Read Impulses Online

Authors: V.L. Brock

Tags: #Romance, #erotic, #suspense

Impulses (7 page)

BOOK: Impulses
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“I–I,” Samantha stutters barely audible, her eyes shimmer as a wall of moisture gradually assembles. “I am so frustrated with the feelings that I hold for you and being unable to yield to them,” she shakes her head. “The ache is
literally nauseating
; the tightening in my gut, the butterflies––”she adds urgently. Wrinkles discreetly appear at the corners of her eyes as she scowls. “The longing is the worst. It’s something that I have never had to contend with and it’s so…overwhelming. I’m physically and mentally aching for you.” Her eyes fall away from mine as she flails her head. She sniffles quietly, her tongue skimming across her drying lips.

With her hand resting undisturbed on the lip of the desk, I warily adjust my left hand and position it over hers. She flinches when my fingertips finally make contact with her flesh, however, she stands paralyzed. She feels so soft, so warm. I want to feel and study every inch of her body, the neediness that possesses me is so profound that I have to place a blockade in front of me and my urges to not smother her body in erotic, wet kisses and tantalizing caresses.

It feels…surreal as she inspects me with those eyes; conflicting eyes that silently scream
what the hell are you doing?
But quietly begs me not to stop.

I slip her hand from the surface, gliding and weaving my fingers through hers as I gradually advance to the sensitive flesh on her inner wrist. Her fingers mimic mine as she flexes them around my hand, grazing the center of my palm and the cuff of my shirt.

The rasping sound of our heavy breathing plays as a commentary and fills the silent rift between us as lustful gazes deviate from eyes to mouth’s, and back again.

I lean into her, our lips barely touching.

“I. Want. You,” I enunciate darkly, abounding with passionate intention.

Samantha gasps and parts her lips. The scent of full-bodied coffee travels along her breath which is feather-light against my heated skin. I soon fall victim while my body conforms and tenses as frustration, aspiration and lust swells mercilessly through our demanding and rebellious bodies––screaming and goading us to become one with invigorating, stimulating gratification.

She gasps when I press my lips at the left side of her mouth. She smells like raspberries, candy and coffee.

Reluctantly tearing myself away from her sweet captivating scent, I regard her deeply, a salacious grin cloaking my features, betraying the passion which burns wildly in my eyes.

Samantha tilts her head back as she steps closer to me, and pushes her body emphatically against mine. Soft feminine flesh moulded against taut muscle. She lets out an appreciative, long-overdue, liberating groan, and traces her tongue across the seam of her lower lip at a tempting, languid pace. Our focus is transfixed, assessing the affects we have on the other’s body.

She places her left hand against the side of my face, her touch gracious and indulgent. I close my eyes as she trails her fingers down to my jawline.

Come on, baby. If you want it, show me that you want it. I can’t make the first move on this one.

She pulls me down unexpectedly as she raises up, pressing against me further while our lips meld with no reservation. Our tongues massage, twist and stroke as we both release stimulating moans in each other’s mouths.

No longer able to endure the cocktail of heady covetousness, we relinquish ourselves freely to our long-overdue manifested sexual impulses.







Recovering my right hand from his sensual, weaving touch, I proceed to fist into his silken, rich chocolate hair, pulling him closer against my body as I push myself against his. Our tongues caress and glide as we relentlessly devour each other.

Damn, this man can kiss.

His hands slither unrestrained over the surface of my back, holding me still. I delight in his rough, prickly stubble that grazes against my mouth and chin.

Ensnaring me in his strong embrace, he steps forward and carefully guides me against the cool, smooth surface of the desk. Our deep fervent kiss becoming more vigorous by the second, while his hands reach down and grope at my buttocks greedily. Hitching up my black pencil skirt he bores his fingertips into the pliable flesh of my thighs leaving brief tingles and pressure shocks that deepens the pool of desire between my legs. He lifts me up onto the desk.

Roaming my hands voraciously over his upper body as our lips meet again I release a low, feral groan into his mouth. Desperation floods through my veins, heating my raging blood and firing my nerve endings. Besieged with urgency, my nails dig into his flesh as I clutch at his defined, muscular biceps and his broad shoulders while he occupies the space between my thighs. My lips are swollen and sensitive from the abrading of his stubble. When we pull away, we are both breathless.

