In My Dreams (14 page)

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Authors: Cameo Renae

BOOK: In My Dreams
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I would finally have a chance to really look at myself. I didn’t get the chance to earlier, because I had so many guests, and the nurse had to assist me in and out of the bathroom because I was too weak. I dug through the contents of my bag and found my brush, toothbrush, and toothpaste.

I headed to the sink. I took a deep breath before reluctantly looking into the mirror.

It was worse than I thought. My face looked like it’d been through the meat grinder. Yowza! My left eye and cheek were swollen and purple. I had bandages wrapped around my head with a patch of hair sticking out of the top, scratches on my face, the tip of my nose was bright red, my lips were cracked and dry, and the left upper side of my lip looked like it had been injected with too much collagen.

This is what people were looking at all day? How embarrassing! I looked like Quasimodo! My guests were exceptional actors. I couldn’t believe they didn’t have looks of shock and horror when they entered and saw this face.

I grabbed my brush and tugged at the hair that was free from the bandages. I attempted to brush them down to make it look half-way decent. It didn’t work. I looked like a monk – bald with a small patch of hair on my head. There was no way I could look normal, unless I had some sort of magical potion. Fat chance!

My face looked as if it had barely survived a hit from a Mac truck. Thank God my arms and legs were fine and functional. Just a few bruises and scratches here and there from falling, and some very minor frostbite, but that was it.

I touched the swollen purple skin around my eye and cheek. It was tender to the touch. I felt sick remembering back to how I got it but quickly squashed it. I didn’t want to dwell on that pig.

I dug through the contents of my bag. Someone had stocked it up. I love them! Whoever it was. Most likely Emily. There was my make-up bag (which I would definitely use tomorrow), a pack of gum, some chocolate bars, Q-tips, deodorant, perfume, a razor, travel sized shampoos and conditioners, lotion, soap, a washcloth, and a new lime green bath scrubber.

I hoped they’d take my bandages off tomorrow so I could take a real shower. I turned on the water from the sink and let it warm; lathered soap on my washcloth and wiped myself down. I lifted my arm to see a little forest growing under my armpit. Oh jeeze! So, I lathered ‘em up and shaved ‘em clean.

I gasped as I scrubbed my hand. My ring from Michael was missing. I reached for my neck. The amulet and locket were gone too. I dug frantically through the bag but couldn’t find any of them. Maybe my mom had taken them.

I zipped open the little pocket in the front and pulled out my lip balm, heavily coated my lips and rubbed them together. They were so dry it felt like I was rubbing sandpaper together.

After I brushed my teeth, I headed back to bed. I turned on the TV and stared at it for almost a half-an-hour before realizing I didn’t have a clue what was going on. My mind had wandered, thinking about everything I’d gone through these past few days. It jumped from one thought to the next; thoughts of Michael, my mom, Tyler, Emily… and Buck. I shivered at that last name. I needed some help to put my mind at rest. I pressed the call button and a few seconds later the nurse came in.

“Hi Elizabeth, how can I help you?” she asked politely.

“I need something to help me sleep.”

“Tired but you can’t sleep, huh?”

“Yep. My mind is too wired up.”

“Well, you’ve been through a lot. I’ll go get something to help. Be right back.” She smiled and exited the room.


She returned a few minutes later, handing me a tiny paper cup with one little white pill, and another cup of water.

“Here you go, sweetie. This will help you get some sleep. I’m just going to check your vitals while I’m here.” She did her thing, and then headed out the door.

“Excuse me!” I called. I forgot to ask.


“Do you know what happened to the ring and necklaces I was wearing?”

“Oh yes,” she said heading over to the little table beside the window. She pulled open the top drawer and removed a little plastic bag. The ring, amulet and locket were all safely inside.

“Thank you so much! I thought I’d lost them.”

“Just let me know if you need anything else…alright sweetie?”

“I will. Thank you.”

I slid the ring back on my finger and the amulet and locket back around my neck. Forever in my heart. It’s what Michael and I would say to each other, and what was inscribed on the inside of the ring and the back of the locket. The locket was empty. Michael had left it blank, so I could fill it.

I flicked through the channels and stopped on a cooking show. Rachel Ray was concocting a chicken dish. I loved her. She reminded me of Emily.

I watched her douse a heated pan with “EVOO” (Extra Virgin Olive Oil), and season up some chicken breasts. I was actually paying attention. Good. My mind was finally giving me a break.

