In My Time (85 page)

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Authors: Dick Cheney

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Mary Matalin has lived this project since its inception and her contributions are too numerous to list. We all treasure her wise counsel and her friendship. I am also grateful that Kara Ahern, who helped manage my vice presidential campaign in 2004, came back to help oversee events and travel for me. She has once again become a key member of the Cheney team.

A number of people reviewed early versions of parts of this book and made many useful suggestions. Even when I did not heed their advice, I was often prompted to rethink and rewrite, and I’m grateful for the inspiration provided by David Addington, Eric Edelman, John Hannah, Scooter Libby, Terry O’Donnell, Neil Patel, Samantha
Ravich, Pete Williams, and Paul Wolfowitz. Many of the photos in the book were taken by David Bohrer, vice presidential photographer for eight years, and I am grateful not only for his amazing work but for his help in overseeing the photo selection process for
In My Time.
I appreciate as well Pete Williams’s assistance in helping us choose photos. David Kennerly, who has taken incredible shots at key moments of our lives over many years, is also well represented in this book, and I am grateful for his talent and friendship.

I’d like to thank the American Enterprise Institute, with which I’ve been long associated, and its outstanding and visionary president Arthur Brooks for the many forums the organization has provided over the years for debate about the most important policy issues of our times. Both Lynne and I are grateful for Cristina Allegretti’s skillful attention to detail in managing our AEI office. Debbie Heiden, who worked for me at the White House, continues to help keep my life in order. Gus Anies also played an important role in keeping me organized through the process of writing this book.

Bob Barnett was a skillful representative as we launched this project, and we have benefited from his sage counsel every step of the way. I would also like to thank the terrific team at Simon & Schuster, starting with CEO Carolyn Reidy, whose interest in this project was evident from day one. Our outstanding editor, Mitchell Ivers, made a number of trips to Washington to read the manuscript and make important edits. Louise Burke, Anthony Ziccardi, Jennifer Robinson, and Jean Anne Rose have all made it a pleasure to work with Simon & Schuster. I am also appreciative of the efforts of Sally Franklin, Al Madocs, Tom Pitoniak, Lisa Litwack, Michael Nagin, and Natasha Simons.

While I was campaigning for the vice presidency and serving in office, I was lucky to have a number of talented and dedicated personal aides. My daughter Mary was the first of these during the 2000 campaign. Brian McCormack, Jen Field, Charlie Durkin, and Lucy Tutwiler all served in this post during my vice presidency. I want to thank them for their tireless work handling any and all tasks thrown their way. I also want to acknowledge my longtime friend Ron Walker,
who got on the plane with us in 2000 and helped us get our campaign legs back.

It is somewhat unusual, I realize, to thank medical teams for their help, but in my case, it would be a serious oversight if I failed to do so. I am grateful to the doctors at George Washington University Hospital for their tremendous care over the years, and I particularly want to thank Dr. Jonathan Reiner and Dr. Jehan El-Bayoumi. Dr. Lew Hofmann traveled with me around the world several times when I was vice president and I would like to thank him, as well as Dr. Sean O’Meara and the group at Guardian 24/7 that has provided me such useful guidance since. I am also indebted to the team at Inova Fairfax Hospital in Falls Church, Virginia, particularly Dr. Shashank Desai, Dr. Nelson Burton, Dr. Anthony Rongoni, Dr. Jason Vourlekis, and the coordinators Lori Edwards, Tonya Elliott, and Carolyn Rosner.

Lynne and I have been blessed with a loving family, our parents, our brothers, my sister, our children, and our grandchildren, and I see this book as a tribute to them all. Lynne and I are also grateful for the many friends with whom we have shared our lives in Wyoming, Washington, and around the world. Many are mentioned in this book, but too briefly to reflect the depths of our gratitude, and I would like to conclude by acknowledging to all of them how much their support has meant. We are fortunate to have such friends.


All links were active as of June 26, 2011

shortly before 10:00 a.m.:
Many timelines have been constructed for 9/11, and there is variation among them. The times in the Prologue are based on
The 9/11 Commission Report
(New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2004), notes taken that day by Lynne Cheney, and my recollections.

wigs and toupees: Federal Register,
vol. 36, no. 220, November 13, 1971, p. 21789.

effort to freeze prices:
Allen J. Matusow,
Nixon’s Economy: Booms, Busts, Dollars, & Votes
(Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1998),
p. 231

in the Oval Office:
Rumsfeld Papers, Memorandum for Don Rumsfeld from Dick Cheney, July 8, 1975,

pretty frank document:
Rumsfeld Papers, Memorandum for the President from Donald Rumsfeld and Richard Cheney, October 24, 1975, tion%20and%20Rumsfeld%20and%20Cheney%20Resignations.pdf

pilots called it “tank plinking”:
Rick Atkinson,
Crusade: The Untold Story of the Persian Gulf War
(New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1993),
p. 264

from using its WMD:
Keith Payne,
Deterrence in the Second Nuclear Age
(Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1996),
pp. 83

“too dear and too high”:

“on a rational basis”:
Colin Powell,
My American Journey
(New York: Random House, 1995),
p. 541

DPG represented a shift:
For more on the 1992 Defense Planning Guidance and our post–Cold War defense posture, see chapters by Paul Wolfowitz and Eric Edelman in
In Uncertain Times: American Foreign Policy after the Berlin Wall and
eds. Melvyn P. Leffler and Jeffrey W. Legro (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2011).

