In the Middle

Read In the Middle Online

Authors: Sindra van Yssel

BOOK: In the Middle
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Sindra van Yssel

In the Middle

Copyright © March 2012 by Sindra van Yssel

All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without prior written permission from Loose Id LLC. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author's rights. Purchase only authorized editions.


eISBN 978-1-61118-799-1

Editor: Jana J. Hanson

Cover Artist: Valerie Tibbs

Printed in the United States of America


Published by

Loose Id LLC

PO Box 809

San Francisco CA 94104-0809


This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered offensive to some readers. Loose Id LLC’s e-books are for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

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Chapter One

Daniel brought the flogger down on Louise’s back. The tails wrapped around to sting her breasts. The last few strokes had been too gentle, but this one stung, sending shocks straight to her core. She gave a shriek of pain and delight.

“Oh shit, Lou, I’m so sorry. Are you okay?” Daniel’s hand was on her shoulder, and she could feel him leaning forward, his breath warm near her ear.

“Yes,” she snapped, much more cross than she intended to be. She made an effort to soften her voice. “More like that, please?”

“I don’t know if I can.”

“You can do this, Daniel.” She had her doubts, but this was no time to express them. She wanted to drift off into subspace under his command. She needed him to take charge soon. Maybe subspace was a myth, anyway. She took a deep breath.

She was bent over, her hands bound with nylon cuffs to the bottom left post of her bed. The glimpses she caught of her and Daniel in the full-length mirror behind her looked like a proper scene, at least as she’d imagined it. She was naked, and Daniel still wore his three-piece suit from his day in court as an attorney. He looked absolutely gorgeous. His long brown hair fell in waves against his shoulders. He dwarfed her, standing well over six feet tall, his muscles evident even in the suit. The scene looked right, but it didn’t feel right, and it was all she could do not to get angry with her boyfriend.

She felt him draw back and heard him take a deep breath.
Yes, that’s it. Whip me. If there’s too much of a pause, my head will fill up with the numbers from work.

He lashed the flogger across her back, as hard as the one before, without wrapping around.
. She missed the sting, but the thud was a different kind of heaven, an intense caress of leather. A second blow landed, then a third, building up a rhythm. She breathed in the smell of leather.
Yeah, that’s it. Harder, baby.

The next blow wrapped around again and caught her nipple, biting into her tender peak. She gritted her teeth, trying not to cry out.


She didn’t want to direct him, but he wasn’t psychic. She had to tell him if he was going to know what felt good, even though it hurt. He needed encouragement. “Feels good on my tits, Sir. I’m all yours to do whatever you wish to me.”

“Yes, but I didn’t intend to do that. The book was very clear that I should apologize when I make a mistake. I swear I practiced all this on a pillow last night.”

She giggled at the concept. He was so sweet, spending all that effort trying to satisfy her desires.
Did he apologize to the pillow too?
“Maybe you’re getting excited doing it to a real girl,” she offered hopefully.

“Nervous is more like it,” he murmured. She didn’t know whether she was supposed to have heard that or not. To her relief, he started again. She closed her eyes, hoping he was getting turned on. Wishing she was. She tried to soak up the feeling of the leather tails.
Maybe I’m not as good at being submissive in reality as I am in my fantasies.

He was staying well away from the sides of her back now, concentrating in the middle, apparently making sure he didn’t wrap around. She thought about how handsome he was, how caring. He’d always looked after her. He’d never said he loved her, but she felt it loud and clear.
I’m lucky I have him. Why do I have to want something more?

“Now feel this, um, bitch.” The name-calling didn’t bother her, but the hesitation in his voice took all the charge out of it. The side of the whip lashed her breast hard. She screamed. It was totally unexpected, all wrap and nothing on her back, and hard as hell. The previous stings on her breasts felt good, but this was almost like being punched.

“Holy cow, Louise.” It was as close as he ever came to swearing.

“Did that turn you on, Daniel?”
If it did, do it again. I don’t know how much of that I can take, but I’d love to suffer to please you.

“Of course not. Who’d get turned on by you screaming like that? I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Lots of men get off on whipping girls. Come on, press against me, let me feel you.”

He pressed his pelvis against her, but it only proved he wasn’t lying. He wasn’t hard at all. “I’m doing this for you. And if you wish, I’ll keep doing it. You want another like that last one or not?” She felt him shiver as he spoke.

This isn’t working
. She hesitated, wanting to live her fantasy, but she wasn’t going to get to the right mental space tonight.
I like Daniel. Maybe I even love him
. She took a deep breath.
He just can’t be what I want. What I need. Dammit
. “Let me go, please. Untie me.”

Daniel reached for her wrists and stopped. “Aren’t you supposed to use a safe word or something?”

