Imposter (7 page)

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Authors: Karen Fenech

Tags: #Suspense

BOOK: Imposter
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Eve wasn’t in the mood for his charm.  “I’d like some answers, Matt.”
He sat back on his haunches and jerked his tie until it hung below his breast bone.  It occurred to Eve that for a large man he couldn’t take a hit well.  
“It’s like this,” he said slowly. “I got worried about you when you ran out of Abernathy’s lecture today. I did some checking.  Found out that you weren’t registered at the hotel. Allie remembered that you mentioned you were staying at a cottage in the county.  I got the address from him.”  
“And just why did you do that?” Burke asked.  His tone was lethal.
Eve hadn’t heard Burke approach.  At the sound of his voice, she whirled around.  He was now standing behind her.
Deligne got slowly to his feet.  His eyes sharpened on Burke and Eve saw that he, too, had registered a threat from Burke.  Judging the speed she’d taken Matt down, Burke would wipe the ground with the chemist.  Matt stood no chance against him.  She couldn’t let Matt be hurt.  
She faced Matt, giving Burke her back again, and remaining between the two men.  Burke gripped her forearm and moved her behind him.   
“I already told Eve,” Matt said.  “Maybe you missed it.  I got worried about her when she ran out of Abernathy’s lecture today. With you, Rick.  And didn’t come back.”  
Eve stepped out from behind Burke.  “I didn’t tell Allie where I was staying, Matt.”
Matt met her gaze and held it for a heartbeat, then exhaled deeply.  He winced and ran his hand back through his hair.  “Okay.  Truth time.” 
His Stetson lay in the dirt. He bent to retrieve it, then struck it against the leg of his jeans.  A puff of dirt rose in the air.   He placed the hat carefully on the wooden swing behind him. 
“I tracked you because I’ve been keeping you under surveillance, Eve,” Deligne said.  “I’m not a Texas rancher.  I’m with British Intelligence.”
    Gone was the Texas drawl, replaced by an aristocratic British accent. Eve sucked in a breath.  Burke’s gaze narrowed further.
“We know about the formula,” Deligne went on.  “And we know that Richard Patterson is dead.”  Deligne looked pointedly at Burke.  “So just who the hell are you, mate?”
When Burke didn’t respond, Eve said,  “John Burke.  He’s with a covert department of the CIA.”
“American Intelligence.”  Deligne nodded.  “I should have guessed that.”
“A spy, Matt?”  Eve asked.  “You’ve been spying on me?”
“Couldn’t be helped, love,” he said softly.  “My orders were to secure the formula and to bring both you and Richard in.  I fought the order about you.  I know you’re not a terrorist, Eve.”  His jaw tightened.  “I planned to confront Patterson about that when he showed up at the hotel.  To beat the fact that he lied about your involvement out of him.”  Deligne’s gaze shone with conviction. 
Eve felt lightheaded at the thought that someone believed in her innocence.  Matt couldn’t know what his words meant to her, especially now, on this night.  Her throat clogged with tears and for a moment she couldn’t speak.  She swallowed then said, “Thank you for believing in me.”
Matt focused on her.  He reached out slowly and touched her wrist.  “No need to thank me.  I could no more doubt your innocence than I could my own.  I care mightily for you, Eve.  I’ve made no secret of it.  I’ve cared for you long before you became an assignment. When we were just two chemists talking shop.”  He smiled.  “It was talking with you, being with you that drew me to this conference every year.  It can’t come as much of a surprise to you that I made the trip every year to see you, Eve.”
“Very touching,” Burke said.  “What do you know about a meeting between Patterson, Eve, and the buyer that was scheduled for tonight?”
Red spread across Deligne’s cheeks.  His jaw tightened and he remained silent.
“You don’t have a problem answering my questions do you, Deligne?”  Burke crossed his arms.  “Seeing that you care mightily for Eve?”   Burke’s tone was thick with sarcasm.
Deligne met Burke’s gaze.  “I know all about the meeting and that whoever was supposed to make an appearance to purchase the formula did not.”   
“And what do you know about our guy failing to show up?” Burke said.
Deligne sidestepped Eve and moved to Burke.  His gaze hardened.  “Have you not heard one word I’ve said?  I did not give myself away.  I want Eve’s innocence proven, so I would not risk a chance to do that.  I am very good at what I do.  I was not detected.  I am not the reason the buyer knew not to come here tonight. I am as disappointed as you are at the outcome of this event.”  Deligne’s lips curled in an expression of disgust.  “That said, however, what’s done cannot be undone. Listen to me, mate. My government wants the same things yours wants - the formula secured and the buyer apprehended.  I propose that we work together to that end.” 
Burke kept his gaze on Deligne, watching the man steadily.  “A partnership?  You’re proposing a partnership between our two agencies.  Between you and I?”
Matt’s face tightened in what looked like annoyance at Burke’s comment. “We both want the same things.  An exchange of information, an agreement to keep each other in the loop would benefit us both and prevent us from treading over the same ground.” 
Burke’s cell phone rang.  He glanced at the screen then stepped away to take the call.  Eve watched him.  He walked until he was almost to the cottage.  There he stopped and put the phone to his ear.  She could not hear his conversation which was obviously as he’d intended.     
