In Pursuit

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Authors: Olivia Luck

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In Pursuit

Copyright ©
2014 Olivia Luck

Published by Olivia Luck


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


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Published: Olivia Luck 2014

Publishing assisted by Black Firefly:

(Shedding light on your self-publishing journey)

Editing: Lindsey

Cover Design: Cover it! Designs

Proofreading: Kyra

Formatting by:


To JB, there would be no book without your love and support.

I am my beloved and my beloved is mine.

























s this really where I’m going to live? I eye the large building before me curiously, like it might disappear with a few more blinks.

At seven this morning, movers arrived to pick up my few boxes. They sent them on a journey across the country to my new home on the tenth floor of the luxury condominium in Chicago’s elite River North neighborhood. A few hours after, my suitcases and I arrived in the Windy City, and took public transportation to our new residence. Now, I observe the building where I will live. According to my best friend, Sarah, the ritzy space was
once the corporate headquarters to some company. Apparently, it was completely remodeled with all of the conveniences of a luxury apartment building.

When I mentioned to Sarah that I secretly wanted to move away from the only home I’ve ever had, outside of Washington, DC, I never thought that she would have the perfect solution on hand. An old friend from her high school was looking for someone to share her gigantic two bedroom apartment. My concern that I couldn’t afford the posh living accommodations was quickly put to rest when I found out the girl owned it and wanted a roommate to split the assessment: a cool five hundred a month with some utilities included.

I dig my phone out of my tote bag to double check the address. I know I’m in the right place, but I need to confirm it. I’m flipping through my emails when a shout and a squeal interrupt me.

“Eddie, is that you?” I nearly drop my phone at the interruption. A leggy blonde is standing next to me with a large grin, displaying two, super straight rows of porcelain teeth. “I must seem like a crazy person, I’m sorry. It’s Claire. You are the cutest little thing!” Her smile is infectious, and it’s not long before I’m returning her beam.

Of course, I already know this goddess is my new roommate, Claire Grant. I made Sarah show me all of her social media pages so I could get an understanding of her personality before I considered calling her to inquire about the apartment. The pictures didn’t do Claire justice, though. She is stunning and I feel like a dwarf standing next to her; a living, breathing
Sleeping Beauty.

It’s a Saturday in early July, so she’s not dressed for work; she's an attorney in a big, downtown firm that her family apparently formed many years ago. Claire’s sun-kissed legs are barely covered by frayed denim cutoffs, she’s wearing flat sandals, and is probably nine or ten inches taller than I am. Her perky breasts are contained by a tight knit tank top. Stick straight, platinum blonde hair falls far down her back, and pale gray eyes twinkle with mischief as she gives me a once over.

I know I’m not ugly by any means. I’ve had some real and wannabe boyfriends, but under her perusal I feel uneasy. Quickly looking down, I assess my appearance. I’m wearing silky shorts that look like they were splattered with paint. Tiny flecks of blue, green, yellow, red, black and white decorate the shorts. I paired it with a gray t-shirt and flat sandals.

Once satisfied, I realize I probably need to give her some sort of response, so I blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. “No, please ignore the shell shocked expression. I’m just overwhelmed. DC has a limit on building height, and I can’t imagine that this is where I’ll live.”

What kind of thing was that to say? 

She laughs breezily and throws her arms around my shoulders in a tight hug. I return it with equal gusto and laugh happily as she twists us from side to side. “I’m so glad you’re here! Is this all of your stuff?”

She releases me and after the interruption of a loud snuffle and swipe at her nose, glances down at the two suitcases, tote bag and oversized travel bag surrounding me.

“All that I could get on the airplane. My boxes should be here by Wednesday at the latest. But I didn’t bring too much, I want to see what the shopping is like here in Chicago.”

“Then I will definitely have to take you out. I know all the best stores. Obviously,” she gestures down to her outfit and rolls her expressive eyes. “I’m sorry I look like such a slob. Last night I was run ragged.”

What does she mean by that
? I think as I consider her. Though the outfit is casual, it’s easy enough to see that each piece is from a designer that I’ve been lusting after on some of the high end shopping websites. Her skin looks flawless and healthy; nothing but an all American supermodel roommate.

“If this is what you look like after being run ragged, I’d love to see you after a full night’s rest.”

“Aren’t you so sweet? Just like Sarah promised. She knows good people, so I’m not surprised.” Claire stoops down and grabs a handle of one of my rolling bags. “Let’s get you upstairs and show you your new place!”

With a flick of her blonde tresses over her shoulder, she leads the way. I lift my other bags, and struggle through the revolving door in her wake. After I fight the suitcases around the impressive glass doors, I freeze. This has to be the most stunning lobby I’ve ever seen. Marble floors and overstuffed velour furnishings make the huge room feel sophisticated and contemporary.

I scurry after Claire, to where she drapes a confident arm across the doorman’s desk.

“Bernie, this is my new roommate, Eddie Neff.”

An older gentleman with salt and pepper hair and dark mocha skin gives me a warm smile. “Hello there, Miss Eddie. What an unusual name for such a beautiful young lady.”

I feel my cheeks turning rosy and I look down at my hands before forcing myself to meet his gaze. There’s no judgment that I don’t belong here amongst the city’s elite residents, only a warm and welcoming facial expression. I return his grin.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you too, Mr. Bernie.” Out of the corner of my eye, I catch Claire smirking. Do manners make you not cool? I’ll have to ask Sarah later.

“Remember, Bernie, she’s a single girl living in a new city, so make sure to watch out for her.”  Claire emphasizes the word single, dredging up unwanted memories of an ex.

I will not give him another thought. Just the image of my ex-boyfriend in my mind causes a shiver to roll through my shoulders.

He nods affirmatively. “Of course. I will look after her, just like I would you.”

Claire gives him a satisfied smile and we continue on our way. We travel through the mail room to stand before the elevators. She presses the call button.

“The doormen are all pretty good, but some are a little pervy. Like, if you’re wearing a low cut top, one of the doormen, Wallace, will check out your tits. He is the hot one, you’ll figure it out right away. Don’t be fooled by his friendliness, he just wants to bang you in the utility closet.” The elevator announces its arrival and we move inside. Light, classical music filters through speakers in the ceiling. “The reason I’m telling you this is because one of the tenants apparently blew him under his desk. It’s not confirmed, and the management probably doesn’t know, otherwise they’d fire his ass.”

I hope that my face looks unaffected, because inside I am shocked. Apparently, Claire feels comfortable speaking to me like I would Sarah, rambling gossip as gospel. I guess familiarity is a good thing, but this seems fast, not following the typical way I operate. Inwardly I sigh. Now I feel judgmental for thinking that her friendliness is a bad thing. Instead of focusing on my wariness, I give a short laugh in response to her comment, because I’m not sure what to say. Claire seems open and friendly, that’s what I need to keep in mind.

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