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Authors: Barbara Freethy

Tags: #Contemporary

In Shelter Cove (33 page)

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“Whatever I can do,” he said solemnly. “I’m not trying to take his place, you know. He was your husband. He was Lucas’s father. I respect that.”

I know you do. We’re going to make this work,” she said, feeling more sure of herself than she had in a long time.

“I want that more than anything, Brianna.”

“Me, too,” she said, stealing a quick kiss. “When you get done at the station, come over. I’ll be waiting.”

“The sweetest words I’ve ever heard.”

She smiled. “I’m just getting started.”

He grinned back at her. “So am I.”


Ten days later


The streets of Angel’s Bay were filled with ghosts and goblins, spooky cobwebs, and bright shining pumpkins.

“Are we almost at the last house?” Lucas asked wearily. He’d finally run out of steam from trick-or-treating, and his plastic pumpkin was overflowing with candy.

“This is it,” Brianna said with a smile.

Lucas turned to Jason and raised his arms in a silent plea to be carried. Jason laughed and lifted him up. “You want a ride, buddy? That might cost you a Snickers bar. They’re my favorite.”

“Okay,” Lucas said sleepily, resting his head on Jason’s broad shoulder.

“Maybe we should go home,” Brianna suggested. “It is getting late.”

“No, I’m awake,” Lucas said, perking up again. He hated to miss any action, and Jason had been telling him about the Lynches’ Halloween party for days.

We’ll just stay a little while,” Jason said, leading the way up to Kara’s front door.

Kara and Colin had gone all out for Halloween. There were ghosts hanging from the trees, spiderwebs adorning the porch railings and a few gravestones erupting from the lawn. The house was filled to the brim with adults and children, most dressed in costume. Lucas saw one of his friends and immediately jumped out of Jason’s arms. He handed Brianna his pumpkin and took off to play.

“That was fast,” Jason said with a laugh. He leaned over and kissed her. “Maybe we should take this opportunity to wander around some dark streets for a while. I doubt he’d notice we were gone.”

“The streets don’t have to be dark. We’re not hiding anymore.” She slipped her hand into his.

“The Kanes were a little less chilly tonight,” Jason said.

“They’re making an effort, especially now that they know the truth about Derek. They have to try. I want all of you in my life.”

“Hey, there you are,” Kara interrupted, giving them both a kiss and a hug. “We’re just about to go into the backyard and dunk for apples.”

“I’ll pass,” Jason said, sliding his arms about Brianna’s shoulders. “I’m more than comfortable right here.”

“I can see that,” Kara said, giving them a beaming smile. “You two look happy.”

“We are,” Brianna said, smiling back. “More than I ever could have imagined.”

You both deserve it. I’ve been waiting for Jason to find someone for a long time.”

“She was worth waiting for,” Jason said, love shining in his eyes. “And worth fighting for.”

Brianna’s heart swelled with emotion. She wouldn’t regret loving Derek, because despite the secrets, they’d made a child together. But she and Derek had never really known each other. With Jason, it was different. The honesty between them took their love to a deeper level.

“I guess it’s no more three musketeers,” Kara said to Jason. “Now there’s four.”

“Yeah, I’m finally not outnumbered by you and Colin. By the way, I hear you’re trying out for the Winter Workshop.”

“Victoria and the Hartleys talked me into auditioning, but I’m sure I won’t get it,” Kara said. “They’re just being nice, wanting to include some locals in with the L.A. company that’s going to be arriving shortly.”

“You’re pretty good at drama,” Jason teased.

“I’m going to take that as a compliment.” She grinned.

“As you should.”

A sudden crash of glass interrupted their conversation. Across the room a pregnant teenager was doubled over, grimacing in pain. Charlotte and Joe rushed to her side.

“Oh, my God,” Kara said. “I think Annie is going into labor. Should I call nine-one-one?”

Joe has it covered,” Jason said, as the chief and Charlotte helped Annie toward the door.

“I better clean up the glass.” Kara slipped away.

“The excitement never ends,” Jason said.

“No, it doesn’t. I wonder if the father of Annie’s baby will finally show his face.”

“What do you know about that?”