I wondered if I would dream of Michael again. I hoped. After about twenty more minutes, my eyes started getting heavy. The pill was kicking in. I clicked off the television and shut my eyes. I listened to nurses walking in and out adjoining of rooms, voices quietly echoing through the hall, phones ringing, and muffled sounds of television stations. After a while of tossing and turning I finally found sleep.

Chapter 12

I thought I’d dream sweet dreams of Michael, but instead, I found myself in another dark place. In the distance, nestled within a half-circle of spruce trees, I saw a cabin.

What the heck was up with me and these cabins? I was beginning to hate them. The upside was that this cabin looked
harmless. Its lights were on and a steady flow of smoke rose from its chimney. A sweet aroma of cake, or something freshly baked, wafted through an open window. I snuck closer to get a glimpse of whom or what was inside. I was getting pretty comfortable spying in my dreams.

I crept up the front porch and peered into a window. It looked as if it hadn’t been used in years. The furniture was covered in sheets and dust. The stove held a large pot, simmering with something that smelled like stew or chili. A batch of freshly baked cornbread sat cooling on a rack nearby.

There was a rustling in one of the back rooms, and faint whimpers or crying. What was going on? Why was I here? I kept my eyes and ears open. I anxiously waited for Michael to show up, but I guess he’d be a no-show in this dream.

I heard a door swing open so I quickly ducked below the window. I wasn’t about to take any chances and risk my life, even in a dream. Loud footsteps hammered across the floor into the kitchen. I had to look. I had to see who it was. I slowly inched up until I could see clearly.

Oh hell, why him? He was haunting me while I was awake and in my dreams! It was Buck. I’d had enough horrors from that man to last me two lifetimes.

I watched as he lifted the lid of the pot and stir its contents, then slurp the spoon. “Mmmm,” he hummed, sending a shiver down my spine.

He walked to a small table, rolled up a dollar bill, and sniffed a long white line. It had to be cocaine. The corner of the kitchen was stacked with cases of beer and bags of Doritos. Gross. The smell of it on his breath still haunted me, and thinking about it made me nauseous.

A loud banging came from the back room. His face went hard as he stomped back kicking open the door.

“Ya better behave yourself, or I’ll kill ya!” he threatened.

Unwillingly, my body was pulled into the cabin with great force. I had no control. I hovered through the cabin wall, down the hall, and stopped next to Buck. Fear surged through me at his closeness. My pulse raced. He kicked at something on the floor. It was someone’s legs.

I was pulled even farther, to the back corner of the room. Two persons were on the ground, bound back-to-back; their heads covered in potato sacks and tied at the necks. Blood stains spotted them.

I gasped. He’d had two more helpless victims, and there was nothing I could do to help them.

He screamed obscenities, walking toward them.

“Did ya hear me?” he yelled. He went to the nearest and tore off the hood.

My heart stopped. My breath froze in my lungs.

It was Emily. She was crying, and blood trickled from her nose. Her mouth was taped shut with the same silver duct tape he’d used on me. Her eyes were wide with terror.

“Did ya?” he screamed at her face.

She nodded. Eyes closed. Tear’s streaming.

He then ripped the hood off the other victim.

Tyler. His face was bruised and bloody.

What the hell is going on?

I heard rustling in the front room and Buck quickly disappeared. I heard him yelling, and then he ran back into the room.

“I told her I’d kill ya if she did anything stupid!” he yelled. He pointed the gun at Emily. His thumb cocked back the hammer.

“NO--!” I screamed, reaching for her. But I was frozen in place and my voice wasn’t heard.

I saw terror in Emily’s eyes. She went hysterical, closing her eyes; tears streamed down her face.

“Get up!” I yelled to myself. This isn’t right! This whole thing is not right!

I squeezed my eyes shut. I was not about to witness Emily’s murder.

Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!

The gun went off.

I jolted from my sleep in my hospital bed. My heart was pounding a hundred miles an hour. I grabbed my cell phone and checked the time. It had been three hours since Tyler and Emily left me. I grabbed my phone and dialed her. It went straight to voicemail.

This is not happening!

It was déjà vu all over again.

“Emily – answer your phone!” I said frustratingly between gritted teeth.

I tried again. Voicemail

I decided to text her, but it took longer than I wanted. My fingers were trembling.

