In a Broken Dream (The Broken Series Book 4) (10 page)

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sounds fun,” he remarked. I couldn’t tell if he was being serious.

narrowed my eyes at him. “You’re just relieved we aren’t seeing Dan.”

laughed. “No. I like ice cream, kids, and amusement parks.”

shook my head. “We’re not going to an amusement park, just a carousel.”

looked thoroughly confused. “Just a carousel?”

me. This is no ordinary carousel. When you see it, you’ll understand. We’ll be
there for a few hours. Siobhan’s mom has invited us over for dinner, so we’ll
eat at their house before we head over to Kimme and Dan’s.”

we spending the night there, or are we getting a hotel?” he asked.

tiniest bit of fear nipped at my heart. “Kimme would be crushed if we didn’t
stay with them. We’ll sleep at their house as long as Dan doesn’t try to kill

rolled his eyes. “Dan’s not going to kill me.”

might try,” I warned in all seriousness.

laughed. “Let him try.”

eyes drifted back to the window. “Maybe we should stay at a hotel…”

* * * *

handed the childcare director my driver’s license. “I’m here to pick Siobhan
up. Her mother sent a note in with her this morning authorizing me to pick her

woman nodded as she scrutinized my ID. She pushed a bright red binder across
the counter and opened it in front of me. “Yes, Ms. Stone. I just need you to
sign here.” She handed me a pen before pressing a walkie-talkie to her mouth.
“Please send Siobhan to the front office for early dismissal.”

scratched Siobhan’s name and mine on the first available line, then noted the

compared the signature on my driver’s license to the signature in the binder
before handing the driver’s license back to me. “Does Siobhan know you’re
picking her up?” she inquired amicably.

shook my head. “No. It’s supposed to be a surprise.” My heart stalled when I
saw Siobhan walking down the hall. Her head hung low, and her tiny shoulders
were slumped as if bearing some unfathomable weight. She’d grown taller. Her long
legs and willowy frame hinted at an inner grace which made her slumped
shoulders seem terribly out of place. Her long blond hair cast a soft glow
around her face and brushed wistfully against her tiny waist.

that her?” Rafael asked with whispered awe.

sank to my knees so we’d be at eye level when she finally looked up. “Siobhan,”
I called in a hushed tone.

head popped up when she heard my voice. “Kri?” Her feet slowed, then bolted
toward me. She nearly bowled me over when she leapt into my arms. “Kri!” she

tears beckoned mine with hurricane force. “Siobhan… honey… I’ve missed you so
much.” We clung to each other while slowly mending our grief-stricken hearts.

hand rested firmly on my back, a comforting anchor in a formidable storm. When
the tears finally subsided, he handed me a box of tissues.

dabbed at Siobhan’s face before drying my own. “This is my friend, Rafael,” I
explained, my throat still choked full of tears. “Do you mind if he hangs out
with us today?”

eyes widened when she peered up at him. “He’s kinda big,” she noted a bit

laughed. “Yes, he is.”

little fingers untangled some illusory knot in her hair. “He has long hair like
you and me.”

quirked his eyebrows questioningly as he glanced at me.

smile widened.

you go to school like Kri and me?” she asked curiously.

gently shook his head. “No. I used to go to school, but I’ve already earned my

studied him, obviously weighing his credentials. “Where do you work?”

manage a security firm in Washington DC,” Rafael responded vaguely. I suspected
he was trying to protect her from the more frightening aspects of his work.

face wrinkled up in a rather charming display of thoughtful deliberation. She glanced
at me, seeking clarification.

used to be a police officer,” I explained. “He protects people and helps keep me

eyes widened with understanding. “Can you keep me safe?” she asked, turning
toward Rafael.

concerned look flitted across Rafael’s face. He knelt down beside us. “I would
consider it an honor to serve as your bodyguard, Siobhan.” He glanced around
the lobby, then lowered his voice. “Who am I protecting you from? I need to
know who to watch out for.”

pushed off my knees and inched a little closer to Rafael. She glanced at me
questioningly when she did.

nodded encouragingly.

cupped her hands around Rafael’s ear and whispered her response.

nodded before he leaned back to study her face. “Does she pick on you?”

sighed dejectedly. “She pulled my hair, and she won’t let any of the other kids
play with me. She said she doesn’t like blond hair, and she hates ballerinas.”
Siobhan’s bottom lip quivered. “I’m a ballerina.”

eyes widened. “I’ve never met a ballerina before.”

chin lifted a little higher. “I’ve been studying ballet since I was four. I
perform in the Nutcracker every year. I was a mouse last year. I didn’t want to
be a mouse, I wanted to be a flower, but that’s the role Ms. Rousseau assigned
me. I’ve been practicing really hard so I can be a sugar plum fairy this year.
Auditions are next week.”

held out his hand. He waited patiently for her to slip her elegant little
fingers in his. He bowed his head and planted a kiss on the back of her hand
when she did. “I would very much like to serve as your bodyguard, Siobhan. May

giggled, thoroughly enamored with Rafael’s knightly behavior. She nodded. “I
like him,” she confessed as her eyes met mine.

kept her hand tucked inside his as he rose from the floor. He and Siobhan
walked up to the counter, where the childcare director was still standing. She
had been observing the entire exchange. “We do need to alert the authorities,”
Rafael explained, glancing briefly at Siobhan. “We don’t want your classmate
hurting any other ballerinas.” He reached for a piece of paper and a pen, then
scribbled something down.

