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“God, Maggie, you’re so beautiful, you and Jonathan, so fucking beautiful.” His voice held lust, and an awe that was almost reverence, and Maggie enjoyed it as if it were her due. She felt beautiful with Jonathan inside her, worshipping her with his body. She felt all-powerful, as if nothing and no one could touch them. “Yes, yes,” she answered him, the words meaningless, and yet conveying everything she felt.

She slowly came out of the arch and lowered her legs from Jonathan’s waist until her feet rested solidly on the bed, her knees bent sharply. When she looked at Jonathan he was staring at her, as if seeing her for the first time, and she felt as if she was new, freshlyrisen from the earth with an insatiable hunger. She realized he was waiting for her to command him, to tell him what to do.

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“Fuck me, Jonathan, hard and fast. Take me and forget everything but this, there are only you and me in the whole universe, nothing but the heat of us, the hardness of you and the slick heat of me, pressing and pounding together until nothing else matters.” She raised her hips high, pressing against him almost painfully, the pleasure intense, and he shut his eyes and shook his head.

“No, Maggie,” he groaned, “thereis also Phillip. I can feel his eyes devouring us. I want him to see, to be part of our fucking.”

Without looking away from Jonathan, Maggie spoke, intensely aware of what she was saying, wanting it and understanding for the first time only she had the power to give this to them, this sharing,this

Yes, that was it, as if they were really alive at last. “Touch me, Phillip, touch me and be a part of us.”

Phillip slid across the sheets to Maggie, feeling like a moth to a flame. Tonight she was a goddess—Venus in all her glory. God, he’d never seen her like this, she would drive a saint mad. Her voice was a siren’s song, her body a temple to be worshipped. This was the Maggie he’d known was buried deep inside her, a woman of hunger and passion, and they’d released her at last. Yet still he held back. It wasn’t right to fuck her together, this was Jonathan’s time—his needs were too great to share her.

Phillip pressed his lips to her shoulder at the same time he pressed his cock against her hip. “I want you, more than you know, but this is Jonathan’s fuck, his time. Make him better, Maggie, fuck him whole.”

Maggie turned to look at him, and his nobility nearly fled in the face of her desire. “I want your seed on me, Phillip. I want Jonathan to come inside me, and I want you to cover us with your hot release.”

Phillip heard Jonathan groan, felt Maggie buck when her pelvis met Jonathan’s in another short, hard burst. He had to lower his head to Maggie’s shoulder and take deep breaths to maintain his composure before he could speak. “Yes. Yes I’ll cover you, Maggie, you and Jonathan.”

Jonathan slowly pulled out of Maggie, and Phillip’s eyes were irresistibly drawn to his long, hard cock emerging shining with her cream. Phillip was stunned by how much he wanted to lick it. Lick the long, gleaming cock clean and then suck it deep in his mouth. He groaned and tore his gaze away then leaned down and sucked one of Maggie’s nipples into his mouth, nipping it with his teeth until she moaned.

He lavished attention on Maggie’s breasts, yet every moment he was aware of the cock tunneling into her. She shuddered and her whole body moved with each hard thrust, and the wet sounds of cock meeting pussy filled the air.

Little screams were torn from her throat when Jonathan drove into her particularly hard, and Phillip knew from experience how her sheath felt at those moments, when a little pain was mixed in with her pleasure. How she would tighten until she nearly choked your cock, until you couldn’t breathe. He had a sudden vision of tunneling into Jonathan’s ass, the same sensation on his cock as Jonathan screamed like Maggie.

He raised his head from Maggie’s breast with a gasp, his balls tingling, his cock throbbing. It was too much. They were too much, he couldn’t last. He was going to come just from the sounds of their fucking and the fantasies they inspired.

“Maggie,” he choked out, “I’m going to come. You two are so sweet to me, so bloody arousing. I’m sorry, I can’t wait.”

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With those words he came to his knees beside them and gripped his cock. He began to pump his fist up and down in the same rhythm Jonathan was using to fuck Maggie. Jonathan began to slow, and Phillip looked up, away from the sight of that huge magnificent gleaming cock to Jonathan’s face. The other man was staring at him, watching him with hot, dark eyes as he fucked his own fist. Phillip couldn’t control the shudder of his body at the look on Jonathan’s face, and Jonathan’s gaze flew to his, the message in them clear. The same message Phillip felt in his own eyes. The words remained unspoken, but now Phillip knew. He knew Jonathan wanted him—wanted to fuck him.