Em…call me asap… need 2 know ur ok. Liz

I waited.

Thirty seconds ticked by. I hoped the dream, vision, or whatever it was, hadn’t already happened.

“God, please let them be okay,” I said out loud.

A few seconds later my phone chimed. It was a text.

Hey Liz… just got hm. I’m fine… U ok?

“Thank you!” I whispered out loud.

I called her again. My fingers were too shaky to be texting.

I pressed 5 - talk. Her call tone was “Fly Me to the Moon” by Frank Sinatra. Don’t ask me why.

“Hello?” she answered in a quaint voice.

“Em! Thank God you’re alright! Is Tyler with you?”

“No, he just left. Why… what’s up?”

“I just had the most horrible nightmare!”

“Bout what?”

“You and Tyler.”

“Is it about the relationship? Just tell me Liz, cause if it is… I won’t pursue him any further.”

“No, Em! It’s not about that! I dreamt that you were taken by the killer!”

“Oh,” she hesitated. “Well… I’m home and I’m safe. Tyler had a police car follow him home. Don’t worry Lizzy. It was probably just a bad dream. We’re fine.”

“But what if it wasn’t a dream? What if it was a vision? Things have been happening to me; things I can’t explain; things that I’ve dreamt have actually come true, or have already happened.”

“See Lizzy! I told you that if you opened up you’d experience the paranormal.”

“Em! I’m not kidding! This is serious! Please, just stay away from Tyler for a couple of days, or until they catch that guy. I can’t risk anything happening to you. Promise me, Em!”

“Oh, all right,” she whined. “But he was supposed to pick me up in the morning and take me to breakfast. What am I supposed to tell him?”

“Just tell him that you aren’t feeling well. Now promise me, Em!” I said in a stern tone.

“I promise,” she returned in a pouty voice.

“Okay, call me when you get up.”

“Will do. Night Lizzy,” she said hanging up the phone.

I wasn’t sure if she understood the severity of what I was trying to tell her. I was the one who had the dream and witnessed the horrifying events that might happen to her. Why couldn’t these dreams be given directly to Emily? That way she’d know how important it was. I didn’t want this burden.

At least I had some peace knowing that Emily was safe at home. Maybe I could manage to get some sleep. I sighed in relief, hoping that this time I would dream a happy dream of Michael.

“Please Michael, I need to see you,” I whispered before closing my eyes. I desperately needed him.

It wasn’t long before I was back in dreamland. This time I found myself walking through a field of brilliant white snow. Majestic snow covered mountains surrounded me. The sky was painted in pale lavender, and all the spruce and pine trees were flocked in white. It was breathtakingly beautiful. I was dressed warmly this time. I had on a white beanie, white snow pants, white boots, a thick white jacket and gloves. I looked like I was ready for a skiing trip.

I knew this was all Michael’s doing. He knew how much I loved it when everything was covered in white - a winter wonderland. My stomach twisted happily with butterflies, anticipating his appearance.

“Michael! I know you’re here! Where are you?” I called out loudly. He was nowhere to be seen, but I also knew this was a dream and he could just appear out of nowhere.

Sparkling glitters of snow fell from the sky. I closed my eyes and felt the cold flakes melt on my face.

Smack! A snowball disintegrated after whacking me on the back. I opened my eyes and turned around. Michael was laughing, shaping another snowball to throw at me.

“Hey! Not fair! You can’t just show up unannounced and do whatever you like to me!” I yelled, bending down to arm myself with a handful of snow.

“You know you can’t throw that far!” he jested.

“You’re so rude Michael Young! You bring me here and pummel me with snowballs without even saying “hello”? Not even a hug or kiss?” I huffed. “Fine,” I said walking away.

“Awe, come on Liz. You know I’m just playing.” I heard his footsteps quickly pounding behind, trying to catch up. When they got close enough I turned and flung my snowball at him, hitting him in the arm.

He stood there speechless, his mouth gaping wide opened, arms outstretched, with sad puppy dog eyes staring at me. I ran to him and jumped in his arms wrapping my arms around him. We fell back into the soft snow.

“Sorry!” I said giggling, “You know I had too.”

“Sure, you’re sorry!” He hugged me tightly.

“I’m so glad that you’re here,” I breathed. “I really needed you.”

“I’m here, Liz,” he said caressing my face, kissing me, taking my breath away.

