In the Garden of Temptation (16 page)

Read In the Garden of Temptation Online

Authors: Cynthia Wicklund

Tags: #1800s, #bath, #beautiful, #carriage, #castle, #england, #handsome, #historical, #horse, #lady, #london, #lord, #love, #marriage, #regency, #romance, #sensual, #sexual, #sexy, #victorian

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It is a pleasure, my lord,”
she stated simply and gave the earl her hand.

Without taking his attention from her face,
he brought his lips to her fingertips. “The pleasure is mine,” he

As his mouth touched the satiny surface of
her hand, Adam was drenched in a warm bath of erotic memories. For
a brief second the encroaching party disappeared, and they were all
alone. The arrested expression in her eyes left no doubt that she
also was remembering. The color rose in her cheeks.

Someone nearby coughed tactfully—Sir
Sidney?—bringing their shared reverie to an end. The earl was
startled as he dropped her hand, for it was unlike him to forget
his surroundings.

I’m pleased to meet you at
last.” His tone was brisk as he fought to regain his composure.
“You’ve taken London by storm.”

There are daily storms, my
lord. I am a cloudburst that will quickly disappear.”

Unpretentious—what a
ladylike quality.”

She raised one delicate brow at him. “One
would expect nothing less in a lady, now would one?”

He chuckled. “Do you attend the Farthington
ball tomorrow evening?”

Catherine glanced at Lady Richards.

Charlotte, who stood nearby, wearing a
watchful expression, merely nodded.

Adam was elated, but outwardly he kept his
manner droll. “I hope you will save me a dance, Lady Bourgeault. I
would like the opportunity to lead you out before your brilliant
star dims.”

Rogue.” Catherine’s lips
twitched. “I shall try to make room on my dance card for one

Aware their conversation was most likely
being noted for possible retelling by those within hearing
distance, Adam thought it best to withdraw.

I shall count the moments
until we meet again.”

For those listening, his words were the
insincere mouthings of the socially adept, but he meant what he
said. Bowing slightly, he retired from the group. He strode across
the room to Lord Wimberly and, after a brief exchange, the two
gentlemen left the party.




If Lord Ashworth hoped his tactics had been
subtle, the question Lady Richards posed to Catherine as the women
watched him retreat showed his efforts had failed.

Do you know Lord Ashworth?”
Charlotte inquired in a careful voice. The crowd had dissipated
briefly, and they were able to converse privately.

Catherine hated to lie. “Why do you ask?”

Charlotte, evidently acknowledging the
evasion, changed her approach. “It’s a coup that Lord Ashworth made
an effort to be introduced to you. He is elusive when it comes to
the ladies.”

Is he?” Though secretly
pleased, Catherine responded neutrally.

Absolutely. I don’t have to
tell you how handsome he is, but he’s also ridiculously wealthy. He
has frustrated the hopes of more debutantes than I have hairs on my
head. I admit I was one of them,” Lady Richards said with a smile.
Here she paused as she gave Catherine a curious look. “He’s also
careful regarding the married ladies.”

The baroness had nothing
intelligent to say. She knew what her friend was asking, but how
should she respond?—
My yes, Lord Ashworth
and I spent one marvelous afternoon in a wooded glen defying all
that is rightfully moral, and I would do it again and again given
the opportunity.
Though the utter truth,
she could hardly admit this to anyone, even the kindly Lady

It is very noble of him to
respect the institution of marriage,” Catherine managed

The conversation had reached the point of
being uncomfortable, and she sighed with relief at the approach of
two swaggering young lords.




Be honest with me, Edna. Is
the lack of color too youthful?” Catherine glanced uncertainly at
her reflection as she surveyed herself in the looking

White is most often chosen
for unmarried girls, but the style of your dress is not too

I hope so. Tonight is

The gown was a strikingly simple one of white
silk with a Grecian influence. The fabric crisscrossed the bodice,
and bright gold trim enhanced the outline of the bosom. A train,
secured by golden clasps at the shoulders, dusted the floor and
completed the effect.

Catherine’s hair was piled high on her head,
and a shiny gold ribbon threaded the soft curls. The result was at
once both charming and sophisticated.

I think you look dashing,
my lady.”

But it is not the usual
style. I should be wearing lace and bows.”

Edna smiled at her mistress. “Ladies who set
fashion wear what looks good. That’s not always the usual

Catherine sighed. “You’re right, of course. I
suppose I’ll just have to risk appearing different.”

She left the suite and made her way
downstairs to wait for Lady Richards. An unpleasant surprise met
her as she entered the parlor. Her inebriated spouse lounged in one
of the fancy Chippendale chairs. She halted in the doorway.

Edgar—” she blurted. “I
didn’t expect to see you.”

What’s the matter, wife?
Trying to avoid me?” He had been drinking heavily, as his words
were slurred and his attitude belligerent.

Don’t be silly. You’re
usually not here by this time in the evening, that’s

Grasping the chair arm heavily, the baron
rose from his seat, teetering to and fro. On uncertain feet he
crossed the room to where she stood, coming to a stop not a
nose-length from her face. The stench of brandy overwhelmed

I wanted to see you all
dressed up in your finery, love.” He leaned closer and his
bloodshot gaze took on a keenness that belied the drink. “You look
good enough to eat,” he said, breathing on her.

Catherine’s stomach cramped. She knew her
features reflected her distaste, for his expression turned even

The baron brought his index finger to the
swell of her breast, never quite contacting the soft skin. At
first, she thought his action was an attempt to disconcert her,
however, the sudden pain that entered his eyes told a different
story. She realized he wished to touch her, tried to touch her, but
could not bring himself to do so. Sweat beaded his upper lip as his
effort intensified. How long they stood thus she could only later
wonder, for the episode seemed interminable.

