Implosion (40 page)

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Authors: Joel C. Rosenberg

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For more details on the Partition Plan, including the full text of the resolution and the list of countries voting for and against, see the website of Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

Clifford and Holbrooke, p. 15.

Ibid., p. 22.

Truman gave this speech to the Columbia Scholastic Press Association in March 1952. The speech was cited by Samuel W. Rushay Jr., “Harry Truman’s History Lessons,”
, Spring 2009,

Billy Graham,
Just As I Am: The Autobiography of Billy Graham
(New York: HarperCollins, 1997). See the introduction for Graham’s description of President Truman.

Clifford and Holbrooke, pp. 7–8.

Benjamin Netanyahu, “Address at Auschwitz Death Camp,” January 27, 2010; see transcript at Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs website,

Tim LaHaye,
Understanding Bible Prophecy for Yourself
(Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 2009), p. 94.

Thomas Ice, “Imminence and the Rapture: Part I,” accessed December 29, 2011,
. As part of his definition, Ice cited Gerald B. Stanton,
Kept from the Hour: Biblical Evidence for the Pretribulational Return of Christ
, 4th edition (Miami Springs, FL: Schoettle Publishing Co., [1956], 1991), p. 108.

Justin Berton, “Biblical Scholar’s Date for Rapture: May 21, 2011,”
San Francisco Chronicle
, January 1, 2010,
; see also Guy Adams, “U.S. Preacher Warns End of the World Is Nigh: 21 May, around 6 p.m., to Be Precise,”
, March 27, 2011,

Jay Kernis, “Camping Prepares for Judgment Day,”
In the Arena
(blog), CNN, May 17, 2011,

See Annalyn Censky, “Doomsday Church: Still Open for Business,” CNN Money, May 19, 2011,

Jesse McKinley, “An Autumn Date for the Apocalypse,”
New York Times
, May 23, 2011,

See David Morgan, “Rapture Predictor Harold Camping Suffers Stroke,” CBS News, June 13, 2011,
; see also Angela Woodall, “Doomsday Herald Harold Camping’s Radio Show Goes Off the Air at the End of the Month,”
Oakland Tribune
, June 23, 2011,

Harold Camping,
(New York: Vantage Press, 1992), p. 532.

Edgar C. Whisenant,
88 Reasons Why the Rapture Will Be in 1988
(Nashville: World Bible Society, 1988), p. 3.

Ibid., pp. 48, 50.

Ibid., p. 69.

Edgar Whisenant and Greg Brewer,
The Final Shout: Rapture Report 1989
(Nashville: World Bible Society, 1989), p. ii.

Ibid., p. 1.

Hal Lindsey and C. C. Carlson,
The Late Great Planet Earth
(Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1970), p. 54.

Hal Lindsey,
The 1980s: Countdown to Armageddon
(New York: Bantam Books, 1982), p. i.

See Gary Wilburn, “The Doomsday Chic,”
Christianity Today
, January 27, 1978.

Hal Lindsey,
Planet Earth 2000 A.D.: Will Mankind Survive?
(Palos Verdes: Western Front Ltd, 1994, 1996), sixth page of his unnumbered introduction.

Ibid., pp. 307–308.

For more details on the prophecies of Ezekiel 38–39, including historical research that helps us identify Russia as Magog and the modern-day identity of Russia’s allies, please see my book
Epicenter: Why the Current Rumblings in the Middle East Will Change Your Future
(Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, 2006).

The nation of India is also mentioned twice in the Bible (in Esther 1:1 and Esther 8:9, in defining the size and scope of the ancient Persian Empire under King Ahasuerus), though not in the context of Bible prophecy.

E. G. White,
America in Prophecy
(Jemison, AL: Inspiration Books East, Inc., 1888, republished in 1988), pp. 410–411.

Herbert W. Armstrong,
The United States and Britain in Prophecy
(Worldwide Church of God, 1942), pp. 3–4.

S. Franklin Logsdon,
Is the U.S.A. in Prophecy?
(Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1968), pp. 11, 13.

Thomas Ice and Timothy Demy,
The Truth about America in the Last Days
(Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 1998), p. 9.

David R. Reagan,
America the Beautiful? The United States in Bible Prophecy
(McKinney, TX: Lamb & Lion Ministries, 2003, 2006, 2009), pp. 76–78.

Michael D. Evans,
The American Prophecies: Ancient Scriptures Reveal Our Nation’s Future
(New York: Warner Faith, 2004), p. 5.

Terry James,
The American Apocalypse: Is the United States in Bible Prophecy?
(Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 2009), p. 19.