woman read the slip of paper before meeting Rafael’s fiercely determined gaze.
“We don’t tolerate bullying in our facility. I promise, I’ll take care of it.”

set the tissue box on the counter. “I thought we might take Rafael to the
carousel for some ice cream,” I said, turning toward Siobhan.

porcelain face brightened even more. “You can ride my favorite horse,” she told
Rafael. She reached for my hand as we walked out the door. “I’m so happy you’re

too,” I responded softly.

did you get my booster seat?” Siobhan asked when she climbed inside the jeep.

waited for her to get settled, then snapped her seatbelt into place. “We
stopped by to see your mom at the law library before we came to get you.”

twisted around in her seat so she could study the gigantic box stashed in the
back of the vehicle. Rafael and I had wrapped the box in bright pink paper, so
she couldn’t see what her present was. A large pink bow was nestled among
silver curling ribbon at the top. “What is that?” she asked, pointing to the
large box.

and I exchanged smiles as we settled into our seats. “That is your birthday
present,” I explained, “but you don’t get to open it until we get to your
house. Your mom and dad want to see you open it.” I turned toward the carousel
as I pulled out of the parking lot.

my birthday isn’t until next week,” Siobhan noted, still twisting in the seat.

get to open your present early, since I can’t be here next week. I have to go
back to school,” I stated apologetically.

we have cake?” Siobhan asked. “I think we should eat cake if we’re celebrating
my birthday.”

laughed. “Of course. Your mom is picking the cake up after work, and your dad is
insisting we eat pizza.”

get two birthday parties!” Siobhan exclaimed excitedly.

your mom and dad video tape you dancing in the Nutcracker last year?” I asked.
“Maybe we can watch that while we’re eating dinner, so Rafael and I can see you

give you a live performance,” Siobhan offered. She settled into her seat as she
began interrogating Rafael. “How old are you?”

turned to face her. “Thirty-two.”

nodded politely, although the look on her face suggested she thought that was
incredibly old. “How tall are you?”

grinned. “Six foot three.”

you own any guns?” she asked.

he responded hesitantly.

daddy has guns too,” Siobhan replied. “Do you hunt?”

shook his head. “No.”

you been to Montana before?”

nodded. “Yes. Once.”

are you from?”


that far from here?”

chuckled softly. “Yes. Very.”

eyes narrowed. “How did you meet Kri?”

used to be her bodyguard.”

looked thoughtful. “You’re not her bodyguard anymore?”

glanced at me questioningly.

is my boyfriend,” I explained.

your bodyguard?” Siobhan asked. She seemed enthralled with the idea that we
might share the same bodyguard.

he replied.

you two kiss?” She wrinkled up her nose as she awaited his response.

laughed. “Sometimes.”

you love Kri?”

looked at me. “Yes. I love her very much.”

you going to marry her?”

grinned. “If she’ll let me.”

looked pleased with his response. “If you have a little girl, will you name her
after me?”

raised a single eyebrow questioningly. “Do you want me to?”

she replied emphatically.

glanced at me.

wondered if Rafael realized I’d already named one child after her. I’d never
really mentioned that this was the person who’d inspired Genevieve’s middle
name. “We’ll see,” I responded softly. I pulled into the parking lot next to the
building that housed the carousel. “We’re here.”

spent a couple of hours at the carousel eating ice cream and furthering our
quest for the brass ring. The Great Northern Carousel was no ordinary carousel.
The detailing in the stained glass murals and the hand carved animals was
elaborate, the paint pristine. The carousel was a breathtaking piece of
artwork. A bison, bobcat, wolf, big horn sheep, otter, and grizzly danced among
the beautifully painted horses. We rode the carousel until each of us had won the
brass ring. Rafael seemed to enjoy grabbing the rings and tossing them at the
targets just as much as Siobhan and I did.

interest and excitement over the gift sitting in the back of the jeep eventually
drove us to her house. Rafael lugged the enormous box up the driveway. Her
parents met us at the door.

I open it before we eat?” Siobhan asked excitedly.

not?” Rita answered with a laugh.

trickled inside the house. Greg remained standing at the front door so he could
sign for the pizza, since the delivery boy had just pulled up. “Wait for me!”
Greg hollered as he carted the pizza inside the house.

waited until her dad set the pizza on the coffee table. Then she ripped into
the wrapping paper. Her hair lifted off her shoulders as she ran around the massive
box at Mach speed. Abruptly, she froze. “A Barbie dream house?” she inquired

I confirmed. “I think you’re old enough now. Don’t you?”

yes!” she agreed.

guess I know what we’ll be doing for the next few hours,” her dad noted with a

stuffed our faces with pizza and cake while assembling the Barbie dream house.
Rafael and Greg snapped the larger pieces together, while Rita, Siobhan, and I
assembled the furniture and applied all the stickers. When the construction was
complete, Rita popped a recording of Siobhan’s Nutcracker performance into
their DVD.

didn’t realize mice could dance like that,” Rafael noted admiringly. “Can we
see the dance you’ll be performing for the upcoming auditions? I want to see
you dance like the sugar plum fairies.”

dashed off to her bedroom for a wardrobe change while her mother tracked down
the required music. Rafael and Greg moved all the furniture out of the way.
Then we settled onto the couch to watch Siobhan dance.

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