In His Cuffs (11 page)

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Authors: Sierra Cartwright

BOOK: In His Cuffs
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Monday crawled. Since she didn’t want to mix work and sex, she decided to talk to him after everyone else had gone home.

Finally, later than normal, her mother waved goodnight, saying she was heading to her first belly dancing lesson. Once the front door had closed, Maggie squared her shoulders and walked down the hallway to David’s office.

She knocked on the doorframe and waited until he looked up from the stack of papers before him. “May I come in?”


Her stomach plunged as she took a seat. Now that she was here, the object of his scrutiny, she wasn’t sure what to say.

He allowed the silence to grow before asking, “Something on your mind, Maggie?”

“I…” She tipped back her head.

Waiting silently, with the patience it took for water to wear a hole in a rock, he reached for a yellow stress ball that was sitting on his desktop.

After swallowing her nerves, she seized all her courage and met his intense gaze. “What does a girl have to do to get a spanking around here?”

Chapter Five




David squeezed the ball tight.

Maggie had asked her question with a light, teasing tone, likely so that she could be flippant about it if he turned her down. But he heard the shakiness that sketched across her vocal chords. Her body was rigid, her smile false and the atmosphere seemed charged with tension. His answer and this moment, both mattered to her.

He’d given up hope that she would mention playing with him again.

And he respected that. If Maggie wanted to keep their personal experience confined to a one-night stand at the Den… Well, that wasn’t the way he preferred it, but he wouldn’t push. For any relationship with a sub to be successful, she had to offer herself freely. Now that she was here…

He tried not to let her know how many times he’d jacked off, thinking about her coming to him and asking to scene. Since the night at the Den, he’d thought about little else other than Maggie and her unrehearsed responses, her whimpers, the way she moved her body, sometimes with sensuous grace, sometimes with an exaggerated tease.

Part of him realised it would have been smarter not to have played with her in the first place. The taste had whetted his appetite. Seeing her every day, tight skirt clinging to her rounded derrière, made it worse. He’d spent days fantasising about having her in his cuffs, over his knee, under his control.

With deliberate mastery, he reined in his thoughts. Choosing his words with great care, he said, “If a particular sub wanted something, she’d ask, and she’d be specific about her intent.” He leant back in his chair and regarded her, deciding how to proceed. He wanted her to feel as if she had some power, but he knew she wanted him to be in charge.

Maggie unclasped her hands and scooted back in the chair, crossing one leg over the other in a sexy slide of silk. Her posture and the way she folded her hands in her lap was perfect.

He adored women who embraced their softer side, but he’d never seen it so integrated in a woman he’d once suspected was a Domme. A tendril of hair had escaped its confines to tease her cheekbone. He wanted to stroke it back as he grabbed her chin and held it hostage. “She would also be frank about her expectations and what she was willing to give. She’d have to be honest with herself as well as me.” He released the ball.

“That’s what my friend Vanessa told me. That’s why I’m here.”

He waited, giving her time to sort it through.

“The truth is I haven’t slept well in weeks. I think that hooking up with you will relieve some of my angst.”

“You just caused permanent injury to my ego, Maggie.” He placed his hand over his heart in mock affront. “I was hoping you were going to flatter me, throw yourself on your knees at my feet, telling me I’m a fabulous Dom as you prettily beg for my attention.”

She grinned. “That, too.”

For a moment, he was silent. This was one of the rare moments of lightness between them and he appreciated it. “The last time we spoke about this, you were clear that you don’t want to feel as if I’m manipulating you. Or that you’re sleeping with the enemy.”

She ran her thumb across a cuticle and didn’t seem to know she was doing it.

Again he waited while she picked her words. “If we are both determined to keep our work and our private lives separate, it should work.”

“Go on.”

“I thought we could scene every once in a while. Get kinky. No strings. Just when it’s convenient for both of us. If it suited you, we could meet at the Den and keep it less complicated.”

“I can understand if you need that for security.”

“I don’t.”

“In that case, it’s easier if we use one of our places.”

