Read In the Mix Online

Authors: Jacquelyn Ayres

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Humorous, #Suspense, #Romantic Erotica, #The GEG Series #2

In the Mix (37 page)

BOOK: In the Mix
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“Oh, modeling? Please!” Cynthia laughs. “Do you think she will look like this for the rest of her life?” She waves her hand at her daughter.

“Not just the modeling. She spends her days promoting authors with her blog and tour services! She’s got a knack for it and is very sought after!”

“Blog?” Me and the other girls ask as we are all now standing front and center to this shit show.

“I don’t even know what that means.” Cynthia rolls her eyes.

“No, you wouldn’t, you know why?” he asks through his teeth. “Because that would require you to stop thinking about
for one moment of your life! As far as your comment about me, that just proves to everyone in here what a self-absorbed, ignorant lady you are. You should be ashamed of yourself, the way you walk around, judging people. Look in the bloody fucking mirror, Cynthia!” his voice crescendos before he slams his fist on the counter. I have
seen Blake like this.

“Ha! What do you know? Look at you, fighting so gallantly for her. Meanwhile, you’re not the only egg in her basket . . . or her bed, buddy!” she laughs.

“Mom!” Julie yells.

Let’s get something straight right now; Julie lies. She tells us all about these guys that she’s sees—one night stands. It’s bullshit. However, I’m the only one who really knows that. She’s been a one-man woman ever since Blake came along. She won’t even admit it to herself, though. So, as far as everybody else knows, she’s been the same ole same ole.

“Alright, now, that’s the second time I’m hearing some sort of comment like this. What is going on, Julie?” He grabs her arm and tries to turn her to face him but she doesn’t budge.

“I was only kidding with my comment,” I say quickly, trying to lessen the blow.

“Are you still seeing other guys?” I can almost hear the lump in his throat as he swallows.

Don’t do it, Julie. Don’t do it, Julie.

Julie takes in a deep breath. “Yes. I am,” she states, still not looking him in the eye.

She never listens.

“Are you sleeping with them?” he asks in a much lower voice. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who heard him as most of us are all standing here . . . listening. Yes, we’re all assholes but we just can’t help it.

“Yes.” Her eyes fill up.

He hesitates for a few moments. Opens his mouth and shuts it. It’s almost painful to watch. I can see him fighting back the anguish he must be feeling. His nose flairs once again. “Right. I suppose that’s my cue, then. You all have a lovely holiday. He nods towards all of us then heads out of the kitchen.

“What are you doing?” I grab her arm and pull her. “Why did you lie to him?”

“I’ll tell you why she lied,” Kyle interjects. “Because, just like you, she’s afraid of how she feels for him. She’s pushing him away on purpose. It’s asinine! I don’t know why you women pull this shit,” he starts to raise his voice. “It’s clear to me and everyone else here that you are not only destroying that man, who clearly cares about you, but you are destroying yourself! It’s all over your face, Julie, don’t even try to deny it.”

“Kyle, this really isn’t—”

“—any of my business?” He finishes my sentence. “No, it’s not. But I know exactly what that guy is going through. You did the same damn thing to me and it killed me every time! And for what?!” Kyle yells at me.

“I’m so sorry I did that to you.” I grasp his face in my palms. “I really am.” I lean up and kiss him.

“What’s going on here?” Maddie asks grabbing our attention.

“The Viking . . .” Yes, every woman in the room just said that in a collective sigh. Except for Cynthia, she doesn’t know about him.

We hear the door slam and Julie lets out a small sob. I turn back to her. “Kyle’s right, Julie. I did that to him and it was awful on both of us. I stopped doing it, gave into my feelings, and have never been so happy in my life.” I plead with her. Kyle’s hands slide around my waist and he hugs me to him. Julie looks at me apprehensively. “Do you care about him?” I ask. She nods frantically. “Go after him, then. Tell him the truth; otherwise you’re going to lose him.”

“Oh God, you’re right.” She gets a look of panic across her face. “Excuse me.” She rushes by us and out of the kitchen. Slam goes the door again.

“Well, I don’t know why she’s bothering. He’s not good enough for her anyway.” Cynthia shakes her head.

