Read In A Heartbeat Online

Authors: Hilary Storm

In A Heartbeat (5 page)

BOOK: In A Heartbeat
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“I don’t know what I feel. We just talked and hung out. It’s not like I was living it up Taron style.” I look over at Taron and notice he
has a smirk on his face.

“Well if you don’t want her, I will be sure and tap that ass next time I see her.” Taron says as I lunge forward to strangle his fucking neck. “You fucking touch her and I will personally cut off your dick.”

“That’s what I thought.” Taron says laughing at me. “I knew you liked her! That’s all you had to say bro. She is off limits.” Taron knows my buttons. He can push me to my limit faster than anyone else. He is also the person who has been there every time I needed someone.

Where did that jealousy and anger come from? I usually don’t care who he is with. Although I haven’t found anyone interesting in a long time, Taron seems to think there are a lot of interesting girls around.

I decide to text Eaven before we leave.

Talon: Thanks for being there for me last night.

Eaven: An

Talon: Is that so? How about to

Eaven: Sure! What time?

Talon: I will let you know.

Eaven: Sounds good!



I am
acting like a giddy little school girl. It makes me extremely excited that he wants to see me again tonight. I can’t quit smiling, so neither can Ivy.

, give it up girl, what did I miss last night?” Ivy jumps on my bed and sits with her legs criss crossed while she stares at me impatiently waiting.

“We talked. He showed me how to play a bass drum. We fell asleep on his bed in each other’s arms. Then I woke up and put my number in his phone
, and left a note to call me sometime.”

“He has drums in his room and you held each other all night? That’s all I get? You leave me outside with a bunch of horny drunk guys to fend for myself and that is all I get?” Ivy says glaring at me.

“Like you didn’t love the fact that you were out there with all the horny guys?” I call her out on that little fact.

“Well ok, you got me there. Seriously tell me more.” Ivy demands.

“There really isn’t much more to tell. He seemed to be struggling with something so we didn’t talk much. It was like we found peace in just lying there quietly.”

“Did he cop a feel?” Ivy is not used to ‘lying’ next to a guy in a bed. She doesn’t believe it is possible.


“How can those two be twins?” She asks.

“Not sure, how was your night?”

“Good! I met a guy who is
freaking hot! He said he would call me. He is a great kisser and he knows what to do with his hands!” I don’t even want to know what that means, so I don’t ask. “Does this hotty have a name?” I ask.

“Yes! Dylan
.” Ivy seems very excited about this guy. I will have to meet him soon.

Ivy and I spent
most of the day unpacking and getting ready for classes, which will start in the morning. We drive around campus to make sure we know where all of our classes will be. We go to the bookstore to buy our books.

Our little apartment seems bare since we don’t have much.
That afternoon we decide to work on decorating it so that it doesn’t seem so plain. I hear my phone beep and rush over to it.

Talon: Are you still up for tonight?

Eaven: Yes if you are!

Talon: Can I pick you up now?

Eaven: Sure!

Talon: Be there in a few.

“Crap, what do I wear? He will be here any minute and I need to shower and get dressed.” I start to panic and run around my room trying to locate all the stuff I need that is scattered from the move. I thought I had until tonight to get ready.

“Get in the shower. I will find your clothes. It won’t hurt him to wait on you while you finish getting ready.” Ivy tries to calm me down, but the fact that she will be picking my clothes out worries me a little.

I rush into the shower and take the quickest shower of my life. I wrap the towel around me and start to blow dry my hair out. My heart is beating fast as I start thinking of all of the things I need to be doing right now to get ready. Ivy opens the bathroom door and shows me a sundress and boots that she has chosen for me to wear just as the doorbell rings.

“I wi
ll get that. You take your time, beautiful!” Ivy leaves me to finish.



I ha
d to call Luke to find out where Eaven’s apartment is. He hesitated before giving me the address. He seems to be very protective of his cousin. I can’t blame him. I feel the same way about Lilly and she isn’t even a cousin by blood. I want to take Eaven out on the lake. Our parents park their boat in the marina and we take it out when we want to. I find peace out on the water watching the sunset and then looking up at the stars after the sun disappears.

My brothers have kept my mind busy
so far today and I am looking forward to spending time with Eaven the rest of the day. I don’t want to think about my past and she will be a refreshing distraction to it.

Ivy answers the door when I arrive. “Hey come in! She will be out in a couple of minutes!” I hear a blow dryer. I guess I should have told her we were going to the lake.

“Is she dressed?”

“Yea she should be. Go on back there if you want.”

I stop in the doorway to her room. I can see her through the bathroom door in nothing but a towel. Is Ivy trying to kill me? A gentleman would turn around and pretend he never saw anything. I never claimed to be gentle. I take a few steps and I can see that she is frantically drying her hair. She keeps flipping it from side to side and over her face. Her hair is gorgeous. I want to run my hands through it soon. I freeze as she turns off the dryer. I figure I should say something before she sees me and has a heart attack.

“Hey! Are you about ready?” I look around her room so that she doesn’t realize I can’t keep my eyes off of her.

“Oh my God! You scared the crap out of me!” She grabs her towel and starts breathing heavy. To my surprise she quickly calms down and starts styling her hair again. “I’m sorry. I should have told you on the phone that I needed a little time to get ready.”

“Don’t worry. I can wait.” I tell her as I sit on the edge of her bed. She doesn’t seem to mind me in here, and I love the view of her focused on
herself in the mirror and shaking her little ass in that towel. I watch the bottom edge hoping it will rise up just a little more so I can get a better view.

