In the Lyrics (24 page)

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Authors: Nacole Stayton

Tags: #New Adult

BOOK: In the Lyrics
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“Hensley, come here,” he demands in a low tone.

Crawling back up his body, I rest my head on his chest. He doesn’t say anything as his hand touches my back and he draws small circles on my exposed skin. My hair is matted to my face, and my breathing is still uncontrollable. It’s hard to explain how I’m really feeling, because I’ve never felt it. I want this more than anything, but I’m scared I won’t be any good at it. He’s got stuff to compare this to; I have nothing.

“It’s okay if you’re not ready, I’ll wait forever. It won’t be easy – as you can tell, I’m super horny – but I’ll manage. We don’t have to do this.” His words sting. For some reason I feel like he doesn’t want me. He keeps trying to talk me out of this, of having sex, and I don’t know why.

I try to hide the hurt in my voice. “Do you not want me, Colby?” I ask, curious if it’s just me that feels like I could explode from need at any given moment. I mean, I see him, hard and ready, but does he really
me, all of me?

“Look how hard I am for you, Hensley. That’s how you make me feel. Sunshine, I’ve wanted you from the moment I saw you.”

If he wants me so badly, why does it seem like he’s trying to talk me out of this? “Why do you always stop us then? We’ve been close, dangerously close a few times now, and you always stop us. If you want me so bad, I don’t get it.” I can’t see his face, but I can feel him huff as his chest rises and falls beneath my face resting on it.

“I’m only concerned about you. I’ve only ever been concerned about you. Once we do this, there will be no one else, ever. I love you and I want to have sex with you. It sounds stupid and lame to say, but I want it almost as much as I want the next beat of my heart to come. I just want you to be ready. And you being a virgin scares me. How do I know you want this? That you won’t regret this in the morning?

He’s scared that I’m not ready?

“Colby, I was waiting for you. For this moment. Now please, less talking, and more of this. I’m begging you.” He nods and I silently do a dance of victory in my head. Placing a small kiss in the middle of his chest, I slowly make my way back down his stomach again. I’m thankful that my eyes are already adjusted to the darkness as I lift my hand and tug at the top of his boxers. His thick penis springs up as the material that was holding it down lowers.
Oh. My. God.
Lowering my head, I kiss the top of him. His skin is warm on my lips. Opening my mouth, I put a little bit in and close it.

“That’s it,” he says through a small grunt of pleasure. It’s enough reassurance to tell me that I’m doing something good. “Sunshine, that feels so good.”

Colby’s hand holds me from behind my neck and he slightly pushes my head down. My mouth accommodates to his length as I prepare to suck his most prized possession like it’s my job. Thoughts of him kissing me, touching me in my most sacred place excite me and urge me to please him in hopes that he will do the same to me.

No words are spoken as his hand covers mine and he holds my hand around his erection. When I slide my lips towards the top of him, our hands come up. When I lower them, our hands slide down his shaft. We keep this up until I can tell he is coming undone. The salty taste of some foreign liquid on my tongue confuses my taste buds, but not my brain. He’s on the brink of coming, from my doing. I feel like I should get up and do a dance from excitement, but instead I use my tongue to lick the warmth of his skin around his head. I’m needy to have my fill of him.

“Not like this, Hensley. If I go now, I won’t be much fun later. It’s your turn.”

Without notice, he lets go of my hand and moves both of his to my arms, and then he pulls me up. Before I know what is going on he has me lying on my back and he is positioned between my legs. His warm hands are now undoing the button on my jeans in a frantic hurry. My legs shiver from his touch and his hot breath on my cotton panties as he hovers over me. Tossing my jeans on the floor, he kisses my leg. It’s like his lips are following a hidden map. I don’t want to push my legs together, it will be too obvious, but I’m scared of the wetness…
it’s embarrassing.

“Stop it. Don’t be ashamed that you’re turned on. I love it. I want you wet and ready for me. Knowing that I have that kind of pull over you and that your body reacts that way to my touch, it fucking drives me crazy.”

“Since when did you get such a dirty mouth?” I snicker. I’ve never heard him sound more serious. It’s so different from his normal casual self; the change is noticeable, but I like it.
Does that make me a whore?

“I’m still me – still the Colby you fell in love with. I just can’t stand not being inside you for another day, another minute, hell, if another second passes…”

If it’s okay for him to talk dirty, I will too.
Here goes nothing
, “Colby, I love you. Now claim me, make me believe how much you can’t stand not being inside me for one more second.”

His hand slides up my leg, causing every hair on my body to stand up, excluding my cleanly shaven area where his mouth is now kissing.
A girl can dream right?
I took care of that business a long time ago. Small kisses, and then small licks, and then he spreads my opening and pushes a finger inside me slowly. Once my body adjusts to his finger, the wetness builds again from the pleasure of his hand, and the sound fills the air, but I know he told me not to be embarrassed. As his finger moves inside me and then pulls out, my hips rock to meet his palm. I’ve never felt so…I don’t know what I’m feeling, but it’s amazing. I can’t believe I’ve waited so long to do this.