“You wouldn’t know what’s good for your daughter if it slapped you in the fucking face!” I yell.

“Why you disrespectful piece of trash!”

I swear not a minute has flown by yet and Cynthia is screaming.

Ok . . . my mother may have thrown a pie in her face.

I look around to see where my mom is. Oh . . . it was not my mother who threw the pie. She’s too busy climbing Daddy like he’s the ropes on a wrestling ring and she’s Jimmy “The Superfly” Snuka. Who the fuck threw the pie? I look around the room again and my eyes finally fix on a very pissed off Winnie Cooper who’s heading towards Cynthia with a wet towel.

“You have some nerve, coming into my son’s house and disrespecting his girlfriend like that. I don’t know where you come from lady, but you have no class. CiCi is damn good friend to your daughter. She’s a damn good friend to anyone who needs one. I’ve heard nothing but nasty things come from your mouth since you got here.” She hands her the towel.

Cynthia takes it, wipes her face, and heads over to the sink. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she says almost too quietly.

“Oh, you most certainly do. You just didn’t know anyone heard you make those comments to Julie. Now, I can tolerate a lot of things—Lord knows I have—but I refuse to listen to such downright nastiness. Not one word from your mouth had an ounce of truth to it. I think it’s high time, lady, that you stop and reevaluate your life. Try to take the time to figure out why people don’t like you and, for the love of God—change it!” And with that, Winnie Cooper leaves the kitchen to collect herself, I’m sure. I’m also sure that someone needs to scoop Kyle’s jaw, and mine, off the floor.

Now that it’s quiet, we can hear the yelling that is going outside. So we do what anybody would do when they know two people are arguing right outside the house . . .

We all run to a vacant window.

I can’t really make out what they are saying. I can tell that Julie is pleading with him and crying. He keeps trying to look away from her except for when he yells at her. Finally, I see her nodding repetitively, like she’s agreeing to something. She starts crying again and lays her head against his chest. He looks up to the sky like he’s asking for a little help from the big man upstairs. He then wraps his arms around her as he looks back down. He kisses the top of her head. She looks up at him and his hand threads into her hair before he brings her in for a kiss.

“That’s so hot,” I say under my breath.

“I can top that,” Kyle says quietly in my ear.

“I bet you can.” I smile up at him.

“Shit—they’re coming!” Ava announces and we all find something random to do. Yeah, not suspicious looking at all, are we?

Cynthia heads to the door just as Julie and Blake walk in. “Mom? What the hell happened to you?” Julie’s eyes are wide but there is humor dancing around in them. I know she is doing everything she can not to laugh at her mother. Her mother, who still has apple filling, flattening her hair. The pieces of pie crust add a nice texture, as well.

“It’s been made very clear—as you can see—that I’m not welcome here.”

“What did you do?”

“I didn’t do anything but state my opinion.”

“She called my daughter a piece of trash in her own home! She’s lucky I didn’t mop up that floor with her, goddamn it!” Mom raises a fist. One hundred percent Irish—that’s all I’m sayin’ ‘bout that.

Julie gets out of the doorway and holds her arm out. “Goodbye, Mother.”

“You’re not coming with me?” Cynthia seems shocked.

“No. I’m spending Thanksgiving with my real family.” She snuggles into the side of Blake’s chest.

“I’m your family.” Cynthia’s eyes fill.

“Only on paper. I’m done with this. With your behavior. With always trying to have a relationship with you. You’re miserable and the only thing that makes you happy is to put the people around you down. There’s no reason for me to subject myself to this kind of abuse anymore. Please leave.” Julie opens the door wider for her.

“Abuse?” Cynthia’s voice cracks.

“Yes. That’s exactly what it is . . . what you have been doing to Julie, Cynthia.” Maddie speaks up.

With all of us standing and staring at her, I think Cynthia’s light bulb finally comes on; she leaves. As soon as the door closes behind her, Blake wraps his arms around Julie as she sobs into his chest.

“Hey, Blake,” Maddie places her hand on his forearm, “can you let us take over from here?”

“Absolutely.” He nods and gives her another quick kiss before letting her go.