“Where are we going? I wasn’t sure what to wear.” Eaven interrupts my inappropriate thoughts as I struggle with my sudden lack of motor skills.

“ the lake. My parents have a boat and I thought we could take it out.”

“I’m glad I asked then, because I was going to wear a sundress.” She says as she is putting on lip gloss. I can
’t take my eyes off of her lips. She is rubbing them together. I imagine how her lips will taste. Wait, did she say sundress?

“You can wear the sundress until the sun goes down.”

She looks over at me and smiles. “Ok, I’ll just bring
warmer clothes to slip on when the sun sets.” It really doesn’t matter what she wears, I know I will appreciate her. She walks toward me and I imagine her dropping the towel, then shoving me back on the bed to climb over me. Damn, she doesn’t though. She grabs a little dress that was on the bed next to me and begins to rummage through a box on the desk.

I can’t stand it any longer. I walk up behind her and
put my arms around her. Her back is against my chest and I lean down to inhale her scent. I whisper in her ear, “God, you smell so damn good.” I hear her breath hitch and she leans back into me.

“I want to rip this towel off of you and lick Every. Single. Inch. Of. You.” I say softly as I lick and kiss the crook of her neck between my words.
She wraps her arms up over mine and hugs them to her chest. I feel my self-control slipping even more. I kiss down her shoulder as she stretches her head the opposite way to give me more access. A tiny little moan escapes her lips and I about lose it in my pants like a fifteen year old boy.



What is he doing to me? My skin tingles everywhere
that he has touched. The heat coming from his body is mixing with the tingling throughout mine and it’s causing me to have goose bumps all over my body. His touch has made my nipples pucker and my breasts seem to be tightening with every breath I take. It’s probably because I am panting and breathing heavy with all of the sensations that are overwhelming me.

When his tongue and lips begin to smooth down my shoulder I realize I am beginning to have sensory overload. If I don’t stop this, there will be no stopping me. We haven’t even kissed yet. I turn my head toward his and run my right arm up his neck and into his hair to guide his lips to mine.
He pauses just in front of my face and opens his eyes. His breath is heating my lips as we just look right into each other. I can feel any walls that I may have ever built crumbling down. I can see the same in his eyes.

He runs his right
hand over my chest and down my side all the way down to my hip, practically bringing me to my knees. His fingers pull my hips toward him as he presses himself into my backside. He is definitely aroused and turned on. We start moving against each other, his front rubbing against my backside. My towel begins to creep up and I feel denim against my ass.

better let you get dressed.” He says, looking straight into my eyes. I am disappointed and relieved that he is stopping this. I knew I needed to stop it, but wasn’t able to fight it. I am actually kind of hurt that he hasn’t kissed me yet. What is with that? He can practically have dry sex with me, but kissing my mouth is off limits?

“Why won’t you kiss me?” I ask him deciding that I am not going to hold anything back with this guy. If it isn’t going to work out, I need it to end soon. I can tell he will be impossible for me to resist and I will fall hard for him.

He smiles with a cocky grin across his face. “It’s all about the anticipation that makes some of the best times of your life even better. I want to kiss you for the first time in a way that you will never forget.” Doesn’t he know that I will never forget him in my room with me in a skimpy towel?

It doesn’t matter, because I will follow him anywhere to get that kiss. My body reacts to him like it has never reacted to anyone else. This will be interesting!

Chapter Five


I drag myself from her bedroom and tell her that I need to move stuff around in my truck. The truth is, I need fresh air. The pull that I feel near Eaven is very intense and I have a hard time composing myself. The energy in the air when we are together is very thick, and I know she feels it too. We are like two magnets drawn to each other.

When she finally
walks outside, I notice her bright blue bathing suit straps tied behind her neck. She is wearing the sundress over it and I wish she wasn’t. Her hair is pulled up and she has on silver mirrored sunglasses that hide her eyes from me completely.

I open the driver door and wait for her to walk up. “You look sexy in that dress.”

She looks down and asks quietly “Where should I put my bag?” Why is she looking down when I compliment her? Does she not know she is gorgeous?

Hand it to me. You slide in right here. I want your gorgeous body right next to me until I bring you back tonight.” She slides in and I love the feeling I get that she is sitting so close to me. Her sitting in the middle of the front seat next to me gives off the impression that she is mine. I notice how that makes me happy. We head out of town to the lake.

“So are you ready for classes tomorrow?” I ask her
, hoping to start some conversation to get my mind off of pulling over to the side of the road right here and taking advantage of her.

“As ready as I will ever be. I wonder if we
will have any classes together.” She asks.

“Not sure you will have to send me your schedule so I can compare them tonight.” I say
, hoping we have at least one together.

“How far away is the lake?”

“Not far. About thirty miles.” We finish the drive talking about our families. I tell her about my parents who are extremely supportive of all three of us boys. I tell her how mom misses her boys and will show up at the house with food out of the blue. I talk to her about the fact that my dad owns an investment company and makes great money, but always managed to be there for all of us. We are a close family.

She tells me about her little sister, Avery. She sounds really cute. You can tell she holds a special place in Eaven’s heart. I am shocked to hear that her parents took in Ivy as if she was one of their own. Her parents sound like mine and I hope to meet them one day.

We pull up to the marina and I unload the ice chest and the other stuff I brought. She follows me down the dock and I am taken back by how right all of this feels. We are just really comfortable with each other. I lower the boat into the water and load the goods into it. I climb in and she does the same.

BOOK: In A Heartbeat
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