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Authors: Trenia Coleman

In The Shadows (11 page)

BOOK: In The Shadows
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 Chapter Twenty-Two

The girls had just finished their first movie and had almost demolished the pizza. The first movie was the action-packed thriller
, with Liam Neeson. Tonya had asked the girls to rent this particular movie because she loved to watch Liam on the big screen. She hadn’t heard much about the movie, but she knew any movie with Mr. Neeson was sure to be good.

It wasn’t quite dark yet, so instead of watching the thriller
, they chose Tyler Perry’s
. The girls laughed, cried, and laughed some more as they watched the chemistry between Angela Bassett and Rick Foxx burn up the screen. Mr. Brown was his usual funny self and kept the laughter going. They decided to take a break around 7:00 p.m. to get their showers and prepare the popcorn and drinks.

* * *

Tonya had been thinking of Brandon and wondered how his trip was going. The girls hadn’t come up with anything new other than the possibility of Andrea seeing someone in Tuscaloosa or one of the neighboring cities. Although the girls hadn’t gotten anywhere, Tonya thought she would be able to get more from Andrea’s relatives in town.

After identifying who they spoke with, Tonya got their address and made a mental note to do a drive-by tomorrow after their visit to the hospital. Tonya hoped Brandon was able to get more information from his visit to Ohio. As she stepped out of the shower, she smiled as she thought of the intense moments she and Brandon shared on their last date. Although they’d never kissed or shared any deeply intimate moments, other than the cozy late-night talks, Tonya felt she could possibly be falling in love for the first time.

Tonya was nineteen and still a virgin, something she was very proud of. Not many people knew other than her mom, sister, and best friend, Beverly, back home. She wasn’t sure of Natalie’s status, but she had encouraged her to remain abstinent until she was married. Tara had encouraged her throughout middle and high school and told her the importance and value of maintaining her virginity, and for that, Tonya was grateful. She wished more mothers and older siblings would encourage their loved ones as well. Tonya wanted to be to Natalie what Tara was to her since Natalie didn’t have an older sister.

Just as Tonya was dressed and heading downstairs, her phone rang. She was surprised to see Brandon’s name on her caller ID. She’d decided to let him enjoy his time away with his family. They had not discussed this unspoken mutual agreement, but it seemed to work for them both. Tonya missed Brandon dearly but felt he needed this time to himself. Before she answered his call, she yelled downstairs to let the girls know she would be down soon.


“Hey, baby, I was just about to hang up. How’s everything going?”

“Hey yourself, things are okay. Why were you about to hang up?”

“I didn’t want to disturb you and thought maybe you were busy when you didn’t answer.”

“Brandon, even if I was busy, I could never be too busy for you,” she said, smiling into the phone. “I was just getting out of the shower and was about to join the girls downstairs for another movie. I got your text when you landed. How’s everything in Ohio?”

“Everything is fine. Questioning the family went well. I’ll fill you in later on that. But now I’m sitting outside my mom’s house and have been for over an hour. Maybe I should’ve called ahead. They could actually be out of town for all I know.”

“Oh Brandon, I hate to hear that. Well, just give it a few more minutes, and maybe they’ll show.”

“Yeah, I probably should. I’m beginning to get some stares from the neighbors. I just may go next door to see if they know where everyone is.”

“Okay, that sounds good. Please keep me posted.”

“I will certainly do that, but if it’s too late tonight I’ll call you tomorrow,” he said before hanging up.

Brandon glanced at the flowers before he closed the door behind him. He must’ve looked like a giant getting out of the tiny Mazda 3. His six-foot frame seemed to unfold in sections as he stood outside the car. The next-door neighbor didn’t come to the door, but the little old lady across the street was outside working in her yard.

As Brandon slowly approached, he found himself speaking loudly from at least ten feet away. It wasn’t because he thought she was hard of hearing, but the last thing he wanted to do was spook her. Once he’d gotten her attention, she stood up straight and wiped her brow, trying to focus on Brandon.