“Just what I hear at the quilt shop,” Brianna said with a laugh. “It’s quite the topic of conversation. There are a lot of suspects.”

Lucas ran up to them. “Mommy, that lady is having a baby!”

“I know. It’s wonderful.”

“Are you going to have another baby?”

Her jaw droped. “Uh . . .”

Jason laughed at her expression. “Want to give us an answer, Brianna?”

“Not tonight,” she said quickly. “Right now, I just want to celebrate being with my two favorite guys.”

As Lucas ran off, Jason said, “I can live with that.”

“I’m not ruling out more kids.” The idea of having Jason’s baby was rather appealing, but first things first.

“There’s no rush,” Jason said. “We’ve got plenty of time for everything. I love you, Brianna.”

“I love you, too.”

He might not have been the first man in her life—but he would be the last.


Can’t get enough of Angel’s Bay?

Turn the page to find out
what some of your favorite characters
have been up to . . .


Suddenly One Summer
’s Jenna Davies


Dear Readers:


When you first met me, I was on the run with my daughter Lexie. We thought we’d find peace and security in Angel’s Bay, but we found a lot more. I fell in love with Reid Tanner, a cynical, sarcastic, gorgeous hunk of a man who thankfully fell in love with me, too. Neither Reid nor I believed in angels until we came to this beautiful seaside town and witnessed our own special miracle.


Finding Angel’s Bay and each other changed both of us. Reid’s stint as a tabloid reporter is over. He’s back to covering hard news and just returned from the Middle East. He’s taken a more permanent job in Los Angeles, so we’re going to say good-bye to the bay for a while, but we’ll be back. We purchased Rose Littleton’s house and we’ll keep it in the family as long as we can. Knowing that my roots extend to the original survivors of the shipwreck and the founders of this town makes this place home, no matter where we are.


I’m still teaching piano, but when we move to L.A., I’ll play with an orchestra there. It’s about the music now and not about the business, which gives me great joy. Lexie is seeing a therapist to deal with
all the tragedy she’s seen in her short life, but she’s thriving. She adores Reid and can’t wait to be the flower girl at our wedding next summer. Hope to see you there!



On Shadow Beach
’s Lauren Jamison


Dear Readers,


I came back to Angel’s Bay to take care of my father. I thought I could get in and out of town without anyone noticing—without dragging up all the old history. I should have known better. I hadn’t been in town more than a few minutes when my father took off in his boat, and I had to get someone to help me chase him down. That someone was Shane Murray, my high school boyfriend, my first love, and the man who’d been accused of murdering my sister, Abby. Shane and I had a lot to work through, but somehow we found our way back to each other. I like to think that Abby had a hand in that.


My father and I are building a new house, one without the painful memories. Dad and I are much closer now, and I cherish all the moments we have together. He doesn’t always remember who I am or even who he is, but I’m happy to share this part of his life with him.


I finally fulfilled my dream of having my own bakery. I opened up Sugar and Spice this year and I’m
up to my neck in flour and sugar. Shane says he gets high just smelling my hair. He’s been my biggest supporter. And while he still has his boat on the bay, he’s spending a lot more time on land. He still keeps his mother’s secret, as do I. Sometimes love is more important than truth.


Speaking of love, Shane and I are planning a winter wedding. I know it’s soon, but I want my dad to walk me down the aisle. Kara and Charlotte will be bridesmaids, along with Shane’s sister, Dee. Shane’s brothers, Michael and Patrick, as well as Kara’s husband, Colin, will stand up for Shane. I’m hoping my mother and brother will be in the first row. I’d like to have my whole family together one more time.


Oh, and did I tell you where Shane proposed? You probably guessed—the tree house. It was where we fell in love as kids and came back together as adults. I can’t wait to see our own kids playing there. Don’t tell Shane I said that. He’s just getting used to the idea of marriage. But I’m pretty sure I can talk him into the idea. Underneath that rough and tough exterior, he has the biggest heart of anyone I’ve ever known.



