In the Garden of Temptation (34 page)

Read In the Garden of Temptation Online

Authors: Cynthia Wicklund

Tags: #1800s, #bath, #beautiful, #carriage, #castle, #england, #handsome, #historical, #horse, #lady, #london, #lord, #love, #marriage, #regency, #romance, #sensual, #sexual, #sexy, #victorian

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Can you do it

Excuse me?”

It would be nice if you
could minimize the scandal, although,” Jeffery said as he shrugged,
“I’ve learned there are worse things than a few wagging

The earl brightened hopefully. “Do I
understand you correctly? You will not oppose me?”

I’ve spent eight of the
longest years of my life regretting that I did not step forward and
do something to prevent my sister from sacrificing herself to that
man. If there is the slightest chance she could find happiness, I
will not stand in her way.”

What of your father? I had
been told he was instrumental in forcing the marriage in the first

We buried my father three
weeks ago,” Jeffery said without emotion. “He can no longer
influence our lives.”

I’m sorry—I had no

The new Lord Eddington leaned back in his
chair and, clasping his hands behind his head, pursed his lips
before sending his guest an assessing glance. “The death of my
father is a blessing. He won’t be missed, sad to say. Look about
this house. Do you see anything odd?”

It’s being redone, it
appears,” Adam said slowly.

But there is nothing in
it.” Jeffery’s voice rose as he stated the obvious. “My father sold
everything he could lay his hands on, everything—pictures,
furniture, family heirlooms, all gone. When he ran out of things to
sell, he sold my sister.”

I was aware Lord Bourgeault
paid a marriage settlement.”

Yes, a monstrous sum,”
Jeffery agreed. “That’s gone as well. Fortunately, my mother had
her own monies which she left to me, or I would have to sell my
home instead of restoring it.”

Have you kept in contact
with Catherine?”

I’ve tried repeatedly, but
the baron has isolated her from anyone who might have influence
over her.”

So you are not aware of how
things are with her?”

Lord Eddington shook his head. “I would be
grateful if you would tell me.”

Several weeks ago Catherine
made you an uncle.”

Jeffery beamed. “By Jove, that’s jolly good

The child is mine,” Adam
announced baldly.

The smile slipped from Jeffery’s face. “This
relationship has progressed beyond the bounds of propriety.
Catherine cares as strongly for you as you do for her?”

Last year she told me she
loved me. I’ve not seen her in months, but I have been assured by
someone who has spoken to her recently that her feelings have not

Does she know you are
coming for her?”

As far as I know, she is
unsuspecting,” Adam said.

Do you have a plan? Surely,
you don’t propose to dash in, snatch her and the baby from the
baron’s clutches and simply ride away,” Jeffery said. “It’s
tempting and quite dramatic but not at all practical.”

Adam laughed. “And put that way it sounds
foolish. Actually, I had hoped to convince Lord Bourgeault to
divorce Catherine—you know, infidelity and all that.”

Jeffery breathed heavily. “There goes any
hope of doing the thing quietly.”

What else is there?” the
earl said, frustrated. “If the baron conveniently died, that would
be the easiest solution. Should I smother him in his

Lord Eddington perked up. “Well now, I like
the sound of that. I’d be happy to lend a hand if you’ve a mind to
do it.”

The two men stared at one another in silence
before they both broke into amused laughter.

Perhaps I will take that
drink.” Adam chortled as he wiped the tears from his

Could use a little
something myself.” Jeffery reached for the brandy decanter. Having
done the honors, he leaned back in his chair once more, watching
the earl and sipping his brandy.

This has come as a shock,
hasn’t it?” the earl asked.

Jeffery did not respond at first. Finally, he
said, “Since my father died, I had decided to fetch Catherine home.
And frankly, I didn’t care how I accomplished it. If I thought it
were best for her to stay with her husband, I would load that gun
you mentioned. I might as well be honest with you—as favorable as
my first impression is, I take nothing for granted. When you leave
here I’ll be sending my agent to London to verify your claims. My
sister has suffered enough, and I will fight the very devil himself
before I’ll allow her to be hurt again.”

Adam lifted his glass in salute to the man on
the other side of the desk, and his eyes narrowed in appreciation.
“I believe, Eddington, you and I will be fast friends in the years
to come. For you see, we both have a goal in common. Catherine’s
happiness is my ambition. Nothing else matters.”




It’s my best room, my lord.
I hope it will do.”

The earl looked around the
tiny space and indicated his satisfaction. “This is fine. I don’t
know how long I will need it, but I will pay for the next

He reached into his purse and extracted the
necessary coins needed to seal the bargain. The innkeeper eagerly
took the money and walked through the door backwards, bowing as he

Adam removed his coat and tossed it on the
one chair in the room. He studied the small cot against the wall,
tempted. He was weary.

Last evening Lord Eddington had invited the
earl to dinner and to stay overnight. Thus he had spent a congenial
few hours getting to know the man he hoped would eventually be his

He spent a restive night and bid his host
adieu after an early morning breakfast. Before leaving he gave a
letter of introduction to Jeffery. “Have your agent present this
wherever he goes. I promise he will be treated well, and hopefully
the news he brings back will be to your satisfaction.” And then
Adam had begun the grueling trip to Bath.

Now it was late evening, and he found himself
ensconced in a tiny room in a tiny inn only a few miles from the
baron’s castle. As tired as he was, he was nervous, for tomorrow he
would attempt to see Catherine. He still did not know how to
approach the baron, and he had few illusions the man would simply
step aside. They would have to prepare for the worst in the event
Bourgeault chose not to grant Catherine her freedom.