She nodded.

“When were you wanting to get together?”

“I was hoping we could do it tonight,” she admitted. “So that I can sleep. I understand if—”

“Would you like me to take you for a glass of wine first to loosen your inhibitions?”

“I don’t need anything else from you.”

“Any more ways you’d like to destroy my ego?”

“You asked for honesty,” she reminded him with a charming, fake smile. “So, what do you say? You gonna spank me or not?”

“I’ll give you a ten minute head start while I finish up a few things here. When I arrive at your place, I want you naked, lying on your back on the floor, your knees raised and held apart by your hands. Any questions?”

“Where in the house? My bedroom?”

“You tell me.”

“Ah…” She shifted. “Right inside the doorway.”

“Good answer. I’ll need your address.” He slid a piece of paper across to her.

Maggie scooted forwards on her chair and wrote down her information.

“I’ll be right behind you,” he reminded her.

She looked at him. Her brown eyes were wide, unblinking, and her lips were slightly parted.

He’d yet to touch her, but because of the things he’d said, he knew the scene was already in progress. His cock hardened as she stood and smoothed the front of her skirt, like he’d seen her do at the Den. The betrayal of her nerves was utterly feminine and enchanting.

She paused at the door and looked back over her shoulder. He waited patiently. A few seconds passed.

Saying nothing, she left.

David finished his work, shut down his computer, turned off the lights and walked through the offices, giving her the allotted amount of time.

His car was the last one in the parking lot. As he climbed behind the wheel of the German sedan, he saw the handcuffs that he had left on the console. The metal glinted in the sunlight. Before the night was out, he’d have her in them.

He navigated out of the maze of one-way streets and merged onto the crowded interstate. Restlessness and anticipation collided. He’d be there soon enough. The more time he gave her to get ready for him, the better.

Ever since their night together, he’d been unable to get thoughts of her out of his mind. He hoped she knew how much he, too, wanted this. It had been years since he’d had a regular playmate. He wondered if Maggie had felt the same constraints at the Den that he experienced. The pleasure that came with exploring a new woman was gratifying, but to him, getting to know a sub—figuring out her likes, catering to them, finding her limits and shattering them—was even more rewarding.

That the sub was Maggie…

He admired her courage in coming to him. All too well, he understood the restlessness she spoke of. Sex was the ultimate stress reliever for him, and being buried deep inside her body satisfied him in a way that jacking off never would.

The understanding they had in place to protect their work agreement was even more freeing. And neither of them seemed interested in anything more. Sceneing together on a semi-regular basis could fit the bill nicely for both of them.

He exited the highway on the south end of the metro area, and as he drove west, the traffic thinned out. It was a bonus that she lived in the same general direction as his house in Castle Rock.

Her condo complex had nicely tended gardens and an inviting-looking swimming pool. As for the hot tub, the one in his backyard was much more private.

He attached the cuffs to his belt loop and took the steps up to the second floor to find her place.

After knocking once, he tried the knob and found it unlocked.

He let himself in and secured the deadbolt behind him.

As he’d instructed, she was lying on her back on the living room floor, legs spread, knees held apart. Her chest rose and fell rapidly. Maggie was stunning in her nudity and compliance. His cock hardened at the sight. The weeks of waiting had been worth it.

“Beautiful,” he murmured as he walked around her, looking at her from every angle. She’d closed the blinds and, he presumed, moved a coffee table up against a wall.

Her space was what he’d expected—spare, sleek, modern and conservative, a reflection of her. She had few knickknacks, and the two paintings on the walls were slashes of bold, abstract colour. “I love the way your pussy is on such perfect display for me. Since you’re so well behaved, I may go a little easier on you than planned.” That was a lie. He’d give her everything she asked for, and more. “Would you like me to start by pulling your nipples until you cry out?”

She exhaled a shaky breath.

He crouched next to her and kept her gaze hostage as he flicked her right nipple several times until it became a hard peak. “Hmm?”

“Yes, please, Mr Tomlinson.”