Regardless, her gaze and her attention remained focused on Burke.  Whatever Matt was presently saying didn’t register.  Her attention was on Burke.  Was his caller Lanski?  Since Burke was frowning, did that mean he’d received bad news?  Though, as she considered that - she was suspected of treason - the appointment to find Richard’s accomplice - the one man who could prove her innocence was a bust.  Really, how much worse could the situation get?
“Eve, we need to get you out of this mess.”
Eve forced her gaze from Burke and focused on Matt.  “I couldn’t agree with you more.  The question is how.”
“I have some ideas about that.”
Her pulse picked up.  “I’d love to hear them.  At the moment, I’m fresh out and Burke is content to take me to Washington in the morning and let me take my chances with the government.”
“Yes, well, it isn’t his life on the line is it?”  Matt’s mouth tightened briefly.  “Once he delivers the formula, and you to his superiors, his job is done.  To him, you are no more than an assignment.  Your fate means nothing to him.”
Eve could not deny that.   
“I can’t stand that you’re being persecuted,” Matt said.  “What you’re facing is killing me, Eve.  I can’t do a thing about it.  We don’t have any proof and we have no leads to getting any.”
“But you said--”
He looked up at the stars and shook his head sadly.  “I know what I said.  All a bluff.  The truth is all evidence points to you and Patterson.  With Patterson now unable to refute his claim and exonerate you, you alone are here to face prosecution.”  He made a sound of disgust.  “My government feels the same way as yours.  You’re guilty in the eyes of my superiors and my orders are to prevent you from selling the formula.  Even if that means using deadly force.” He released a deep breath and said softly.  “I would more easily use deadly force on myself.”  His eyes lowered to hers.  Very slowly his hand came up to stroke her chin.  “In case you haven’t guessed it by now, I’m in love with you, Eve.  There, I’ve said it.  It feels good to finally get that out in the open.”
Eve forced herself not to pull back from Matt’s touch.  He was an attractive man. A handsome man.  But he did nothing for her.  Since Emily’s death and the break up of her marriage, no man had attracted her.  Her gaze strayed to Burke. 
She returned her attention to Matt.  “Matt. . .”
“Oh, I know you don’t return my feelings, but that doesn’t seem to matter.  I feel what I feel.”
Eve didn’t know how to respond to that.
“Eve, listen to me.”  Matt’s tone grew urgent.  “Burke won’t lay it all out for you. He wants you cooperative and easy to manage.  If we don’t do something, he’ll manage you right into a prison cell.  The truth of your situation is that you’ll die in prison, if you aren’t executed first.  We have to get away from here.  Go somewhere we can’t be found.”
“Matt, what are you talking about?  What about your government?  Your life.  You can’t just disappear.  You don’t want to disappear--”
“To hell with my government.  Do you think I can hand you over?”  His features tightened as his expression grew fierce.  “And about my life - I want my life with you.  Yes, I can and will disappear.  I will disappear with you.  To keep you safe.  I will disappear with you.”
“Matt, I can’t live like that, and you can’t either.  I need to prove my innocence.”
“Darling Eve.”  He gripped her shoulders.  “My government and yours are building a case against you.  They don’t care if you’re innocent.  They want someone to take the fall - a scapegoat to present to the media and to the British and American public to assure them that our national security is safe and that the government is doing its job.  You fit the bill.  No one is seeking to prove your innocence.  Surely, not Burke’s people.  Not Burke.  Your only chance is to come away with me.”  
“You’re being hunted by our two governments.  We need to disappear, but before we do, we must destroy the formula.  The world doesn’t need another method to kill.   We must destroy the formula, if it’s still accessible.”  Matt’s tone sharpened and he stared at Eve without blinking.  “Has Burke turned it in to his superiors?”
Eve rubbed her brow.  “I don’t think so.”
Matt’s grip on her dug into her skin.  “Where is he keeping it?”
  “I never asked, not that he would have told me.”  Eve shook her head.  “I don’t know where it is.”
“Okay. We need to find it.  The most important thing is that Burke still has it.”  Matt eased his grip on her.
“The formula is safe with Burke,” Eve said.  “I believe that he will do the right thing with it.”
Deligne sneered.  “Burke will turn it in to his government where it will be a threat to us all. We aren’t too late to remove that threat. My final act for my country is going to be to destroy this weapon.  Then you and I will go somewhere we can’t be found.”
He pressed his fingers to her lips.  “Think about it.  But think quickly. You said Burke is taking you to Washington.  Time is running out.  Once you’re in Washington, we won’t be able to get away.  It will be too late.”    
* * *
Lanski’s surveillance of the cottage had observed Deligne and identified the chemist.  As Burke spoke with his second in command, he continued to watch Eve and Deligne.
“What do you want me to do about him?”  Lanski asked now.  “You want Deligne picked up when he leaves you?”
“No.  Run a check on him.”
“We checked all of the chemists, Deligne included.  He’s clean.” 
“This time, go deep.  Deligne claims he’s with British Intelligence.  I want his identity confirmed and right away.”
“I’ll get right on it.  What about now?  You want me to keep our people in place?” 
“Call them off,” Burke said. “It’s over.”
“You sure about that?  Even about Deligne?  If he turns out to be a phony, you’re on your own.  We don’t know who else he may decide to call. You’ll have no back up, boss.”
“No.  Go.  I don’t want to spook Deligne if he turns out to be other than who he claims.  We need a break in this case. Deligne just may be that break.”

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