In My Veins (25 page)

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Authors: C.A. Madden

BOOK: In My Veins
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We both took deep breaths as we made it
up and hugged each other. He pulled me down a little, “Let’s keep low and only
bring our heads up for air when we have to. Maybe he’ll think we died.” He said
quietly as he pulled me back underwater. Since my ankles were hurting he made
me hold onto him as he swam us both to the shore.

Just as we made it onto land, I started
to realize how freezing the water was. It’s helping with my ankle pain a little
acting as an ice pack but it was freezing everywhere else.

 He made me extend my legs and he folded
up my jeans. I watched him warily as he struggled from the smell of blood. His
own knuckles were bleeding from the impact of punching the window open but it
was already starting to heal. He took off his wet jacket and his wet t-shirt.
He ringed his t-shirt dry enough then ripped it down the middle. He wrapped it
around my ankle tightly.

“It’s only a minor cut…the bleeding just
looks like a lot because of the water. But you probably twisted your ankle or something
when it got smashed too.” he mumbled. “You should probably stay off of it just
in case before I can take you to a doctor.” He said and lifted me bridal style and
started walking.

I held on to his jacket as a safety
blanket, “Where are we going?”

“I’m sure there’s a gas station nearby.
I can call for a cab.”

“James what about the book?” I said as I
suddenly remembered it.

 “I don’t care about that. I’m just
glad you’re okay and I lived to see it.” He smiled sadly and leaned down to
kiss my damp hair.

Chapter Twenty-Seven




We came back to L.A. the next morning and were on
alert for what seemed like forever. No sign of the slayer wannabe. He must have
assumed we had died that night.

I still haven’t told Tiff about my
engagement or even mention James because two and two go together and I’d feel
like I was lying if I brought up James not the engagement. I visited my family,
James-less and they asked about him.

I found myself glancing at some wedding
dresses online…but I felt as though our wedding was not going to happen if we
didn’t find a cure. I need to somehow let James know my family and friends would
be okay with him. They already accepted him before, why would eyes and dental status
change anything?

“Are you okay Karina?” said my assistant
Sunny as she popped into my office. I actually had an office and an assistant.
I couldn’t believe how awesome my new job was.

“I’m fine Sunny. Thanks for the tea this
morning but I told you, you don’t have to get me any tea or coffee. That’s not
part of your job.” I smiled.

“It’s ‘kay!” she said as she made her
way in and sat on the chair across from me. I’ve been working at my new job for
two weeks now and love it. Sunny was interning as my assistant while she goes
to college.  She has the kind of face that makes you want to just pinch her

In the two weeks we’ve worked together,
we hit it off and she occasionally comes and chats with me when work is a slow
and during our breaks.

“How’s school?” I asked knowing she’s
going to the same school I graduated from not too long ago.

“Good,” she sighed, “But there are like
cute guys!”

I laughed, “Tell me about it. Hence why
I was single till I graduated.”

She giggled, “How
you meet
your fiancé?”

I smiled at the memory, “Sushi
restaurant. We were placed at the same table. It was weird but thank God it

“Hmm… maybe I should eat sushi more
often.” She giggled, “By the way, when does the office get to see your mystery
fiancé?” she wiggled her eyebrows.

Probably never at this rate.
knows? He’s always so busy that I barely get to see him myself lately.” Which wasn’t
a lie… he’s been producing like crazy from home. He’s been taking all his anger
out with writing music. I think he has given up hope on a cure. I couldn’t
blame him, that book felt like our last hope.

Sunny sighed, “I better get going before
the others start complaining that I’m not at my desk during work hours.” She
rolled her eyes, “See ya’ later boss lady!” she smiled and skipped out the

My phone vibrated against my desk making
me jump from the loud sound it made. I looked at it to see a text from Tiffany
in all caps.

“WORK! :P”
wrote back quickly

As I set my phone aside it vibrated
“We haven’t gotten a chance to really hang out in forever! And my Dani-bear
told me something I need to talk to u about!”

