Inappropriate Thoughts (Victoria Wilde #1) (13 page)

Read Inappropriate Thoughts (Victoria Wilde #1) Online

Authors: Ian Dalton

Tags: #sex, #sexy, #divorce, #younger man, #older woman, #contemporary fiction, #tennis, #friends with benefits

BOOK: Inappropriate Thoughts (Victoria Wilde #1)
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Rob and Brian exchanged questioning

Rob asked, "You okay in there?" Then he
waited by the door for her reply.

Attempting to calm herself, she took a deep
breath and then said in a cracking voice, "Oh sure! I’m, uh, just
about to get wet. I mean, in the shower. Have fun."

Satisfied that his mother wasn’t dying, Rob
turned to Brian, and they headed downstairs while Jillian returned
to her work.



The two guys walked to a restaurant in the
mall that was only a few blocks from the house. It was a scorching
day, and the choice to walk left them sweaty and hot when they
arrived. They each ordered a burger and a beer and then another.
Rob shared with Brian how Laura had been insatiable since he
arrived, how she seemed different, and how she was more into sex
now than ever.

"Are you doing something new?" Brian

"I don’t think so. Just the same old

"Enjoy it while it lasts."

Rob ordered another beer for both of them
and looked at Brian apologetically. "I knew I’d be spending a lot
of time with her, but I didn’t think she would want to see me so
much. She's wearing me out, dude. I slipped out when she fell
asleep. I feel like a dick, though. I brought you here because you
were depressed, and now I’ve abandoned you."

Brian looked at him like he was crazy. "I’m
having the time of my life. Your house is like a freaking resort. I
played tennis today and took a swim, and, uh, your mother couldn’t
be nicer."

"Is she okay? She mentioned she got a call
from my father last night."

"I heard some of it," Brian said, aware that
he might be heading into dangerous territory.

"Was she all right afterward?" Rob

"She was... She had just taken a sleeping
pill. She was kind of out of it and pretty angry at first, but she
seemed to have cheered up a little by the time she went up to

After taking a sip of beer, Rob looked
distraught. "Jesus! Now I’ve abandoned her, too."

"She’s fine. Really."

"Thank God you were there in case she
overdosed or fell, or something."

"Yeah," Brian said softly in a guilty

"I’ve got to tell Laura to back off a
little, so I can—"

"Dude, don’t worry about me or your mom. She’s
fine. Look, if I had a hot girl begging to have sex with me
repeatedly, I wouldn’t be spending time with another guy and my
mother. Seriously."

"You sure?" Rob checked.

"I have some schoolwork to do, anyway, and
really, your primary mission should be to have sex with Laura until
your dick falls off."

Rob smiled at him. "Thanks man. For a while
there, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to break up with her or not, but
now she’s changed, and I think it could really work out between

"Spend as much time with her as you want.
This is the best vacation that I’ve ever been on. I can honestly
say that I’m not thinking about Natalie at all right now."



Rob and Brian returned home, exhausted from
the heat and definitely buzzed from the beers they had enjoyed at
lunch. Deciding to cool off in the pool, they put on their suits
and went out to the backyard. There, they discovered Victoria
sunning herself in a slightly more conservative bikini (for her,
anyway) and reading a hardcover novel. A half-full martini glass
sat on the table next to her.

Glancing at them both, she raised her
sunglasses, and a smile crossed her face. She watched while they
knocked into each other clumsily as they headed her way. When they
reached her, they tossed their towels down on the lounge chairs on
either side of her.

Rob said, "Hey, Victoria. This is

"Oh, we met... yesterday," Brian said.

"We worked out together a little," Victoria

"Mostly it was—what?—stretching and..."
Brian said, sharing a quick, knowing smile with her.

Rob asked, "What’re you reading?"

"Your mother’s
Knight Rider
," Victoria said with her eyebrows raised.

"The medieval one?"

