In the Beginning... (58 page)

Read In the Beginning... Online

Authors: Calle J. Brookes

Tags: #kidnapping, #alternate universe, #vampire romance, #paranormal romance series, #book bundle, #paranormal box set, #urban fantasy box set, #vampire box set

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“You’ve been in the woods for days?”

“Yes. But I didn’t care, Mal. I was with
Matt.” Becca’s worry returned to her tone. “He took care of me, and

“You love him.”


“I understand.” It didn’t
make sense, it wasn’t what her brain told her
have happened, but it was the
same way she felt about her own mate. “I do.”

She would have said more but something hit
the side of the van, sending it rocking on its chassis. Becca
growled, the sound shocking Mallory, even though she herself had
released a very Dardaptoan-sounding hiss.

Tajic began howling, pain
and fury clear even for Mallory to hear. Something had attacked the
wolf, but what?
“Becca, stay in the

“Not a chance!”

“Becca!” Mallory grabbed for her sister as
the shadow she knew to be Naeron went into full on attack-mode
against other more canine shadows.

Lupoiux. “Stay inside!”

“They’ll kill him if we do!
Don’t worry! I can take care of myself!”
Her sister hopped out of the vehicle and disappeared into the

Mallory cursed, then flipped the headlights
of the van on. Hopefully the light would give Naeron and Becca a
fighting chance, and would alert Aodhan that she needed him.

Howls split the night, and Mallory did what
she had to do.

Her baby sister was out there.

Chapter Forty-Seven

Aodhan recognized Tajic’s howl and knew his
canine friend was hurt. And knew instinctively that his female was
in danger. Tajic would not have traveled far from Mallory’s side,
not with Aodhan out in the dark woods and unable to protect her.
No, Tajic would have taken it upon himself to protect his


He felt Matthuin’s presence and Rand’s as
they were mere steps behind him. Aodhan whispered a prayer to the
Goddess that they would get to his female and her sister in

He should have kept her and her sister at
his side, and sent help back for Matthuin once he’d gotten the two
females back to Dardanos. He shouldn’t have risked them to help his

He could see the wolves surrounding Naeron,
could see his female’s red hair highlighted in the headlights. She
fought hard, a round-kick to an approaching wolf’s throat sent it
tumbling down the embankment, before she turned toward another. She
battled it back toward Naeron, who dispatched it with the long
sword he carried.

Pride hit him at the cool and skillful way
his female defended herself. She was biding her time,

He let loose a loud hiss, one designed to
warn of his presence. He wanted the wolves to shake from terror.
This was a battle he would relish fighting.

Cormac’s laugh was cold. “Save me a wolf or
two, Aodhan. I need a new rug for my female’s office!”

“Then you’d better pick your pelts now. When
I’m finished, there won’t be any of them left.” Aodhan threw the
words over his shoulder, his knife already drawn.


Mallory heard Aodhan’s call and relief filled
her, but she didn’t pause to look for him. Not with the eight or so
wolves still surrounding her. She didn’t dare.

“Aodhan! The red wolf is my sister! She’s

“Understood, kitten.” His knife sliced
through the wolf that was nipping at Mallory, trying to force her
back toward the others. “We’re here to help her!”

Then others were there, men
she recognized—Cormac, Rand
and one she
didn’t. Matthuin? She kicked another wolf away from him as he
dropped to the ground beside Becca. He lifted her sister in his
arms so tenderly Mallory hurt for him.

“She’s breathing, but she needs a

“Aodhan!” Mallory tried to keep the wolves
away when they snapped at Matthuin and her sister. Aodhan ripped
one away from her, killing it instantly with his knife. It dropped
to the ground as a man. “Please! Hurry!”

Within three minutes eight wolves lay dead
around them. Mallory didn’t care, all that mattered was getting
Becca into one of the vehicles and back to the resort where she
could be helped.

The man Matthuin carried
Becca to the nearest SUV, and climbed into the back with her.
Mallory jumped into the passenger seat as Cormac took the driver’s.
Aodhan lifted Tajic into the back bay. “Go.
, I’ll be praying to the goddess
for your sister! I’ll be right behind you, once we get those women
and children to safety.”