I laughed at her nickname for Daniel,
“Dani-bear? Really? Lol!”

“Don’t judge me! You have some
explaining to do!”
I could practically see her glaring at
me through the phone.

Feeling nervous about what she could
possibly be mad at me for I wrote back quickly,
“I do? What

When I didn’t get a quick reply back I
put my phone back on the desk and signed into my email. Just as I clicked on a
name my phone vibrated again,
“Dani-bear let it slip that you
and James are engaged. SINCE WHEN!? And why am I last to hear about this!”

Cringing I sent her a heart as a reply
hoping that she would just drop it and understand.

But she wrote back,
“I am not speaking to you for at least two days! Love, your very hurt best

When I got an idea of how to get her to
forgive me I quickly wrote back a reply,
“Bet you you’ll talk
to me by the end of today! :P I get out of work at 6, I’ll be at your apartment
by 6:30 with a treat :P”

She wrote back that she couldn’t wait
with a smiley face and I took that as a cue that I could finally shut off my
phone. I’ll stop by her favorite pastry shop and pick up a couple cupcakes and
coffee. Nothing says
‘I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about my engagement before
like cupcakes.

Sunny knocked on the door again
enthusiastically before opening it. She stuck her head through the cracked open
door, “Seriously I HAVE to meet your fiancé soon!” she said holding a huge
bouquet of pinkish white roses that covered half her body as she brought it
over to set on my desk.

I laughed, “He’s the best.”

Sunny looked love sick, “I want to fall
in love!!!” she whined as she set the roses down and went out. I giggled as I stood
and grabbed the handwritten note attached to the side.

feel like we don’t see each other enough these days. Sorry I’ve been distant.
Hope I can make it up to you with dinner tonight?

love you,


I couldn’t stop smiling and staring at the
roses, my favorite color roses, and his hand written note. Something about a
handwritten note that screams romance.

I took out my cell and turned it on to
text him, “
Thanks for the roses baby <3. They’re my
favorite! Love u too <3”

He wrote back quickly,
“Glad you like them. What do you say to dinner?”

“I’d love to, are you cooking? :P”
I wrote back and could picture his smirk as he read it.

My phone buzzed again for a quick reply,

it be shocking if I did? I’m offended…”

“I was joking baby. I loved your
Alfredo that you made<3”
I wrote back getting hungry at the

“Haha, The only thing I can make. I
got to go. Meeting…. I’ll see you tonight.”

I frowned sad that the conversation was
over, “
you <3 xoxo”

I smiled at the thought of a date with James.
Yeah we practically live together and see each other every night but we’ve both
been so busy that I miss just
with him.

I heard a knock on my door as Sunny
stuck her head into the office, “Hot guy here for you. I asked if he was your
fiancé and he said no.”

“Hot guy that’s not my fiancé? Not

“You’re not a player, are you boss?”

I laughed, “Who is it?”

“David something?”

What is he doing here?
him in.”

David came in with a brown bag and I
could smell food. I noticed David watch Sunny as she fluttered her
eyelashes at him and go out of my office.

He brought his attention to me and
lifted the bag, “Brought you lunch…figured you’d be hungry.” He said as if he
didn’t care. David’s been talking to me a lot more lately, but won’t admit that
we’re friends now.

“I um… got you a salad ‘cause you’re a
girl and girls care about salads and stuff…” he mumbled.

I held back my laugh and tried to look
offended, “Are you calling me fat?”

He looked surprised, “What? No! I think
you’re good--- I mean… not that I’m looking or anything…” he looked like he was
truly struggling and I was trying so hard not to laugh. “We can trade? I got
myself a sandwich…”

I laughed, “No I’m good. I love salads.”

James was surprised that David was
reaching out to me. I asked him about what Jenny was talking about and he told
me his ex-girlfriend of five years turned him down after he told her about the
curse. She called him a monster and run off leaving him broken hearted. He didn’t
trust any women, besides his family.

