Read Incorporeal Online

Authors: J.R. Barrett

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Horror, #Ghosts, #Metaphysical & Visionary, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Metaphysical

Incorporeal (15 page)

BOOK: Incorporeal
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Anything I can help you with?”

Sara shivered involuntarily and her heart began to pound in her chest. The voice was soft, unremarkable, yet tinged with menace. She wondered if she was the only person in the world who could hear death in his innocuous words.

Drawn against her will like a moth to a flame, Sara lifted her head. Their eyes met. Flat and cold; his pupils were a pale blue, so pale the color seemed to wash out entirely in the dim light. Sara’s shivering increased until it became flat out teeth chattering.

I swear I can see into his soul. What is he, an axe murderer, a serial killer?

There’s no need to be afraid. It seems like you’re having some trouble. Did you miss your ride? Do you need to borrow my phone?” He pulled a cell phone out of his jacket pocket. “I’d be happy to help you in any way possible. Maybe flag down a cab for you? I’m new to the area, but I can give you a ride home.”

His voice sounds so normal, but his eyes don’t match his voice

Still staring up at him, Sara’s mind filled with horrible images of what he would do to her if he managed to get her alone. Without a doubt, she knew she’d never live to see the morning.

That woman on the bus, the ghost, she must be one of his victims.
Sara could sense other spirits circling him, tortured souls, all female. Despite an almost overwhelming urge to run, she doubled over, clutching at her abdomen, afraid she might vomit. When Sara felt him slide closer, her head flew up. She had to get moving.

He stuck out a hand. “My name is…”

Sara didn’t wait to hear it. “I’m not interested and I don’t need your help.”

Rising on unsteady legs, she squeezed past him without another word, searching for the waitress. She spotted the woman delivering a pitcher of beer to a rowdy table. Biting her lower lip, Sara edged in close to the patrons, waiting for her to set it down. One of the men slid a hand along Sara’s bottom and pinched her. He was nothing more than a harmless old drunk. Beyond caring, Sara moved his hand aside without a word.

Miss?” She tried to get the waitress’ attention. “Miss?”

The woman turned. “Yeah, what is it, hon?”

Do you have a phone I can use? My cell phone’s dead and I need to, um, to call the police. Someone broke into my car.”

The woman looked skeptical at first, but to Sara’s relief, she gave her the benefit of a doubt and led her to the bar. “Hey, Chester, this girl needs to call the cops. She says her car’s been broken into.”

The bartender reached for a phone. As he dangled it over the bar, he asked, “In our parking lot?”

Um, no.” Sara shook her head. “Across the street, in the public lot. I’d use my cell phone, but the battery’s dead.” She waved it for emphasis.

Well, you can call, but this is Vallejo. On a Friday night might take ‘em a while to get here. You rather I take a look? Stella can watch the bar for a few minutes.”

Cradling the phone in her hand, Sara considered his offer. Chester was a big guy, maybe a little rough around the edges; actually a lot rough around the edges, but right now she desperately needed someone just like him. She took a quick survey of the room, trying to locate her stalker, but he seemed to have vanished into thin air.

The bartender was right. Friday night in Vallejo, an understaffed police department; it could take them a couple hours to get to the bar and then she’d have to explain why she’d lied.

I called you to walk me to my car because a serial killer was after me and oh, by the way, he’s gone and no, I didn’t catch his name or address. They won’t believe me
Nobody ever does.

Sara made her decision. “Yes, if you could walk me to my car and check things out, I’d really appreciate it.”

Chester shot her a grin and Sara sighed with relief.
He doesn’t look like the kind of guy who’d take shit from anyone. He’s missing a front tooth. So is Stella. Wonder if they’re related? Oh my god, what a stupid thing to think about under these circumstances.

Let me grab my jacket.”

Sara waited patiently while Chester put on an old military jacket. His sleeve slid up to reveal a faded tattoo across his forearm, Semper Fi.
A former marine, even better
. Together they left the bar.

Where’d you park?”

Over by the library.”

Chester gave a low whistle. “Young girl like you? Why the hell’d you park way over there? No wonder your car got broken into.”

There wasn’t any other place to park and…”

Chester interrupted. “It’s dark and you don’t want to walk over there alone. I get it.”

It’s not that, it’s…” Sara felt her cheeks flush. “You’re right,” she admitted. “Nobody broke into my car; at least I don’t think so. There was a guy in the bar. He was coming on to me, not in a good way. I didn’t feel safe walking to my car alone.”

You coulda said somethin’. I woulda tossed him out on his ear.”

Sara smiled at the man’s tough talk. “Thanks, but he might have waited for me anyway. I really appreciate this.”

Chester cleared his throat. He seemed embarrassed. “No problem. What’s this guy look like?”

Average. With all the people in the bar, you probably didn’t notice him. He’s six-one, six-two, maybe two hundred pounds. Short blond hair, pale blue eyes. He was wearing black trousers and a dark sweater.”

So he’s white, huh?”

Before she could stop herself, Sara blurted out, “Serial killers are usually white.”

That bad?”

Sara sighed. “Now you probably think I’m nuts.”

Hell no,” said Chester. “I think I better tell Stella to watch out for him.” The two stopped. “This your car?”

Yeah, thanks. Safe and sound.”

You got your key?” Chester sounded exactly like her dad.

She pulled her key ring from her purse to show him.

I’ll stay right here until you get inside and lock the doors.”

Sara hesitated. “But what about you? Let me give you a ride back across the street.”

Chester laughed. “These are my streets and my people. Ain’t nuthin’ gonna happen to me. You go on now, get in.”

Thank you so much.” Sara reached for the man’s hand. “Thank you.” She expected him to smell like alcohol, but was surprised when the scent of cloves drifted her way.