Mark Hitchcock,
The Late Great United States: What Bible Prophecy Reveals about America’s Last Days
(Colorado Springs, CO: Multnomah Books, 2009).

David Wilkerson,
America’s Last Call
(Lindale, TX: Wilkerson Trust Publications, 1998), p. 17.

A. P. Watchman,
Reaping the Whirlwind: The Imminent Judgment of Babylon America
(Xulon Press, 2010), pp. 246, 268.

The Late Great United States
, p. 15.

Jeffrey Gettleman, “Babylon Awaits an Iraq Without Fighting,”
New York Times
, April 18, 2006.

Ali Abdul Ameer Allawi (Iraqi finance minister), interview with the author, April 26, 2006.

Joel C. Rosenberg, “U.S. to Help Rebuild City of Babylon in Iraq,”
Flash Traffic
(blog), February 14, 2009,
. See also Khalid al-Ansary, “Babylon’s Future Written in its Ruins,” Reuters, February 11, 2009,

See Steven Lee Myers, “A Triage to Save the Ruins of Babylon,”
New York Times
, January 2, 2011,
; Joel C. Rosenberg, “Iraqi Efforts to Rebuild Babylon & Draw Tourists to Hebrew Prophet Ezekiel’s Tomb Focus of
New York Times
Article, Videos This Week,”
Flash Traffic
(blog), January 6, 2011,

Myers, “A Triage to Save the Ruins of Babylon.” See also Steven Lee Myers, Stephen Farrell, Shiho Fukada, “A Tour of Iraq’s Ancient Sites,”
New York Times
, January 2, 2011,

For more detail on why some authors and teachers have argued these points and why they are incorrect, I recommend Mark Hitchcock,
The Late Great United States
(Colorado Springs, CO: Multnomah Books, 2009), pp. 11–33.

Dana Blanton, “Fox News Poll: 79% Say U.S. Economy Could Collapse,”, March 23, 2010,

Specifically, 48 percent of Americans believe a Great Depression is coming. See “CNN Poll: Obama Approval Rating Drops as Fears of Depression Rise,”
Political Ticker
(blog), June 8, 2011,

See Steve Holland, “Most Americans Say U.S. on Wrong Track: Poll,” Reuters, August 10, 2011,

See Ciera Lundgren, “Bowles: ‘These Deficits Are Like a Cancer,’” CBS News, September 13, 2011,
; see also Dan Balz, “Obama’s Debt Commission Warns of Fiscal ‘Cancer,’”
Washington Post
, July 12, 2010,

Michael Crowley, “Deficit Dilemma: Will Washington Finally Tackle the Sacred Cows?,”
, December 2, 2010,,8599,2034358,00.html#ixzz1Xw37VXIh

Testimony of Professor Simon Johnson to the Senate Budget Committee, February 9, 2010,

Nouriel Roubini, “A Presidency Heading for a Fiscal Train Wreck,”
Financial Times
, October 28, 2010,
; see also “U.S. On Track for ‘Fiscal Train Wreck’: Roubini,” Reuters, October 29, 2010,

Testimony of Alice Rivlin to the Senate Budget Committee, March 15, 2011,

Stuart Butler, et al, “Saving the American Dream: The Heritage Plan to Fix the Debt, Cut Spending, and Restore Prosperity,” The Heritage Foundation, Special Report #91, May 10, 2011,

Paul Ryan, interview by Evan Harris, “Rep. Paul Ryan on Budget Work: ‘I Sleep Well at Night,’” ABC News, April 30, 2011,

David Brody, “Speaker Boehner to NRB Tonight: National Debt Is a ‘Moral Threat’ to America,”
The Brody File
(blog), CBN News, February 27, 2011,

“Employment Situation Summary,” Bureau of Labor Statistics, Department of Labor, September 2, 2011,

Dan Levy and Prashant Gopal, “Foreclosure Filings in U.S. May Jump 20% from Record 2010 As Crisis Peaks,”

Les Christie, “Foreclosures Up a Record 81% in 2008,” CNN Money, January 15, 2009,

Lynn Adler, “U.S. 2009 Foreclosures Shatter Record despite Aid,” Reuters, January 14, 2010,

Corbett B. Daly, “Home Foreclosures in 2010 Top 1 Million for First Time,” Reuters, January 13, 2011,

Leah Schnurr, “Foreclosure Filings Hit Four-Year Low in 2011,” Reuters, January 12, 2012,

John Gittelsohn and Kathleen M. Howley, “U.S. Home Prices Face 3-Year Drop as Inventory Surge Looms,” Bloomberg, September 15, 2010,

Floyd Norris, “For Home Prices, It’s Back to At Least 2004,”
New York Times
, July 1, 2011,

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