He dropped his hand then and withdrew from
her. “Get out!” he rasped. “Now!”

His voice came in a low-pitched growl, and
Catherine recoiled in alarm. She gathered her skirts and dashed
toward the front door, refusing to look back. Fortunately, Lady
Richard’s carriage could be heard arriving in the street below.




Lord Bourgeault watched as his comely young
wife flew from him in fright, and his chin fell to his bony chest.
He lifted his head and bellowed, “Willie!” and then again,

He turned to the fireplace and, leaning his
elbows on the mantle, placed his forehead in his hands. That was
how Willie found the baron moments later as he answered his
master’s call.

My lord?”

Watch her, Willie.” The
baron’s voice was hoarse with emotion. “I think the situation is
ripe for success.” He raised his head to stare at his faithful
servant. “Pray it happens quickly, for if it does not, I may lose
her before I can get her out of this godforsaken place.”

Edgar cringed as he saw the look of doubt on
the servant’s face. Even Willie Gant, though not known for his
astuteness, could be given credit for understanding the obvious—one
cannot lose what one has never had.




You haven’t forgotten our
dance, have you?”

Catherine started at the seductive words
spoken close to her ear, and she turned to see the face that went
with the voice.

Lord Ashworth,” she said
breathlessly, “you startled me.”

Adam glanced at the man currently paying
court to Catherine, and some masculine communication she could not
quite fathom passed between the two men. The younger lord sketched
a swift bow and retreated. Evidently, there was little to be gained
in challenging someone as powerful as the earl.

My goodness, he left in a

Adam grinned. “Seems he’s clever enough to
understand when his presence is unnecessary. Do you know how long
I’ve been waiting to approach you?”

Catherine shook her head.

I’ve been here longer than
you have.”

You have? Then why haven’t
I seen you?”

My dear Lady Bourgeault, to
have a word with you one must breach a veritable wall of males.
It’s disheartening.” Adam looked at her through raised

It’s not as though I
encourage them.” She was defensive. “Frankly, I don’t understand
what all the fuss is about.”

I knew you would take.” Was
that pride in his voice?


It occurred to me when we
first met, given the opportunity you would be a monumental success.
I’m glad to see I was right.”

Catherine’s cheeks flushed with pleasure.
“Oh,” was all she could think to say.

You didn’t answer my
question.” He gave her a lazy smile.

your question?” When he turned
that hypnotic smile on her she could not think clearly.

Did you save me a dance?”
he whispered huskily.

She threw caution to the wind. “As many as
you like. All of them if you wish.”

Adam’s bantering attitude evaporated in an
instant, and his eyes blackened with desire. “I’ll settle for my
one allotted dance—for now.” He paused. “I’ll come for you after

She could only nod her agreement.

I want to stay with you,
but that will cause talk.” His gaze turned enigmatic. “We will have
to be careful.”

He left with those tantalizing words hanging
on the air.

Within the blink of a lash Lady Richards
arrived at Catherine’s side. “What did he say?” she asked

Nothing really. He wanted
to confirm our dance.” She could not look her friend in the

Uh huh, I see,” Charlotte
said, a hint of skepticism showing. “From the looks of it, it was
an intimate
. Nearly everyone in the room was watching the two of

Catherine was dismayed. “Don’t people have
anything better to do than spy on the innocent?”

No, they don’t have
anything better to do. That is why indiscretion is so dangerous.
People will talk. The wrong thing said can ruin a reputation in a
night. Once one is ostracized, there is little chance of coming

Why are people so
suspicious? I’ve not done a thing to warrant this

Charlotte patted the Catherine’s arm. “It’s
not you, not really, except you are beautiful and have set most of
the male population on their collective ears. There’s been some

What is it

Lord Ashworth arrived
directly as the ball commenced. That is out of character. He’s
known for making an appearance for appearance’s sake, late in the
evening. He never, and I mean never, shows a particular interest in
any one woman. On two consecutive nights he has singled you

That’s not my fault,”
Catherine said.

No, but there is a rumor
circulating which suggests you and the earl are not newly

Aghast, the baroness stared at Lady Richards.
“How could anyone possibly know that?”

The stunned silence that followed left little
room for speech. Catherine had given herself away, and she was
horrified by her inadvertent admission.

Charlotte, you are my
friend, are you not?”

My dear, of course I am,”
Lady Richards said. “I’ll not ask you to satisfy my curiosity,
although I admit my interest is piqued. Maybe someday you will
trust me enough to confide in me. For now, I want you to be aware
of the pitfalls should you cease to be careful.”

Lady Bourgeault smiled feebly at the
intimation that she had something to hide. “Naturally, I shall heed
your warning,” she agreed.




Supper proved to be an extended affair,
lingering long past the hunger of the crowd. Catherine sat in the
middle of a group of young people and listened with growing
impatience to the inane prattle flowing around her. For the first
time she began to wonder about the idle lives of these pampered
aristocrats. Did they have nothing better to do than gossip about
their neighbors?

Probably she had been brought to an awareness
of the shallowness of her contemporaries by Charlotte’s advice. Yet
to listen to the malicious dissection of one poor individual after
another truly depressed her. Their cruel attitude left no room for
forgiveness, either.

Lord Ashworth lounged at a table on the far
side of the room and, if his expression were an indication, he felt
as bored as she. Catherine had caught his gaze on her more than
once, and the rich promise in his eyes made her pulse leap.

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