He slammed the vehicle door closed, and
Cormac hit the gas. Mallory watched Aodhan disappear back into the

Chapter Forty-Eight

Aodhan studied the dead wolves around him.
Phelan had taken pelts from each of them. Phelan knelt beside
Naeron, doing a quick field first aid on the slashes in Naeron’s
arms. He’d been bitten. The wolves hadn’t cared if they bit him,
because they’d fully intended to kill him. Would Naeron change?
Only time, and the moon cycle, would tell.

“How bad are you hurt?”

“Not bad. Your
is one exceptional
female. I’d hate to get on her bad side. Had she and her sister not
aided, it would have been a close fight. Not impossible, but much
more difficult. They wanted the females. Badly.”

“Because of the bounties. Half a million for
two of my sisters.” Rand’s growl was understandable. “And three
more are out there somewhere.”

“We need to get back to
Lanze and the Lupoiux women and pups. Only three Redd Gothan wolves
are left. We can handle them as they come, but Lanze is surrounded
by females and children
children, at that.” Aodhan turned toward Naeron as
Rand helped him to his feet. “Are you able?”

“I’m battered a bit, but the day I can’t
fight three puny wolflings is the day you needst to kill me.”

Aodhan had expected as much from the
seasoned warrior that was his second-in-command. “Let’s get these
women and children back to Dardanos. I needst to be at my female’s


Lanze had the females and
pups silent, hidden in a gully five hundred feet from where Aodhan
had left him. Twelve women and just as many children were huddled
together, with Lanze standing guard like the
sentry he was. Aodhan gave
the signal he’d long ago developed with his men. Lanze’s posture
softened slightly.

Aodhan stepped closer. “No signs of the
three remaining Lupoiux?”

Lanze laughed coldly. “Just one. His pelt
will hang on my wall.”

“Phelan exhibits the same enthusiasm. He’s
collected pelts from all our kills this night.” Aodhan studied the
two dozen refugees. “We shall have safe passage from here. Come, a
warm vehicle awaits. Then we will travel the short distance to
Dardanos, where warm food and even warmer clothing awaits. Only two
of these curs remain living.”

The wolf spokeswoman stood. “You’ve killed
them all?”

“All but two. We will hunt them down in the
morning. Come.”

A palpable sense of relief settled over the
women and Aodhan took the first steps toward the van.



Mallory fought the urge to pace beside the
bed where Barlaam and Thaddeus leaned over Becca. Mickey’s hand was
wrapped around Mallory’s, holding her in place, as they waited for
the diagnosis.

Finally Barlaam stood and looked at them.
“She’s going to be fine. She’s a fully turned Lupoiux female. An
alpha at that. An exceptionally strong one. She should be back on
her feet in a few days.”

The man Matthuin fell to his knees beside
the bed. “Thank the goddess.”

Mallory wiped the tears from her cheeks as
Mickey hugged her. “She’s going to be ok, Mickey.”

“It’s incredibly rare for a
Lupoiux female to be able to change. That she can
especially at such a young age
speaks well for her recovery,” Thaddeus added.

“It’s very curious.”

“Not considering her uncle
and brother are both alphas. And that her mate is an alpha as well
as a Dardaptoan
,” Barlaam said.

“She’s been changing on command for three
days. She just did it, without me showing her how but once. The
wolf runs strong in her. It is beautiful.” Matthuin cradled her
close, his touch so reverent he won Mallory’s loyalty just by the
way he was looking at her baby sister.

One thing she had to say about Dardaptoans,
they loved their mates. The males practically worshiped the

All at once she was flooded with the need to
see Aodhan. To reassure herself he was fine.

Almost as if someone knew what she was
thinking a knock sounded on the door and Cormac and Josey walked

Cormac nodded to Mallory
after inquiring about Rebecca. “Your
has returned. We’re on our way
to the lobby to help Milendo sort out any of the Lupoiux who need
medical care. Thought you might want to join Aodhan?”
Mallory didn’t have to be asked twice.


