In The Spur of Heath (The Spur Series Book 1) (13 page)

BOOK: In The Spur of Heath (The Spur Series Book 1)
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“What are you gonna do?” He raised a brow.

“Shhh!” I put my index finger to his lips. “This may be my birthday, but I wanted to suck your dick for quite a while now.” I grinned and felt him stiffen more in my hold. “Ooo, you like that, huh?” I teased and before he could even respond my mouth was on him, slowly moving down and gulping up every inch of him until I could reach no further. He hissed as he held onto my hair.

I then pushed him back, came in front of him and threw him back on to the bed. I knelt down and gripped him hard and began licking. Saliva sliding down him, all wet and sticky, my hand moving up and down his shaft as I sucked hard on its tip. Moving faster and harder, his grip on my hair tightening and his hips moving back and forth into my mouth as he hissed. His need for control very evident but I kept admonishing him not to move. And soon enough, I felt a burst of warm liquid barrelling into my mouth and down my throat. “Agh!” He relaxed. “I’ll be back.” I grinned and ran into my bathroom and washed out my mouth.

When I returned, I took off my pants and underwear and climbed on top of him. His eyes dancing with delight as he watched me with the most salacious grin. “Where have you been all my life?” His tongue swept across his lips as he put on a condom. I then held onto his undying erection and eased myself onto him. When he was fully inside my very wet body, we both let out a very satisfied moan. “Wow, you never disappoint do you. Fuck me, baby.” He groaned. “Mm hmm.” I replied and began moving slowly up and down, riding him as his hands gripped firmly on my ass. “Yesss!”


Heath and Caroline were still downstairs seated at the breakfast bar taking the last bites of their breakfast. “Should I ask her if she’s gonna finish up her breakfast?” Heath asked in subtle annoyance, referencing my half eaten Panini.

“Heath, she’s upstairs with Mr. Cavanaugh, I think she’s a bit busy right now.”

“I’ll still go ask her. See if he wants anything to eat, too.”

“Whatever.” Caroline murmured, rolling her eyes in frustration. Heath folded his arms and walked up to my bedroom. He was about to knock on the door when he heard me moaning and hissing as I rode faster and harder on Jake. Subtle squeaks of my bed were heard outside and Heath clenched his jaw in anger. He then turned on his heels and headed back downstairs.

“What’d she say?” Caroline asked when he returned.

“Nothing, just put it in the microwave.” He grimaced and headed toward the living room.


I began to lose my mind as the pressure and intensity of pleasure began to increase. There was that crazy pulsing feeling that was building in my core. “Oh wow.” I closed my eyes, now literally grinding on Jake even more than ever, feeling the build-up. I clenched my toes and dug my nails hard into his shoulders. My walls gripping tightly on his erection and suddenly I felt the extraordinary release of pleasure that covered my body and with that, my muscles relaxed and I collapsed on top of him. I could feel him also releasing inside of me. “You came?” I breathed.

“Yes.” He whispered and hugged me tightly. “I have something for you.”

“Really?” I raised my head and looked him in the eyes. He then held onto my head and kissed me. We lay like that for a few moments; me on top of him with his arms around me.

“That was amazing.” He breathed, combing his fingers through my scalp.

“It was.” I smirked. “It really was.”

“Okay.” He smacked my ass and made me jolt. “Come on, let’s get downstairs.”

“Ahh!” I began to laugh and rolled off from on top of him and onto the bed. He got up and pulled up his briefs and pants. He scratched his tussled hair as he looked around for his jersey and jacket. “Do we have to go down now, why can’t we just be lazy for a bit.” I spread out on the bed lazily.

“Because… I have a really awesome surprise for you.”

Huh?” I propped up on my elbows and watched him sceptically as he put on his jersey. His phone began to ring and he answered it.

“Hello? Hello? Hello? I’m getting really sick of these fucking games. Stop calling my phone.” He growled into his cell and then hung up.

“Whoa, who’s that?”

“If only I knew. I’ve been getting these calls for the longest time now and it has become increasingly more annoying.”

“Can’t you get it traced?”