He shook his head irritably, as he didn’t
want to think about that. Much more agreeable to imagine his first
words with Catherine. He wanted to hold her and tell her he loved
her and beg forgiveness for his lack of understanding. He wanted to
see his daughter. What was her name, anyway? In all the excitement
he had forgotten to ask, and now the not knowing made him daft.

Maybe a warm meal and a tankard of ale would
smooth the rough edges. He ambled down the stairs to the dining
area, where more drinking than eating was going on, and proceeded
to sup adequately on boiled beef and potatoes.

What say,

Adam glanced to his left to a nearby table
and met the curious stare of a very common fellow, indeed.

The earl grinned. “Whiling away an evening,
my friend.”

Are you one of them gents
what goes up to the castle?”

I intend to visit there
tomorrow,” Adam said slowly.

You be careful, hear? The
baron, he’s touched in his upper works. Somethin’ mighty wrong wif
him—everybody says so.”

What’s wrong with

Not rightly sure. But he’s
married to an angel—most beautiful woman you ever did see. Few
weeks back she made ‘im a papa—don’t nobody think it’s

Why is that?” Adam hated
the gossip, but he felt compelled to listen.

The man shrugged. “Don’t know. Some say the
devil shriveled his member.”

I see. Well…ah, thank you.
I’ll certainly heed your warning.”

Adam turned back to his ale, smiling to
himself. Daniel was right. It wouldn’t be difficult to find
individuals willing to testify against the baron. The thought was
cheery enough to send him up the stairs to a good night’s








The hour was just past dawn, but the light
filtering through the dusty window gave promise of a glorious
morning. This was Catherine’s favorite time of the day. She had
taken to retiring early and rising early as the baron could be
counted on to do neither of those things. This reduced the amount
of time she spent in his company, and lately that had become very

Edgar was on a rampage. For the first time in
her marriage, she had begun to fear for her physical safety. That
troubled her not nearly as much as her concern for Annabelle.
Edgar’s veiled threats had become more specific, and she believed
it might be necessary to spirit the baby away.

Catherine could see a tremendous
deterioration in the baron’s mental state. Perhaps his condition
would stabilize if he would stop drinking, but that seemed
unlikely. Two nights prior he’d had a frightful fit, trembling from
head to foot and screaming about demons and the like. She knew
everyone who had witnessed the scene had been horrified.

During her pregnancy Edgar had shown more
restraint, going out of his way to appear congenial and solicitous.
If he drank to excess, he spared her the results of his
overindulgence. The birth of Annabelle had changed all that.
Catherine hated to admit it, for she loved her child dearly, but it
would have been far easier had the baby been born a boy.

The baron’s temperamental outbursts had been
frequent over the last weeks, but the situation had not come to a
head until the appearance of Lord Wimberly a few days earlier.
Catherine had done as Daniel had advised and lied to her husband.
Foolishly, she had thought Edgar would be pleased.

Again, just as when he had confronted her
about her affair with Adam, she sensed his outrage. He demanded she
take a lover, and then despised her for doing that very thing. She
suspected he was of two very different minds—determined to
accomplish his goal, but in an agony of despair over what he must
give up to reach it. She could almost have pitied him if he had not
made her the recipient of his misplaced anger.

She thought of Daniel’s kindness to her. She
hoped he meant what he said when he promised to come back, for she
was hoping Lord Wimberly would help her if she decided to leave.
She hardly dared wonder if he had spoken to Adam. She had asked him
not to, but the viscount had made no promises.

Having completed her ablutions, Catherine
stepped into the corridor. Her first order of business this morning
and every morning was a visit to her daughter. Knowing that child
resided in the nursery at the end of the hall brought her a joy
almost painful in its intensity. A dreamy smile spread across her
face in anticipation.

Dear wife, where are you
going this bright and early day?”

Catherine groaned inwardly. Edgar stood at
the door to his chamber, a wearing a sloppy grin. Drunk. Why was he
awake? He look horrible, his eyes bloodshot and red-rimmed, and a
strong odor emanated from his filthy body. She knew he was wearing
the same clothing he had worn for days. She wished she could walk
past him and pretend he did not exist.

I thought I’d have my
morning meal and then take a ride,” she said. She made no reference
to seeing the baby because mention of Annabelle invariably caused
him irritation.

Where do you ride?” he
asked, staring at her through suspicious eyes.

I don’t know. I just wanted
to bask in the sunshine.” She tried to sidle passed him, hoping he
would let her continue on her way.

Perhaps I’ll join

Damn him, she thought. How could anyone so
drunk be so calculating? Now she would have to avoid the nursery
altogether. He knew what he was doing. She knew he did.

You are, of course, free to
do as you please,” she managed calmly as he finally allowed her to

But the baron’s perverse nature would not let
her escape so easily. He trudged behind her to the dining hall, his
unsure steps a constant reminder of his despised presence.
Catherine ignored him as she poured herself tea, took toast from
the sideboard and sat down. Edgar shuffled to the sideboard also
and put an obscene helping on his plate before joining her.

He plowed into his food, eating so quickly
she wondered how he had time to taste his meal as it moved from his
mouth to his gullet. He seemed oblivious to his own disgusting
manners, gobbling mindlessly as remnants of his breakfast dribbled
from the corner of his mouth, down his chin and onto his shirt.

He glanced at his wife who stared at him in
appalled silence, and he gave her a food-filled grin. “Good, ain’t
it?” he said pleasantly, and then his efforts continued unabated
until his dish was eaten clean. He stood from the table, refilled
his plate and, sitting down, repeated the process from start to

By this time Catherine was so completely
disgusted, she could not even contemplate tasting her toast. She
took a sip of tea, hoping to clear the bile that had gathered in
her throat.

Not hungry?” he asked
innocently, although she could see he watched her more closely

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