We munched on our lunch together and
chatted a bit. “Did James get you those roses? Did he buy out a florist or

I laughed, “I know right? Yeah… we have
a date tonight. Apparently he’s cooking so…”

David cringed, “Eat a burger before you
go on the date or something.” He smiled. He actually smiled! His smile was so
sweet too. I hoped that he could find a new girl to fill his heart. He deserved

“He’s not such a bad cook.” I said
taking a bite of chicken that was in my salad.

“You really are in love.” He smirked, “So
you two going to do a wedding or…no?”

“James won’t even see my parents anymore
since the whole permanent curse thing. I don’t even think a wedding is going to
happen at this rate…” I answered truthfully.

He looked at me surprised, “I’m truly
shocked that you’re okay with him being like this. I mean… it’s hard enough for
me finding a girl that’s okay with me being a monster sometimes and he’s like
that all the time…”

“First of all; you two are
monsters. And second; you’ll find her.” I smiled as Sunny opened the door again
to peek inside.

She stared at David and fluttered her
lashes again before she brought her attention to me, “Mr. Smith is on line 1.”

“Okay thank you Sunny.” I smiled knowing
she could have just told me on intercom. She smiled at me and looked back at David.
David kept his attention to me and his sandwich completely avoiding Sunny.

Once the door closed and I finished my
call with Mr. Smith, David looked back at door, “So…this Sunny girl…” he
started, “What’s her story?”

I smiled, “She’s my intern-assistant.
Goes to the University.”

“Oh…” he nodded as if he didn’t care.

 “So you want me to introduce you to
her?” I asked.

He looked at me surprised, “Nah… I give
up on that.” He shrugged, “But um… you were saying. About the wedding?”

He’s totally changing the subject but I
decided to let him get away with it. It wasn’t any of my business, “Yeah… could
you help me convince James to have one and be okay with it. I want to
officially marry him already but he’s hesitating on the wedding because of
having to see people.”

“He goes to meetings and stuff for work
though…” David pointed out.

“He doesn’t talk. He says he acts as the
mean boss that stays quiet now.”

“I’ll try to talk to him.” David assured


I glanced outside as I shut down my
computer and sighed. It’s half past five and it was already dark thanks to

“Boss lady? I’m going to head out now is
that okay?” Sunny asked.

“Of course I was going to get going in a
bit too. Drive safely.” I smiled.

She hesitated, “Can I ask you

“Of course.” I waited knowing it’s most
likely about David.

“That guy…David? How do you know him?”
she asked nervously.

“Fiancé’s cousin.” I explained and
noticed she calmed a little from my reply.

“Does he…have a girlfriend?” she asked
again as her entire face turned red.

I smiled, “No he doesn’t.”

She looked up and smiled, “You think
he’ll come back?”

“It’s possible.”

“Could you maybe… mention me or

“Of course. I’ll get him to come visit
more often too.” I winked.

She smiled big, “Thank you!”

After saying goodbye she skipped out of
the office happily. I glanced at the clock and it was almost six. I was going
to be late to Tiff’s. She wouldn’t mind but I’m on a schedule since I had a
date with James that night too.

I quickly threw on my jacket and grabbed
my purse and a single rose from the bouquet to have with me.

As I stepped out of the office I glanced
around the dark and quiet parking lot. It was a chilly night. I wished I had
worn a thicker jacket but California weather is impossible to predict.

I tucked the rose inside my jacket and
hugged my purse as I walked towards my car. I was happy James finally let me go
to work on my own but I was suddenly getting a bad feeling.

Like I was being watched.

I glanced behind me and saw nothing. I
must just be paranoid again. But just in case I took out my phone to call James.
His voice always made me feel safe.

But before I could dial it. I heard a
footstep close behind me. Just as I wanted to turn around a hand came around me
with a cloth to cover my mouth. Whoever it was pulled me against him making me
drop my purse and phone. The cloth smelled horrible. It was strong and I felt
my body get weak. I lost all my strength and everything… turned black.

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