Indigo Incite (The Indigo Trilogy) (17 page)

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what? Talk to the bird?”

“I have
had Freddie for ten years, and I’ve never been able to get him to talk. You’ve
been here for five minutes, and he’s carrying on a conversation.” She broke her
gaze from Freddie to stare at Tyler. “Who are you?” She turned to the rest of
the group. “Who are all of you, for that matter?”

“It’s a
really long story,” Tyler replied. “Do you have time?”

mentioned the IIA and said that a friend of yours was kidnapped. For that, I
will make time. Please, have a seat.”

resumed his seat beside Liliana, and Patricia sat in the empty love seat to
Eddie’s right.

have a friend who was kidnapped?” Patricia began.

“It’s my
brother, actually,” Tyler replied. “My twin brother.”

“I see.
And you know for a fact that it was the IIA who took him?”

“I do.
Toby has been able to contact me telepathically. He doesn’t know where he is,
but he does know for sure that it’s the IIA who took him. They want to use him
for his gifts.”

nodded. “Yes, I know. That is what the IIA does. They use teenagers and young
adults with special powers, for their own benefit. How much do you know about

much at all. That’s why we came to see you. Toby said that you know a tracker
who deserted the agency. He said that you might know where he is. We need to
find the tracker and talk to him. He’s the only one who might be able to give
us directions to find my brother.”

aren’t the first people to come around, asking about him. There’s been a slew
of agents through here. Some have had official-looking badges. Others have appeared
to be college-age kids who claim to be his friend. I’m going to tell you the
same thing that I told all of them—I don’t know where he is. If he deserted,
then it must be because he doesn’t want to be found.”

don’t know where he is? Or you don’t want to tell us where he is?”

smiled and looked at him in silence. A sound from the doorway broke the
tension. “Ah, thank you, Maria,” she said, to the housekeeper. “You may set the
tray on the table.”

directed, the housekeeper set a crystal tray on the coffee table. It was filled
with a pitcher of water and an assortment of sausage, cheese, crackers, and

help yourselves,” Patricia said.

It had
been a while since breakfast, and they were all happy to sample the

“This is
delicious,” Sarah said. “Thank you.”

The rest
of the group murmured similar responses of appreciation.

can you tell us about the IIA?” Eddie asked the author.

don’t know much about them?”

shook his head. “No. We know that they took Toby because he’s what they
consider an Indigo Child, but we don’t really know what that term means

She looked
at the members of the group one by one. “How did all of you get involved?”

said that they have a list of people they are interested in recruiting, if you
want to call it that, and we are all on the list. I guess they’re determined to
find us one way or the other.”

nodded in understanding. “Yes, that makes sense. There are always trackers who
are in search of people like you. The more powerful your gifts, the more useful
you are, and therefore, the more determined they would be to find you. I am
curious how you came to find each other, but let me start from the beginning
and answer some of your questions. I guess the first place to start would be to
explain what an Indigo Child is.”

She took
a deep breath. “First off, the term Indigo Child was coined in the 1970’s. It
was given to label children who demonstrated a collection of characteristics.
It was noticed that more and more children who were born held a series of
personality traits and special abilities that hadn’t been widely known before.

“On a
very basic, scientific sense, it was noticed that these children possessed an
indigo hue in their auras. That’s where the term ‘Indigo Children’ comes from.
They all demonstrated a heightened sense of the energy in the world around
them. Those are common characteristics of all Indigo Children, but just as all
people are different, so are Indigo Children. They possess a wide range of
personality traits and abilities, some more so than others. If you have drawn
the attention of the IIA, that tells me that each of you must possess strong
abilities in one way or another.”

sort of abilities or personality traits are common for Indigo Children?” Sarah

let me begin with personality traits. Indigos are often curious about the
world. They’re empathic toward others and highly intuitive, and they often hold
a clear sense of purpose for their lives. They can be strong-willed, and they
often perceive the world differently. They often don’t feel it’s necessary to
follow the normal way of doing things, and they usually have a higher sense of
spirituality. Now, please understand, these are just some traits that Indigos
exhibit. The list isn’t all inclusive, but they are common personality traits
that are seen much of the time.”

group nodded their heads in silent understanding, and the author continued.

then, besides those certain personality traits, Indigos
possess one or two special abilities. They can be telepathic or psychic, they
can have the ability to affect electronics and harness energy, and they can
have the ability to influence others. Oftentimes, those who can influence
others have a dynamic personality that draws others to them. They have also
been known to communicate with others of different energy levels, like
spiritual beings, and they can see auras.

that is just a small list. I could go on and on, but I think you get the idea.”

about healing?” Liliana asked. “Can Indigos heal others by touching them?”

turned toward Liliana with a look of interest. “Can you do that?”


that’s one that I haven’t come across, before, but it would make sense. If
Indigos can harness and manipulate energy, it would make sense that they would
be able to do it on another person as well. An injury in a body, after all, is
just a series of electrons that have essentially gone askew. So, if Indigos can
manipulate the electrons to fix themselves, then it would be reasonable to
assume that they could heal an injury, as well.