“I missed you so much!”

“I missed you too,” he chuckled, sending a current of warmth and electricity through me. He was definitely the best part of me.

“Michael, I had a horrible dream about Tyler and Emily; that they were kidnapped by Buck. Is it going to come true?”

“You had a vision, a glimpse into the future. But on very rare occasions, it can be altered. You did the right thing by telling Emily. It’s in her hands now.”

“Knowing Emily... I’m not too optimistic.”

“Hey, don’t worry about her. She’s a big girl.”

I sighed.

“I know that you’ve been through hell and back, but there is something that I have to tell you,” he said with that look in his eyes.

“Okay. Just give it to me straight up. There’s nothing that can surprise me now.”

“Because of me, you’ve been chosen, Liz. You’ve been given a rare gift that very few possess, a gift of sight. You will be able to aid others, like myself, who are trapped, and help them cross over.”

“Wait – wait – wait! What if I don’t want this gift?” I said shaking my head. But I remembered what Lucy had told when she left me…that I had
the gift
. “I can’t do it Michael. I can’t put other’s souls in my hands.”

“I’m so sorry. It’s not a choice.”

“Am I gonna be like that Ghost Whisperer chick? Because that show freaks me out. I won’t be able to handle scary, evil spirits.”

“No. It won’t be much different than what you’re experiencing with me. Different spirits have different ways of making contact, and those that come to you won’t be scary. They’ll most likely be the ones that are scared. You’ll be a beacon of light to those lost in the darkness. What Lucy was to me,” he explained.

This was way too much to comprehend. I was already carrying too much burden on my weakened shoulders. How would I be able to take on a gift like this? I was barely holding myself together with the dreams I was having.

“Don’t worry about that right now. Right now… you’re mine and mine alone,” he said wrapping me in his arms.

I sighed, looking into his beautiful brown eyes. A flash of his last moments played through my mind.

“Why so sad?” he asked, lifting my chin, kissing me gently.

“I’m sorry Michael. There was nothing I could do to save you. I wish I was there with you. I wish there was something I could have done to comfort you.” I broke down, remembering his last moments and the helplessness I felt.

“Hey,” he said, kneeling in front of me. “You were with me. You were right here the whole time, comforting me,” he said resting his hand over his heart. “You were the last person I thought of, and it was your beautiful face, smiling at me, that was the last picture I saw as I closed my eyes,” he said softly. “You are my angel.” A single tear traced the line of his cheek.

“Thanks Michael,” I breathed, nestling in his arms. “I love you so much.”

He stood to his feet and pulled me up, then wiped the tears from my eyes.

“Enough with the sadness! This dream is not for cry-babies. Let’s go. I have something to show you,” he said, his face was beaming with a wide smile.

“But what about Emily and Tyler?”

“They’re fine. Sleeping soundly in their beds, just like you are,” he noted.

“Michael…were you in the room when Tyler spoke to me?” I asked.



“And what?” he said with a crooked grin.

“What do you think about what he said?”

“I don’t blame him one bit for falling for you, but I just can’t believe he never mentioned it to me. And I’m glad that he’s decided to make some changes and move on with his life. Tell him I said thanks for watching out for you. I trust him,” he said.

“You do?” I questioned.

“Why? Shouldn’t I?” he asked. He crossed his hands over his chest, looking at me. I ran, jumped into his arms, kissing his face.

“Don’t worry. He seems to be into Emily.”

“Yeah, they’re a pretty good match.”

“He seems to likes her odd ways, and she is totally smitten by him.”

“Good,” he said abruptly. “Now, can we forget about them?” He looped his arm around me, and led me toward the foot of one of the mountains.

“Where are you taking me?”

“It’s a surprise,” he said eagerly.

I started feeling nervous.

“Are we seriously going to walk
the way up this mountain?”

“Not all the way,” he said, pulling me around a bend. Behind some pine trees sat the largest snow machine I’d ever seen.

“Are you kidding me?” I said with exaggerated excitement.

“Nope.” He whisked me up in his arms and set me gently on the back of the machine. It was black with golden wings spread from front to back. He handed me a helmet and helped me fasten it to my chin. Then he slipped on his own helmet and hopped in front of me. His helmet was black, with red and yellow flames that wrapped around the back forming a heart, with my name ‘LIZ’ inside.

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