I snare his face with both of my hands, before pushing back his floppy lock that hangs over the side of his brow like a chocolate curl. I search his dark, dangerously alluring, hypnotic eyes as his hands linger on my thighs.
My, God he is the most gorgeous man I have ever laid eyes on
. And he wants me. I never thought it possible that such a successful, sophisticated man would want me in this way––men that drink their own body weight in nightclubs night after night, and that grind up against you as if they are trying to reach an inaccessible spot inside you, then yes, I have had many––but San Francisco’s most renowned lawyer feels this way toward me? I’m shell-shocked. For a fleeting moment, it is I that is under his spell.

My expression softens as I feel something tugging at me internally, like a foreign force trying to annihilate its way through the toughest of steel. Before I can stop myself, I graze my thumb over his lips with profound tenderness, and I feel my regard for him reach an unfamiliar level.

Loosening his blood red, woven tie, I pull it free from the collar of his white linen shirt, before carefully beginning to tackle his buttons. He gapes down at my fingers, watching attentively as I pull free each button. All I want is to grasp each side and pull the material apart and allow the buttons to scatter across the hardwood flooring, but for some unknown reason my compulsions are quelled by my want to savor the experience of undressing my boss; my exceptionally sexy, boss.

I gasp as I pull open his shirt and gape raptly at his appealing, smooth torso.


A silver chain with a solid silver cross hangs around his neck. The sight of his tanned flesh and the dark brown hue of his nipples send me into overdrive. With my heart relentlessly assaulting my ribcage, the muscles within my body constricts and quakes. It’s Christmas and birthdays rolled into one.

“Oh, my…” I breathe instinctively and I sense rather than see his answering grin.

I press my hands against his defined pectorals, flexing my fingers, allowing the tips of my nails to graze along his flesh. I feel his body heating under my touch and he sucks in a deep breath, lulling his frustrating need to find instant release. I skim over each disc of his nipples at a languid pace and they instantly strain beneath my touch before I continue with my expedition of his beautiful, exquisitely carved body. My fingers dip over the warm, smooth flesh that covers each firm bulge of his abdominal muscles, sinking and bobbing between each valley before ascending the next, like a raft waving along the rapids.

His hands remain stationed upon my thighs, but I feel the stirring of his fingers as he squeezes gently, tracing diminutive circles as he rises higher and higher to his goal. I reciprocate and trace around his navel with a delicate touch. He tenses as my nails skim his surface before gliding along the edge of his pants that rests securely on his hips.

I peek up shrewdly as I acquaint my hands with the sensuousness of his body. His eyes are penetrative and he’s clamping his teeth down onto his lower lip. I never realized how Goddamn sexy a man biting his lip can be, how this single indication of his pleasure liquefies my insides.

I push each side of his shirt over his well-defined shoulders and peel it down his arms. He’s fully naked from the hips up, apart from the shinning pendant that contrasts perfectly against his lightly bronzed, impeccable skin.

 Suddenly, he grabs my hips and pulls me to the edge of the desk, and thrusts his hips against me so I can feel his glorious erection digging against me, teasing me. And I can’t help but think if it wasn’t for the damn material between us…

Inexperienced when it comes to such a level of teasing that he is taking me to, the temptation that he is rousing within me and having the time to appraise one another is a heady combination; it’s usually wham, bam, and thank you ma’am. This is…different.

“What are you doing to me?” I groan, tipping my head back, panting and indulging in the nearness of our bodies.

His mouth connects with my frame, trailing wet kisses down my jawline, nipping and licking until he possesses my neck. Driving me wild as the throbbing of my clit makes me writhe uncontrollably on top of the desk that I work behind every day.

Mirroring the actions of my former undertaking, his expert hands begin to release the buttons of my navy silk blouse. My skin prickles and screams for more as the slightest touch of his fingertips drifts over my cleavage and my stomach, igniting my body and leaving a sizzling sensation in their wake.

I lift his right hand to my mouth, and in turn, place soft kisses on each of his skilled fingertips that render my traitorous body.
I have no idea, but I just can’t help myself with him.