The thought made Phillip’s back curl as a slice of heat traveled up his cock. He glanced again at Jonathan’s thick rod in Maggie’s pussy, his breathing labored. “Fuck her,” he rasped. “Let me see you fuck her.”

Suddenly he felt a touch on the tip of his cock and glanced down to see Maggie’s forefinger rubbing gently over it, spreading the hot leaking pre-cum around.

“Fuck me, Jonathan,” she whispered, staring at Phillip. “He wantsit, he wants to watch us fuck when he comes all over us.” Her words and the knowing, slumberous look on her face made Phillip throw his head back and moan. Maggie’s finger traced down over his hand, and then he felt her hand cup his balls and squeeze, until she rolled them together, just the way he liked, the way he’d taught her.

“Christ, Maggie, Christ,” he sobbed, and he looked back at them to see Jonathan deliberately pull out of Maggie until most of his cock was visible, then drive into her hard and fast. Maggie screamed and let go of Phillip’s sac as Jonathan began to pound into her at a punishing pace. She sobbed his name and her fingers clutched Phillip’s leg, the nails scoring him. It was the last straw. He groaned her name and then his semen shot from his cock, spraying onto Maggie’s stomach and lower, his seed mixing with her cream in her short pubic hair and on Jonathan’s cock as he pulled it out of her, pulled it out and deliberately left it out in the spray. The sight of his cum on Jonathan’s cock caused an almost painful tightening in Phillip’s penis, and it jerked again, more cum leaking out weakly, tearing a low scream from his throat.

He watched in a daze as Jonathan ran a finger throughthe cum coating his cock. Then Jonathan grabbed Maggie’s hips and drove into her again and again like a man possessed. She sobbed and Phillip realized, almost from a distance, that she was coming—coming endlessly as Jonathan forced pleasure on her with his brutal fucking.

Suddenly Jonathan thrust deeply into her, pulling her hips up high and tight until her back was a graceful arch against the bed. He was watching her, his face hard and ruthlessly satisfied at the nearly incoherent state of climax she was in. Then he turned the look on Phillip and groaned deeply, slowly closing his eyes as his arm muscles bulged and he held Maggie in a crushing grip, tight against him. Tremors wracked his body as he came, his orgasm almost painful to watch in its intensity. He was beautiful in his ecstasy, so beautiful, and Phillip wanted to go to him and hold him and kiss his breathless mouth, and he had to back away, retreat to a safe distance to stophimself from doing so.

When it was over, Jonathan collapsed next to Maggie on the bed. It was the most intense fuck he’d ever had. Maggie had been so spectacular, so eager and lascivious in her lust. She had reveled in Phillip’s observation and then in his participation. It was as if she could read Jonathan’s mind, as if she knew how much he wanted Phillip. But he knew that couldn’t be true, he’d been so careful to hide it, afraid of what it would mean for the three of them if he let his desires be known. He wanted them both, to fuck and be fucked. It was his ultimate fantasy, his most secret desire—to belong to both Maggie and Phillip. But he knew it would never happen. Maggie wasn’t even prepared to fuck them both in a true ménage. She would never allow Phillip and Jonathan to fuck each other in her presence. And as much as he wanted Phillip, he wanted Maggie to be a part of it.

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His exhausted mind finally gave up. He couldn’t worry anymore tonight. He needed to sleep, and he knew tonight he would—because of Maggie and Phillip. He drifted off with Maggie held close to his side, her arm over his chest, her leg draped over his, her head on his shoulder. He dimly felt Phillip move in close on her other side, spooning her from behind, but was asleep when Phillip’s arm came around her, and Phillip’s hand came to rest over his heart.

* * * * *

Two days later Maggie felt like a coward. She’d pleaded fatigue and soreness last night to Phillip and Jonathan, thus avoiding having to make a final decision about becoming a true ménage with them. She’d been so confident when they were together the other night that it was right, that it was what she wanted above all things. But in the light of morning her confidence had been shaken. Again, she was unable to make the final commitment. Why? She loved both men, so much in fact that it frightened her. To lose one would devastate her, both was unthinkable. But if she couldn’t take that final step it was a possibility. If she couldn’t or wouldn’t give them what they desired they might look for someone who would, and Maggie couldn’t bear that.