“Wow, that
is something to think about.” She smiled at Liliana and then was silent for a
moment, as though lost in contemplation.

pursed her lips and leaned forward. “Is there an explanation why there are
suddenly more people who are born with these characteristics?”

an excellent question,” Patricia said, “and the answer is yes. Actually, there
is a very real and plausible theory behind the emergence of Indigo Children.
Are you all familiar with DNA?”

author looked around the room and they all nodded.

that is the first place to begin. Along with DNA is something else called RNA.
RNA identifies and responds to experiences that we all have, both emotional and
physical, and it carries messages to our DNA. In turn, as our DNA receives
these new messages, it has the ability to communicate differently. Over the
past few years, this variance in DNA communication has begun to occur more

“After a
while, the DNA gets rewired permanently, and we see the changes occur more
rapidly. We begin to see a leap in the make-up of people as consciously aware
beings. Have you ever heard of something called a ‘critical mass’?”

Most of
the group shook their heads, but Eddie said, “I have. I remember hearing
something about it, in one of my physics classes.”

“You may
have,” she said, to Eddie. “Critical mass is a term used in physics when it’s
referred to obtaining a necessary amount of material to sustain a chain
reaction. Critical mass also has another meaning. It refers to a moment in time
that an evolutionary trend becomes the norm. As more and more people begin to
change, it is believed that the characteristics held by some, will eventually
be the characteristics held by most.

heard that most people only use ten percent of their brain power? Well, as new
DNA strands, that have previously been dormant become activated, people gain
the ability to unleash their telepathic and psychic abilities, along with many
other abilities. We begin to see this happen more and more often amongst Indigo

Eddie began, “what you’re saying is, there’s an actual reason why I am the way
I am, and that people like me are becoming more common?”

smiled. “That’s right. As time goes on, researchers believe that the appearance
of Indigo Children will become more frequent as we near a critical mass. Now,
again, remember that not all Indigos have such extreme powers, but those who do
have the potential to be true leaders. And it’s also why the IIA would like to
get their hands on those with special abilities.

“Can you
tell us what you know about the IIA?” Eddie asked.

author nodded. “I can, but just keep in mind that what I tell you is not common
knowledge, and if you went to any official agencies with this information, it
would be discredited.”

that’s kind of the impression we’ve gotten, too,” Eddie said. “That’s why we’re
on our own and haven’t gone to the police.”

glad you understand,” Patricia said. “Everything that I know about the IIA
comes from word of mouth from my friend, who you are looking for. His name is
Ian. I first met him when he was twelve. I knew his parents. They were
professors at the university where I taught. When they found out that I was
doing research on Indigo Children, they brought their son, Ian, to my attention.

the same time, his parents went to a convention on Indigo Children, and that is
when the IIA, which is short for Indigo Intelligence Agency, also became aware
of his abilities, and they took an interest in him. They discovered that his
parents, who were professors in psychology, could also be useful, so the whole
family was recruited.”

“You mean,
Ian’s parents joined the IIA?” Liliana asked.

right. They worked to develop tests that could be used to help identify other
Indigos, and they became teachers at the school that is run by the IIA. As time
went on, other groups of children besides Indigos were identified. They were
given labels like Crystalline Children and Star Children, and they had stronger
powers than researchers had ever seen. But basically, regardless of the label
that they were given, it was all the same idea. If someone possessed useful
powers, the IIA wanted them.”

they allowed their own son to be used as a guinea pig?” Grace asked.

didn’t see it that way. Ian was sent to one of their schools, where he was
encouraged to develop his abilities. His parents never realized that he was
being groomed to be a spy.”

“A spy?”
Liliana asked. “So that’s what this whole thing is about? Who do they spy on?”

“It all
depends. Sometimes they use Indigos to infiltrate corporate businesses to learn
their secrets. Sometimes they use them to spy on other countries, and sometimes
they’re used to spy on our own government. There are active members and there
are also ‘sleepers.' Sleepers are trained and then are sent out to live in the
world to lead what would appear to be normal lives until they are called upon
to complete a mission.”

the point though?” Sarah asked. “Who funds them?”

“The IIA
is a small branch that falls under the CIA. There are very few people, even in
the CIA, who know of its existence. From time to time, the CIA gets
intelligence from them, and that’s enough to keep the IIA funded.”

“So what
happened with Ian and his parents?” Tyler asked.

Ian was seventeen, he graduated and went to live at what he calls ‘the
compound.' That was where he was trained to be both a spy and a tracker.”

exactly does a tracker do?” Eddie asked.

tracker is trained to identify other people, who have Indigo traits. Trackers usually
possess psychic and telepathic abilities, and they are able to tune in to other
Indigos, even from a distance. Ian worked with them for seven years, until he
finally discovered the truth. He found out that the intelligence he reported
back was used to sell to the highest bidder, even if it was to another

that’s when he decided to leave?” Tyler asked.

right. The problem was, Ian knew too much and they weren’t willing to let him
go. He went to his parents for help, but they were in just as deep. They
encouraged him to stay in and insisted that the benefits far outweighed the

“So, the
next time he was sent out alone on a mission, he decided to desert. With the
help of a friend in the CIA, he obtained a new identity and disappeared.”

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