“softest of sells”:
Ronald Brownstein, “A Strong Case for Change Is Played Down,”
Los Angeles Times,
August 1, 2000.

“nine days of hell”:
Mary Cheney,
Now It’s My Turn: A Daughter’s Chronicle of Political Life
(New York: Threshold Editions, 2006),
p. 64

by 5 percent:
Karl Rove,
Courage and Consequence: My Life as a Conservative in the Fight
(New York: Threshold Editions, 2010),
p. 193

“shook our hands”:
Linda D. Kozaryn, “President Hosts Nation’s Combat Heroes,” American Forces Press Service, January 23, 2001,

attend very often:
Robert A. Caro,
The Years of Lyndon Johnson: Master of the Senate
(New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2002), p. 1038.

“nation’s energy security”:
National Energy Policy Development Group,
National Energy Policy: Reliable, Affordable, and Environmentally Sound Energy for America’s Future,
May 16, 2001,

during the biofuels craze:
Michael Grunwald, “The Clean Energy Scam,”
March 27, 2008.

“first line of defense”:
Nicholas Lemann, “The Quiet Man: Dick Cheney’s Discreet Rise to Unprecedented Power,”
The New Yorker,
May 7, 2001.

right thing to do:
See Richard B. Cheney, Remarks at the Heritage Foundation Dinner Commemorating the 25th Anniversary of President Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative, March 11, 2008,–9.html

never exceeding four thousand:
Douglas J. Feith,
War and Decision: Inside the Pentagon at the Dawn of the War on Terrorism
(New York: HarperCollins, 2008),
p. 88

was collecting intelligence:
Michael V. Hayden, Address to the National Press Club: What American Intelligence & Especially the NSA Have Been Doing to Defend the Nation, January 23, 2006,

a related terrorist organization:
For additional information on the terrorist surveillance program, see Michael V. Hayden, Hearing Before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, May 18, 2006,

“identified them as such”:
Hayden, Address to the National Press Club.

lawful approximately twenty times:
Letter from Shannen Coffin, Counsel to the Vice President, to Senator Patrick Leahy, August 20, 2007; Authorizations for the program dated October 4, November 2, and November 30, 2001; January 9, March 14, April 18, May 21, June 24, July 30, September 10, October 15, and
November 18, 2002; January 8, February 7, March 17, April 22, June 11, July 14, September 10, October 15, and December 9, 2003; January 14, 2004.

“should have been published”:
Byron Calame, “Banking Data: A Mea Culpa,”
New York Times,
October 22, 2006.

riot at Qala-i-Jangi:
Alex Perry, “Inside the Battle at Qala-i-Jangi,”
December 1, 2001.

and medical care:
Thomas Joscelyn, “The Real Gitmo: What I Saw at America’s Best Detention Facility for Terrorists,”
Weekly Standard,
December 28, 2009.

“endanger civilians in war”:
Ronald Reagan, Message to the Senate Transmitting a Protocol to the 1949 Geneva Conventions, January 29, 1987,

appearing in only three:
Thomas Joscelyn, “Gitmo Is Not al Qaeda’s ‘Number One Recruitment Tool,’”
Weekly Standard,
December 27, 2010,

Abu Zubaydah capture and interrogation
: George W. Bush, Address to the Nation, September 6, 2006; Michael V. Hayden, Classified Statement for the Record before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, April 12, 2007 (since declassified); George Tenet,
At the Center of the Storm: My Years at the CIA
(New York: HarperCollins, 2007),
pp. 145
–47 and 241–43.

building on the West Coast:
Central Intelligence Agency, “Khalid Shaykh Muhammad: Preeminent Source On Al-Qa’ida,” July 13, 2004,

“lives of innocent people”:
Marc A. Thiessen,
Courting Disaster: How the CIA Kept America Safe and How Barack Obama Is Inviting the Next Attack
(Washington, D.C.: Regnery Publishing),
pp. 159
–60. For Thorsness Medal of Honor citation, see

“the right thing”:
Courting Disaster,
pp. 158
and 162. For Day Medal of Honor citation, see

what they were learning:
Hayden, Statement for the Record, April 12, 2007.

endanger our CIA operatives:
Evan Thomas, “Why Is This Spy Smiling?”
May 16, 2009.

derailed by Desert Storm:
International Atomic Energy Agency,
The Implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolutions Relating to Iraq,
August 12, 1996.

“reestablish Iraq’s WMD programs”:
Director of Central Intelligence, National In–telligence
Estimate, “Prospects for Iraq: Saddam and Beyond,” December 1993, p. vii,

“its nuclear weapons program”:
quoted in Charles S. Robb and Laurence H. Silberman,
The Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction, Report to the President of the United States,
March 31, 2005, part 1,
p. 54

after their return:
Charles Duelfer,
Comprehensive Report of the Special Advisor to the DCI on Iraq’s WMD,
vol. 1, Regime Strategic Intent, Realizing Saddam’s Veiled WMD Intent, September 30, 2004,

for WMD development:
Comprehensive Report,
vol. 1, Regime Strategic Intent, Key Findings, September 30, 2004,

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