“That’s what you like, isn’t it, sub?”

“Oh yes. It is.”

He stood long enough to shrug out of his suit jacket and drape it over the back of the couch. Then he rolled back his cuffs before squatting again. Since he knew she was expecting him to play with her nipples, he stunned her by smacking her gorgeous cunt.

Maggie arched her back and cried out.

“Do you need a gag?” He didn’t wait for a response. Instead, he loosened his tie, pulled it from around his neck then wadded it and said, “Open your mouth.”

When she did, he shoved the material between her teeth. “That’s meant to give you a bit more freedom to scream, but your hands are free. Remove it if you need to use your slow word. Eclipse, right?” He waited for her assent before continuing. “Halt will stop the action right away. Or touch me. I’ll be watching you and your reactions, regardless. I’ll try to make sure we don’t go too far, but we haven’t played together enough for me to know your exact preferences.”

She nodded.

Next time, he’d arrange for her to visit his house—there were no neighbours nearby, so she could be as loud as she liked. The higher the volume, the more he’d enjoy the experience. “I want you to do your best to keep your legs apart.”

She mumbled something that sounded like agreement.

“Release your knees and keep your hands flat against the floor unless you need to signal me.” He stroked her heated pussy. She held herself rigid, as if bracing for his next smack. He was more calculating than to provide what she expected. He wanted to know her every reaction, but he didn’t intend to telegraph his intentions.

He made soothing sounds while he slid his fingers on the inside of her labia. She drew a deep breath and exhaled, allowing her body to relax. She seemed to allow the floor to take more of her weight, and her body’s response coated his fingers with moisture. “That’s it.” He continued until he knew she was almost orgasmic, then he smacked her again, hard, three times in rapid succession.

Panting, she looked up at him.

To her credit, she stayed in position. “Do you like that, Maggie?”

She nodded.

“Perfect.” It was a treat to be with a woman whose desires matched his. “I want you to orgasm from this.”

She tightened her buttocks but didn’t protest or use a safe signal.

He cupped his hand and slapped her damp pussy several times. She thrashed her head back and forth.

He paused.

When her breathing fell into a more regular pattern, he licked two of his fingers then stroked her again.

She moaned.

“That’s it,” he soothed. “Give me your responses.” David tormented her until she dug her heels into the floor and lifted her hips. He responded by slapping her several more times.

Behind the makeshift gag, she screamed.

He watched her carefully to ensure his repeated blows weren’t more torturous than enjoyable.

Deliberately he alternated the teasing and the pain.

She held nothing back, arching to meet his hand.

He smacked her swollen pussy hard.

She took a shuddering breath and lowered her buttocks to the floor. He caressed her, sliding a finger into her pussy.

Then she lifted her pelvis again, signalling her need to continue. “Brave sub,” he said, resuming his smacks.

Her pussy became redder.

“Beautiful sight,” he told her. “I’m imagining it will still look like this when you’re getting ready for work tomorrow. Skip the panties,” he said.

She met his gaze. Her eyes were wide.

He wouldn’t know if she’d taken his suggestion. But the idea of her labia being plump and tender would distract him all day.

With alternate tenderness and roughness, he brought her to the brink of a climax. “Show me you want it.”

She rubbed herself against his hand, arching, seeking.

He made sounds, encouraging her. He met her next thrust, plunging two fingers inside her to find her G-spot and push against it.

David watched her dig her heels into the carpet and saw her legs quiver. He felt her convulse as an orgasm claimed her.

“Ride it,” he encouraged.

She moved her hips and groaned.

David grinned, glad she’d come to him. This beat the hell out of a cold beer and booting up his work computer.

When she settled again, he stood and looked at her. Her skin was covered with a fine sheen of dampness.

Her curvy body lay open for him. She had given him the power to both give and withhold pain and pleasure as he saw fit.

It was intoxicating what she’d done to him. Anxious to continue, he asked, “Where are your nipple clamps?”

She inclined her head to indicate a different room.

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