In the Shadow of Love (24 page)

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Authors: Annie Bruce

BOOK: In the Shadow of Love
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“Wait a minute cowboy.”  Morris was beginning to hate being called cowboy.  “Do you even know
you’re going?”  It wasn’t rhetorical.  “I didn’t think so.”

Geridano took his police radio out and surprised Morris by speaking into it.

“Alpha Bravo Two this is Bravo Charlie Six, do you copy.”

No answer but then Morris wasn’t expecting Baxter to take the bite.

“I have suspect subdued, do you copy.”

The hair on the back of Morris’ neck stood up.  What was Geridano up to!

“Relax, cowboy.  The Lieutenant used me now it’s time to return the favor.”

“Alpha Bravo Two did you copy that last transmission?”  Static crackled across the radio.  “Bravo Charlie Nine is in my custody.  Do you copy?”

“Good job Bravo Charlie Six.”

“What’s your location Alpha Bravo Two?”

“Front Office near the elevators.”

“Roger that.  ETA your location five minutes.”

Geridano signed off and returned his radio to its customary place in his side pocket.

“We gotta play this straight if you want to get your girlfriend out of there alive.”

Morris tried to size up the other man uncertain if he could trust him.

“Look, I know we haven’t gotten along–”

“That’s putting it mildly.”

“–but I don’t go in for dirty cops, and they don’t come any dirtier than the Lieutenant.”

Morris still hesitated, giving him a look that only another cop would understand.

“If anything goes wrong–”

“It won’t.”  Geridano returned that same look that only another cop would understand.

He had to believe him.  Once again he didn’t have much choice.



Maggie sat rigidly before the computer, Baxter standing behind her, his breath burned against the skin on her neck as he watched her every move.

“Just remember, any wrong moves and everyone’s dead!”   His words and breath were hot against her ear.

“Although, I might just have to keep you alive awhile longer.”   A shiver ran up her spine as he caressed her hair in a way that made her skin crawl and she fought the urge to pull away.  Taking a deep breath she steadied herself and concentrated.

Quickly advancing from web page to web page she ignored Baxter’s attempts to seduce her.

“You know you’re very beautiful when you’re asleep.”

Her fingers paused in their cyber pursuit of answers.

“That’s right.”

How much else had he seen?  How long had he been watching her?

“You don’t need anybody but me.”  His voice interrupted her harried thoughts.  “Soon I’ll have enough money to live quite comfortably in South America.  You could come with me, leave the rest of the world behind.”

His voice softened but still held a menacing tone.

“As wonderful as that sounds, my family and life are here.”

“Forget Morris.  He’s just using you.”

Her back stiffened.

“You know it’s true.”

“What do you mean.”  She wanted to keep him talking, hoping it would distract him.

“He’s a dead beat dad.”  Baxter unexpectedly tugged on her hair, leaning her head closer to his.  “He can’t be trusted.”  He paused as his hands found their way to her shoulders, his mouth to the side of her neck.  “Just ask his ex-wife.” The words mixed with his hot breath in her ear.

Maggie’s head throbbed harder, her vision still slightly blurred from the earlier blow.

“How do you know?”  Before he could answer the door opened and he pulled away, aiming his weapon in the direction of the intruders.

Morris entered with the cop who had been stalking Maggie from the very beginning, a gun held to his head.

“Hey Lieutenant,” Geridano’s posture and voice was relaxed.  “Thought you’d want this where you could keep an eye on him.  Found him trying to break free of the handcuffs.”  Geridano moved towards Baxter as if to offer Morris up as a present.

Morris stiffened as he was pulled closer to the one man who stood between him and freeing Maggie.

“Well, well, looks like you’re not as powerful as you thought.”  Baxter’s voice cut through the air like a sharp knife.  He was still too close to Maggie to risk trying to neutralize him, his gun aimed towards her head.

“You see, Maggie, he’s a loser.”

Morris saw the sadness in Maggie’s eyes.

“Tell her how you abandoned your two children.  Tell her how you left your wife for another woman.”

Baxter pulled on her until it hurt, “–and he’ll leave you too.”

“Don’t listen to him Maggie.”

“You’ve been lying to me all this time.”  Her tone sounding defeated and equally sad.