“Excuse me, ma’am, I’m in town from Alabama and stopped by to visit my family,” he said, turning and pointing at the house he thought to be his mother’s.

She squinted as if trying to get a closer look at the stranger appearing before her, while looking past him at the house. Surprised he was pointing at the empty house, she looked back at Brandon and said, “Baby, no one has been in that house for months. Are you sure you have the right address?”

Now pulling out the bundle of mail with the last letter he received on top, Brandon double-checked the address with the one on the house. The last article of mail he’d received was a card from his mother at Christmas. “This is 8516 Old Spring Road, isn’t it?”

“Yes, you have the right address, but they moved out at the beginning of the year,” the old lady said, now standing there with a frown on her face. “Who are you again?”

“I’m Brandon, Brandon Masterson, and I’m trying to locate my mother, Evelyn.”

As her eyebrows rose in surprise, she remembered Evelyn speaking of her little boy she’d left down south, but what stood before her was a grown man. Then placing her hand on her hip, she repeated, “Brandon? Son, was your mother expecting you? Your mother and I had been neighbors for years.” Now she fell silent and began to look off in the distance.

“No, ma’am, she wasn’t expecting me. I was trying to surprise her. Would you happen to know where she moved to?” he asked, concerned.

“Well, the last I heard, she’d moved with one of her friends, but I don’t know if she’s still there.”

This concerned Brandon as he stood before her stunned by the news. He’d just received the card from her a few months earlier. Brandon instantly wondered if his mom knew she would be moving or if something unexpected happened. Now he wished he’d called ahead. He finally got the opportunity to travel to Ohio and had prepared himself to see his mother and sister, and now he wasn’t so sure that was going to happen. The thought of him not seeing them saddened him terribly as he turned to walk away.

“Brandon, if you’ll wait a minute I’ll go inside and see if I can locate her address. She left it with me in case I needed to get in touch with her.”

Brandon’s insides lifted as he thanked her and watched her disappear inside the back door. Checking his phone while he waited, Brandon discovered another missed call. The number wasn’t one he recognized, and he couldn’t concern himself with that right now as he anxiously awaited the neighbor’s return. A few minutes later, she emerged from the house with a sheet of paper in her hand. Brandon walked through the yard to meet her.

“I’m Ms. Gable, by the way,” she said as she handed him the paper with the address on it. As Brandon examined the paper, he saw the address written in a shaky print that probably belonged to Ms. Gable rather than his mother. He smiled as he accepted the sheet of paper.

“It is a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Gable. Thank you so much for helping me. I’ll let my mother know I met your acquaintance,” he said as he began to turn and walk toward the car.

“I’m sorry I don’t have a phone number for her,” she said as Brandon walked quickly back to his car.

“It’s quite all right. This should be all I need. Thank you,” he said again as he waved good-bye to Ms. Gable.


 Chapter Twenty-Three

Once inside the car, Brandon plugged in the new address into his GPS and left for Chandler Street which was only eight miles away. Brandon arrived in no time as the setting sun introduced its beautiful glow.

When he approached the sidewalk leading to the white wood-frame house with blue shutters, he took in the finely manicured yard. He opened the gate, he climbed three steps and listened for any signs coming from inside the house. As Brandon stepped up on the porch, he heard a television playing inside.

Before he could knock on the door, a young girl approximately fourteen opened the door. She smiled as she spoke to Brandon through the locked screen door. Although she appeared to be the approximate age as his sister and had light brown hair like his sister, Brandon wasn’t convinced the eyes that stared back at him belonged to his baby sister, Kathryn.

“Can I help you, sir?” she asked, a bit more forcefully this time, and Brandon realized he’d been rude not only by not speaking but obviously by being lost in his thoughts as he concentrated on her face.

“Yes. Hi, my name is Brandon Masterson, and I’m looking for my mother and sister.”

This time, an older lady appeared behind the screen door while the younger girl was sent away.

“Hi, I’m Ms. Tyler. How can I help you?”

After repeating the same story, Brandon immediately recognized the frown beginning to form on her face, but it soon relaxed upon hearing his name. He explained to her how he happened on her doorstep. Ms. Tyler opened the door and invited him inside.

