In the Millionaire's Possession (9 page)

BOOK: In the Millionaire's Possession
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Her companion gave it a cursory glance.

It is hardly big enough. One would need to include the room next door as well.

Just for a bath? Why?

He grinned lazily at her.

A leading question,
ma mie
. Do you really wish me to enlighten you.


she said.

Thank you.

Marc Delaroche took a longer look around him, then walked over to the fireplace and studied the picture hung above it. The girl in it looked steadily, even a little shyly back at him, a nimbus of warm-toned ringlets surrounding her face. She was wearing pale yellow satin, cut decorously for the fashion of the time. There was a string of pearls round her throat, and she carried a golden rose in one hand.

He whistled softly.

I wonder how long she fought before she surrendered to your king?

he said, half to himself.

You think she did surrender?

Eventually. As all women must,

he returned, ignoring her small outraged gasp.

Besides, there is no question. You have only to look at her mouth.

He held out an imperative hand.


In spite of herself, Helen found she was crossing the worn carpet and standing at his side.

What are you talking about?

She is trying hard to be the virtuous lady, but her lips are parted and the lower one is full, as if swollen from the kiss she longs for.

I think you have a vivid imagination,

Helen retorted, her voice slightly strained.

And I think that you also,
, are trying much too hard.

His voice sank almost to a whisper.

Before she could guess his intention and move away, out of range, Marc Delaroche lifted a hand and put his finger to her own mouth, tracing its curve in one swift breathless movement, then allowing his fingertip delicately to penetrate her lips and touch the moist inner heat.

In some strange way it would have been less intimate

less shocking

if he

d actually kissed her.

She gasped and stepped backwards, the blaze in her eyes meeting the mockery in his. Her words became chips of ice.

How dare you

touch me?

A conventional response,

he said.

I am disappointed.


re going to have more than disappointment to deal with, Monsieur Delaroche. You

ll live to regret this, believe me.

She drew a deep breath.

Because I, too, shall be making a report to your committee, informing them how you

ve abused their trust while you

ve been here, conducting enquiries on their behalf. And I hope they fire you

no matter how much money you have,

she added vindictively.

I am desolate to tell you this, but you are in error,
ma belle

he drawled.

The committee is not concerned with my visit. It was my decision alone to come here.

She looked at him, stunned.



ve asked all these questions…

He shrugged.

I was curious. I wished to see this house that means so much to you.

The breath caught suddenly, painfully in her throat. She turned and marched to the door, and held it open.

And now the tour is over. So please leave. Now.

But that was not all.

He made no attempt to move.

I came most of all because I wanted to see you again. And ask you something.

Ask it,

Helen said curtly.

Then get out.

He said softly,

Will you sleep with me tonight?

Helen was rigid, staring at him with widening eyes. When she could speak, she said hoarsely,

I think you must have taken leave of your senses.

Not yet,

he drawled. His eyes went over her body in lingering, sensuous assessment.

For that I shall have to wait a little, I think.

She pressed her hands to the sudden flare of hot blood in her face.

How dare you speak to me like this?

she whispered jerkily.

Insult me in this way?

Where is the insult? I am telling you that I desire you, and have done since the first moment I saw you. And please do not insult me by pretending you did not know,

he added silkily,

because I did not hide it.

It seemed altogether wiser to ignore that. Helen struggled to control her breathing.


you seem to have forgotten that I

m about to marry another man.

He is the one who has forgotten,
ma belle

he said, a touch of grimness in his voice.

And you imagined that because he

s not here I would turn to you for


Her voice rose.

Oh, God

how dare you? What do you take me for? I love Nigel, and I intend to belong to him and no one else. And I

ll wait for him for ever if necessary. Not that someone like you could ever understand that,

she added, her voice ringing with contempt.

There was an odd silence as he studied her, eyes narrowed. Then,

You are wrong,
ma mie

he said softly.

Parce que, enfin, je comprends tout

He gave a brief, harsh sigh.

I see I shall have to be patient with you, Hélène, but my ultimate reward will make it worthwhile.

Damn you,

she said violently.


t you see I

d die rather than let you touch me again?

He reached her almost before she had finished speaking, and pulled her against him, crushing the breath from her as his lips descended on hers.

Nothing in her life had prepared her for the heated relentlessness of his kiss, and he took all the time he needed, exploring deeply, draining every drop of sweetness from her startled mouth.

Tiny fires were dancing in the dark eyes when, at last, he released her.

You see,

he told her ironically,

you still live. So learn from this, and do not issue ridiculous challenges that you cannot hope to win.

He took her hand and raised it to his mouth, palm uppermost, and she cried out in shock as his teeth grazed the soft mound beneath her thumb.

Au revoir, ma belle

he said softly.

And remember this

on my next visit I shall expect to spend the night.

And he left her standing there, mute and shaken as she stared after him, her tingling hand pressed to her startled, throbbing mouth.

A lot of those weeds you

re pulling out are plants, Miss Helen,

George told her reproachfully.

Helen jumped guiltily, looking at the wilted greenery in her trug.

Oh, Lord,

she said dismally.


m sorry.


d hoped that some intensive gardening would calm her down and restore her equilibrium, but it wasn

t working out like that.

The thought of Marc Delaroche was interfering with her concentration at every level, and this infuriated her.

She had tried to call Nigel and beg him to come down, even if it was only for a couple of hours, so she could talk to him. But his mobile phone was permanently switched off, it seemed.

And even if she had managed to contact him, what could she have said? That she needed him to hold her and kiss her and take away the taste of another man

s mouth?

The only other man, in fact, who had ever kissed her in passion.

Her mouth still seemed swollen and faintly tingling from the encounter, but maybe she was just being paranoid. Someone had made a pass at her, that was all. The sort of thing that she should have been able to take in her stride if she

d possessed an ounce of sophistication. She could even have laughed about it, telling Nigel, You

d better stake your claim, darling, because I

m being seriously fancied by someone else.

And he would have laughed too, because he knew she

d never looked at anyone but him since she was thirteen, and that they belonged together.

Anyway, her best plan would be to put the whole thing out of her mind. Marc Delaroche had simply been amusing himself, she thought, and he probably had his next target already lined up. Quite apart from his admittedly diabolical attraction, he was rich enough to ensure that he didn

t get many refusals. And he wouldn

t waste time repining over any of the few women who resisted him. Or risk another rejection by returning.


d called her

ma belle

, but that had to be just a seduction ploy, because she wasn

t beautiful at all. Moderately attractive was the best she could honestly claim, and he knew it. He

d probably thought she would fall into his arms through sheer gratitude, she told herself, viciously slicing her trowel through a dandelion root.

All the same, she wished desperately that he hadn

t sought her out and forced this confrontation on her.

She might not like him, and she certainly didn

t trust him, but she could have done with him on her side when the committee came to make their decision.

No chance of that now, of course. And she still couldn

t understand what had possessed him. Yes, she

d been aware of him too, she admitted defensively, but only because she

d had no choice. During the interview he

d hardly taken his eyes off her. But she certainly hadn

t offered him any encouragement to

pursue her like this. Quite the opposite, in fact.

At the same time she felt oddly depressed. She absolutely didn

t want him as a lover. She probably wouldn

t choose him as a friend, but she surely didn

t need him as an enemy either, she thought, and sighed without quite knowing why.

The sun went down that evening behind a bank of cloud, and the following day brought grey skies and drizzle and the temperature dropping like a stone.

Outside work had to be halted, and if the miserable conditions persisted to the weekend, the tourists would stay away too, Helen fretted.

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