Indecent: 15 Erotic Victorian Romance Story Box Set (48 page)

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1 August - I came up here an hour ago with Lucy and together
we met the old man and two companions even older than he. Lucy looked sweet in
her white frock and the old men wasted no time is sitting with us. I think they
fell in love with her on the spot.

They spoke long of their desire to be with two women at once
until we felt obliged to indulge their fancy. Accordingly they took us behind
the churchyard to an empty barn and we walked into the deep straw held within.
There we were told to strip and so we undressed each other slowly whilst the
three men did nought but watch. Once we were naked we turned to face them and
they whipped off their own clothes with indecent haste. Each of them was erect
already and they approached us with animal hunger in their eyes.

I was forced to my knees and in a moment I had a cock in my
mouth and one in each hand. I worked them as best I could but I was distracted
by Lucy laid between my legs, licking hungrily at my pussy, her hands easing
their way between my buttocks. The cock in my mouth was already starting to
twitch as the men realised they must pace themselves yet.

I was lifted to my feet and one of the men held me in his
arms, standing behind me with his shaft nudging between my buttocks. Lucy was
bent on all fours and a cock slid into her pussy whilst another entered her
mouth. Whilst she rocked back and forth between the two men, the cock behind me
found my hole and entered my bottom momentarily before withdrawing, leaving me
aching for its return.

I was made to straddle poor Lucy’s back whilst she rocked
from one cock to another and then they indicated I was to pee on her. This I
did in a second, watching their lust intensify at the sight of me pissing on my
best friend. It dripped from her back as she moaned her way to her first

As she came the men withdrew from her and turned their
attention to me. One laid on his back and I was lowered onto him, his cock
easily sliding into my wet pussy. The next man lay atop me and I was trapped
between them as he slid into my bottom, both holes feeling painfully filled at
this point. As I opened my mouth to moan the final cock slid into my mouth and
I was totally at their mercy. They fucked me relentlessly whilst Lucy did her
best to find my clit with her hands, kissing each of us in turn shortly
afterwards as I closed my eyes and gave in to the sensations tearing through

I came within a minute but they did not stop to let me rest,
bringing me to so many orgasms I lost count, my body exhausted and dripping
with sweat. Finally the cock in my mouth spurted cum deep into my throat and
then withdrew, leaving me to swallow the spunk or risk choking on it.

The two cocks in my body came within moments of each other.
I felt hot cum fill my pussy and my bottom at the same moment and as they began
to withdraw Lucy added to my turmoil by pissing directly upon my face, telling
me it was revenge for doing the same to her.

She moved her pussy to my mouth and as I lapped at her pee,
I also licked her clit as the men stood and watched, one of them stroking my
pussy until I came again. Lucy ground onto my face with her cunt until she
reached her own climax and as it faded away, the men made their excuses and
left us alone.

The two of us sat awhile in the churchyard after that
encounter and held hands whilst she told me about her upcoming marriage. That
made me feel heartsick for I had not heard from Jennifer for a whole month.

Later I came up here alone and sad for there was no letter
for me. I wonder where Jennifer is and if she is thinking of me. I so wish she
were here.


Dr Seward’s Diary


5 June - The case of Renfield grows ever more interesting.
He has certain erotic qualities which I cannot ignore but there is some scheme
about him I do not understand. He has gathered a bowl of his own which he has
insisted I piss into. I finally gave in today and did as he asked but the piss
has remained in there ever since.


18 June – I have urinated multiple times for Renfield now
and each time his cock hardens but he again refuses to orgasm.


1 July – The bowls of pee are becoming a nuisance and I
insisted he get rid of them. To my surprise he picked them up one after another
and drank the contents whilst I watched. I scolded him for it but he did let me
touch him once more and use my mouth to bring him to a hardness which made my
pussy widen in anticipation.

I turned away from him and bent over, lifting my skirt to
expose my pussy which he could not resist entering. He held my hips as he
fucked me with his huge shaft, bringing me to orgasm twice before he did the
same, spurting a molten load of cum deep inside me which dripped from me as I
stepped away and pulled my skirt back into place.


8 July – He keeps a notebook filled with masses of figures.
He asked if I would bring him the pee of other staff members and there seem to
be no limits to his desire for more urine within his cell.


