In the Still of the Night:Sexy Romantic Suspense (Book 2 The Blonde Barracuda's Sizzling Suspense Series) (22 page)

Read In the Still of the Night:Sexy Romantic Suspense (Book 2 The Blonde Barracuda's Sizzling Suspense Series) Online

Authors: Taylor Lee

Tags: #Short Story Prequel to “Big Girls Don’t Cry”

BOOK: In the Still of the Night:Sexy Romantic Suspense (Book 2 The Blonde Barracuda's Sizzling Suspense Series)
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There was something so unabashedly genuine about his excitement that Lexie couldn’t help but be charmed. And damn, she hadn’t even stepped out of her car. He hadn’t had time to ogle her boobs, leer his way over her hips or bottom or comment on her shoes. No, he was thrilled to meet ‘her.’ And in Lexie’s mind, the ‘her’ was the woman who had stood before the City Council and exposed a travesty that they could no longer ignore. Damn: if even hotel valets recognized her, that was some powerful performance she’d put on. No wonder every political hack in the city was cozying up to her. Maybe her expose had hit more nerves than even she’d realized.

Now, if she could just hang on to this tiny thread of pleasure and forget what a horrible night this was going to be. How could she have known when Peter asked her to be his guest at the event that it was such a big deal? When he invited her, they were in the middle of planning for the Council presentation. She assumed it was a political dinner and that she would have a chance to lobby some of the local pols. She was shocked to discover that Peter was accepting a major award. Then she learned that none other than Dalila’s agency was sponsoring the dinner. The fact that Jake and Brady would also be there, at the head table no less, was too bizarre, too coincidental, to be a fluke. No, Lexie knew that a green-eyed witch had arranged that piece of the action. Dalila’s motives were crystal clear. She wanted Jake. It amazed Lexie. As smart, as strategic as Jake was, he truly thought he’d neutralized Dalila. That she had given up on him. That she no longer wanted him. That she’d conceded him to Lexie. How foolish men were. Even Jake. He didn’t understand just how destructive his former paramour was.

As a fighter, though, Lexie couldn’t help but be impressed. The woman played to win. If Dalila had to lose a few skirmishes along the way, so be it. Yesterday Delila delighted in taunting Jake, waving the red flag of Peter in his face. She seemed unfazed by Jake’s anger. Why else would she have so openly provoked it? But Lexie saw the move for what it was—smart and strategic. Yes, when Jake stormed out of the hearing room he was clearly angry with Dalila. But he was furious with her. Lexie conceded: Dalila won that point.

Lexie saw how hurt Jake was that she was going to the Gala with Peter. His pain was as visible as his anger. How it must rankle. She knew how possessive Jake was. Did Dalila understand that? Of course she did. Dalila must think that Jake would be so angry at Lexie’s “infidelity,” at publically humiliating him, that he would turn to her for solace. In her soul, at the heart of her, Lexie did not believe that Jake would do that. She knew how much Jake loved her. But on another more insecure level—the place that had bedeviled her all of her life—she was terrified that Dalila was right. Lexie’s heart pounded frantically at the thought.

In the swirl of madness that comprised the last two days, when it was hard to make sense of anything, Lexie tried to figure out what Peter’s role was. She knew he liked her and enjoyed being seen with her. But he also knew that she and Jake planned to marry. She had not mentioned her rift with Jake. But Peter had to have noticed Jake’s absence at her side. And of course, Dalila would have planted seeds. Was it possible that Dalila and Peter had collaborated? Worked together to engineer this twisted game of ‘one-ups-man-ship’? In Lexie’s mind, that was unlikely at best. Peter seemed above such shenanigans but Lexie had to admit, nothing seemed above or beneath Dalila. Which made her the most frightening opponent Lexie had faced.

After a very long arduous day, soaking in an overdue bubble bath, Lexie made a decision. She couldn’t control Peter or for that matter, Jake. And God knows no one could control or should underestimate Dalila. But she could control
actions. Peter indicated that he would pick her up at 7 p.m.; Lexie left a message for him that she would come by herself. She didn’t want to drive up to the Gala in Peter’s snazzy car. She wanted the comfort and freedom of her own restored vintage automobile. She would arrive when she chose, and she would leave when she chose. Twenty-six press interviews, teaching two classes, getting ready for the event, and spending every alone minute agonizing over the situation with Jake did have one plus. The punishing schedule prevented her from thinking about the very personal and very ugly threats she’d received yesterday and this morning. While the text messages were frightening, they were less personal somehow. They could have come from anywhere. But the envelope she’d found slipped in the podium at the Government Center was real, tangible. Someone at the event, in the same room with her, had left the note. A shiver stoked her fear. She preferred the anonymity of the text.