She was in the drawing room with Jonathan when Sheldrake announced her mother had come to call.

Maggie had been staring sightlessly out the window, caught up in her turbulent thoughts, her needlework forgotten in her lap. Jonathan was reading, something in Greek she believed, but at the butler’s announcement he looked up. Jonathan raised inquiring eyebrows at her, but all Maggie could do was shrug helplessly. It was not the accepted time for afternoon calls, and Mrs. Trueheart had only visited once before, soon after the marriage when she arrived to make sure the house was suitably grand to claim a connection to.

Warily, Maggie set her work aside. “Show her in, Sheldrake,” she said with trepidation, “and please bring tea.”

“Yes, Madame,” he replied, and gently closed the door behind him.

“What does the old harridan want, do you suppose?” Jonathan asked irreverently.

“Don’t be impertinent,” Maggie told him absently. She could feel her stomach knotting as it used to do when faced with her mother.

“Do you want me to leave?” Jonathan asked, putting his book down.

“No!” Maggie’s denial came out more forcefully than she intended, revealing how acute her uneasiness was.

“Relax, Maggie,” Jonathan told her with a smile, “I’m not going anywhere. And I promise to behave.”

The last was said with a wink and coerced a return smile from Maggie, so that when Sheldrake opened the door and announced Mrs. Trueheart she saw an intimate scene, the two lovers smiling at one another as if at a private joke.

“So it’s true,” she gasped, scandalized. “You’re consorting with both of them. Have you no shame, gel?

How can you humiliate me this way?”

Even as she spoke the words, Mrs. Trueheart was stalking across the room to where Maggie was
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sitting. Maggie was in shock at the vitriol in her mother’s voice, the ugly look on her face, and was unprepared when the older woman reached out and slapped her hard across the face.

“What the bloody hell?” Jonathan roared as he surged to his feet. In two steps he was beside Maggie’s mother, grabbing her arm and pulling her away.

Maggie saw the scene as if from far away, like it was a play at the Royal Theatre, she a mere observer.

The door to the drawing room was still open, and Sheldrake nowhere to be seen, how odd. Jonathan looked as if he’d like to rip her mother’s arm off, and her mother, well, her mother was looking at her with hateful disdain and disappointment, as usual.

“How dare you enter our home and attack Maggie in such a fashion,” Jonathan ground out, his temper barely held in check.

“How dare I?” Mrs. Trueheart screeched. “How dare you? This is not your home, you perverted blackguard! You’ve come here and destroyed the sanctity of this home, this marriage! Ruined all our reputations! My daughter is now a whore, thanks to you!”

Maggie was strangely calm. With a clarity she’d never had before, she understood what her mother was saying. Mrs. Trueheart’s reputation was ruined, that was the point here. Clearly she had been the subject of whispered gossip, perhaps not been invited to one tea or another, because the word was out. Maggie had taken two men to her bed and was now socially unacceptable. The Truehearts had only been marginally accepted as it was, their money coming from trade, after all. Maggie’s marriage had elevated their status, but her current situation had apparently reversed that effect. If she had discreetly taken Jonathan as a lover it would have been overlooked, but he was brazenly living here with her and Phillip, and shewas openly loving them both.

Suddenly Maggie realized she’d moved away from her mother. She didn’t even remember doing it, it was a habit so deeply ingrained. Maggie laughed out loud. All her mother’s machinations had come to naught. Maggie had severely disappointed her again, as she had done her whole life. She’d always been too tall, too fat,too awkward for her mother. She’d spent twenty-two years of her life trying desperately to please this woman, and suddenly her approval didn’t matter. Suddenly Maggie knew who she was and what she wanted. She didn’t care a fig for the approval of her mother or her mother’s society, not if getting that approval meant giving up Jonathan.

Jonathan and Mrs. Trueheart turned to stare at Maggie as she laughed.

“She’s gone mad,” Mrs. Trueheart whispered. “That’s why she’s done it.”

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