Inadvertent Adventures (43 page)

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Authors: Loren K. Jones

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Adventure, #starship, #interstellar

BOOK: Inadvertent Adventures
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"Why is that a big deal?" Dihandri asked.

"Denise is from New Texas," Sterling replied. "Real beef and a beer called Stony Mountain are the only things she misses about it. She'll be over here as soon as we tell her."

"Probably," Ann agreed. "We'll give them a week or two and then introduce their chefs to Frisland cuisine. I'm sure Dihandri's creations are going to go over marvelously." She smiled at her ship's cook and winked. "Make them name the dishes after you, Di."

Dihandri smiled and ducked her head in embarrassment. "Yes, Ma'am."

Four waitresses soon arrived, which seemed excessive for a party of thirteen, but no one said anything. The oldest of them stopped between Ann and Sterling and said, "Madam President, what can I bring you to drink?"

"I think a nice burgundy to start," Ann replied. "Sterling?"

Sterling smiled and nodded. "For me as well. Ma?"

Harriet shook her head as she replied, "I prefer Chablis."

Rauld was on Harriet's far side and said, "Cape Town's Downfall." His accent, as well as what he'd ordered, had the waitress grinning as she backed away. All around the table, the other waitresses had taken their orders and left.

Sterling asked, "What is Cape Town's Downfall?"

Rauld thought for a moment, and then explained, "It's a beer with a shot of whiskey, a jigger of rum, and a twist of lime. I'll warn you, it's an acquired taste."

"That only a fool would acquire," Doctor Persoon added. "Sterling, it's like mojo in the Navy. You don't taste what's in it until you try to stand up and your legs won't work." All of the ex-Navy personnel chuckled. Mojo had as many formulas as there were ships in the Navy.

Katrina looked at Dihandri and asked, "What do you recommend, Di?"

"I'm getting the Rhino Rump Roast," she replied, grinning at the chuckles from the other Beloofters.

"I'd recommend the pasta dishes," Mijon suggested. "They are the most like what the rest of the Confederacy enjoys. Some of the meat dishes can be a bit gamey tasting."

"We've loaded out in Beloofte several times and didn't notice any odd taste," Katrina said as she focused on him.

"True," Mijon agreed, "but that is because supplies for sale in orbit have been treated to reduce the flavor. They are soaked in salt water for at least a week. Order some meat, but as a small side dish. Taste it first, and then decide if it's what you want."

"That is probably good advice for all of us," Ann said as she looked around.

The waitresses were returning with their drinks, and soon everyone was ordering, relying on the advice of the Beloofters as to what to order. When the waitresses once again retreated, Ann raised her glass.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, to the Farflung System."

"Farflung," everyone agreed and took a sip.

There was a commotion at the side of the table, and everyone frowned at Bart. He was looking nervous for some reason and finally stood, bowing to Ann first, then turning to face Katrina and going to one knee.

"Katrina Alexandra Von Rubenstein," he said in a strong, clear voice, "will you marry me?"

Kat smiled as everyone fell silent, and then stood. "Bartholomew Andres Roberts, yes, I will marry you."

Bart looked like he was about to collapse, and reached out to take her hand. "I give to you this ring as token of our engagement," he said as he brought out the ring he'd spent nearly his entire savings on. The diamond sparkled in the light of the restaurant as he took it out of the padding and slipped it onto her finger.

Bart started to stand, but Kat caught him halfway up in a headlock and kissed him passionately. They remained like that for just a moment, then Bart finished standing, lifting Kat up to maintain their kiss. Subdued clapping from the table turned into loud congratulations as the rest of the group joined in.

"’Tis a blessing indeed," Harriet said as she walked around to hug the young couple.

"How long until you want to actually get married?" Ann asked as she gave them a hug.

"Soon," Katrina replied without taking her eyes off Bart.

"Don't you want your family here?" Sterling asked.

Kat turned and looked at him, then at Ann. She whispered, "They are," as she reached out to Ann. "You are my family."



The End

About the author

A U. S. Navy veteran, Loren K. Jones served as a nuclear reactor operator on attack submarines for six years before his honorable discharge in 1986. Loren makes his living as an instrumentation and controls technician, and writes because the stories won't leave him alone until he does.


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