20 July – Renfield is asleep with urine upon his chin. I
believe he has drunk his fill of the pee I provide once more. I gave him an
opiate and whilst he was asleep I took away his pocketbook to look at. Oh Lucy
how I miss you and wish your happiness was also mine.


Mina Murray’s Journal


26 July – I am anxious and unhappy about Lucy and Jennifer.
I have had a letter but it is only one line saying she is starting for home.
Lucy has taken to walking and wanking in her sleep. We have decided to lock the
door of our room every night as she has twice been found in the street by
passersby with her hand within her pussy without being aware she is doing it.
She is to be married in the autumn and this will not do.

Miss Anthea Holmwood is coming to see Lucy before the
marriage and she wants to take him up to the clifftop to show him the beauty of
the town.


27 July – No news from Jennifer. Lucy walks and wanks more
than ever and I am often awakened by her moving around the room, her nightdress
tossed aside, her hand within her pussy or her bottom, pissing as she walks.
The sight of it is intensely arousing but I am of strong enough moral fibre not
to take advantage of my friend whilst she sleeps.


3 August – Still no news from Jennifer. I hope she is not
ill. Lucy has not walked much in her sleep this week and it seems as if she is
watching me, trying the door and searching for the key. I tried tonight to fuck
her hard enough that she would sleep more soundly. Accordingly as she lay in
bed I lay beside her and forced her onto her back, tying her down and raising
my naked pussy above her face. I pissed into her mouth as she gasped with
pleasure but I stayed not there, moving my hips so I ended my urination upon
her clitoris. She screamed with frustration until I ended peeing and dived onto
her pussy with my mouth, spending an hour bringing her to one climax after
another. Afterwards she slept well.


6 August – No news. The suspense is dreadful. Last night the
weather darkened and the fishermen say we are in for a storm. Everything is
grey except the grass. The fishing boats race for home. I sat in the churchyard
a little while and coastguard came along with his spyglass. He stopped to talk
to me as he often does but he kept looking out at a strange ship. “She’s a Russian
by the look of her but she’s knocking about in the queerest way. Look there,
she is steered mighty strangely. We’ll hear more of her by tomorrow.”

He went to leave when I blurted out my worries and he took
my hand and offered a way we could distract each other from our cares for a
little while. The gloom of the weather had emptied the land around us and we
were alone so when he raised my dress I worried not about being seen. He took
the thick handle of the spyglass and bade me to suck it. Once my saliva was
upon it, he slid the first ridge into my pussy, surprising me with his urgency.
The next ridge slid also into me and then the handle was as far into me as it
could go.

He bade me to fuck myself with it whilst he stood and
exposed his stiffening cock. I took it into my mouth and tasted his hard heat
as I used the spyglass to pleasure myself as best I could. It was not as good
as a real flesh cock and I said as much to him to which he nodded and pushed me
onto my back on the bench, clambering onto me and entering me an instant later.
He took hold of the spyglass and moved it to between my buttocks, pushing the
handle into my bottom and leaving it embedded within me.

I moaned at the feel of his hard fleshy shaft plunging into
me and I muttered many words of encouragement to him as he picked up speed
within me, his clothes rubbing at my clit as he pressed his body against mine,
the spyglass rubbing the inside of my bottom in an exquisite fashion.

I reached an orgasm just as the rains began to fall. My
pussy contracted around his cock which tipped him over the edge and he came
deep within me whilst sighing gently, his cock twitching as one shot of cum
after another poured into my cunt. Finally he withdrew and kissed me softly on
the lips before retrieving the spyglass and nodding a goodbye to me, leaving me
to run for home to avoid the building storm soaking me to the skin.


Cutting from The Dailygraph 8 August


Whitby – One of the greatest storms on record has just been
experienced here. Whilst it grew ever stronger a foreign schooner with sails
set was seen going westwards against the wind. The tempest broke shortly
afterwards and huge waves began to break against the harbour and lighthouse.
The wind roared and sea fog rolled into the land. At high tide the seafog
melted away long enough to see the schooner enter the safety of the harbour.
All ran to her but they found only a corpse lashed to the helm, the ship having
found harbour at the hand of a dead man. The schooner drove on and pitched up
on the sand and gravel at the southeast corner of the pier. The instant it
touched shore an immense dog sprang from the deck and ran for the sand. Making
for the steep cliff it vanished into the darkness.

