In Hot Pursuit (17 page)

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Authors: Joanne Rock

BOOK: In Hot Pursuit
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“Did I mention I'm thinking about getting a rottweiler?”

“Did I mention the poodles of the world have a way of bringing rottweilers to their knees?” She
splayed her hand over his chest, stroking her fingernails down the white cotton.

“No. But you can tell me all about it when I come over to the loft with the two rings and a pair of handcuffs tonight.” His hand inched a little higher under her skirt.

“Is that right? If you play your cards right, maybe I'll use those handcuffs to bring
to your knees.”

Josh drew her closer, flexed his arm against the small of her back to press them together, and kissed her in full view of the camera lens. “Honey, I think you already have.”

ISBN: 978-1-4268-8113-8


Copyright © 2002 by Joanne Rock.

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