“Abracadabra,” she said.

“Okay, then.” His sigh sounded like relief as he untied the knot that held the two cuffs together around the post. His fingers moved deftly, and she relaxed once her hands were free.
It’s not his fault things didn’t work. I shouldn’t have pushed him to do something that wasn’t him. But how would I know for sure without trying?

“Ouch,” he said as she turned to face him. He touched her breast gently. “At least it’s fading.” She looked down. There were blotches of pink where the flogger had struck.

“I’ll be fine.”

“I’m sorry, Louise.”

She wasn’t sure if he was apologizing for the way the scene went down, the whole awkward mess, or for hitting her with the flogger, which had been her idea. Suddenly being naked while he stood there in a three-piece suit didn’t seem nearly as sexy as it had when he’d tied her to the bed. “Take your clothes off.”

She hadn’t meant to make it sound like an order, but tension tightened her voice. His eyes widened, and he obeyed. He hung the coat on a nearby chair and went at the buttons of his vest. She looked him over. His boyish brown eyes belied a more mature face with a chiseled jaw and wavy dark brown hair that Louise loved to run her hands through. Beneath the suit was a body sculpted in the gym: a broad chest and six-pack abs. His cock sprang free, big and fully erect.
Now he gets hard.

She picked up the flogger he had dropped to see his reaction. She was rewarded by a sharp intake of breath. “Maybe I should show you how to use this.” She grinned at him wickedly.

“If you wish,” said Daniel. He looked into her eyes. Even if he wanted it, she expected him to shift his feet, maybe bite his lip. But that wouldn’t be Daniel, either. She’d rarely seen him as unconfident as he’d appeared that evening when she’d put the flogger in his hand. And now the man she knew was back, telling her that if she wanted to hit him with a bunch of nasty-looking leather strips, he was fine with that.
I shouldn’t be so surprised. I can’t remember the last time he told me no
. When she’d asked him to whip her and he was clearly uncomfortable with the idea, he’d agreed to it. Even when a couple of months ago she asked if he minded if she explored her submissive side online with other men, he hadn’t denied her. She’d half wanted him to put his foot down, but he hadn’t.

It’s nice to be pampered, to get my way now and then. I enjoy that
. She chuckled.
Of course, everyone does.

“What’s funny?”

“I was just thinking about how I do enjoy having my way.” She stepped forward. “You don’t mind if I take control, do you?”

“Not at all.”

“I thought not.”

To her amazement, she felt herself being turned on. Her pussy was tingling. She’d wanted to feel this horny all night, and now that she did, it had nothing to do with the fantasy she’d been having all week long. It was the complete opposite.

“Finish stripping and wait for me on the bed on your hands and knees.” She wasn’t sure how that would be taken, so she watched him closely, but he didn’t flinch. “I’ll be back when I’m ready.” She turned away without waiting for a response, confident that his eyes were on her swaying ass. She needed a few minutes to clear her head.

She walked out of her bedroom, feeling her lack of clothing intensely. Maybe wearing a leather bustier or something like that would help put her in the mood, but she didn’t have anything like that. It wasn’t as if she’d intended to be on top tonight.

The smell of ginger wafted in from the Chinese carryout they’d had for dinner. Thank goodness the drapes were pulled in the living room. She didn’t need any voyeurs from the next apartment building looking in.

She felt a twinge of guilt at the reason she’d pushed for this evening. Randall X, her online master, had told her he would be in town next week and that he would like to meet. She’d told him she’d think about it. She certainly wasn’t going to meet him in person without telling Daniel. She’d been open with Daniel so far, and she intended to continue. She had been hoping Daniel could be everything to her that Randall was. She realized now that was unfair. Daniel was Daniel—loyal, caring, gentle. It wasn’t his fault she wanted to be able to let go, to be dominated, to be treated roughly. Randall was good at rough, even online.

She wasn’t going to solve the problem now. Daniel was waiting for her. Possibly on the bed, as directed. Maybe standing, arms crossed, angry. She couldn’t remember ever seeing Daniel angry. Either way, she wanted to make this night memorable. She smiled.
And I just might enjoy myself while I’m at it.

He was facing away from her when she entered. She hadn’t specified which direction he should wait for her in, but he looked particularly submissive that way. He snuck a quick look at her over his shoulder and then turned away as if he thought he wasn’t supposed to look. She padded over to the foot of the four-poster. His legs were far enough apart that she could see his balls hanging between them. His sac was stretched tight, testimony that he was still hard.

She patted his muscled ass gently. “Good boy,” she murmured. “Obeying directions so well.”

“Um, thanks.” His voice quavered, and it took her a moment to decide it wasn’t from anger.
Is he that turned on?

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