The next morning the doctor examined the body at the helm
and declared the man had been dead for two days. Already the storm was passing
and the sky beginning to redden. I shall send for the next issue details of the
derelict ship.


9 August – The ship was the Depeeter and she had only a
number of great boxes filled with toilet roll in her cargo. She was consigned
to a Mr Billington who this morning went aboard and took possession of the
toilet rolls. The dog was not to be found.

The log of the ship included the following intriguing

“17 July – The men tell me a stranger is on board, a tall
thin woman unlike the crew. I shall search the ship for her.

18 July – We left no corner unturned but found nothing.

30 July – We near England amidst a storm. Men all worn out.
The mate came to me telling me he had seen the woman again and attempted to
stab her with his cock but the prick went through thin air. He has gone mad,
telling me she resides in one of the boxes which contain only toilet paper.

4 August – Still fog. The mate was right to jump overboard.
Now I am alone, the crew gone but I shall tie my hands to the wheel so that I
can remain secure within the ship.

Later – Whilst tied to the wheel, she came to me, lowering
my trousers and taking my cock in her mouth, bringing me to stiffness with the
coldest lips I have ever known. I was hypnotised by her beauty, unable to
question from where she came. She made me pee on her face and I had no choice
but to obey, urinating directly upon her hair as she jerked her hand along my
shaft, making me harder than ever before again taking me in her mouth until I
groaned with desire. She brought me to an orgasm almost as a farewell gift,
licking my cum from her lips before vanishing, leaving me alone here to write
these words.


Mina Murray’s Journal


8 August – Lucy was restless last night and the storm
fearful. Lucy did not wake but got up twice and pissed into a corner.
Fortunately I awoke each time and was able to capture her pee in my mouth so it
did not ruin the rug underneath her. It tasted wonderful and lingered in my
mind long after she was asleep once more.


10 August – The funeral of the poor sea captain was today.
Poor Lucy seemed much upset but would not say why. Perhaps it was that Swales
was found dead on our bench with neck broken. There was a look of fear and
horror upon Swale’s face that the men said made them shudder.

I think it will be best for her to go to bed tired out so I
took her for a long walk by the cliffs and stopped in a sheltered spot to order
her to strip. I enjoyed taking charge in such a way and my commanding voice
seemed to entice her to obey. She removed her clothes and I told her to bend
over and not move, her cheeks to be held apart.

I stared for some time at her bottom exposed to the light of
the sun, teasing her by not touching her yet. Eventually she began to beg for
contact and I gave in at last, bringing my tongue to her anus and licking as
deeply inside her as I could manage. I brought her to the first of her many
orgasms just by licking her bottom and as time passed I continued until my
tongue did ache. When she became desirous of urinating I told her to hold it
for as long as she could possibly manage and I would reward her for her

She was soon wriggling and squirming and begging for relief
whilst I moved her into all manner of positions, making her jog on the spot,
touch her toes, indulge in sit ups and drink from a flask I had brought with
me. I saw stray drops leak from her from time to time but I lapped each one
away, all the time my own pussy growing wetter at the control I had over my

Finally I brought her pussy to my mouth and told her she
could pee. In a second a torrent of piss entered my throat, the heat of it
making me blink as I swallowed as quickly as I could manage before commanding
her to stop.

She did so with some reluctance, her hands crammed between
her legs to prevent the rest escaping. I moved her onto her back, leaning her
legs upwards so that her pussy was above her own face. In this partial
handstand I held her knees apart and told her to pee.

“But it will go on my own face,” she said, looking up at me.

“I am well aware of that,” I replied.

She sighed and then a fountain of pee erupted from her,
running back down her chest to splash onto her face. I bade her to swallow it
as I began to fuck her pussy with two of my fingers. She gasped and rocked
against my body as I watched her cunt contract, an orgasm tearing through her.

After her climax faded I lowered her to the ground and
licked the pee from her face, loving the taste of it whilst her fingers went to
my clit. We fucked like that, hands on each other, for some time before I set
her on all fours and put my head under her, fucking her bottom with a finger
whilst licking at her clit to bring her to yet another orgasm.

By the time we went home we were both exhausted and I smiled
as she climbed into bed, thinking she should have no inclination for
sleepwalking now.

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