He gave her hand a squeeze. “Get on home. I know a pretty girl like you has somebody waitin’.”

With one last grateful smile, Sara climbed behind the wheel. Chester shut the door and stood back, arms crossed, waiting for her to depress the lock button. As she drove out of the lot, she could see him in her rearview mirror, his eyes on her tail lights.

Thank god for small favors and big bartenders. What am I going to do? Someone has to stop that man, but I don’t have a name, an address, nothing. He didn’t attack me. He didn’t threaten me. The worst thing I can tell the police is; he tried to buy me a beer in a bar.

Sara took another look in her mirror, checking to see if a car followed her, but the street behind her was empty of all traffic.
Chill. He doesn’t know where you live. He doesn’t even know your name. You’re safe now. Chester’s right, you do have someone waiting for you.



Chapter Ten



Praise God

Nathan threw open the front door to light Sara’s way.

He’d felt helpless, impotent. He’d been sick with worry for her safety yet there wasn’t a damn thing he could do, not for her, not for himself. When the headlights of her car appeared in the drive, he’d almost run outside, remembering only at the very last minute that he could not cross the threshold. He’d become incorporeal the instant he did.

She didn’t even bother to park the car in the garage. Nathan heard the engine cut off and Sara flew out of the driver’s side door. She ran to him, straight into his arms.

Sara, thank god.”

She clung to him with surprising strength. Nathan held her as close as he could. “What is it? You’re shivering?”

The only reply she made was to bury her head deeper into his chest. Her body radiated cold like she’d been caught out in a raging blizzard.

Sara?” Nathan grasped her shoulders. With a gentle motion, he pushed her back so he could study her face. She appeared pale; her eyes heavy and veiled, her mouth, normally round and rosy, was drawn into a tight line. Something, or someone, had frightened her.

Sara wiggled beneath his arms and pressed against his chest once more. “I don’t want to talk about it,” she whispered. “Not yet. I need a shower first. I feel…” He heard the catch in her voice. “I need to warm up.”

That’s not what you were going to say.”

Sara lifted her head and looked into his eyes. “That’s all I’m going to say now, except I’m glad to be home.” She leaned down to rub her cheek against his linen shirt.

Thinking to comfort her, he brushed the top of her hair with his chin. That’s when he smelled them. Without a second thought, he shoved her away.

Where have you been tonight? Who were you with?”

Sara stared at him, confusion and fear in her eyes.

He grabbed her shoulders and gave her a little shake. “Who touched you?”

No one, no one touched me, just the bartender. He, he squeezed my hand, but… Ow, Nathan, you’re hurting me. Stop. Let go.” Sara tried to wiggle out of his grasp.

Sara.” Nathan struggled to find the right words, words that wouldn’t send her running from him in terror. “Who were you with tonight?”

Her words sounded clipped. “Why do you need to know?”

Because I smell two creatures, a Guardian and a Demon, and I don’t want either anywhere near you.
“Your hair smells odd.”

My hair smells odd because I was in a bar. It’s like a tavern and not a very nice tavern.” She gave him a hard shove, urging him to let her go. This time he did let her go, and she stepped around him, tossing her purse and her jacket on a nearby table. “I’m going to take a shower.”

Nathan grabbed for her arm, but Sara stayed out of his reach. “Wait, Sara, please wait.”

Why?” She shot him a look filled with suspicion.

I need to smell you before you shower. Stand still.”

Smell me? Are you crazy? What are you, a dog? Hell no.” She put a foot on the bottom stair and gripped the banister so hard her knuckles turned white. It didn’t take a genius to see she was preparing to run from him.

Stand still,” he ordered in a harsh voice, willing her to comply.

After a moment’s hesitation, Sara bowed her head and remained motionless, allowing him to do as he wished. Nathan’s nostrils flared as he sniffed the air around her. Yes, she’d been in the presence of a Guardian; it had touched her. He could smell the Demon as well. The foul stench made Nathan want to wretch. Worried he’d panic Sara, he forced himself to stand still. The Demon hadn’t touched her, but he’d been close, very close. Too close.

Once a Demon sighted potential prey, he or she became attached, reluctant to find another. A Demon was lazy, giving up only if the hunt proved difficult.
Had Sara made the hunt difficult?

He released her and strode to the door. Flinging it open, he closed his eyes and sniffed the night breezes. Sara mumbled something, but Nathan shut his ears. He reached out in every direction. He sensed nothing aside from the movement of the usual nocturnal creatures. A tendril of wood smoke drifted in his direction. Other than that, he smelled only wet leaves.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Nathan slammed the door shut, making certain to bolt it. When he turned to look for Sara, she’d vanished.

Sara,” he called out, heading for the stairs. He heard water running.
She must be climbing into the shower
. When he reached the bathroom, he found the door locked. Clenching his fists, Nathan was tempted to pound on the door, break it down, or walk right on through and appear on the other side, but she’d made it obvious she wanted to be alone. He was torn between an overwhelming need to know what what had happened, and the sense that she wanted time alone.

Damn the woman. She needs me
This is why I came to her.
Nathan shook his head.
A Guardian and a Demon, together. The Guardian must have chased him off. She’s safe for the time being. He told the truth, Sara is an important woman. I wish to god I could see the larger plan, but…
Nathan heard a soft sound and put an ear to the door. She was crying. His woman was alone and crying.

Enough of this foolishness. A closed door can’t keep me out. She needs me


Nathan materialized in the shower. Sara let out a loud shriek. Hot water splashed down his body, soaking his clothes. He hadn’t even removed his leather boots.

Why are you here? Get out.”


Sara pressed a wet hand to his chest, keeping him at bay. “I don’t want you here.”

BOOK: Incorporeal
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