“That’s right - he has.” Baxter relaxed his hold on her.

She was gaining his confidence and hoped it was enough to distract him.

Turning back towards the computer screen Maggie pushed a button and pulled up an image of a falcon – the Maltese Falcon.

“I found it.”  She allowed excitement into her voice even though her body was rife with fear.  Making eye contact with Morris she knew he understood.

Baxter turned pushing her aside.  “What the hell?  Why you little bitch!  I oughta–,” the sound of is anger filled the room.

In a flurry of activity, Morris broke free and nearly flew across the distance between him and Baxter pounding the other man into the floor.  But he was strong - too strong and he shoved an elbow into Morris face pushing him against the wall.  Sliding to the floor Morris looked unconscious, his eyes closed.

Maggie fled to his side as a familiar and rough hand grabbed her ankle catapulting her to the floor and knocking the wind out of her.  Gasping for air, she flung her free leg over the captured one and kicked as hard as she could.

“You bitch,” an injured Baxter swore as he grabbed her ankle even harder.  “You’re not going anywhere.”

“Wanna bet!”  Morris’s voice boomed as he grabbed Baxter’s free arm and slapped cuffs on his wrist while pinning a knee in his back.  It was almost a pleasure to hear Baxter wince after all the pain and suffering he had inflicted on others.  Morris freed Maggie from Baxter’s death grip and finished cuffing him.

Baxter lay like a caged animal ready to strike and Morris wasn’t taking any chances.  He shoved his foot into Baxter’s back and called for backup.  Within minutes sirens were blaring and the sound of thugs fleeing echoed through the hall.  But it was too late.  The cavalry had arrived.  Without hesitation, Baxter and his men were gathered up and taken into custody.  Looked like Geridano had come through after all.

Maggie rushed to Morris’ side and fell into his arms.

“Are you okay,” his breath fanned her hair as he held her tight.

“Yes,” she looked up into his eyes, her hand stroking his cheek.  “Are you?”

“I am now.”  His hand found the small of her back and pulled her close for a long awaited kiss.  She winced as her swollen lip ached at even his soft touch.

“Let’s get you some medical attention.”

“But Owen.  We need to get help for Owen.”

“Taken care of.”  Geridano’s voice boomed from the doorway.  “He’s on his way to the ambulance now and he’s asking for you.”



The color was returning to Owen’s face as he lay on the stretcher, an oxygen mask covering his mouth and nose.  Maggie squeezed his hand, grateful he was alive.

“Owen, I’m so sorry.”  Tears streamed down her face.

“Oh, my dear, you have nothing to be sorry for.”  Placing his other hand over hers, his grip was weak but reassuring.  “You saved my life and my company.”

“Maggie, Owen needs to get to the hospital.”  Morris’ voice was gentle but firm, the EMTs eagerly waiting to take him away.

She walked along side the stretcher, still holding his hand, not wanting to let go.

Morris held back mumbling something about tying up loose ends.

“As soon as you’re out of the hospital, Owen, you’re coming over for dinner – and I wont’ take no for an answer.”

“I accept your demanding offer.”  His voice sounded just a little stronger as he attempted to laugh.

Maggie looked back and saw Morris talking with Geridano and saw the two men shake hands.  At least that relationship was improving.



“Thanks.”  Morris never thought he’d be shaking hands with Geridano but the man he once held in contempt came through as someone he could rely on when the chips were down.

“Anytime.”  A friendly smirk worked its way across Geridano’s face.

“So, did you find out what Baxter was up to?”

“Seems Baxter was helping the Russian mob smuggle cheap vodka into their homeland disguised as washer fluid.  The blue dye would be extracted on the other end and the vodka sold on the black market.  Turns out there’s quite a bit of money smuggling cheap American vodka into Russia.  Go figure!”

“And the undercover operative?”

“One of Baxter’s men.  They’re both under arrest.”  Geridano gestured towards Baxter and his accomplice as they were lead away in handcuffs.  “And neither is talking.  Lawyered up already.

“And the Strong family?”

“I think we’ll find plenty of evidence to connect Baxter to those murders too.”  Carlton Davis joined the group, having arrived with the rescue party.  “His buddies back at the district are talking and making deals.”

“And Smith?”  Morris owed it to his partner to get the truth out.