She nodded her head yes and eyed them
suspiciously, certain that they had been drinking. They turned and
headed toward the pool, and Victoria focused on their lean,
muscular legs as they walked away. After shaking her head, a little
dizzied, she picked up her drink and downed it. She watched as they
dove in and swam to the far side, then back. When they reached the
wall, they launched themselves from the water and sat on the edge
of the pool. Rob stood first and walked to his lounger. He adjusted
his towel and lay back in the chair next to Victoria. Brian soon
followed and fell back into the chair on the other side of her.

She looked to one side and then the other
and smiled as she eyed their well-defined calf muscles, trying to
decide which of them had the better legs. Then she looked up at the
sun, which had changed positions, and decided to move to get the
best tanning angle and to show off her best asset. She stood, fully
reclined the lounger, moved her towel to the opposite side, and lay
face down with her feet toward the guy’s heads. Rob and Brian each
stole a glance at her tight, curvy ass and shared a look. They
slipped on sunglasses so they could continue, undetected.

Victoria knew she could probably easily have one
or both of the young men— probably at the same time. She had
promised Jillian that she would not corrupt them, but she never
promised she wouldn’t fantasize about it. As she settled on the
lounger, the medieval setting and a Jaclyn West-like third-person
narrative began flooding into her head...



Miss Victoria sat in her white frock and
gazed on the two knights fresh from battle. The three had been
captured, tied to trees deep in the forest, and left for dead. The
knights wore full, heavy chain mail, so Victoria could not see
their faces or any other part of their bodies. The trees were close
enough together that she could almost reach out and touch them. The
knights’ hands were tied behind the trees, but her hands remained
free, as she was only secured about the waist and ankles. Victoria
struggled to pull her ropes free but was able to only loosen them
enough to reach her metal-sheathed companions with just her
fingertips. As she stretched further, her frock opened, exposing
her gorgeous, abundant cleavage. Both knights’ eyes locked onto her
chest, and their loins started painfully expanding in their metal

Noticing their condition, Victoria sighed
and reached out to help. She placed a hand on the waist of each
pair of chain mail leggings and miraculously released the clasps
that secured them. The leggings dropped heavily to the forest floor
with a loud thud. Each knight exhaled deeply as the burden was
lifted from his sex. Their manhoods swelled even larger once
released from one garment, but they were still encumbered by their
battle-stained white underclothes. Victoria tore away the remaining
garments, freeing both massive prizes. She licked her lips and
began stroking both knights’ unyielding swords in an equal but
deliberate fashion.



While Victoria was playing out this fantasy
in her head, she wrapped her hands around the legs of the lounge
chair, gently stroking each rounded leg as if they were the swords
currently starring in her fantasy. The guys didn't see this,
because their eyes were still locked on her ass.

Jillian arrived home, went upstairs, and
looked down from the second-story balcony at the three sunbathers.
The first thing she noticed was where both her son and Brian were
looking. Then, when she saw the apparently obscene gesture Victoria
was making with her hands, she narrowed her eyes, groaned, and
rushed down to the pool.



When Jillian reached them, she demanded that
the young men go into the house while she had a private word with
Victoria. Sitting back in the lounge chair, Victoria smiled at her.
"What’s up?"

Jillian waited until the door closed before
she asked, "What the hell was that?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I saw you. What you were doing?" Jillian
whispered sternly.

"I was lying down, and I was almost asleep,
too." Victoria looked at her friend as if she were nuts.

"What were you thinking about?"

"Nothing." Victoria looked away

"And what were you doing with your two
hands, exactly?" Jillian placed her hands on her hips with her
eyebrows raised.

"I wasn’t doing anything."

"You were suggestively stroking the chair,
just like you were..." Jillian glanced back at the house and
whispered, "…jerking them off."

"How in the hell would you have any idea
what I was thinking about? Are you reading minds now, too?"

"You were between the two of them facing
toward their... doing that and shaking your little ass in their
faces." Jillian frowned in disgust.

"I was not shaking my ass, and, again, how
could you know what—"

"Were you or were you not jerking off my
chair while two impressionable young men had their eyes glued to
your ass?"