He pulls away from my touch and smoothes his hands down the contours of my neck, past my collarbone, stretching the agonizing interval between foreplay and sex, until he reaches my breasts. He cups and kneads them vehemently in their containment of my red lace bra.

“Do you have any idea how attractive you are, Samantha? How provocative you look?” he whispers leaning closer to the hollow of my ear. His breath warm against my neck, all the while, his hands slip and skim over my hips, and down my thighs.

I swallow harshly, and moan in unison at his touch.
I need you inside of me, Hayden––now.

“Ah––” I can’t stifle the moans that seep from my lips. My body tremors under Mr. Wentworth’s skilled touch, when he makes contact with my moist, throbbing sex through my matching red panties. My legs instinctively part further in invitation. I thrust my hips upward, pushing my pussy against his hand. I give him access to everything, holding nothing back. And as his thumb makes the slightest contact with my clit, I feel a jolt of addictive, electricity throughout my body. I throw my head back, allowing the quiver to possess my entirety.

With frustrations mounting, I undo the silver buckle of his belt and the sexy, tell-tale sound as I release his pants zipper soon follows, caressing my ears and my libido. His glorious erection springs free as I lower his pants and Calvin Kline boxers. My mouth agape and watering as the thought of how he would taste and feel in my mouth piques at my curiosity and spurs me on, deepening my already profound pool of desire.

While his left hand caresses the side of my face, his mouth finds mine once again, exploring the dissimilar territory as we overwhelm each other anew. He releases a virile groan as my hand skates down his warm, masculine body before seizing his erection. I wrap my hand firmly around his girth, my fingers barely touching. It feels like steel encased in warm velvet. I have felt cock before, but Hayden’s just seems…perfect. I feel him shudder and harden further as I begin to stroke it leisurely up and down.

Pulling my panties to the side, exposing my smooth, highly aroused sex, he promptly thrusts a single finger into my opening, feeling my walls clench around his finger whilst he makes circular motions deep inside me. He grazes the sensitive spot high against my front wall and sinks an extra finger inside, breaching my further.

“God, Samantha. You are so fucking wet,” he purrs.

Thrusting my hips upwards against the foot of his palm, I attempt to draw his fingers deeper into my hollowness as I rasp heavily near his skin. He pulls out and pushes deeper inside with agonizing slowness. I hear the sound of my wetness gushing from me, coating his fingers, and seeping onto the desk as he invades me, tipping me over the edge. And I feel myself steadily climbing the orgasmic ladder.

I almost come undone as I hear the air hiss between his teeth as he thrusts into my hand.

“Please, stop,” I whimper, feeling my core tightening and the rigidness in my legs, alerting me that I am nearing my climax while he finger-fucks me like no other man has ever done before. Unwillingly, he pulls out of me, leaving me throbbing and writhing as I attempt to stow my release.

I watch his eyes dimming with carnal intent, as he slips his fingers in his mouth, sampling the taste of my traitorous body.

“Mm…you taste heavenly, Miss Kennedy,” he purrs, husky and revealing. I smirk, my eyes narrowing, offering my secret

I’m vaguely aware as of how we manage to progress from the main desk, to the leather couches in our overwhelming passionate circumstance. Still, he positions me back carefully and my bound legs begin to loosen around his waist. The coolness of the leather makes me jolt, sending a shockwave of goose bumps over my highly sensitized skin.

He hovers above me. His right hand positioned on the arm of the couch that my head rests against, supporting his weight, and he trails sensuous wet kisses over my body. He looks up at me from his position between my legs and I am pinned by his concentrating, intense eyes, discerning more than passion and erotic need reflecting back at me––something beyond that, like he is facing some kind of unspoken revelation.

I feel his adept hands slowly gliding and caressing as Hayden hooks his thumbs through the elastic of my underwear and pulls them from my hips before peeling them down my legs. He scrunches them up before tossing them onto the flooring.

Soft, skilful hands meet the pinnacle of the inside of my thighs and I squirm relentlessly, all the while he pushes them further apart and holds them down with a hidden pressure that’s both controlling and thrilling. His eyes are fixated on me as I watch him lower his head in between my legs. His thick, silk-like hair tickles at my inner thighs and his stubble presses and grazes deliciously over my slit.

BOOK: Impulses
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