In Shelter Cove
’s Brianna Kane


Dear Readers,


I never thought I would fall in love with my worst enemy, but it turns out that the wrong man was actually the right one. Since we found the paintings and learned the truth, Jason and I have been able to let go of the past. Lucas adores Jason, and the feeling is mutual. The Kanes are slowly coming around. It’s difficult for them to see Jason in Derek’s place. They still miss their son, but they want Lucas and me to be happy, and for that I’m grateful.


Jason’s dad is still dating Patty. No wedding plans yet, but the two of them are giddy with love. They’ve decided to move in together, and Jason is coming around to the idea of having another stepmother. I’m still working at the quilt shop and hoping to get a teaching job, but in the meantime I’m making a lot of friends and getting to hear all the gossip.


I didn’t just find a new love in Angel’s Bay, I found myself. Jason has been teaching me to surf, and yesterday I rode my first big wave all the way to the beach. It was a thrill. Jason is still doing carpentry in his spare time. He told me he’s working on a secret project that I’m going to love. I can’t wait to find out what it is. Can you?



From Kara Lynch


Dear Readers,


Okay, you probably think you know my story. Colin got shot by a madman, then spent three months in a coma while I prayed for him to wake up. Stubbornly, I refused to leave his side when I went into labor, thinking that our baby would bring him back to life. Well, it didn’t happen then, but he did eventually come back to me and Faith. I thought everything would be perfect when he opened his eyes, but we’ve had some rocky times since then. Things are better now. We have a second chance at happiness, and we’re going to grab it.


Colin is almost ready to go back to work for the police department. I’m not sure how I’ll feel seeing him in a uniform again, since I almost lost him to his job, but Colin loves being a cop and protecting this town. The angels watched out for him before. I hope they will again.


I’m thrilled to be planning Lauren’s wedding. I’m so happy that my brother and his first love have reunited. Charlotte and I are going to be bridesmaids, although Charlotte is a little busy right now. Annie just had her baby, and, well, I’ll let her tell you about what’s going on there.


In other town news, the community theater is getting ready to open for the Winter Workshop, and I’m auditioning. More things have also been washing
ashore from the shipwreck. My sister Dee tells me that a couple of treasure hunters have been down at the marina. The
hasn’t been found in a hundred and fifty years, but it seems like she’s getting ready to show herself. Wouldn’t that be something?



From Charlotte Adams


Dear Readers,


You must think I’m the luckiest woman in town to have two men interested in me. But let’s take a reality check. I already dated Andrew in high school and he might be the golden boy now, but he had more than a few faults back then. He made some mistakes and so did I, mistakes I’m not sure I want to share with him. I don’t know why he’s pushing so hard to reconnect. Sometimes I think there’s more going on behind his polite, compassionate minister’s smile than meets the eye. Maybe Andrew has some secrets of his own.


And then there’s Joe Silveira, gorgeous, hot . . . and married. Well, he’s getting a divorce, but that takes time, and I don’t want to be his rebound woman. He was in love with Rachel since he was fifteen. Is he really over her now? Maybe I can get some information
out of Joe’s sister, Isabella, who just arrived in town.


Men aside, I have other things to worry about. Annie just had her baby and she’s under pressure to give up her child for adoption. Problem is, one of those adoptive fathers is the baby’s biological dad, but he wants to keep it a secret. Can I stand by and let Annie perpetuate this lie? But it’s not my choice. Or is it? Annie is late coming home. My mom and I are watching the baby, and neither one of us has a good feeling about it. For once, my mother and I might be on the same side—a shocking thought.


There’s a lot going on here in Angel’s Bay. Hope you’ll come back for a visit.




Click through
for a sneak peek
of the next touching romance
by Barbara Freethy




Available July 2012 from Pocket Books


“We need to buy rafts, hire guides, and update the reservation software, and I have no idea where we’re getting the money to do any of that,” Alicia Hayden told her father, frustration overwhelming her as she walked across the back deck of Hayden River Adventures. The one-story building, set on the banks of Northern California’s Smoky River, was the launchpad for their world-class river-rafting adventures company. Next to the one-room office was the boatyard where they kept their rafting equipment. On the other side of the building, tucked behind the trees, was a dirt parking lot that was empty now. About a hundred yards away and up a grassy incline stood the family home.

BOOK: In Shelter Cove
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