Aodhan was surrounded by
frightened women and children, and Mallory paused just inside the
lobby to study him.
He was definitely a
leader among his people. Strong, but with a reassuring presence.

He held a small child in his arms, the pose
natural on him. He saw her and his face relaxed. He handed the baby
to the girl next to him and walked through the crowd that parted
for him. Mallory met him half way.

He had blood on him, again. Was she going to
have to get used to seeing him this way? “You’re filthy.”

“Yes. But the mess isn’t mine. I need a
shower.” His hand tangled in her hair. “How is your sister?”

“Becca will be fine. She’s resting now.
Nothing like what happened to Josey.” Mallory looked around the
group of women and children. “How many did you find out there?”

“Two dozen, even. A few of
the women are very close to delivering their pups. What about the
other girl? How is she?
is she?”

“Jade is sitting with her. We’re not
entirely sure who she is. She’s been ill; no one can figure out
exactly what it is she suffers from yet. And she has been bitten.
She’s unconscious now, but Barlaam thinks she’ll wake soon.”
Mallory ran her hands down his chest, testing for injuries herself.
“You’re not hurt anywhere?”

“Not at all. This was but a brief skirmish.
I had more of a battle with your brother than these thirty or so
wolves. Pitiful on their part. You are in one piece? They did not
scratch or bite you?”

“Not a scratch on me. I told you I can take
care of myself when needed.”

“I know. You were beautiful tonight. But
that does not mean that I want my female needing to defend
herself.” His hands slipped around her waist and he lifted her up.
Mallory knew what he wanted, and she wrapped her arms around his
neck. He kissed her, hard. “Come, let’s go to our suite. Amaia and
the rest can get our guests handled. You and I, we have need of
each other.”

Mallory knew what he meant, and she smiled.
“Do we?”

“You know we do, woman. Do not tease me,

Chapter Forty-Nine

Mallory slept late the next
morning, worn from the events of the night before. Aodhan lay
watching her for several long moments after he woke. His female was
more than perfect
she was beautiful,
strong, and a fighter. Everything he had dreamed of and more. The
Goddess had definitely known what she was doing when she gave him
his Mallory.

He brushed her mouth with his, then smiled
when she hummed and rolled toward him. Sleepy green eyes opened.
“Hi. Going somewhere?”

Hmm. Yes. I have to
speak with Rydere about what I learned last night

“And what did you learn last night that can
be shared?” Her hands brushed his chest and she nipped his neck
lightly. His female loved to feed from him, and Aodhan loved giving
her what she wanted.

“Quit that.” He covered one hand with his.
“You’re distracting me.”

“That is my intention.” She pushed the
blanket back and sat up, completely comfortable with her nudity,
with her body, scars and all. What had changed in her since
yesterday? Aodhan was certain something had. “As I’m sure this
pertains to my family, somehow, I’m coming with you.”

Aodhan had suspected as much. It was why he
had wanted to slip away while she slept. It would take some getting
used to, her not appreciating him protecting her from the harsher
side of their life. But he’d realized something last night watching
her battle the Lupoiux scum.

His female had every right to protect
herself and to fight when it mattered. He would not want his
warrior female to be helpless, defenseless, in their world. It was
not right of him to not give her the respect she was entitled

But that did not mean it would be easy for
him, every time.

“There is a bounty on your head. On every
relative you have. Someone offered a quarter of a million for each
female in your family. One hundred thousand for the males. All of

“Even the kids? Jace and Dylan and Ethan are
just teenagers.” Her playful flirtation was gone and she grabbed
her clothing quickly. “Why? When?”

“That’s what I am going to discuss with
Rydere. And your brother and cousins. We need to trace this threat
quickly. See whether it originates with Dardaptoans or with some
other Kind. Until it’s settled, no one in your family is completely
safe. Your brother was having his men bring the rest of your family
here today. Our numbers are great enough to ensure proper

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