Knowing that Jake had guards surrounding their Center allowed her to relax somewhat. Not that she thought anyone would attack her in broad daylight with dozens of news people around. And of course, tonight she’d have more attention than any woman should have. Between Brady and Peter and of course, Jake, she would be extremely protected. In fact—overprotected. It wasn’t until she was in her car heading for the Gala event that she considered for the first time the disadvantage of insisting on driving herself. She was alone. Very much alone.


Jake was watching for her. It was past 7:30 and he’d understood that the sit-down portion of the dinner would begin 8 o’clock. She should be here by now. His crack undercover team wouldn’t miss Peter’s black and silver Jag, but so far it hadn’t been spotted. Dalila and Brady had come over several times to offer him a drink or conversation. Jake was so stoic that even Brady went looking for better company—or as he said, a door knob that did more than grunt. After the third negative message over his comm, just when he’d decided it was time to call Dan Rourke to put out an APB, he saw her. Correct that, he saw

The crowd parted to let her through. She was a glittering column of gold. Gold-streaked hair, sun-tanned golden skin, and a sparkling gold dress. The shimmering gold sheathe clung to her voluptuous body. It was slit up the front to a risqué level. Jake knew she never wore panty hose, they were too constricting. Which meant that the silky coverings on her show girl legs were thigh-high lace-topped stockings—his favorite. The absence of a panty line confirmed that she was wearing her usual scanty thong, or, damn her, no panties at all. He refused to believe that. She was with Peter, after all.

The halter top of her dress was almost modest. It was fastened in a tight thin collar at her neck. But, even fully covered, her breasts made their presence known. Unrestricted by a bra, they swelled enticingly against the iridescent fabric when she moved. But it was the back of her dress that took his breath away. And he presumed that of every man in the room under one hundred years of age. Essentially the dress was backless. By some miracle of construction, her back from her neck to slightly below her waist was bare. The fabric sheathed her curvy hips and bottom. The lithe, toned muscles of her back melding into the soft feminine curves of her hips and ass were breathtaking.

When he could breathe again, a soft growl escaped his constricted chest. A red haze shadowed his eyes when he saw Peter’s hand on her lower back.

Brady gripped his arm and murmured, “Down, boy.”

Jake knew it was a lost cause. There was no way that he could make it through this hideous evening without exploding. It was a matter of time. For now, his choices were minimal. He could stand back and do what he had to do—which was to ensure her safety. Or he could toss her over his shoulder and carry her caveman style to his hidden lair and never let her out again. For the moment, he chose the civilized approach. He even swallowed his growl.

Something akin to joy flooded him when she met his gaze. Her eyes widened and she didn’t attempt to hide her excited response. Relief combined with lust brought his prick to attention. He had to physically constrain himself to pull back. Not to reach for her. A questioning frown marred her smooth brow at his restraint. He didn’t try to understand his reaction. His joy at seeing her dissolved into cold hard anger. She was breathtakingly beautiful, as stunning as he had ever seen her. But she was not with him. She was with the distinguished man beside her, who was guiding her into the room, his hand at her elbow. The possessive gesture filled Jake with rage. But for Brady’s strong grip, he would have charged.

Lexie was shocked at the sight of Jake. He was stunningly handsome in his black tie formal attire. His tousled hair hung rakishly over his forehead. The fine web of lines surrounding his gleaming blue eyes declared his penchant for laughter. His tall muscled body was more apparent than ever in the incongruous formality of his tailored jacket and slim trousers. But it was his aura of subtle sensual power that captured her, drew her in, and made her long to go to him. She wanted his arms around her, to feel the press of his strong body against hers, to hear his crooning murmurs in her ear. For a split second she saw that his need was as strong as hers. But then a dark shadow crossed his face. Anger replaced desire. Cold distance filled the space between them. If he’d thrown a pail of icy water in Lexie’s face, it wouldn’t have been more shocking. She’d dressed for him. Every article of clothing, every scrap of lace was meant to entice him. To draw him to her. But from his barely contained rage when he looked at Peter, she saw that he misunderstood. He thought her provocative dress was for Peter, not for him. A wave of sadness, akin to despair flooded her. They passed within inches of one another but were miles apart. He merely nodded to her and turned to go to their table. If he’d struck her, it couldn’t have hurt more. Only Brady’s tug on her arm and quick kiss on her cheek kept her from bursting into tears.