“He’ll finally be given the honor he deserved all long.”



Maggie clung to Owen’s hand until the EMT’s loaded the stretcher into the ambulance.

“Ma’am we have to get Mr. Cassidy to the hospital but the crew in the other ambulance will make sure you’re okay.”  A young EMT walked up behind her just in time to escort Maggie to the other ambulance.

“Just come with me, Ma’am, and I’ll have you dancing in no time.”  The younger woman’s voice inspired Maggie and made her feel so much older at the same time.  Ah youth!

“I’m okay, really.”

“We gotta check you out, Ms. Faraday.  Detective Morris’ orders.”  Maggie looked up to see him coming her way.  A smile worked its way across her face as the man she loved and the man who had saved her life walked towards her.  An image of a knight in shining armor flashed before her and she shook her head and closed her eyes to see if it was just an illusion.  Yes, that was him – her knight in shining armor.

“What’s the prognosis, Rosie?”  Morris was suddenly next to her as she opened her eyes.  “Will she be able to dance again?”

“What’s this with all the dancing metaphors?”  Maggie’s voice held the first signs of laughter.

“Just planning our next date.”  His voice was silky smooth, his gaze locked with hers.

“Ahem.”  Rosie tossed a blanket at Morris.  “How about you two save that for later and let me do my job!”

He wrapped the blanket around her and pulled her towards him for a kiss, “I have to go back to the office and start in on a mass of paperwork.  I’ll call you tomorrow.”

“But–” he put a finger to her lips.

“Let Rosie take care of you and I’ll talk to you soon.”  With that he left.  Her knight was leaving her with the promise of tomorrow.










Chapter 18


Morris had called while she was asleep and left a brief message.  Something about confronting his past, saying he should have done it years ago.  He sounded tired.  The voice mail registered the call at midnight.  She tried returning his call only to be greeted by his pre-recorded voice message.

Two bundles of energy arrived home Sunday afternoon.  Max looked tired, but in a good way.  He didn’t stay long but was genuinely concerned about her wounds.  She explained them away as best she could.  Boys thought it was cool.  Their mom was now a crime fighter.

After washing off from their long trip to the woods, dinner was full of details about snakes and deer and all sorts of wild life.  Excited but tired they were fading fast.  Maggie shooed them upstairs to get ready for bed.  She soon followed, suddenly very tired herself and sad that she hadn’t heard from Morris.

Days turned into weeks and he still hadn’t returned any of her calls.  She called the district and was told he was on an extended family leave.  Her heart began to sink at the realization that she might never see him again.

She busied herself with readying boys for school and visiting Mrs. Rivers in the hospital.  Suffering from smoke inhalation, the older woman was expected to recover but had a challenging time ahead of her.  It wasn’t the same for her house that stood charred and draped with crime scene tape across the doors and windows.  The arson investigator had finalized his report, implicating Baxter and his men, all of whom had been captured and detained.

Owen was finally released from the hospital and she talked with him daily.  He wouldn’t talk about Fred and how much his betrayal hurt but Maggie knew the pain went deep.  Even though Fred hadn’t killed anyone himself, he was charged with accessory to murder after the fact when the body found in Owen’s home turned out to be that of the Captain of the ship that was used to smuggle American vodka into Russia. Fred’s role in the criminal enterprise and conspiracy wasn’t as blood soaked as Baxter’s but both would be in prison for a very long time.

Finally following up with her doctor Maggie was mostly healed and although she was sore, he assured her she was fine but took blood to run some tests just in case.  Days later the phone rang and Maggie ran to answer it, expecting Morris’ loving voice on the other end.  Instead, it was her doctor.

“Maggie, are you sitting down?”

“Is everything okay, Dr. Preston?”

“Everything’s fine as long as you don’t mind being pregnant.”

A stunned Maggie sunk into the chair behind her.  “What did you say?”

“You’re pregnant.”  He paused long enough for her to respond and when she didn’t, “I hope this is good news.”

“Er–yes, of course–it’s just unexpected.”

“I’d like you to come in for some more tests tomorrow just to make sure everything’s okay, given what you’ve been through lately.”

“Of course,” she stammered her mind still awhirl with the news.  She wrote down the date and time not trusting herself to remember it otherwise.

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