Brandon looked for any signs of his mom or sister as he stepped inside the modest-sized house. “Please have a seat,” she said gesturing to the recliner in the family room. “I’m a friend of Evelyn’s, and she and I attend the same church and work together. She moved in with me temporarily earlier this year.” Reading Brandon’s expression, she knew it wouldn’t be long before he asked about her location. “Brandon, I hate to be the bearer of sad news, but your mother has been hospitalized.”

Brandon’s heart sank as he sat on the edge of his chair not believing what he was hearing. “What? What happened to her? And where’s Kathryn?” Brandon asked.

“Well, your mother had not been feeling well the last few weeks, and finally I convinced her to go see her doctor last week. She had been complaining of a headache and numbness in her left arm. It was discovered that she’d had a mild stroke, and her blood pressure was dangerously high. It was so high the doctor wanted her to be monitored until they could stabilize her. Before they could get her checked into a room, she suffered another stroke,” Ms. Tyler said, letting her eyes rest on the floor to avoid Brandon’s emotion-filled eyes.

Brandon’s heart sank even lower as he rested his head in his hands. “How is she now? Have there been any improvements in her condition?” he asked, almost afraid to hear her response.

“Thankfully, her being at the hospital when she had the second stroke allowed the doctors to administer the necessary medications right away to keep her from suffering long-term effects of the stroke. She is expected to come home or enter rehab after she is released from the hospital.”

“Home, meaning here?” he asked, trying not to sound offensive.

“Yes, your mother and Katy have been here since the beginning of the year.”

Now looking surprised, Brandon looked at Ms. Tyler. “You mean Kathryn?”

“Yes, Kathryn,” she repeated once she realized how insensitive she’d been. Before he could ask where his sister was again, Ms. Tyler explained that Kathryn should be home soon. She had a meeting after school, and one of the neighbors was bringing her home.

Brandon slowly stood and walked to the door as he tried to absorb all the news he’d received since arriving in Ohio.

Ms. Tyler continued, “We’ll be going to visit your mom this evening when Kathryn arrives.”

Spinning around quickly now with a half smile on his face, Brandon said, “Great! I would love to go with you.” He was looking more hopeful. “Of course, I can drive my car. I just really need to see my mother.”

Ms. Tyler nodded in agreement as Brandon returned his attention at the door.

Brandon tried to relax as he sat in the recliner again. This time he had the flowers, card, and teddy bear as he anxiously awaited Kathryn’s arrival. There was less than an hour of daylight left, and Brandon knew he’d have to find a hotel for the night. He would try to find something close to the hospital.

* * *

When a van pulled up in front of the house, Kathryn exited the vehicle, taking notice of the rental car on the street. Ms. Tyler hurried outside to meet her at the gate to explain to her that she had a visitor waiting inside. Ms. Tyler knew Katy had longed to see her big brother, and she was not going to deny her that. She was sure that was what Evelyn would have wanted.

Once Kathryn made it past Ms. Tyler, she ran to the door in full sprint, yanking the front door open with her eyes stretched wide. When she stepped inside, she stared back at her brother’s matching blue eyes.

Staring at him as he stood, with his hands filled with flowers and the cutest teddy bear, Katy could barely believe her eyes. “Brandon?” Kathryn asked before she took another step.

“Kathryn?” Brandon asked in the same tone, taking in his well-matured baby sister who was the spitting image of their mom. Kathryn had a slender build and stood about five foot eight and could pass for his mom’s younger sister rather than his baby sister.

Once they embraced, their words were lost in the confusing noise because they spoke simultaneously; they both had so much to say. The house grew quiet while they tightly held onto each other as tears of joy fell steadily.

After the reunion, Brandon and Kathryn both needed to freshen up. Kathryn accepted the gifts and the card and felt like Christmas had come early. She had longed to see Brandon for as long as she could remember. She didn’t remember much about Brandon, but their last family photo constantly reminded her that she had a big brother named Brandon somewhere in Alabama.