We immediately encircle her. “I just can’t anymore. I’ve reached the end of my rope,” she cries. “Now I feel guilty that she’s going to be all alone.”

“Are you kidding me? Now she can go have a pity party and invite anyone who will listen. She’s probably as happy as a pig in shit right now.” Charley scoffs.

“Hey, ladies, not to break up your super power Asswhore meeting, but I can’t contain these kids any longer.” Mitch interrupts us.

“I’m sorry; did somebody mislead you into believing we would give a shit?” I ask.

“Mitch, send them out to the kitchen to meet Hunter and help us set up their table. That will keep them busy for a few.” Kyle waves Mitch in.

“Thanks, man,” he says. “C’mon, kids!” he yells over his shoulder. They come parading out, past our huddle (unfazed, mind you), and out to the kitchen.

“Dipshit,” I say under my breath at Mitch.

“Love you, too, Ceese,” he calls out.

“C’mon, girls, let’s get in there.” Julie wipes her eyes. “Oh my God—Maddie! I’m so sorry! What a first impression to make on the Viking!”

“Oh, fuck it! I warned him that you were all a bunch of crazy bitches. He knew not to be surprised by anything.” She pats Julie’s back and rubs it. “Let’s go.” She nods her head in the direction of the kitchen.

“He’s Australian, right?” I ask as we walk.


“Well, see that? We’ve introduced him to a proper American Thanksgiving!” I say.

“For sure! What’s Thanksgiving without yelling, crying, and laughing?” Ava asks. “Rock the fuck on with Kyle’s mom, by the way!” she adds.

“I love that woman.” I do. I really truly do.

“Here is your mission, if you choose to accept it,” I start and give Kyle, Mitch, Trent, and Blake the “stare down.”

“What if we don’t choose?” Trent asks. He’s been around us girls the longest; I don’t even have to say what we’re after.

“No puss ‘n boots!” Charley, Ava, Julie, and I all say in unison.

“Is that a new one?” Blake laughs.

“No!” Kyle, Mitch, and Trent answer in unison.

“How do you know about puss ‘n boots?” I ask Kyle, trying to recall if I’ve ever said that to him.

“Mitch told me,” he replies quickly.

“Look!” Ava hands jerk out in front of her. “That is our best friend out there, and . . . our captain,” she says the last part with a burst of giggle. The rest of us girls collaborate on the giggles. Ava finally gets herself under control. “We need to know that his intentions are good. No fucking around fellas! Remember, if we’re stuck with a douchebag—
so. Are. You!

“I think you ladies grilled him enough over dinner.” Kyle grabs a paper towel and wipes up something off the floor.

“Do you think you would be here, Mr. Belvedere, if these guys didn’t grill you first?” I eye him.

“First of all, yes, because this is my house. Second of all, I was never grilled.” He looks at me as if I’m crazy. I don’t need to say a word—the other three guys are looking at him like he’s crazy.

“Look, you’re all lucky,” Trent starts, “I didn’t have any of you! I got grilled by these crazy bitches.” He holds his hand out at us. “They’re just lucky I absolutely adore them.”

“Good save, Trent—good save.” Charley gives that statement the back-up support of a nod.

“Alright, you guys know what you need to do; let’s get dessert out there.” Julie finally adds to the conversation.
She was probably too busy thinking about sucking Blake’s cock tonight to seal the deal on his forgiveness.
Yes. Yes, I think about my friends having sex with their significant others, don’t you? Shut-up . . . you do, too!
Dipshit . . .

“CiCi, stop daydreaming and grab the damn pie!” Ava barks at me.

“Dude, what’s up with you being all bossy and shit today?” I can’t help it; she’s been a little off from the usual sweet and innocent Ava.

“I called your name like five times,” she huffs.

“Get over it, there was some hot shit going on in my brain.” I grab the pie from her. Kyle smirks at me. I’m not even going to explain to him that something hot had nothing to do with us.

We take the dessert out to the dining room. Winnie and Mom had already brought in the coffee and drinks for the kids. We all sit down. “Ding, ding, ding . . .” I make the sound of a bell for the second round. “Where’s Brooklynn?” I ask, looking down the table.

BOOK: In the Mix
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