"Their eyes were really glued? Like, the
whole time or—" Victoria smiled.

Jillian didn’t bother to reply; she simply
stared her down.

Victoria exhaled, defeated.
"Okay, so I kinda got a little caught up in a fantasy out here. I
was reading your filthy

Jillian continued to glare
at her, so Victoria added, "Do you know how hard it is to release
two knights’ swords from their chain mail confines
you are tied to a
freaking tree?"

"I, uh..." Jillian said, unsure how to

"One handed and at the same time?"

"That does sound tricky, but—"

"All that work to get them free, and you
interrupted right when it was getting really good!" Victoria glared
at her.

Jillian shot her an accusatory look. "And
who were the two knights?"

"I’d rather not say."

Jillian stood with her arms crossed, waiting
for the full confession.

After a few seconds, Victoria said, "Okay,
but you know full well what they’ll be up to later, with or without
me possibly harmlessly teasing them out here. Wouldn’t you rather
they jerked it to the thought of a real, regular woman, rather than
some Internet porn star?"

"You’re a regular woman?" Jillian asked,
taken aback.

"Yes. Yes, I am," Victoria replied

"I don’t think regular women would consider
you in their club. You look like a porn star."

"Really?" Victoria said excitedly.

"That’s not a compliment." Jillian rolled
her eyes.

Victoria chose to enjoy the statement, anyway,
for a few seconds until Jillian’s stare wore her down. "Come on, it
was just a fantasy. I wasn’t actually jerking them off, or
anything. I can control my behavior... for the most part," she said

"Can you, really?"

"Okay, you obviously don’t want me here,"
Victoria shot back angrily as she stood up and collected her
things. "This is all your fault anyway."

"How is it my fault?"

"I’ve read so many of your dirty little
books that I constantly have this third-person erotic narrative
playing in my head. Do you know what it’s like to refer to yourself
in the third person in your own damn fantasy?"

"I never use my name, but I know exactly
what you’re talking about."

"I actually used the term ‘his sex’ for
penis. I mean who says that? It’s a dick, a cock, a rod, even
manhood is okay, but what is this ‘his sex’ thing? What the hell
does that even mean?"

"I just try to mix it up a little," Jillian
said sheepishly.

"Well, knock it off with the ‘his sex’
crap." Victoria started walking toward the back gate.

"Don’t go," Jillian said. "I would just
prefer if you didn’t involve my son—"

"You really need to smoke that joint I left
with you. Maybe then you’d relax," Victoria interjected.

Rushing after her, Jillian whispered, "Look,
I’m sorry. I overreacted. I guess if you want to come over and jerk
off my chairs some more, I don’t really have a problem with

"Oh, you have a problem." When Victoria reached
the gate, she turned back and gave her a snotty look. "And I know
you. So don’t go writing this scene into one of your little books
or anything, you giant hypocrite." With that statement, she exited
the backyard and slammed the gate.

Jillian knew Victoria wasn’t really mad, and she
was, in fact, already writing a scene in her head based on this
conversation. It wouldn’t be the first time—or the last—that
Victoria was the inspiration for a chapter here or there. She was a
goldmine for erotic fiction.


Victoria returned to her house and sat out
by her own pool. It was time for her pool guy, Kurt, to perform the
weekly cleaning, and she always enjoyed watching him. He was
gorgeous and happily married, but it was all harmless fun, she
thought. Victoria changed into the white see-through bikini, the
one that had so mesmerized Brian, and lounged, waiting for Kurt to
arrive. Lying face down on her lounger, she decided to try to
continue her fantasy where Jillian had so rudely interrupted her.
She was still a little mad at her, and this would help.

Victoria decided to lose the medieval
storyline and go with something a little more plausible and just
bring the boys into her pool. She loved doing it in the pool, near
the pool, on the diving board—you name it. If there was a pool
nearby, Victoria was wet and horny. As Victoria drifted into the
third-person erotic narrative, she avoided any obscene hand
movements. Although, if you looked closely enough, you might have
noticed that she was humping the chair, albeit only slightly...

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