“I’ve got a buddy that could handle that. Don’t worry your gorgeous little head.” He winked and put on his jacket.


I took a quick bath, re-dressed and accompanied Jake downstairs. Heath was flicking through the channels on the TV aggressively.

“Heath, you okay?” I asked taking notice of his anger. He spun around and watched Jake and me as if he had seen a ghost.

“Oh, hey. Na, I’m great. Hey, Mr. Cavanaugh. Nice to see you. Out of class. At my house. Awesome.” He deadpanned. My eyebrows furrowed at his not-so-subtle catty remark.

“Where’s Carr?” I asked him.

“She’s in my room getting ready to go out.”

“Nice.” Jake smiled. “So, babe, my surprise.” He reminded me.

“Oh, right.” I replied

“Wanna check it out, Andrews?” Jake asked Heath.

“No, I’m good.” Heath responded impassively and returned to his aggressive remote pressing.

“Cool. Well.” He opened the front door for me and when we stepped out there it was. The most magnificent gift I had ever received in my life. A white 2015 BMW M3 Sedan was in our drive way with a huge red bow on top of it. I stood there with my mouth wide open, utterly inaudible. Unable to form a sentence, a word, even a hum. I was dumbfounded. I just turned to him. “Happy Birthday, baby.” He winked at me.

“Are you fucking kidding me? No! No! No! That’s a car! That’s a fucking car! I can’t!” Was all I could say and I screamed so hard, jumping up and down like an idiot and grabbed him, hugging as tight as I could. “Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank. You.” I kissed him all over his face. “I, uh. Are you crazy?” I could hear my heart thumping loudly against my chest. “Wow. There are no words. This is too soon for such an extreme gift though. Wha–”

Heath came running outside and stopped in his tracks when he saw the car. “Wow, what a gift you got there, Reesie. Nice. A car. A bloody car.” He said nonchalantly. Caroline came outside right after and a thousand emotions ran across her face.

“Wow, that’s a pretty nice car there.” She chewed on her lip. Her eyebrows furrowed and I could tell she was filled with pure envy in that split moment.

“Yeah, I had a good year last year.” He smirked. “And she deserves it. She’s an amazing person.” He said as he looked into my eyes. I could feel the tears pooling in them. Feeling distraught, overwhelmed, happy, grateful – every single possible positive emotion.

“Wow.” Caroline ogled him and smiled. “Well, I’m off guys. I’ll be back soon.” She got into her father’s silver 2006 BMW 3 Series and left.

Heath stomped back inside, went up to his room and got out a box from underneath his bed. He opened it and picked up the
Canon High Definition Professional Camcorder that was inside it, just staring. A little purple bow was wrapped around it and he sighed. He then picked up the Happy Birthday card that he had made himself, walked to my bedroom and left them both on my bedside table. He shook his head in disappointment and went back to his bedroom. 

Jake and I got into
new car and he was showing me everything inside it. He even hooked up a nice sound system.
Madness by Muse
was playing on the radio when he switched it on to show me.

“Jake, why’d you get me this?”

“You needed a car.” He shrugged.

“Yeah, a used, beat up, old wagon from the conman auto dealer down the road. Not a brand new BMW!” I felt slightly frustrated, it felt so wrong to accept such a gift.

“Reese, stop it. I got you this because I saw you eyeing it when we were in LA.”

I stared at him, suddenly feeling absolutely guilty for sleeping with Heath – literally. Although nothing happened between us, it still wasn’t right and he didn’t deserve it either. It’s time to put this Heath nonsense to rest – once and for all.

“Thank you.” I nodded, my face solemn. I wanted to cry. The tears were there and I tried helplessly to keep them from spilling.

Jake’s phone rang and he answered it. He kept yelling ‘hello’ but no one answered. “This is getting really fucking annoying!” He screamed into the phone and hung up. “Sorry.” He turned to me.

“No, it’s okay. I’d go psycho too if it was me. It is annoying.”

“Ha, funny. You wanna take this baby for a spin.” He bit on his lip.

