In the Stars (25 page)

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Authors: Joan Duszynski

BOOK: In the Stars
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He is silent again for a moment, and I hear him let out a sigh. “I guess I could have layed on the floor or something. To be honest, though, I just felt drawn here, instead. I made sure to keep my pants on for both our sakes, and I slept under my own blanket. I was trying not to make it to awkward, but I guess I didn’t fully succeed with that plan. Maybe I was just tired and not thinking straight, but it just felt like the right thing to do to me at the time. I get it now; it seems strange. I really did sleep well, though—here, like this.”

Eric walks over to me and reaches for the door knob. “What is going on here exactly, Eric? I feel very confused around you.”

Eric reaches up and touches his hand to my cheek for a moment then drops it. “I’m sorry Caroline. Don’t worry yourself over me; it’s not worth it. I really am not a good man for a woman like you. Sorry, again, and I will see you around I guess.”

Eric reaches out again and opens my door. I grab at his arm to stop him before he walks out. “Eric, wait… you said I mumbled something else when you laid me down in bed. What was it?”

Suddenly his stance gets straighter, and he gives me one of his full on smiles. “That is for me to know—maybe one day I will tell you, too.”

With that, he is walking away toward the bathroom, and I am just left standing there with my hand still stretched out from where I had hold of his arm.

Oh my god. What did I say? I have been known to talk in my sleep on many occasions. My parents, grandparents, and Raleigh have all told me this. Even Piper bitched me out one morning about how I wouldn’t shut up one night. The way Eric smiled at me and said it was for him to know really scares me, though. I try and remember if I was dreaming about him again last night, but I honestly can’t remember a thing. I think I slept just as well as he said he did last night in bed with me.

Holy shit! I slept in bed with Eric last night; holy shit I slept in bed with Eric!
Kyle is supposed to be coming here today, and Eric was in my bed last night. It isn’t like anything happened, but it still just doesn’t feel right. So much for sleeping in today. I think I need a good jog to clear my head. I shut and lock my door, and get changed into my running clothes.

I walk out of my room, and see no signs of Eric or Tara. I brush my teeth and pull my hair up into a pony tail. I leave Tara a note on the counter, and head out the door into the crisp morning air. Eric’s truck is already gone. I start my run on our normal route.

When I get back to the house, I decide the cool air and run were exactly what I needed to clear my head. I’ve come to the conclusion that Eric is just the type of guy that is used to getting attention and what he wants. Not saying he wants me, but I am not exactly crawling and scratching after him, so maybe I have become somewhat of a challenge. Basically, I am just a game to him, and he is pretty slick at playing this game it seems. Once again I convince myself that Eric and I will never actually be anything. I need to just erase those thoughts of anything possibly more out of my head.

I go back inside and grab some clothes, and head for the shower. Tara still hasn’t made herself seen yet. I wonder what time it was exactly that they got in. When my shower is all done and I am fixed up for the day, I go into the kitchen to see what we have for breakfast. This is something else I am going to have to get done soon—grocery shopping.

I AM STANDING on my tip toes, trying to look through one of the top cabinets, when I hear laughing behind me. “You need me to invest in a step stool for you, Caroline?” Tara is standing there in a lilac, tight fitting sweater and skinny jeans. She obviously woke up and showered while I was getting ready.

I turn around fully, and roll my eyes at her. “Ha ha; go ahead and have your fun at my expense. I am just going to invest in a pair of sky high heels, and walk around the house in those every time I need to reach something high.”

Tara just smiles and closes the cabinet. “If you are looking for something decent to eat, you really aren’t going to find anything in there. I really have to go to the store, but there is some fruit and yogurt in the fridge.”

“I was just thinking that same thing about needing to get groceries. Kyle is actually supposed to be coming by here today, and then I have to work, but I will make sure I go tomorrow, before I head Kyle’s way.”

“I’m supposed to meet up with Matt later today for a little while. I will get a few things while I am out. Just make a list and leave some money and I will just get it all, Caroline. No big deal really, and then next time you are out just see if I need anything in return. So, Kyle is coming by today, and you are going to be with him all day tomorrow too; right? I am guessing things are getting pretty serious between you two?”

I turn away from the fridge with a yogurt in my hand. “I really do like him, and he seems to be the perfect match for me.”

Tara turns up the corner of her mouth and bites at her lip. “There is definitely some type of but in that statement, Caroline. Anything you want to talk about?”

I take my first bite of yogurt and swallow hard. “I don’t know what the but is. That is the problem; there shouldn’t be any but. It doesn’t make any sense. I can tell, though, that his feelings have grown a lot stronger for me than mine are allowing themselves to grow for him.”

Tara just nods her head. “What time is he supposed to be here?”

“Sometime around twelve. What time are you supposed to be meeting up with Matt?”

“We are going to lunch, and then just hanging out for a while, so around one. That gives me a chance to finally get to meet this Kyle.”

“He wants to meet you too, Tara. That reminds me; do you think you will be able to come to their show tomorrow night? I mentioned it to Raleigh and Adam too.”

“Oh, is Adam going? If so, I guess I could just catch a ride with him right?”

I can’t help but smile at Tara’s way of trying to be very casual about Adam. “He said he was going to try. He is off from work hours before the show, so I think he should be fine. You want me to call him and ask about you guys riding together?”

Tara tucks her hair behind her ears. “No; I will just call him. I wanted to see how his Thanksgiving went anyway. Speaking of, I hope yours was good. I wasn’t expecting you back last night, and Eric and I didn’t get back here until almost one, so he just stayed on the couch. Oh, and I hope this is ok, but he carried you to your bed last night. We both felt bad waking you up, and he said he could just as easily carry you to bed—so...”

“I know; he told me this morning.”

