In the Stars (18 page)

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Authors: Joan Duszynski

BOOK: In the Stars
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Blond Barbie gets in the booth first, and then Eric sits beside her. Tara is getting ready to sit across from them, when she takes notice of me. She slightly snarls her lip up, and rolls her eyes toward me while tilting her head toward Eric and his companion, then sits down in her seat.

I take the tray of food over to my awaiting table, and spend a little extra time there, making sure they have everything they need. What I am really doing, though, is glancing sideways over at Eric and Barbie as I have decided to call her. She keeps reaching out with her hands rubbing at his arm, while I can see her mouth nonstop talking to him. I have to force myself to walk away from my current table, and go to them. I even stop along the way at another one of my tables checking on them again, even though I was just there right before I went into the kitchen.

I get to Tara’s table, and stand as close to her side as I can. I can already feel the heat rising through my core as soon as Eric looks up at me. He smiles at me, and I can feel the chill bumps rise on my arm. My body temperature is just as bad as my brain around this man, hot and cold all in the same. I smile back at him and Tara both, but try my best not to make eye contact with Barbie, whose hand is now resting on the edge of Eric’s thigh. “Hey Tara, Eric, glad you could make it. Do you know what you all would like to drink?”

Eric is just staring at me, and Tara is still rolling her eyes. Barbie reaches her hand up to Eric’s shoulder and speaks first. “I would like a Cranberry Margarita, and he would like a Miller draft.” Eric looks over at her, and she gets a big smile on her face. “I figure one beer will be fine now before we have to drive out of here later, right Babe?” I think bile just rose in my throat when she called him Babe.

He smiles back at her, and looks back over at me. “Hello Caroline; just make it a short please.”

I hear Tara let out a sigh, and I glance back at her. “Hey Caroline. I would like a sweat tea, I guess. Unless you can sneak something in there for me?” Tara winks at me, and Eric just looks right out pissed, while Barbie’s mouth forms an O.

Tara and I both start laughing. “Sure Tara, a slice of lemon it is then.”

Tara looks over at Eric and Barbie, and raises her eye brows at them. “Pull yourselves together guys; I was just kidding around. I will warn you now, though, Eric, once Caroline moves in, I don’t want to hear shit from you about what we do or don’t drink at the house.”

I notice Barbie’s head jerk quickly in my direction as she looks me up and down, and then looks at Eric. “This girl is moving in with Tara? I have never met her before. Have you guys known her long?”

Tara speaks up before Eric can say anything. “Well Lori, you weren’t exactly around for that long, so I don’t know why you would think you would know everyone that we do. As far as her moving in, trust me when I say this is going to be a great thing for me and my whole family. I think we are all really going to enjoy Caroline’s company.” Tara gets a big shit eating grin on her face, and Barbie/Lori is now rolling her eyes.

Eric glances between Tara and I both. “Why are you trying to push me tonight, Tara? I told you I have no problems with Caroline moving in with you. As far as you two and your behavior while there, I am not a naïve dumb ass; I know I am not going to approve of everything. There will most likely be a lot of things I’d rather not know, but don’t be a complete idiot yourself; still remember why you are here. This is College—you know for your future, not just for in the moment alone. As far as the rest of the family and Caroline, I feel that will all work out just fine; me included.”

I can tell this last statement has pissed Barbie off, and she finally isn’t touching him at the moment in some way. This, of course, puts the biggest smile ever on mine and Tara’s faces. A new wave of heat rushes through me at the way he said me included. “Well thank you Eric, and Tara I am sure I will love being around all of you too. I will be right back with your drinks.”

As the night goes on, I notice Eric is keeping busy with his food, drink, and conversation. Barbie, on the other hand, is keeping busy hanging on his every word, and practically his every body part. I notice she gets extra clingy every time I am at their table. Honestly, it is just right out pissing me off, and I have no right to let her affection toward Eric bother me. It really does, though, and my immature attitude seems to kick in some because of it. I am talking to another table nearby, and notice Barbie waving her hand at me, motioning for me to come over.

I finish with my current table, and walk over to her. “Yes, what can I help you with?”

Barbie just gives me a smile and holds up her empty glass. “Yes waitress, I need another of these please. Do you need anything else, Babe?”

Eric just looks over at her, and then back at me. “No I am good; thank you Caroline.”

Tara looks beyond irritated, like she is just ready to bolt from the table any minute. “I am good too, Caroline; thank you.”

Barbie just shakes her empty glass again, and hands it over to me.

As I am walking away from their table, I am fuming mad. Waitress? Really? She called me waitress? My name is on my shirt, and Tara and Eric have both been calling me by it all night; yet she calls me waitress. What a bitch. As I am walking up to the bar, giving the bartender Barbie’s order, there is a large round table full of rowdy guys right beside it. One of them reaches out and smacks me on the ass. “Hey gorgeous, how do we go about switching and having you serve us tonight?”

Well, you see, he has decided to do this at the wrong time, because I am really not in the mood. I reach out and rest my hand on his shoulder, as I lean in and speak close to his ear where just him and maybe a couple of the other guys at the table can hear me. “If you plan on keeping that hand for the jacking off I am sure you are going to need later, then I advise you to keep it off of me.” Dude looks up at me with a pissed off look, as a couple other guys at the table start laughing at him. I straighten back up, and head back toward the kitchen to grab an order while my drink is being made.

As I am entering the kitchen door I hear what sounds like several raised voices going on back out in the restaurant area. I come walking back out a minute later, and notice a few guys, including Dude, are missing from the round table, and the others are all leaning in, talking to each other. As I walk back up to the bar to grab Barbie’s drink, they all glance up at me, but then look away quickly.