“Sure. Hold on, let me just get my phone. I left it upstairs.” I got out of the car and ran up the stairs. I grabbed my phone from on top of my bed and as I was about to leave, I noticed the Video Camera wrapped in the red bow that Heath had left for me. “Wow, this must have cost him a fortune.” I whispered and picked up the card. It was the cutest thing ever. A montage of pictures of Heath and me all over the outside with a bold ‘Happy Birthday Reesie’ written on the front. On the left inside was a watermarked montage of even more pictures and on the right was a white background with a hand written letter from Heath;


So many things I have to tell you, and now I can’t. So many inexplicable things that I feel and I never expressed them to you in fear of losing a great friend. But how do I watch you be with someone else and not tell you that I love you? How could I not let you know that I absolutely adore you? I’d be a bloody fool. The truth is, Pieces, I have felt this way for some time, without even realizing it ‘til now, and it’s selfish that I’m letting you know now that you have Mr. Perfect in your life. But I had to. I don’t want this to change things between us, unless you want it to. Be the best you can be Pieces. Happy 20

Love Forever,


Heath was in his bed lying down with his pillow against his face. He then yanked it off. “I can’t give that to her. The bloody hell was I thinking.” He growled and darted out of his bedroom. He barged into my bedroom and halted upon seeing me, tears pooling in my eyes. I looked up at him and he turned fifty shades of red. He looked scared. We both stood there without saying a word to each other. Awkward silence.

“You read it?” His voice cracked. It took me a while before I could respond.

“Unfortunately, yes.” I wiped away the tears that were tumbling down my cheeks.

“Are you okay?” He hesitated.

“Does it look like I’m okay?” I fought hard to keep my tears from spilling and my throat burned. I felt like I was about to have a panic attack. “Jake’s waiting for me downstairs. But thank you a lot for the camera. It’s the exact same one that I wanted.” I hugged him and bolted down the stairs.
What the fuck! What the fuck! What. The. Fuck. Heath? Me? In Love? What alternate universe have I entered? No! No! No! This is not happening. I’ve landed in a really bad nightmare.
I wiped away the tears and ran out towards the car, jumped in and revved the engine.

“Hey, you okay?” Jake asked noticing my flustered appearance.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I managed a smile although I was dying inside.


Jake and I drove around the block and back and the car was so smooth and quiet. I was absolutely in love. First time I had ever driven one of its kind, too bad I didn’t enjoy it much. Heath was all I could think about.

When Jake and I arrived back at my house, Sven was there parked in the Escalade. I pulled up in my spot and we both got out. “I called Sven to come get me, I have some work to do today at Cave Ink and I’ll be back at seven tonight to take you all out, cool?”

“Yep, cool.” He kissed me and then got into the Escalade. I waved at him and watched as the car went out of sight.


I turned around and looked at the house, dreading to go inside and face Heath – Caroline had already left so it was only the two of us.

I slowly strolled up to the porch and into the house, he wasn’t in the living room, or the kitchen. I then walked up the stairs and toward his room and I could hear
I’ll Be Good by Jaymes Young
playing. The door was slightly ajar and I stepped in. “Heath?” I whispered. He looked up at me from his bed.

“Pieces.” He replied tensely and sat up. I sat beside him and closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath. I then faced him, he looked as nervous as I felt. We stared into each other’s eyes for a moment and I placed my hand on top of his.

“I don’t know what to say.” I exhaled.             

“Tell me how you feel.” He whispered.

“God, I am so sure you could tell that I have been in love with you since the day I met you.” I almost shouted.

“Really? Am I that oblivious?” He smiled apologetically. “And?”

“And nothing. I’m with Jake, you’re with Caroline. I’ve waited over a year for you, and now you choose to do this?” I began to tremble as the tears forced their way out.

“I didn’t realize the height of my emotions, Reesie. I tried to play them out, make them out to be false or the fact that you’ve been with me since I came to Dillcaster. So I ignored them. You know once you cross that line, there’s no going back. And then seeing you with our teacher, of all people, it started to piss me off. I started to feel jealous and then I thought to myself, well why in the hell am I jealous when my best friend is happy. Then it dawned on me that I actually, really, truly want my best friend… to be more than just my best friend because… I am in love with her. Makes sense?” He watched me with heavy eyes.

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