Tara’s eyes suddenly open wide. “You saw him this morning? I talked to him before my shower, and he said he was already back at his place. That he had been there for a while, taking care of some things before he had to go into work later. You must have woken up pretty early.”

I fall silent for a moment. I know this is the part where I should probably tell Tara about how exactly I woke up this morning, but, for some reason, I feel it is better not to. “Yeah, I saw him briefly this morning. I went out for a run before my shower. You know, trying to work off that Thanksgiving feast.”

Tara puts her hand on her stomach. “Ugg, tell me about it. I wish I would have known; I would have ran with you.”

“I will wake you next time if I ever feel the need to get out there early again, if you want. So you and Matt; how is that going?”

Tara’s shoulders fall, and she looks away for a second. “He kissed me the other night. It wasn’t anything major, just a simple kiss on the lips, but still. I don’t know; he seems like a nice guy, but I’m not necessarily drawn to him. Honestly, I feel that in my head he is going to be my rebound screw, and then I can move on. That makes me sound like such a heartless slut, doesn’t it?”

I start shaking my head back and forth. “That makes sense realistically, Tara; it doesn’t make you a slut. You have only been with one guy, and that ended not too long ago. You need something simple for now. Even though, as confused as I am, I am most likely not the best relationship adviser right now.”

“Well, I guess we can just be a confused mess together then. Is that your photo album, by the way?”

I look over at the table by the couch, and see it open on the last page. “Yes. I was looking through it last night when I fell asleep. You want to look at it?”

Tara gets a big smile, and we go sit down beside each other as I show and tell her about my life. “You have been through some rough times, Caroline. I think they may have helped you to become the strong, caring person you are today.”

“I don’t feel strong; pretty much just confused is what keeps coming to mind lately. I am going to go get this put away, and get my bed straight. Kyle will be here not too long from now.”

I get up and walk to my room to put the pictures away. That is when I notice the blanket Eric had covered up with is still on my bed. Shit, I am glad Tara didn’t see that. I would have had to most likely have told her the truth if she had. I start to fold the blanket up, then pull it to my nose and inhale. I can smell Eric’s manly scent faintly on the blanket. I close my eyes and inhale again. Then my eyes pop open. What am I doing? I finish folding the blanket, and get my bed all straight. I take and spritz a little of my perfume onto my comforter for good measure. Then I take a good look around and make sure nothing else seems out of place. Everything looks good, so I peek my head out my door so I can walk to the laundry with Eric’s blanket without Tara seeing me.

I send Kyle a text, letting him know the whole me trying to sleep in thing just didn’t happen, and he could come by any time. Tara and I are sitting on the couch talking, when the doorbell rings. I get up and answer it to a very handsome Kyle. His face lights up when he sees me, and he grabs me up into a spinning hug, and then kisses me as he is planting my feet back down on the ground.

I can feel the smile on both of our lips as we kiss. It isn’t a sexual type kiss, but, instead, it is very sweet and tender. He pulls away and takes my face in his hands, looking right into my eyes. “God girl; how I missed you.”

I know my cheeks are now blushing from his sweetness toward me. “I missed you too, Kyle. I am glad you decided to come over today. Come on in; Tara and I will show you around.”

When I turn back toward Tara, she is standing by the couch with a big smile on her face. Kyle gives me one more peck on the lips, and then walks over to Tara and stretches out his hand for introduction. “Hey Tara; it is good to finally meet you. Thank you for saving Caroline from the demon mate’s room she had to share.”

Tara actually blushes a little once her and Kyle’s hands touch. “It is really nice to meet you too, Kyle. Demon mate is a good term for Piper. Although, I can tell you I have a lot more running through my head as well. Having Caroline living here with me is going to be great for me, too.”

Kyle walks back over to me and wraps his arm around my waist, and smiles down at me. “Yes. I am sure having that would be wonderful.” I smile back at Kyle, and notice Tara’s face take on a slightly shocked expression. This lets me know she took that the same way I just did. Kyle basically said living with me would be wonderful. Shit, I seriously don’t deserve this man.

We take Kyle around for the tour, and then sit at the island for a while talking. Tara gets up and says her goodbyes, so she can go meet up with Matt. As soon as I hear her car start, Kyle has me in his arms and tightly pressed against his body. He pulls my hair back on one side behind my shoulder, and starts kissing behind my ear and working his way down.

I tilt my head up and to the side slightly to make it easier. I have my hands on his back kneading their way up and down from his shoulders to his waist, and I can’t help the moan that escapes me as he lightly sucks on my neck.

I hear the deep rumble in Kyle’s chest. “I can’t keep my hands or mouth off of you, Caroline. I need more time with you. Then, maybe, I will be able to control myself a little better around you. Right now, though, I just want to strip you down and bury myself in you.”

I move my hands down further, and grab a hold of Kyle’s ass. My voice sounds very winded as I speak. “Well, I surely am not going to stop you, Kyle. I want you to do that exact same thing.” Kyle’s head straightens, and he looks me straight in the eyes with pure hunger. He reaches up under my ass and lifts me, and my legs wrap automatically around his hips. His lips and tongue roughly claim hold of mine as he carries me to my room and practically throws me down on my bed.

This is a rougher side of Kyle, and I can feel his want for me immensely, and it has me beyond needy for him too. I can feel the heat running through me and the wetness already forming in my panties. I plant my hands behind me and scoot back a little further on my bed. He stands at the edge of the bed, watching me, and then quickly rips off his shirt and undoes his pants; kicking them off of his legs.

I am still fully clothed, looking at Kyle standing there in all his naked glory, and more than ready to bury himself inside me just like he said. I reach down and pull my shirt over my head and unclasp my bra, tossing them to floor as he watches me. He licks at his bottom lip, and I notice his cock actually twitch. Damn is that sexy.

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