Brady murmured, “What am I going to do with you two? Dammit, hotshot, between you and Jake, you’re a full-time job. You’re either fighting or fucking. Gotta say, at least it’s entertaining as hell.”

Lexie startled at his outrageous remark, but it brought her to the present. And the present was filled with danger. In the person of Dalila. Lexie’s heart clutched at the sight of the beautiful woman. She was dressed in black, a sophisticated counterpart to Lexie’s sparkling glory. As always, she knew just what to say to puncture Lexie’s confidence.

Her lip curled in an unpleasant smile.

“My, my, Alexis. Don’t you look shiny tonight?”

Lexie stumbled and might have fallen but for Brady’s strong hand gripping her arm. With an aggrieved sigh, Brady rolled his eyes and moved between the two of them. Nodding to Dalila, he said, “Okay, pussycat, put your claws in your lap and set your tail on this chair and don’t move. You hear?” Then turning to Lexie whose cheeks were flushed with embarrassment, he said in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear, “And, Lexie, you plant your gorgeous shining self on this throne beside me. I will serve as your courtier—to fend off unwelcome advances… regardless of the gender of the attacker. Agreed?”

Lexie squinted at the tears that stung her eyes and gave him a watery smile.

Leaning over, she whispered, “I hate her, Brady.”

Brady laughed as though she’d told him a ribald joke but then nodded in agreement. He spoke in a low undertone. “You have every reason to hate her, hotshot. She’s a destructive woman. And our big guy is so consumed with jealousy that he can’t see what she is doing. But I’m here. And Lexie, I’m not going anywhere.”

Lexie almost melted with relief and gratitude. She whispered, “I love you, Brady. You know that, don’t you?”

He grinned, his sea green eyes sparkling with mischief.

“Right back atcha, hotshot!”

Peter sat next to her, and glanced from her to Dalila. Ignoring Dalila’s sly cat-like smile, Peter leaned closer to Lexie.

“Is everything all right, Alexis? You seem upset.”

Lexie debated telling him what was wrong, but she hesitated. The tingling sensations on the back of her neck reminded her of her earlier concerns about Peter’s relationship to Dalila. They had a history, she knew that. Peter said that they had worked together. Knowing Dalila, one had to wonder if that work was intimate as well as professional. Looking at the confident women who’d shifted a little closer to Jake, Lexie admitted that Dalila was gorgeous. Her long midnight-black hair hung in glistening waves over her shoulders. Her black velvet gown coupled with her emerald green eyes gave her the appearance of a sleek cat—or more precisely, Lexie corrected herself, like a black panther. She was that dangerous. The large emerald resting between the impressive swell of her breasts must have cost a fortune. Lexie had never been interested in expensive jewelry. She preferred belly button baubles that doubled as recording devices. But she couldn’t help but be impressed at Dalila’s obvious wealth. Where did a mid-level government agent get that kind of money, she wondered? Seeing Dalila smiling seductively through her long lashes up at the man Lexie loved, she had a pretty good idea of how Dalila made the big bucks.

She broke out of her troubled reverie, realizing that she had not answered Peter. She shook her head and risked a bittersweet smile.

“I was just noting what a beautiful woman Dalila is.”

Peter’s lip quirked up at the corner of his mouth. He looked over at Dalila and nodded in agreement. “Yes, that she is.” His voice gentled. “But, Alexis, in my view, beauty is as much about one’s character as it is about surface appearances. I don’t want to embarrass you. But in addition to being physically beautiful, your character shines through.”

Lexie was startled, then felt her cheeks heat. She gave him a wry smile. “Was I that obvious, Peter?”

He smiled at her. “Yes, you were.”

Brady leaned over and gave them both a conspiratorial wink.

“How about we create a pact? Anybody who tries to hurt our hotshot here gets strung up by his or her fingernails? Deal?”

Peter quirked a brow. “I can agree to that Lt. Colonel.”

Lexie tossed her head. “Look, you two. In case you’ve forgotten, I am an internationally ranked mixed martial artist. I’m not exactly a fragile female in need of big strong men to protect me.”

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