I give the appetizer order to my first table, then carry over the drink. Once I reach Tara’s table, I notice Eric’s jaw is tightly clenched together, Tara has a smug smirk on her face, and Barbie has her arms crossed across her chest with a pouty, yet pissed expression. What the hell did I miss? Barbie, or maybe I should just start thinking of her as Lori before I say Barbie out loud, snatches the drink from my hand. She then proceeds to take a rather large swig. Eric looks over at me, and his jaw relaxes slightly, but his eyes almost seem like he is just looking right through me, waiting for me to say or do something.

“Is everything ok; can I get you guys anything else?”

Eric is still just staring at me, and then I notice his fist unclench from where they were laying on the table. “Is your ride going to be here for you as soon as you get off, Caroline? If not, we can take you somewhere or wait around until they are here?”

Lori lets out a loud huff, and I glance over at Tara, and she just pulls her bottom lip in with her teeth.

I look back at Eric, and can’t help but feel slightly entranced looking into those oh so gorgeous emerald eyes of his. He slightly clears his throat, and I shake my head slightly. “Oh, he will be here waiting for me when I get off. So I am fine; thank you, though.”

I notice Eric’s lips go flat, and his eyes squint together when I say this. “Ok, then I guess we will just need your car keys, and the check please.” Lori suddenly seems to be in a better mood again.

“I have to go to the back and get my keys. I will be right back with them, and your check.” I walk into the employee lounge section, and open my locker. My cell phone says it is almost 9, and I have a text from Kyle.

Already here, take ur time

I send one back.

k see u soon ;)

I take my car key off my ring, and collect Eric’s check. I am looking down over their check, when I walk out the door and bump into someone. A hand reaches out to steady me at my waist. As soon as his hand touches me, I don’t have to look up to know it is Eric. I can feel the warmth running all the way through me at the slight contact. Once I finally do look up, he is just standing there in all his god like glory looking at me. “Oh sorry, I should be looking up around here. What are you doing back here, Eric?”

He drops his hand from my waist, and I instantly miss the contact. I am the definition of dazed and confused once again. “I was going to the restroom, but I wanted to talk to you. You seemed pissed off at times again tonight, but, for once, I can’t seem to think of something I did to put you there. Is everything ok?” I stand there confused for a moment. If he didn’t do anything, then why would he even care either way?

“You didn’t do anything, Eric. It doesn’t matter anyway; I am fine. Go back to your girlfriend and sister, before they wonder what is taking you so long.” I hold out my hand to give him the key and check, but he doesn’t take them from me. “Lori is not my girlfriend. She was at one time, but not for a while now. Why did you think that?”

I just look at him with a very smug look on my face. Yet, I can’t help the little happy dance that is going on inside my head about Lori not being his girlfriend. “Oh I don’t know, Eric, maybe the way she had her hands all over you all night. It doesn’t matter anyway. Why even have this discussion? Here is your check, and my key. The Blazer might not look like much, but it’s dependable. I appreciate you driving it back for me. I have to check on my last couple tables, so I can clock out for the night.”

Eric takes the check and key from my hand. “I drove my truck here actually, because of the space in Tara’s car for all three of us. So Tara will be driving your car back to her place. Hope you and him enjoy your evening, Caroline. I’m confident you’re still stocked up on your drug store purchases?” With that, he turns and walks away from me. I stand there, once again frozen. What the fuck just happened? Why is he explaining his girlfriend status to me, and why am I getting effected by it either way? Plus, there he goes again talking about me and sex with another man. I clench my fist at my side, and let out a loud “uggggg”.

I walk over to my other table and watch Tara, Eric, and Lori gathering their things together. Lori stills looks pouty, and Tara just looks smug. Eric has a very blank expression, and won’t look over my way at all. As they walk past me, Tara leans in, giving me a quick hug and whispers, “Sorry about tonight; we will talk about it all tomorrow.”

I hug her back and smile. “Thank you again for your help with my car. I will see you tomorrow.”

As they are walking out the door, I am walking toward the back to clock out. The main door opens as Tara is reaching for it, and in walks Kyle. He is looking around, and I start to walk toward him. He spots me, and gets a big smile on his face as he starts toward me as well. I notice Eric glance over his shoulder toward me, then Kyle, and he doesn’t look happy at all.

Kyle reaches me as the door is shutting, and grabs me up in a big hug and kisses me soundly. He puts me back down on my feet, and rests his forehead to mine. “Damn, you are a sight. I couldn’t wait any longer outside, knowing you were right inside these doors. I just had to see you.”

I let out a little laugh. “I was just on my way to clock out. Give me a second to gather my things. and I will be right there.” I give him another quick kiss and head toward my locker.

I clock out and check my phone. There is a picture message from

Tara. It is a picture of Lori climbing into Eric’s truck while Tara is standing off in the distance behind her. Tara’s hand is extended out in front of the phone so you can see her hand, which has her middle finger flicking Lori off. I can’t help but laugh. I also take notice in the picture of Eric walking around the front of the truck toward his door. I send her back a text.

I guess I have no worries Lori will b taking my place as your roommate?


I get one back.

Oh hell NO. See u tmrw, have fun :)

I STEP BACK out and see the hostess girl talking with Kyle. She has the biggest smile I have ever seen her wear across her face. Kyle spots me, and gets a big smile of his own. Once I reach them, Kyle puts his arm around me and gives me a quick kiss. “You all ready to go?”

I notice the hostess, Bree, is standing there with her mouth slightly open. “Caroline, seriously, you are dating Kyle? I have never seen you at any of the band’s shows. I am pretty much at all of them.”

I look over at Kyle and smile, and he just grins and shrugs his shoulders. “Well, Bree, we actually just started getting together recently. I haven’t had a chance to watch a show yet. I am sure I will be at their next one, though.”

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