and pulled my socks off as I stepped out of my jeans. She groaned, knowing I was doing it slowly just to torture her. When I stood up, as always, she went into full ogle mode. Her eyes were drawn down to my straining erection.

“Babe, that looks uncomfortable.”

“Are you done ogling your poor boyfriend yet?” I asked when she dragged her gaze away from my crotch and met my eyes.

“I will never be done ogling my smokin’ hot boyfriend, but I’d rather do it from close up.”

Without hesitation and done with my torture, I knelt on the bed at her feet and gently pushed her legs apart, kissing my way up her inner thighs. She gripped the bed covers as my mouth got closer to its final destination. I picked up her legs from under my thighs and placed them over my shoulders before giving her what she needed exactly where she needed it. What felt like hours of foreplay erupted almost instantaneously as her thighs clenched around me and my name was said as two extra-long syllables.

Before she came down from her high, I moved up her body and thrust into her. I don’t think she even realised I’d changed position until she opened her eyes and found me staring at her, smiling triumphantly.

“You are so fucking beautiful when you come apart like that for me.” I pulled out and then quickly thrust back inside her harder this time. “I need to see that again, but this time I’ll be right there with you.”

She opened her legs wider, allowing me to deepen the penetration.

“Yes.” She groaned, and it was the sweetest sound coming from my gorgeous girl.

My thrusts got harder and my mouth found its way back to her swollen breasts that I knew were aching for my attention.

“Don’t stop, Leo,” she begged. “Please don’t stop.” She wrapped her legs tighter around my waist and dug her heels into my butt, willing me to go faster, willing me to launch us both into glorious oblivion.

“I’ll never stop, babe.” I said, pressing a kiss into the dip between my breasts. “Never.”

I lifted my gaze to hers and our lust-filled eyes burned only for each other.

“I love you.”

“I love you too, Leo.”

My mouth crashed down on hers, devouring her while I resumed my thrusts, building to a frenzy within moments. “Come for me, baby.” My demand was spoken against her lips and she obeyed with reckless abandon.

“Leo,” she said, over and over again, her chant pushing me over the edge, and I released into her in one final thrust.

We remained joined, unwilling to break the beautiful connection. Eventually, I rolled off her and lay on my back, still holding her hand. I turned my head to the side so I could watch her chest rise and fall, still out of breath. She was magnificent and she was all mine.

“You are amazing,” she whispered, her eyes glazed in a post-orgasmic haze.

My smile widened. “Ditto.” I leaned forward and kissed her lightly before promptly falling asleep on my back.


Hours later, I woke up desperate to take her again.

When I moved on top of her, she opened her eyes. “I need you again,” I whispered.

“Take me,” I whispered.

We made love, revelling in our closeness and absolute devotion to each other. When she kissed me, her whole body spoke a language meant just for me. When we climaxed together, it was to the beat of our joined hearts. There was nothing more beautiful, more sensual or more perfect than our bodies coming together.

I kissed her gently before pulling out and replacing the covers over us. “Sorry to wake you up, angel.”

“Never apologise for waking me up for that.” Her eyelids were heavy and she was already back to sleep before she finished her sentence. Before I closed my eyes, I stared at her, knowing she was the most precious thing on Earth. We’d gone to Hell and back to get to this point, but we were here and we were here to stay.


I got up well before I knew Juliette would wake and headed for the kitchen to put part one of my plan into action—breakfast in bed. When I was done making an incredible mess in the kitchen, I returned to our bedroom, tray in hand.

“Morning, sunshine,” I said when I came through the door and found her sitting up in bed, yawning. “Breakfast in bed.”

“Seriously?” She grabbed the European pillow from the floor and propped it up behind her. “How did I get so lucky?”

“Luck has nothing to do with it, Jules.” I winked. “You put out twice last night.”

“Cheeky.” She couldn’t help chuckling and her cheeks reddened. It blew my mind I could still make her blush.

I placed the tray on her lap and picked up the coffee mug while she balanced it properly. I gave her a kiss to say good morning properly. “All set?”

She took the coffee from me and inhaled the fumes then looked up at me and smiled. “Thank you, babe. This is amazing. I feel very spoilt.”

“I want to spoil you. I love that I can spoil you whenever I want.”

“I love that you can spoil me whenever you want too,” she said, her grin only partly hidden by her coffee mug.

She replaced the mug on the bedside table then surveyed the other items I’d put on the tray. I was proud as punch and couldn’t wait for her reaction. A plate stacked with pancakes sat on one side of the tray with a small jug of maple syrup next to it. A bunch of freshly picked wildflowers lay above the plate. “Nice touch.”


“I think I burnt the pancakes slightly,” I said, still irritated.

She smiled. “Better than undercooked. Uncooked pancake batter is gross.”

“That’s true.” I walked around the bed and climbed in next to her. “I’ve turned the heating on, so the house should warm up soon, but until then, we’re staying right here.

“Fine by me.” She picked up one of the forks and handed the other to me. Two white napkins were folded and I was mentally willing her to pick them up. She did, and when she looked back at the tray, she noticed a narrow black box.

“What’s that?” she asked, intrigued.

I felt suddenly hesitant at my gift. “Just something I had made for you.” I picked it up and handed it to her. “Open it.”

She lifted the hinged lid and when she peeked inside, she gasped.