“Are you sure?” he pants while looking up. All that is visible is the top of his head and eyes.

“Yes, oh my God, yes!” I shout as his finger moves around in my opening.

Time stands still, or moves really fast. I don’t know, because in a matter of seconds we both fly up in the bed. The mattress sinks down as we both kneel in the middle of it. We’re kissing, and rubbing, and palming one another, and doing everything but thinking – we’re just feeling. Our bodies are sweaty and wet, as one of his hands rests on my lower back and he lowers me to the bed. He kisses me a few times, and nips at my bottom lip. As he tugs it, I lean my hips up in the air. His penis touches my core. I don’t have the guts to reach down and guide it into me, but I wish I did.

It’s like he reads my mind as his hand does just that. Taking his penis in his hand, he rubs it along my open slit. I want so badly to push against it, but I’m not stupid and I know he isn’t either. Leaning over the side of the bed, he opens a drawer and grabs a condom and then he leans backwards on his heels. The sight in front of me is breathtaking. The sight of his large cock is frightening, but I know he’ll take it slow. I watch as he rolls on the condom, and then the moment I’ve been waiting for, the moment I’ve been dreaming about for months, happens.

As he enters me, I hold my breath and thank my lucky stars that this man, this wonderful, talented man is mine, and I am fully, in every imaginable way, his.




WAKING UP, I feel like I’m still sleeping. I’d have to be, because there is no way this is real, that this beautiful woman in my arms is mine and this is my life.
How did I get so lucky?
The sound of birds chirping and Hensley snoring beside me is euphoric. She’s so peaceful. Closing my eyes, I try to fall back asleep, but it’s impossible with the morning wood that’s standing up like a flagpole between my legs. As I’m debating going to the bathroom and jerking off, Hensley’s hands graze my stomach, follow my happy trail, and I don’t know if she’s awake or dreaming. If it’s the latter, I wish I were too.

“Again?” she whispers with her eyes still closed.

What can I say? I crave her and I had to satisfy my craving over and over again last night until we heard the garage door open, notifying us that my parents were home.

Running my hands through her messy but adorable hair, I whisper, “I want more than anything to be buried deep inside you, but I know you have to be sore, and my parents are home.”

Rolling over, she turns on her back and pulls the sheet over her chest. “I am, but it’s so worth it.” Pausing, she bites her lower lip. “Last night was amazing; it was perfect. Thank you.”

We lie holding one another for a few minutes, cherishing the bond that we share, that we built together last night.

“I should, umm…shower.” Hensley’s face turns a bright shade of red. I know she is embarrassed. To be honest, there’s nothing sexy about waking up with crimson-stained legs and sheets. I guess I should have planned having some towels on hand, especially knowing what would happen her first time. But last night was sort of in the heat of the moment; I barely had time to think, much less stop by the bathroom and grab towels.

Lifting her face with my hand, I kiss her forehead. “Don’t be ashamed. Let me run some water, and we can shower together. Is that okay?” I don’t want to push her or rush things, but we just spent the night exploring one another’s bodies in ways even I’ve never done before. Showering together should be no biggie.

“We just have to be quiet so no one knows.”

She nods, and I get up off of the bed. Laughter erupts from her lungs as she catches a glimpse of me in all my glory. The sound is like music to my ears.



AFTER SHOWERING WE go downstairs and are welcomed by my momma and a full spread of breakfast. Hensley seems happier today and it’s infectious. Even Momma seems to be affected by the vibes. She’s smiling, which isn’t something I’ve seen in quite a while. We feed the horses and then take a trip around town. I show Hensley where I went to high school and the field I helped win our state championship on. It’s nice for her to be on my turf. It’s nice for her to be here with me period.

Rolling down her window, her brunette hair flies around her face. “This is the best day ever!” she screams and holds her hands out. “Seriously, it feels like it’s still summer. Is it always this nice?”

“Yup, until about January. That’s when it starts getting really cold.”

We ride around town for a little while longer. Glancing over, I see Hensley lean her head against the headrest and yawn. This trip has no doubt been a lot to put on someone, but she’s taken it like a champ. Just like I had hoped she would. On the way home, I stop by the corner market and pick Momma up some fresh flowers. It’s something Levi and I used to do for her. I know it’s a gesture she won’t expect, but will cherish. Unable to fight her sleep any longer, Hensley dozes off. Running into the shop, I decide to leave her be. But when I come back, she isn’t where I left her. Looking to my left, I see her bending down in an open meadow smelling the flowers. If I had a camera, I would take a million pictures of this moment, but I don’t, so I stand, flowers in one hand, taking in the sight in front of me. She looks like an angel in her long flowing white sweater, brown hair blowing in the light wind, and a giant smile on her face. It’s the simple things that impress her and it’s one of the many reasons why I am so attracted to her. There’s not a need to wine and dine her, when she’s perfectly content standing on the side of the highway, smelling flowers. Don’t get me wrong, she deserves to be wined and dined, but it’s the point that she isn’t one of those prissy girls. She’s as down to earth as a woman could possibly be, and she’s all mine.


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