* * *

On their ride to the hospital, Kathryn talked nonstop, filling Brandon in on her years in Ohio. Ms. Tyler agreed to allow Kathryn to travel in the car with Brandon to the hospital. Kathryn told Brandon how she wanted to run cross-country next year but felt she would need a lot of training, which she was prepared to do. After things calmed down, Brandon shared some things about his life in the South. He then asked about their mother.

“Oh, mother is doing much better. She has improved a lot since the stroke, and I’m hoping she’s released soon,” Kathryn said, hopeful.

Brandon heard what she was saying but had so many unanswered questions running around inside his head. He wanted to know why his mother chose to leave him and not return to Alabama to get him. Brandon wanted to know if they were happy without him and whether or not they missed him at all. But Kathryn certainly wasn’t the right person to ask. So for the meantime, Brandon kept the conversation light.

Staring down the highway as he followed Ms. Tyler and her daughter, Bria, Brandon was surprised to hear Kathryn calling his name repeatedly. Brandon realized he was lost in his thoughts as he studied Kathryn’s now concerned face.

“I’m sorry, Kathryn. I’m just really concerned about Mom,” he said, hoping she believed it. Then after hearing her big brother call her Kathryn, she looked at him with a frown on her face. Noticing a change in her demeanor, Brandon quickly glanced at his baby sister before driving through the traffic light. “What’s wrong? Was it something I said?” he asked, confused.

After he glanced at her again, he knew exactly why she was frowning. He’d called her Kathryn when she’d become accustomed to being called Katy.

“Brandon, no one calls me Kathryn anymore. Mom might call me that if she is upset about something I’ve done.”

He laughed softly. “Sorry, it’s been such a long time, and I’ve just always known you as Kathryn. I will have to get used to hearing people call you Katy. Okay, kiddo?” Brandon said, playfully punching her in the shoulder.

When they arrived at the hospital, Brandon was asked to wait in the waiting room. Ms. Tyler and Katy went in first to prep his mom. Bria stayed in the waiting area with Brandon to keep him company.

After about ten minutes, Brandon looked at his watch and began pacing the floor. Brandon hadn’t seen his mother in over ten years and wasn’t sure how much more patient he could be. It was already 7:50 p.m., and he knew visitation would be over at 9:00 p.m. He wondered what his mother’s reaction was when she was told he was there to see her.

Brandon stood against the wall with the beautiful flowers and closed his eyes as he prayed for his mother. When he finally saw Ms. Tyler emerge from the hallway to his mother’s room, he breathed a sigh of relief. He figured Kathryn had stayed in the room with his mother. After getting the okay from Ms. Tyler to visit his mother, Brandon walked swiftly down the hallway to see Kathryn standing against the wall just outside his mom’s room, smiling from ear to ear.

When Brandon entered the hospital room, he realized nothing could have prepared him for the reunion that was about to take place. When he laid eyes on his mother’s beautiful face as she rested comfortably against the hospital bed’s white sheets, tears immediately came to his eyes. Placing the flowers on the table, Brandon rushed to her bedside and fell to his knees as he hugged her, and she hugged him back.

Before he could utter a word and get close enough to touch her, Brandon’s face was covered with tears. Brandon had waited for this day all his life for as long as he could remember, and he could not have written a better story himself. His mother was more beautiful than he remembered as a little boy.

They hugged and wept and held onto each other for what seemed like forever as Kathryn stood by, tearing up at the moving reunion. The three of them were lost in their talks and memories when the nurse came in to remind them of the visiting hours. She was kind enough to give them ten more minutes after witnessing the reunion herself. Brandon’s mother thanked her as she quietly left the room, closing the door behind her.

Once Brandon walked Katy, Bria, and Ms. Tyler to their vehicle, he followed them to a nearby Sleep Inn. Brandon told Kathryn he would see her tomorrow, and she jumped out of the car to hug her big brother good night. They were both excited about spending more time together with their mother the next day. They planned to arrive at the hospital in plenty of time to share lunch with Evelyn.


BOOK: In The Shadows
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