A few tears slipped down her cheeks and I knew I’d done well. “Venus,” she whispered without breaking her gaze from it. Carefully, she picked up the white gold, star-shaped pendant and draped the fine silver chain over her hand. Smiling, she raised her eyes to mine. “I love it so much.”

“It’s to remind you that you’re the brightest star in my world, baby.”

She leaned forward and kissed me. “Thank you.” She undid the clasp and handed it to me. She held her hair while I attached it. Her hand gravitated straight to the pendant now lying against her neck. “I will treasure it always.”

Part one was a success.

We stayed in bed for another couple of hours after polishing off the pancakes and coffee. She kept telling me how much she loved her necklace and that she’d never take it off. I’d been planning this day for a long time and, so far, it was going perfectly.

“Come on, lazybones,” I said, pulling the covers back. “Time to get up.” I felt an odd mixture of excitement and shitting myself. “I have something to show you.”

“Can’t we stay in bed?” she groaned. “It’s Sunday and we have nowhere to be.”

“Nope.” I was out of bed and around to her side before she finished her complaint. “Out of bed now or I’ll tickle you.”

She groaned again. “Fine. I’m getting up.” It was the ultimate Achilles’ heel being ticklish. I could get her to do just about anything to avoid being tickled.

“Put on something warm,” I instructed. “We’re going outside.”

I noted the change in her demeanour and I knew she was now intrigued. “Okay, Mr Bossy.”

Taking her by the hand, I led her out of our bedroom, down the hall and into the utility room, where I pointed to her red jacket. “Where are you taking me?” she asked, pulling it off the hook together with her black scarf and beanie.

“Patience, Jules.”

“Not my strongest virtue,” she said, looking at me with raised eyebrows. “You know this.”

“I do know, babe, but it’ll be worth the wait.” I pulled her to me by my scarf and planted a scorching kiss on her lips before pulling back so I could look her in the eye. “I promise.”

I pulled on my black coat and charcoal-grey beanie.

“God, my boyfriend is hot,” she said, shamelessly ogling me again.

I chuckled at her as I held the back door open for her. She shivered when she stepped outside, but she closed her eyes while she inhaled the cold, wintery air deeply. While I knew she was admiring the frost-covered grass, the bare trees and the perfect, cloudless blue sky, I sent our next door neighbour, Wendy, a quick text as planned.

“Our home is paradise in all seasons, but winter is my favourite,” she stated, taking another deep breath, smiling. Her irritation at being dragged out of bed and forced patience had evaporated like I knew it would.

“This way,” I said, seizing her hand in mine and gently tugging her down the garden. I pushed open the gate leading to the field and ushered her through. Halfway across the field, I stopped and turned her to face me.

“You are so beautiful.” I held her face and the rest of the world didn’t exist.

“Thank you.” She looked me in the eye. “You’re not so bad yourself, but did you drag me out of bed to tell me that?”

I closed the gap between us, wrapped my arms around her and kissed her. We never just kissed though. The impact of our lips meeting was incomparable.

I pulled back and had to laugh when she gripped my jacket and tried to pull me back to her. “I have something to show you.” I took hold of her shoulders and turned her so she was facing the direction of Wendy’s farm. I could see Wendy removing the head collar from and releasing my present for Juliette into our field. We waved to each other before she returned to her farm. The horse whinnied then trotted towards us. I looked at Jules and could see confusion written on her face.

“Did Wendy get a new horse?” she asked, meeting my gaze.

“Nope.” I shook my head.

“Surely not,” she whispered more to herself than to me.

We walked in silence towards the horse that was now grazing. He lifted his head from the grass when we got closer. His ears were forward and he appeared very interested in us.

“What’s going on, Leo?”

We were standing right in front of him now, and she reached up to stroke the white star between his eyes. He dropped his head slightly, enjoying the attention it seemed.

“This is Cardinal and he belongs to you now,” I informed her.

She snapped her head up and studied my face, probably deciding how serious I was. I smiled, making sure she knew I wasn’t pulling her leg.

She covered her mouth. “Are you serious?” She was speaking through her fingers.

“Are you happy?” I asked.

“I’m always happy with you.”

“Good, because I’m deadly serious.”

She threw her arms around my neck. “You are something else, Leo Ashlar. You know that?”

“Do you remember when we came here the first time and I asked you to tell me the top five things you loved?”

She smiled at the memory. “Horses were on the list.” She nodded. “I remember.”

“Cold weather.” I held up my hand and splayed my fingers. “Your number five. Today is a beautiful winter’s day—your favourite time of year.” He pointed at Cardinal. “Horses were your number four.” He patted his sleek neck. “A few months ago, I asked Wendy if she could keep an eye out for a good horse I could buy for you. I’ve seen a few since, but somehow I knew Cardinal was meant for you.”

She looked back at her horse. “My horse.” She shook her head as if overwhelmed by the idea.

I held up three fingers. “Getting dirty in the garden was your number three.” I snickered. “I seem to recall being incredibly turned on when you told me you loved being on your hands and knees.”

She chuckled. “I think I called you a pervert.”

“I think you did too. But look what you’ve accomplished.” He pointed back towards the house.

accomplished,” she insisted.

We had spent the last eighteen months working on our garden. It was now the garden of her dreams, and as she’d hoped, she regularly made us dinner using vegetables from her sacred vegetable garden. I pushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear that had blown across her face and kissed her and got so lost in her, I almost considered abandoning the rest of my plan. Eventually, my brain kicked back in and I pulled back.

BOOK: Impact (The Fight for Life #2)
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