In the Time of Dragon Moon (34 page)

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Authors: Janet Lee Carey

BOOK: In the Time of Dragon Moon
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We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty
.” The same can be said for any book that passes through countless stages from gawky to glorious. And though the author works alone in her darkened chrysalis, no book achieves flight all on its own. I have many people to thank.

I'm indebted to the people at NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) for support in understanding brain disorders and mental illness. Their education classes helped our family, and provided needed information for Queen Adela's condition.

Warmest thanks to Lei'ohu Ryder, and Maydeen Iao; Hawaiian spiritual leaders, visionaries, and advocates for the indigenous soul in all people, who gave their love and knowledge so generously on the Maui Immersion retreats. Lei'ohu and Maydeen introduced me to Patrick O'Rourke, who told me the inspiring story of his encounter with the indigenous healer Eda Zavala Lopez. Thanks, Patrick, for putting up with the scratchy older-than-Moses tape machine we used to interview you. The story you told about Eda Zavala Lopez's journey from her home in the Peruvian rainforests, and the remarkable healing practices she generously shared at Blue Deer Center and across the U.S., strengthened Uma's story.

This book would not be in readers' hands without my critique group the Diviners: Peggy King Anderson, Judy Bodmer, Katherine Grace Bond, Dawn Knight, Roberta Kehle, Molly Blaisdell, and Nancy White Carlstrom. Thank you all for bearing with me during the far from cuddly caterpillar stage. Heartfelt thanks to Justina Chen and Sofia Headley for hauling a four-hundred-page manuscript along on their mother-daughter trip to Alaska and returning it with priceless insights; and to my former agent, the Lioness, Irene W. Kraas, and current agent, the Incandescent Ammi-Joan Paquette.

Deepest thanks to my richly talented editor, Kathy Dawson, whose vision and tireless work gave this book wings. And to all the people at Kathy Dawson Books and Penguin who release finished books like butterflies to brighten our world: assistant editor, Claire Evans; copy editor, Regina Castillo; jacket designer, Tony Sahara; and interior designer, Jenny Kelly, to name only a few.

Last but not least, thanks to my husband, Thomas, for his generosity, patience, and travel savvy as we adventured to different destinations researching this book.

About the Author

was born in New York and grew up in California. She is the award-winning author of several young adult novels, most notably her epic fantasy novels set on Wilde Island—
Dragon's Keep, Dragonswood,
In the Time of Dragon Moon.
Dragon's Keep
was an ALA Best Book for Young Adults and a
School Library Journal
Best Book of the Year, while
made the YALSA Best Fiction for Young Adults list. Janet lives near Seattle with her family, where she writes and teaches writing workshops.

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